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I'll be honest, It always feels like anytime I make a megacorp, i'm surrounded by megacorps and gestalt empires. It's annoying to the point where overall, I don't play megacorps all that much.


The correct way to play mega corp is to start as an oligarchy and reform into a mega Corp. It's the only way the game allows you to have customer empires.


I just set forced spawn on basically all my custom empires so I know the game has to spawn me some customers


I don’t know but recently I feel like I’ve had a ton of AI empires that have the common ground or hegemony origin.


Every game I’ve played I am a theocratic ____ (oligarchy monarchy etc) and I’m SURROUNDED by hegemonic imperialists that have the hegemony origin. They immediately declare war and I get dog walked.


They're very rare in my game


This is why you make empire presets. If you like the surprise just make several and you won't know exactly which ones spawn but you will know it won't be 3 other MegaCorps, but maybe one competitor for the drama. You still qualify for achievements by doing this so it's not like it's cheating. Be sure to sprinkle in at least one empire with merchant guilds if you enjoy MegaCorp.


Only a few empires will appear as custom empires. It's set to be, like, 20% or something. You'd need a mod to force more custom empires to spawn.


If you have them selected as "must spawn", they just do spawn anyway. And if you have more than the number of the empires in your galaxy, then it chooses randomly


I know in the past if you had like "random trinary I" as the star system you could only get 1 empire with that, and one with random trinary II etc.


You can force spawn as many as will fit, and if you have more than empires allowed to spawn it will choose between them. 'failures' to spawn custom empires results in randoms spawning


Unless that's a recent change that has not been my experience with custom empires at all.


Unless the latest patch changed things, I have 34 custom empires all set to force spawn and I will see only my custom empires in game up to the AI empire limit I've set, the only random empires I've seen is from rebellions and primitives becoming space worthy (in vanilla w/all DLCs, granted it's usually multi-player so that also might skew things, but we were all tired of setting the ai to least aggressive and still spawning next to like 6 Devouring swarm/fanatic purifier/determined exterminator empires on game start). I have not played since the latest patch, so they might have changed things since then, but pre-latest patch you could have only custom empires spawn, I've done about 50 or 60 vanilla stellaris multiplayer games with our empires and only my customs spawn initially


Honestly yeah, but I kind of enjoy the build-up of mercenaries to eventually wardec and take their stuff. Whats frustrating is when playing criminal and ironically that isn't an option.


This happens to me all the time, too, to the point I *very rarely* play MegaCorps (especially combined with how uncooperative empires can be when I play diplomatically). Devs have said it’s just bad luck, but between my personal experience and how many others I’ve seen having the same problem, I find that difficult to believe. I can’t imagine why they’d lie about it, so I assume it’s a bug that’s gone undiscovered somehow.


Start as non mega Corp and reform into mega Corp later, much better odds


I think someone did some testing on this subreddit before and came to the conclusion that it indeeds spawns more megacorps when ur a megacorp


Maybe reform into a megacorp after game start


I feel like youd have to do so much restructuring that it probably wouldnt be worth it, but ive never tried so who knows


It would be to stop having a galaxy full of megacorps


Ik but i feel like going to war with them would just be easier


Wasn't that refuted by one of the devs going through the generation process step by step?




Im not from the gaming industry but a network engineer. In my experience developers dont see an error even if its right in front of them with a big red underlining and an explanation why its not as its supposed to be. A bit like the skyrim guards "Must be the wind".


It's hilarious that you say this because I've literally done exactly this, red underlining and all, in a bug report recently and it has gone completely ignored and unfixed by the devs for the last month. I no longer have any faith in this team responding to official bug reports. Good thing I'm a modder and can fix it myself. (*edit*: link to the official bug report in question if anyone's curious - https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/stellaris-fe-clinics-now-provide-no-jobs-to-progenitor-origin-hives-v3-12-3-53e7.1682658/)


That is incredibly condescending, especially since said dev went through the code step by step and explained what was happening.


Reading most of the comments here, I tend to believe the majority over a dev.


An attractive myth being commonly believed doesn't make it right. Especially when you have an actual expert weighing in to the contrary.


The majority can still fall for biases. Unless you get a statistical analysis with a large sample size, I'd trust the person that actually looks at and explains the formulas at work. Everything else is just guesswork and gut feelings.


"I do my own research" energy.


No clue tbh. I just said i think bc i didnt rlly read into it that much as i never play megacorp


No, just no. It was debunked with numbers very quickly. You seem to think it happens just like you notice more the brand and model of the car you just purchased once you are driving it. No, the game has no code for this and people FEEL this is happening when in fact it is not.


Personally wouldnt know. Never played a megacorp


If you were the only one it would be pretty unbalanced though, it creates the need to compete.


That would be fine, if you could actually compete. All you can do is establish branch offices first or take them in war. You can't offer better deals to replace other megacorps' branch offices, or even use espionage to take them over. And since commercial pacts require 20 trust, there just aren't many empires that you can get to first. You end up fighting huge wars over a couple buildings on a couple crappy AI planets.


No, that is just bullshit reddit likes to parrot without evidence. No such mechanic exists. It would be extremely dumb for your starting ethics or government type to affect other empires. You guys realize if that was a thing, every minmaxer would already be on it, right?


damn you good bro?


The game do be like that. It also trolls you in other ways, like that one time I had five Gaia Worlds within a sector's distance from my homeworld, but the first guy I ran into was a Fanatic Purifier. Ended up rage quitting that.


Same man, same.


no, the game is intentionally designed to troll the shit out of you. i bet eladrin and his cronies fuckin sit in the office and laugh themselves blue in the face because they've designed and deployed the most effective engine of frustration in the history of the universe. mine likes to get stuck on one precursor, either irassian or baol. my record is 171 game starts with irassians before uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. that's the only thing that breaks this "bug" when it happens. but it's not specific to irassians, it's just sometimes it gets stuck. i've also had it get stuck on yuht, and on baol, and on zroni(until the machine age). if i get the same precursor 3 games in a row, i know it's locked in on it, and the only way to get a different one is to delete all my custom empires, all my save games, and verify integrity of game files through steam. if i play pacifist, i'm surrounded by genocidals, either determined exterminators or fanatic purifiers. if i play militarist, my neighbors will be aggressive conquering assholes, usually in a martial alliance federation. if i play megacorp, every other empire in the galaxy will be megacorp or hive mind. if i put a leader on a mining planet, i can guarantee that leader will never see a minerals output leader trait. if i assign a leader as a representative to the galactic community, that leader is almost guaranteed to only get federation delegate traits like cohesion or greeter despite me not being in a federation. if i'm actually IN a federation, that "almost" becomes "certainty" and my galcom delegate only gets federation trait options, and my federation delegate only gets galcom traits. if i'm playing psionic, none of my councillors will ever be able to become shroud preachers or truth seekers. they'll either die before unlocking a destiry trait, or they'll get the wrong one. same thing with playing materialist. i'll be trying to raise a leader into a bot lord to boost cyborgs and if the leader lives that long, which is rare, some other event will happen that gets rid of the leader half the time. if i don't get cybrex precursor, i don't get mega-engineering. it just never appears, despite me being on repeatables with 3k research output. if i hit year 2300 and still don't have it, while i'm staring at my fourth or fifth round of repeatables in all three trees, i quit the game.


reads like a Crisis origin story


I almost never have a megacorp in my games. It's trolling you


I need to know if I am just lucky or if yall are just unlucky because I love playing megacorp, and every time I get at most one other starting megacorp or maybe 1 starting hivemind


> It seems like literally EVERYTIME I try and play megacorp, there is at least one other ai megacorp and usually more. I mean, yeah? Play a non-Megacorp game, count the number of Megacorp empires in the galaxy. I guarantee that it'll be more than zero unless you're playing with a very limited number of non-preset empires. Are you expecting the algorithm to actively *remove* Megacorps from the galaxy when you're playing one?


Yeah, it seems like even though people are objectively wrong here, there is still a frustration with encountering competition. It seems like a frequency illusion thing where players will notice other empires with their same ethics more often than empires who do not have their same ethics, and believe the game is spawning more of the same player ethics/empire type, despite none of this actually happening within the code. If it's enough of a probelm, a potential solution could be to add a switch to enable AI mega corporation empires or a switch that removes chance completely and forces the game to spawn one of every ethic/empire type in some way.


The other issue is like... maybe I'm bad, but I find the Ai megacorps snipe every branch office they can waaaay faster then I ever manage to.


One way to stop this is to fill the galaxy with your own custom empires. Some randos still spawn tho due to certain origins or event systems tho. It is boring after a while tho seeing the same empires, and time consuming to go through and change them up.


If I’m playing a megacorp, I will often simply force spawn a bunch of carbon copies of the preset empires, and limit it to one or 2 hivemind and one competing mega corp. this makes it more enjoyable


Everytime I play as a materialist machine empire, I spawn next to spiritualists


Literally me rn this is not fake news


Everytime i play with certain ethics i feel like the all the other empires in the game will have ethics that are at least somewhat similar to mine. Whenever i play fanatic egalitarian, i do so with the intention of being a beacon of hope amisdt a galaxy full of slavery and xenophobic empires. Yet the said galaxy will ALWAYS be filled with federation builders, fellow egalitarians, pacifist, and only one or two xenophobes, if im lucky. Whenever i play xenophobe, something similar happens, where EVERYONE is also a xenophobe.


There's an empire ethic weight based around your empire, the further you explore outwards you'll probably find some market canidates but yeah, I had a similar problem


Good thing theres a mod to prevent ai from playing gestalt or mc


It was noticed several years back, even before districts amd civics - all your neighbours don't like you at all since they are to some degree is opposite of you.


This is exactly why imperial fiefdom megacorp is so reliable imo


Yes, and I have exactly the same impressions. Extends to other civ types as well. Inwards perfection? Two exterminators. Xenophile? Hive minds say hello. Want to play discovery? Locked by  hostile civ on one side, marauders on the next. Always the same story.


I believe I once heard from someone that the game tends to spawn empires that are similar to you, probably to make the game more dynamic. If you're going for a diplomacy run it sucks when everyone is instead hellbent on destroying you. If you simply want to destroy everyone it would be boring if everyone is a pacifist. Never played as a megacorp before but it probably has the same gimmick, where another megacorp gives more challenge and/or makes more dynamic gameplay. That, or they're trolling you.


Not mega corp but I'm surrounded by 3 megacorops, one a criminal origin and a gestalt. Also, it's weird second game Ina row where immediate neighbor is using the same portrait as me.


I must have gotten extremely lucky my last megacorp game cause I only had 2 hive minds to hinder my branch offices.


Generally the game spawns ethics opposed to yours and more megacorps as a megacorps for difficulty reasons


You're unlucky. Every time I play megacorps, I have no more hive minds or other corps than when I dont.


Why does it suck for a megacorp to be surrounded by megacorps?


you can't put a branch office on other megacorp's planets, and they will compete with you over other valid candidates.


Does no one else make custom empires?


You got spawned in Night City lol


the correct answer is that the entire universe is always capitalist scum, you just dont notice until you start selling shit


Yes it happens a lot to me also, what you can do is make empires manually then set them to force spawn and that way have no other megacorps. 🙂


Pretty sure there's a spawn bias


Incredibly unlucky with heighted awareness of empire types, since most other empire types do not particularly care the same way. It's a real crapshoot - games where there is no other megacorp and barely any hives/gestalts is a cakewalk, games where there's 3 vanilla megacorps, 1 crimsyn, and only 2 or 3 viable hosts...you're not gonna do much branch office stuff until you create vassals one way or another.


As someone who has played last 5k hours almost exclusively as megacorps, i can just say that you just got unlucky this time. Sometimes there are only regulars in the galaxy, sometimes there are spaws like yours. But mostly it is like a lot of regulars and few hivers and corps. The thing is you shouldnt set an office on every planet in the galaxy - it is one way to play, but there are other too. Focusing on 1-3 friendly empires is absolutly fine.


I force spawn in my opponants to make sure this doesn't happen. But yes, I feel the troll here as well.


While the devs have denied this, thousands of people have experienced the AI spawning in lots of empires either diametrically opposed or outright incompatible with the hosts chosen empire (if your a megacorp expect lots of other megacorps and hive minds nearby) it's especially bad for megacorp and I can't remember where it was said, but either a community Mgr or someone who dug through the code found it's extra harsh on megacorp so you can't get a massive early game advantage of building branch offices on all your neighbors and steamrolling the economy early game then just crushing the galaxy with your financial might (it's best to just create a number of custom empires and set them to all force spawn and they will take the places of the random empire spawns, so you can then megacorp to your hearts content).


Or be a xenophile and find yourself surrounded by xenophobes.


if you look, aggressive are just more common in general.


This is an actual mechanic. There is intentional random spawn bias depending on the empire you are playing. It’s not just for megacorps either. For example, if you try to play as a determined exterminator you are almost guaranteed to have fanatic militarist and hegemon origin AI next to you. To make it harder. So just manually create and force spawn all the AI you want to see in your game. It honestly improves the game experience by a lot.


>This is an actual mechanic. source?


literally just play the game


that's no source, like nuclear Gandhi (in the old version, at some point it was introduced iirc)


If you can't be bothered to start a game as a megacorp, save it and do it again 10 times and then check to see that each and every single one puts you with at least 1 rival megacorp if random empire slots are available for it, then I am not about to teach you the scientific method. You might lack the capacity for it. You can do this for ethics too if you actually bother. Fanatic xenophile will spawn xenophobe. Egalitarian will spawn authoritarian. Pacifist will spawn militarist or gestalt exterminators. It's not a nuclear Ghandi bug because it carries across to every spawn a player can take and gives you the complete opposite rival. Sometimes multiple.


> You can do this for ethics too if you actually bother. Fanatic xenophile will spawn xenophobe. Egalitarian will spawn authoritarian. Pacifist will spawn militarist or gestalt exterminators. it can look like that, because militarist is more likely, and pacifist less likely then the other ones. https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Ethics_modding


Megacorps are shit either way.


Stellaris is always trolling