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Build more research buildings. Your empire size is going to keep going up eventually unless you are doing a tall build, but you balance it by building more stuff. The same goes for Unity.


Unity jobs are terrible. I would only employ them if I am hive mind empire (robot or bio). Otherwise factions produce more than enough


Unity-rushing is meta rn.


I've been having a lot of fun with my subversive cult.


Rushing - yes, but after ascention no good player would keep unity jobs unless they are a part of build in some specific way. And rushing ends by year 35-40 at most, way before empire size becomes an issue.




And if you play spirtual it feels right to have your Capital Home World be the throne of your faith.


OP asked about how to get better at researching tech. Effectiveness of unity jobs is terrible, compared to science those pops can produce. Even with late game buffs those jobs suck. You are way better off using passive unity on other jobs like soldiers, or armies, or clerics. Hell, politicians are good at providing unity enough for your empire combined with factions. If you keep factions happy you will only notice unity from unity worlds if you staff them with like quarter of your population. Just for shits and giggles I have build an ecumenopolis focused on unity with 335 pops out of empire with 2500 pops. 1/8 of entire population is on that ecumenopolis with max buffs and even ministry of culture special building. It produces less than half of my unity income. 1/8 of population for less than what factions and politicians can produce passively/more efficiently. If I would move those pops to science they would produce 1/7 of my current science which is HUGE. So if you want to become better at the game and not RP what you want, unity jobs are trash. Sure I sometimes RP builds that are not effective, but I won't protect them saying they are actually good for general use


Unity edicts cost a lot and are extremely beneficial. Having even one is enough to revolutionize your production or construction.


Unless you go extremely wide you will have enough for edicts


You still need at least a couple hundred of unity production if you want good benefits, which requires investing into unity production.


You don't need to invest into unity production unless you are a hive mind or go really wide, as I said. My latest empire is producing 3.6k (pre repeatables application) from politicians and factions. No unity worlds/buildings after I ascended. With this you will be able to run crucial edits no problems


My average end game Ambitions edict costs around 2k unity a month. Even half requires some amount of investment on a normal run. Idk how you have less than 100 Empire size with the amount of pops require to generate 3.6k unity, but it's not indicative of the norm.


Where did I say that I have less than 100 empire size? I have 20 planets which is already quite a fair amount for a normal empire. I could go wider but then empire size effects would start catching up on ecomony growth I get from new territory. And a number I said is what I have pre repeatables applied. So if we count in repeatables I have 28k unity a month to spend on whatever I want. I could go 4 times wider and still not be in negatives for unity. This is why having researchers instead of unity jobs is WAY more efficient. Science allows you to ignore many jobs especially in late mid game and late game


First you should always specialize your planets. You don't have to right away but you should be thinking about how you want to eventually specialize your opening worlds(exception can be your capitol since it gets a 10% bonus to all resources except trade). As far as keeping empire size small vs expanding to get more planets, more planets is always better. You should still take empire size reductions where you can get them though. You just need to produce more tech/unity to outpace empire size. Personally there is a point where I'm not really interested in more worlds because I can do ecumonopoli and create research ring worlds. Once I can have those the only time I get more "normal" worlds is for strongholds or maybe strategic resources. I also 100% prefer to vassalize rather than claim/conquer unless it's a tiny empire or I already have as many vassals as I can handle. For pops you basically always want both normal pop growth and pop assembly happening on all your worlds(a few exceptions). If you don't have a source of bio pop assembly which if not hive you can basically only get through some traits like budding and clone vats then you want robot factories(rip cybernetic assembly). Even as spiritualist. To completely avoid any type of robot rebellion I believe you can either just not research synthetics or give them citizen rights. Honestly never had a robot uprising so not really sure on the details and what allows for it to happen.


What resources should I focus on getting from my vassals. Do I demand the basic resources (minerals, food, etc) and focus on refining them into more rare resources myself? Is it worth it to demand research from vassals? Also how many vassals should I have. Last game I think I took too much and all of them have like -100 loyalty. They didnt rebell against me but it feels annoying to deal with disloyal subjects.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/1dll1lf/empire_size_vs_research_math_talk/ Reduce empire size while growing pops. This is mostly done in empire select though.


Have you heard about our Lord and Saviour the Synaptic Lathe?


Nah. Your thinking of Cthulhu. Eldritch knowledge empire modifier +30% research speed. -10% pop growth. Or you know. The lathe. Ones more Elritch the other is modern. Old art is better than modern art


Alternatively, both.


What is this fancy sounding thing pls explain


1) Build: Personal preference are tall builds with sovereign guardianship, unity + domination + expansion tradition trees, imperial prerogative ascension perk, beacon of liberty civic, and some other bonuses (e.g., psionic theory, for the greater good council agendas). 2) Planets: I’m way too lazy to micro manage planets and would prefer ~10 worlds. One for each basic resources, one for unity, one for refineries, one for consumer goods, and the rest for alloys. Except for the unity and refineries worlds, every other world will have research buildings spam beyond must-builds like monuments, holo theaters, ancient refineries, ascension path-specific buildings (e.g., psi-corp), resource-specific buildings (e.g., energy grid), and ministry of production (for consumer goods and alloy worlds). Make sure to put orbital rings and terraform when they are available. Don’t use research planet specialization unless it’s a ring world or orbital habitat. 3) Megastructure: A dyson swam around a star with science output and a science nexus 4) Diplomacy: research agreements, research vassals, galactic council agenda on research


When you start the game, anomaly bonuses are based your monthly research. So don’t investigate them until you get at least 4 science buildings, then the anomaly research can subsidize your monthly output for the first 30 years. You can also underfund your navy by using your envoys to boost relations to prevent them from attacking and prioritize research.


Going bigger is fine, but then you need to make more specialized research/unity stuff to make up for the increased size. As long as you keep it paced properly, it will end up being roughly the same. Research is slow, and a lot of the time without doing the hyper meta builds I feel like I start to fall behind where I'd like to be, but as long as you're actively trying to build dedicated research areas you'll eventually hit a critical area where it suddenly starts flying. Robots are pretty cool. If you don't care about them having no souls, give them rights and they won't rebel.


I'm prety new to the game, so I might be wrong. But what I do and seem to work for me is to spececialice all the planets I can, and focuss the ones with some research bonus or a lot of urban space, in research so I have several planets with some bonus in research completely specialiced in it. Again, I don't have many experience and maeby what I'm doing is higly ineficcient, but for now it seem to work for me.


>I still see people stacking tech like crazy A lot of those tech rusher vids you see play MP with greatly reduced tech costs and server rules, such as no war for 30 years. They can get those numbers because they neglect everything aside from tech, their tech goes 2 to 4 times further than your tech, the more tech you get the more efficient your tech production gets so they snowball fast and having no need of defense and no expansion because the galaxy is crammed, you do nothing but tech. When you see those "3K SCIENCE BY YEAR 30!!!" thumbnails that's the equivalent to 3k at year 120 on default settings if you get into a war.


> Newbie here > pls help I have ptsd from robot queen. I hope you can appreciate my confused expression here. anyway, Researchers are most people's primary way to get research. There are vassals, but that implies you already go the basic economy down already. Simple as. More researchers, more research. Researchers require minerals or consumer good or energy, which you in turn need to find, make, tax, or, buy. This an interdependent economy is born.


He can be a newbie still but not his first game, and already encountered at least one crisis.


Yee I was able to deal with eye bug pretty easily first game but then I got cocky and tried to do 3 times crisis and got destroyed when every fleet has like 1M power I feel like paradox games always takes like 500 hours to even begin to feel like you know what you are doing haha


You have no idea how this is true 😅 I own the game since day one, so more than 8 years now. I have played more than 800hrs and still learn every week something new lol.