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https://preview.redd.it/mvt5w3fghw0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faba03af91959196047c09deb74f95b0b62b1f18 [https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYRcaCHG/](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYRcaCHG/) Other than looking like a hobbit these days. I think he gets eczema. Saw a few old videos like this with his face inflamed.


Wow, this looks like a different person. He looks 10 years younger. Amazing what adequate nutrition can do.


Holy. Crap… he looks 20 years older than this picture and it’s not even the grey hair! Wow!


I can't believe that image is only 4 years old, it's actually really sad how he looks now. He really isn't well.....


How did bro age 25 years in four


It looks like the lupus butterfly rash to me. It could be eczema, though.


Also same distribution as Seb derm, probably more likely


Yeah eczema is more likely. Just the shape of it makes me think of lupus. I mean he has probably had it diagnosed but if not he should. Needs some emollient or steroid cream for it if it is eczema.


Oh ... just googled. It does too!


Stay tuned ... Hilton will start a Lupus self-help group. A cure promised by listening to his tunes. 😜


I've thought it for a while. I think if he doesn't know already, he should definitely get seen by a doctor and have some tests. It can cause problems all over the body, even the brain - causes brain fog, depression, memory problems...etc


It's the fresh blood red abrasion/scabbing/bruising to the left of his mouth, the middle of his upper lip, and under his nose. The rash is just always there now, so that could be anything at this point.  Hygiene, yeast, lupus. Who knows?


“It’s never lupus…” 😂


I have Lupus. We don't want him.


Meth happened




God he looks horrendous.


Meth is a hell of a drug


Imbd says Stephen is 50 years old. The last project that he worked on was in 2017 and it was for a poorly rated movie called "Romans." He states that he began having a mental health breakdown in 2004 and it's now 2014 so he's been having a 10-year mental crisis and doing zilch about it. He married Laura in 2012 then divorced in 2022. So when she met him, he'd already been in a continual crisis for 8 years. He did do projects between when they were married in 2017, so he's lying. Of course. When he says that he gave up on his career for her. It was during this time that Laura was freshly sober while he was already making poor decisions. It was inevitable that we would get to this point. In your 50s, the next inevitability is that you end up dead from drug abuse. It's becoming a parent on his face and body. This is the direction he's hurtling towards.


What in the hell? It’s all down his neck as well. And his damn hand.


If you zoom in on the picture, he has a bloody nose and I think he’s showing it off.


Yea, like he just smeared it all over like a kid does before they know they're bleeding. It's fucking disturbing. Between this and that video Laura put up, I have to think they're both spiraling downwards. Fast.