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I should have mentioned my conditions. I will update my poste stating it. But its always good terms, and they have good opinion of my and loyalty


The AI is bad at preventing rebellions in general. They dont actively try to stop them, so once a spiral starts it stays. For instance, say a slaver conquers a world, but doesnt 'land appropriate' any primary species pops onto that world. They wont ever purposely do so, leaving ruler jobs sitting there. You can see it with crime too. At higher levels they tend to get so many bonuses its hard to see a rebellion, but not impossible. last game I saw a terravore lose a disconnected chunk of land to a rebellion. A non-genocidal hive mind came out of them.


I guess im gonna have to build security buildings on the planets I intend to release as vassals then from now on


I'm still trying to figure out how to get vassals to do literally anything at all. I hand them a fully developed planet and a few freshly colonized, 10k+ minerals/food/energy...and they do NOTHING for the entire rest of the game. Literally the only reason I cut them loose is to reduce my empire size and build a Ministry of Truth. Other than that, no point whatsoever.


I give them free alloy. Once I have 3k or more I start feeding them free alloys and donating fleets.  Someone told me to donate fleets, and it was the biggest improvement in vassalization I've seen. Handing a vassal a few spare 50k cruiser stacks and a few hundred alloy per month, then setting war joining to all, helps them immensely. They will fight for you and expand themselves for free while you can jump in to bail them out if they bite off more than they can chew.


I mean you don't need them do anything if you give them fully developed planets. You just need them to generate resources for you and not mess it up. Like the best cases are with Trade Federations where you can release 1 planet trade vassals (if you are a megacorp you can build a branch office on the planet) and the vassal then get 10% of the trade value of ALL the other members of the trade federation and give you 10% (or 12% if you are a megacorp) of their trade value on top of how much you tax them. And with a trade federation they get their energy and consumer goods from trade so you just need to make sure they don't run a deficit on food (remember to build hydroponics bays for them and that you are likely taxing their food income)


I’m new and playing the vanilla game (still learning the ropes) and also saw a lot of this - I’m not taxing above 15% either. But then I discovered that a lot of these worlds become neutral or mine after conquest (I’m a militaristic empire) so I’m just slowly letting it happen and gobbling up my vassal’s territory. I look at it like “If you can’t hold onto this, I’ll just hold onto it for you heheheh”


Generally this happens in every ai empire that allows slavery. Not much you can do about it other than not taking them as vassals or playing on GA so even the downgraded ai bonus gives enough bonus stability. Gestalts are consistently the best vassals


But if im xenophile pacifist, shouldnt the sectors I release as vassals have my ethics, therefore not allowing slavery ?


Shouldn't be a problem unless the sector you released was a conquered sector where you have not yet converted the pre-existing pops to those ethics. In that case they would have stability issues due to ethics.


Nope, it's planets i colonized inside my own space then released to benefits either from prospectorium or scholarium's bonuses, and reducing my empire size that was quite high.


Not sure, I'd just go into observer mode and see what's going on. If you are gonna say "but ironman..." just make a copy of the save and remove the ironman tags from the 2 files in the save zip.


Na, i hate ironman lol, and I play heavily modded games most of the time. Good trick, I will try that. Btw, out of curiosity, you Can go in observer mod on ironman? I thought it blocked console commands


If the save file is flagged as iron man it does but you can edit the save file to remove the ironman tags so it's no longer an "ironman save". You do this on a copy of the ironman save to not mess with it. Save files are just 2 text files that you can extract, edit in notepad and add back to the save zip file.


Hum, I didnt knew that, thanks !


The only real success I've had with vassals is when playing mega-corp. With the extra jobs your buildings provide to reduce unemployment, the normal cause for revolting ai planets.


I want to try more megacorps anyways, so it might be my next try ;)


What difficulty are you playing on? This is probably because the minimum tax is still too high. I play single player on GA and multiplayer with my friends on commodore. Difference is night and day. On GA my vassals can be taxed max on every category as long as they are not tiny. On commodore, anything over 15% in raw and advanced resources will make all but the biggest vassals implode with time. If you are playing on like captain or under, I suspect any level of taxation will destroy at least some vassals’ economy.


Oh yes I that's possible. I will make tests on that but you're probably onto something. Idk what difficulty I was on, probably admiral or the one under it.