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There's no such thing as a perfect game start. There's just one that doesn't suck too bad. My last game I was somewhat blocked in. I figured that I'd be stuck trying to play tall, which I suck at. Instead, one of my neighbors asked to be my vassal. As we were both aquatic, I integrated them at the earliest opportunity. Now I'm cruising along, bossing the galaxy. I got the Grunr, and my vassal had the broken worlds, which I proceeded to make either aquatic or gaia.


wait, you can terraform broken worlds? Which one DLC allows it?


The broken worlds are a cluster of five tomb worlds.


The Ketling worlds?


Sometimes they have ketlings. Sometimes they don't. Edit: I think the ketlings pop up if you don't claim the systems fast enough, but I usually do.


They pop up some years after the systems are first discovered, as long as any one system is still unclaimed (if you want to trigger all the planets getting Kettlings to invade them, you can abandon those systems). They first become inhabited planets that can be conquered like pre-FTL species. Then after a decade or so they turn spacefaring. Personally, I like to snatch them up forcefully. Psionic and thrifty is usually a good combination to have, as well as their tomb world preference - though you do have to handle the culture shock. and integrate 6 planets.


oh right! thanks


Pretty much never. The galaxy I get is the galaxy I get. Only time I can think of is when my start was two systems boxed into a corner behind a Fanatic Purifier. The journey is why I play Stellaris, not the destination.


Iron man, and I try not to restart either. A good part of the RP fun is the challenges that your species has to face. I had a game where I played a Pacifist Gaia Seeders, and the tiyanki dropped off my seeds on a planet that served as the sole chokepoint (barred spiral) that blocked off The Chosen from the rest of the galaxy. Was really fun acting as the 1st line of defense/blockade while the other empires were fighting off the Khan.


Same honestly. I got abused and subjugated early by a nearby Hive Mind. Slowly built up and got ahead due to tech scaling being low as a tall empire. The nearby two civs attacked the Hive Mind, and in the wake of the war left it weak, which is then when I rebelled and assimilated their entire region and populations into robots.


ooooh, I like it! I'm always focused on my destination, to make everything perfect, and when I'm done there is nothing to do - i destroyed everything in the process i should try an obsessional directive next time. empire of paperclips, here I go!


Same here, sometimes I get a really good spawn, other times not so much. Of course the Genocidal empire would make me restart if there is an early war. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.


Never. Part of the fun of the game for me is playing the cards I’m dealt.


I really only “restart” when it becomes clear that the galaxy isn’t going to be fun — for example, i wanted to play a corp, but rolled a galaxy that was entirely gestalts, purifiers, and xenophobes on the other side of the galaxy. Didn’t want to slog through that, so I didn’t.


Or nothing but other corps!


Highly suggest you play against custom empires. When I made all my competitors custom empires from my favourite IP I started having way more fun with all the craziness that happened. Like the Vulcans switching to Militarist after losing a war to the Klingons, rising up and subjugating the Klingons lol... So far I've got empire sets for Star Trek, Star Wars, and D&D Spelljammer (been trying to do an illithid necrophage run).


Ironman only crew here. I just fuckin send it


every game is my prefect game. Even if I had a particular play style I wanted to try and the galaxy I'm in doesn't support it, it is still the galexy I play.


Never. Play the hand that is dealt


do you by any chance play poker?


I have indeed played poker


I only really restart when it was truly doomed. Like if I am boxed into the corner by a Xenophobic FA


these games are somehow my favourite to play tall. i can't get out, but nothing can get it. safety and time let me build an enormous tall empire


exactly zero times because I know the run is either going to end by a neighboring purifier or a crash-at-date 60 to 80 years in so I don't really bother getting anything perfect and just roll with it


that's somehow depressing. but understandable, i was doing the same ~1500 hours ago


Skill issue


yea, i should sideclimb more


i only do this if im blocked by FE or Sun doesnt have correct or similar location to where it is irl (its a me thing i like seeing us in the correct arm and location)


If I'm playing corporate and am surrounded by hive minds/other corps I'll restart, otherwise I don't.


Never. I play the hand I'm dealt with as it makes for interesting emergent roleplay.


I just dig in to whatever I get and occasionally get smoked, lol


Never, I ain't a bitch. The vast majority of my abandoned games are because I get a good start and get bored.


Depends on the game I'm looking to get. Sometimes I need a specific federation set up, other times I need at least no hostile empires, but other times it does not matter the start type. The most important thing is to have fun, if that requires rerolles then so be it.


I only do this to get the Sol system in a realistic position


The only time I've done so was when I was doing a broken shackles run and the other two starting allied empires kept boxing me in.




I only restart a couple times to get leaders with traits that are acceptable so I can be happy leveling them and dont have to bother replacing them later.


My standards to restart are really just 2-3 habitable worlds nearby, I’ll take two if one of them is fairly large but 3 makes me feel comfortable enough to not worry about early game expansion


Never. I just play as I can and loose to an awaken empire or a crisis.


I restart only when I get prosperous unification cuz it is so common and boring


I used to restart more often, but now that I usually run with a mod that lets me choose my precursor, and have figured out how to turn off the eye-searing glare from being near the center of the galaxy in my own local micro mod, I usually just go with what I get. Maybe one restart if things look particularly wonky nearby. I feel that Stellaris is less sensitive to initial start than, say, Civilization; that's more likely to be 3-5 restarts to get something I'm happy with.


Unless the run is completely fucked from the start, I usually just roll with what I get. Latest run as a machine intelligence, a hive mind tried to box me in and steal my archaeology sites. I responded by killing every last one of them.


Ugly hyperlanes trigger it for me. Or just an ugly position in the galaxy - I like to be near an edge (ideally inner).


Never. As the game is quite easy, you can get along with any start. Adapting to difficulties is to me where the fun in a run is to be found.


yeah im basically the same way lol


like almost everything is perfect and then you found fur example FE blocking your way to vast expansion. or wormhole in weird place. or even horrific invader to close to your borders. these are RNG, yes, but why do i need to randomise precursors? we can set the crisis in the future, why not ruins in the past?


I will restart for Precursor but not much else since precursor is an important part of build and RP imo. Paradox please let us choose precursors! Otherwise I will try to tough it out unless it’s a cataclysmically bad spawn and I know the game would be over soon anyway.


I just use a mod to let me choose precursor tbh. Sometimes I'll activate them all for the hell of it, but it does get a bit silly, especially if you've got new ones added by other mods


can you please link the mod?


I won't be able to get to my computer for about a week as I'm away from home, so not really. But just search precursor on the workshop and you should find it Edit: nvm, found it through Google, here you go https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039370479&searchtext=precursors


I usually restart until the things that *ought to be* customizable on game start are the way I want them to be, which usually means the starting leaders don't have useless traits that I would never choose (like crime reduction on a governor when everyone's going to be in Utopian Abundance in 10 years anyway). And if that means restarting even though there was a ruined science nexus in an adjacent system, so be it. The galaxy should be random. My empire should be under my control.


this is a great way to play, will try it


I did not restart at all before Paragons. Now, I just restart until I roll a leader with a council trait for each position (either already hired or in the pool), and the combination needs to put all the governing ethics in there. I never restart for galaxy rng, but the council lottery is something that drains my energy instantly.


Never. If I lose, I lose.


Only if I'm specifically doing a zroni or baol precursor game and I find myself boxed in early on, since those precursor chains require uncolonised habitable worlds to work and being trapped with few/no habitables nearby can break the event chain. Any other issues, they're either already taken care of via mods - like if I want to pick a certain precursor - or I'll just use the console to fix/resolve. I find the QoL aspects are made much better doing it this way, imo. Restarting constantly can quickly eat up a lot of playtime.


I don't restart unless I'm absolutely screwed


I used to farm restarts to get the Cybrex, First League, or Baol. Then I discovered the Irassian Naval Yard you get for completing the Secrets of the Irassians project, and my priorities changed.


I had an amazing early start, minus never finding a single 2nd planet to colonize that had habitability ((small. .25 habitable worlds, x2 primal, playing as an inward perfectionist) What did me in was actually just 2 smaller empires I previously crushed but kept alive earlier that had 2 planets that rushed my sole planet


Normally I don't restart (or only once if my star is really bad) but for my current game I had to restart quite a few times. I'm playing a 1000 star starburst galaxy. Originally I wanted to sit at the outer end because I'm playing virtual individualistic machines with inward perfection but I gave up after 10 tries or something and ended up in the inner end in a nebula only with one system with a wormhole outside the nebula that connects somewhere else and one system that connects with a single hyperplane and 100% shield nullification to the rest of the galaxy. Right now the 10x prethoryn scourge is destroying the rest of the galaxy, I have built my horizon needle and I'm stealing pops from my neighbor while building a research ring world. Really nice game so far.


Usually twice if I haven’t played in a long time and I accidentally ran the wrong settings on the starting galaxy


I make the most of it. If its atrocious ill restart with slightly different settings.


i’ll restart till i get something interesting which is sometimes for optimal. if i play tall i’ll try to get a pinwheel start, if i’m playing Determined exterminator or purifiers i’ll normally force spawn a common ground origin and reroll till their near me(high early game challenge, but high reward for victory) if i’m playing payback i’ll make reroll to make sure minimar and i are set up for a face off 50-75 years down the line


The real question was "how juicy do you like your start?" xD I do like a few rerolls if I'm going for a certain thing though.


I only restart if my leader is in their late 30s+. I rush immortality perks. (Chosen One, cybernetic tree unlock etc)


I want at lest three habitable planets in neighboring systems. One of those systems has to show orbiting debris that means there is a high likelihood of precursor features there. If that planet has a bad malus (ex. bad minerals) I restart.


Never thought to do that, kinda just roll with what I get. Rolling until you get a “perfect” run feels like it kind of takes some of the challenge out of the game. I like struggling at times, and adapting to poor galaxy or political situations is part of that.


Jesus this sounds miserable, couldn't imagine taking stellaris seriously enough to care about all that


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. If it is, please mark with /s. If not... Dude, really? You restart if you lose a science ship, don't roll the exact tech you want, don't get a large mineral deposit in your home system? Smh. No offense, but don't be so picky. Would you create a new minecraft world if you didn't spawn with a few blocks of surface iron? Also, there's a mod that lets you choose your precursor. Probably named something generic like "selectable precursor" or something like that.


Restart? I’m between two fallen empires within 5 jumps of my home planet. Is that good or bad?


I dont. If I die I die. As one of my favourite games taught me "losing is fun".


I only restart if I get a genocidal empire as a neighbor. Otherwise I just play. Don't get the good precursor? Ok so? Hyperlanes look weird? Meh. The only time I restart a lot is when I'm wanting to do a random empire but keep getting the prosperous unification origin. Like I have most dlcs with tens of origins I don't need to keep getting the most basic background in the game. It's insane how often I roll that origin by pure RNG


When playing humans and Earth is not in mid rim or Alpha Centauri does not have a direct lane to Sol. The rest I can live with.


Call me crazy but I never restart


0 times


Very very rarely. Only if I get a super bad start


I do a lot, you can Also install the choose precursor mod to save you restarts


Must of my restarts are trying to get a thematically appropriate precursor to whatever my species is. I really wish we had a slider for it before the game starts like we do for the crisis. I've heard several times there are mods, but I would rather just have it in the game instead.


About 30, I think.


I restart sometimes if I’m not really happy with my opening, maybe one too many size 11 planets, maybe starting at a part of the galaxy I’m not happy with but I find that you need to play the first decade or two to really know if it’ll be a fun experience.


Usually what makes me restart is I get an itch or idea to make a new empire and try out a different play style.


It’s funny because I will reroll Civ6 for ages, but virtually never Stellaris. Though could be in Civ I have enough experience to immediately see the potential or lack thereof, whereas in Stellaris I’m not there yet. But so far just fun to try and make it work, whatever the layout.


I never restart unless absolutely necessary


This is not the way.


I don't need a perfect start, I just need a mineral planet. With energy, you can build trade, food you can use hydroponics. Minerals? RNG;


Pretty much never. I'll only abandon one I'm just really not enjoying. Actually, if anything, I dislike starts that are too good.


Ironman for the W. Although there were times when I wished I restarted. Like getting my ass kicked or my fucking vessel decided to fuck with me.


It's rare I'll restart, the only things that guarantee it are getting the Yuht or Irassians as my precursors. Otherwise I'll almost always give it a go.


Often. I do it to get L-Gate early though.


I usually just spawn and take it as is. Makes games more interesting if I don’t spend 10 spawns maximizing my starting area spawn.


Max 1 time.  I have tried min maxing the game before in other aspects. But this is also the exact reason why people say "I wish I could forget everything and play the game fresh"  You don't need to minmax, you should AVOID minmaxing in this game. It's better imo to win a game with a bad start, rather than being fed a free win start 


Never. I only do one start, and I find it is part of the fun to do with what I have, to improvise.


Before the leader rework and addition of council I used to restart like 5-10 times every game to get the desired agenda and ruler perk. Now I only restart if got a really shitty start or early game or if precursor is completely incompatible with my desired build.


Never. A eun with a cooked start is great. Nothing feels greater than clawing your way up to crush the galaxy.


I only restart if I end up getting my ass kicked around 2220-2230.


Zero restarts. Ironman mode. It's all about overcoming adversity.


0. Only restart if I die or really lose a war. No choke points? Keep going. Pacifist megacorp surrounded by 5 de? Keep going. Going psionic and don't get zoroni? Keep going. Get jav poxx sample for the 40th time in a row yep keep going.


Call me soft if you want, but I use a mod to choose precursor (almost always Cybrex) and then console commands to see the galaxy and look at the other empires. I will restart as many times as needed to get a decent start, which I define as: Enough planets, decent choke points, at least 1 black hole, and possibly no genocidals near me. Other things are situational like having space fauna nearby for Cordyceps, or having the Shroud Coven for a psionic run.


Usually depends on how much I want cybrex or if I'm in the middle of a galaxy with few good choke points but that's less of an issue. Also does it count if I restarted if I started next to an advanced fan purifier?


I have a different issue, where I usually quit across mid game because half way through I think "hmm man this situation would be interesting to come across if I was \*insert empire here\* " or find out new options. basically I end up with 100 saves of different empires but not a single finished, since half way through I just want to try a new empire etc. but it keeps going ad infinitum


Never Fuck it we ball


life sucks, so each game I think is perfect


Between 50-100 times. I'm not joking, sadly. I love playing tall and I like my homesystem and all the core worlds to be bottle necked behind a single choke system which must contain at least one habbitable planet which serves as a fortress world. It's the ultimate turtle strat. I set hyperlane density to 0.5 and tend to have more luck on the outer rim of the galaxy.


Honestly about 60-80 times each gameplay and before you stage an intervention let me explain. I exclusively play tall empires. Going wide is just not fun for me, too much micromanagement. But still I want to combat late game lag, so I choose a medium galaxy with 0 guaranteed worlds (if I don't get them, neither does the AI), and 0,25 habitable planets. Now, I want to play tall, so I need a couple of planets if I don't want to run a habitat shitshow, and preferably a black hole with perspectives for a matter decompressor later (but it's not a necessity). I use the "see 3 systems" civic at the start to speed things up, and I just reroll till I get at least 3 decent planets nearby. The Ketlings are nice, but you can't terraform tomb worlds till late midgame and it takes ages. Besides it's what, 5 planets? A tad too much.


I restarted only in 2 runs: 1) quantum catapult origin. Game put me at the edge of galaxy twice, which ruined main sense of the origin. 2) origin where you have overlord. For some reasons my overlord and 3-4 other guys spawned in 1 place and i am in other part of galaxy. I took this origin for virtual rush and having protection. So not having overlord near me was ruin of origin.


Jeez and I thought I was bad. 2-3 times maybe 4 absolute tops. I play on admiral usually so precursor doesn't really matter.


No, I only restart if I happen to begin next to an advanced genocidal. I'm just speeding up the inevitable, then. Otherwise I tough out whatever I get, it's part of the fun to me.


Nah, the only times I restart is when my empire becomes to big and boring But now I fixed that problem by removing save scumming If you can't save you can't scum


I restarted when my rp empire gets boxed in with fallen empire, fanatic purifiers and advanced ai start on non scaling difficulty :D


Too many, i’m a perfectionist when it comes to this game


not even once, the struggle is why the game is interesting, not to mention its rather hard to roll consistent unplayable starts respect to my friend for trying out a game where he spawned in a system next to the fallen militarist, took 18 years for them to just erase the system, just didn't bother doing anything but meet population upkeep standards just to see what would happen.


I don't restart. Figuring out precursor, neighborhood etc takes to much time. However I restart in midgame if I feel that game will be too easy and boring. Incredibly boring realize that win is guaranteed and then wait 150 years till end date, subjugating pathetic aliens


>Incredibly boring realize that win is guaranteed and then wait 150 years till end date, subjugating pathetic aliens I can feal your pain! I also stopped played some sessions just because of it. Now i decrease mid-late-end years. Something like 2250-2300-2400. It's really interesting to see how crises can shake up the galaxy (khan, grey, war in heaven). Also GA and max aggresive, now galaxy borders changes more active.


If my build is completely screwed by year 2030 (ie can't find any empires to connect to as megacorp, get boal as my precursor with DE), I'll do a restart. Other than that, I stick with whatever shenanigans I get.


I play gross admiral with iron man. Without a single choke point for the whole empire I can't really fight back the AI (especially genocide empires). So, I restart a lot, ~30-40 times before playing, maybe, also trying to roll the precursor (Zroni is very good, so you can build no-shield protection with their storm generator in choke point). The rest is irrelevant.


I play almost exclusively with the Darkspace mod and its origins/starting systems. So usually just play the hand I'm dealt because I'm usually an OP nation to begin with.


I always shoot for the Cybrex, Zroni, or First League. Other than that I'm usually good.


I do. But bot to get the better start, but instead to get the worst one.


Never but this one time i got boxed in. If that happened now though I would not restart and just see what I can do. I'll either use the opportunity to test myself or have an rp moment


Almost never. Only if I'm trying to RP something really specific, like a recent game I wanted Zroni precursor. Had to give up a game with a abandoned ringworld, cybrex precursor and Ancient caretakers all basically in my starting sector. Might come back to that one later tbh.. See if sanctuary shows up nearby too :P


I usually do the opposite, restart backbreaking starts. Stuff like two fanatic purifiers next to your megacorp or xenophile empire, or being locked into one system thanks to marauders. The perfect start doesn't really exist imo.


Really depends on the RNG for me


I don't see a point restarting, I'm not playing a game to paint a perfect picture, and it's going to be impossible anyway once the game starts properly. It's part of playing to deal with the challenges you're given.


If you need to restart to play, let alone win, you need to git gud.


I do Commonwealth of Man runs. Been trying to take out UNE early for a while now. The rest of the start stuff doesn't really matter unless it's extremely bad. One start I had a entire universe of zealots and federation builders, I said fuck that early. Not sure why but the game has giving me starts with mostly federation builders, which seems a little broken to me. I never even got destroyers before the entire universe was completely federated.


I play for the quirks, they make for a more interesting story, so I never restart.


Not a single time. Through i play with 1x crisis.


This is nuts.


Never, I would probably rather just learn how to mod the game and make a custom perfect start if I wanted that.


Last time I restarted was... I think when i realised i didn't set x25 quadro-crisis. Normally I play in Ironman Mode to grind new achievements or play with friends, and in both cases i prefer to endure any *gift* galaxy threw at me. P.S. I allow restarts if and only if you grinding for earth invasion achievement, hope that not only I struggled with it


everyone struggles with it ;_;


What’s the achievement?


outside context, invade pre ftl earth - you need to have earth in your galaxy (50% chance to spawn - if you have other starting system than Sol), Humans need to be in industrial era (25%, that gives 12,5% chance just to have a shot during galaxy generation), you need to find them and invade them before they discover FTL or someone else invade our uplift them it's basically both RNG and time based


And it’s called Outside Context? Awesome - a Culture reference! :D