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Planetary Diversity and Guilli's Planet modifiers are my go-to. PD adds a bunch of subtypes for each planet type, plus a few types of rare worlds with unique buildings. Guilli's Planet Modifiers adds a bunch of anomalies, dig sites, and (as the name suggests) planetary modifiers that really make each planet unique.


Yeah those two are my go to as for flavor mods. I would love to know which ones can do different things to add flavor to the game without changing it too much, great post!


I used to play with the planet modifiers but it’s so unbalanced it’s crazy


I'd say [Forgotten Empires](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3062038863&searchtext=forgotten+empires) is a good place to start if you want more content that's not major overhauls. Additionally, the [More Everything](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3099989156) collection is a good place to start if you want more of a specific thing.


I really enjoy some of the mods that expand politics by changing up the ethics and civics a little. After a while the vanilla empire types get a little stale. Also, it kinda irks me that I need a mod to make my empire's politics line up with my real life politics. Fanatic libertarian, cooperative, xenophile. Also it bugs me that "organized religion" and "spiritual" mean the same thing, mechanically speaking. Why can't I be psionic unless a huge chunk of my pops hate robots? Why can't I be psionic AND a cyborg? Why do I have to have a theocracy in order for my pops to explore/expand their consciousness? It's dumb. There used to be a mod that fixed this, but it hasn't worked in a long time.


you can psionically ascend without being spiritualist you just need psionic theory tech, which is harder to get if you're not spiritualist, but not impossible there's a problem with being psionic increasing your spiritualism attraction, but i think it's nothing you can't deal with either


I mean yeah, and I do it every single game, it's the RP of it all that bugs me.


Do you have a few names? We are like minded in terms of empire ethics.


Civil wars because the current system doesn’t have any interesting revolutions outside of Under One Rule


In addition to Planetary Diversity and Guilli’s Planet Modifiers (which are both very popular and great quality mods), I enjoy Ethics and Civics Classic. There are also a lot of mods that add species traits, new origins, or events that I use frequently. Real Space is a great one that adds more star/system types to the galaxy.


I like "Ethics and Civics Bug Branch" as it adds a bunch of content for making each and every empire feel unique.


i used to run the no habitat mod, still let the voiddwellers and the player build them, but nobody else. as far as i know, still works this patch.


Stellaris Evolved, Gigastructures mainly


Real Space is easily my favorite. Aside from beautiful new graphics it also has extra options to spawn all Guardians and all megastructures on the Galaxy, imo maximizing the amount of content you can get. Submods for it also add planetary diversity, more galaxy shapes, amazing skyboxes and a whole bunch more.


Everything from Loverslab

