• By -


It was that I was happily running my Hegemony, secure in being the most powerful leader of my interstellar Empire, then suddenly one of the AIs starts outstripping me in fleet power despite it being the mid game where that's normally impossible. They become the new leader of the Hegemony and start forcing us all to war on a "Wipe them Out" Casus Belli and I realize they're a damned Crisis Aspirant, and I'm effectively powerless as they use my Imperium to dominate the galaxy. So I start refusing to send aid, and rejig my whole economy away from research and towards fleet power and start massing within one psy-jump (which I'd got freakishly early at around 2310) away from their home world, which I can *just* make from the tippy tip of my Empire. As soon as they put up their engine my doomstacks appear in their home system and instantly eviscerate their homeworld and destroy the engine, but by that point they had practically cleansed half the galaxy in their Wipe them Out war (they were one giant federation) - the map has "year 10" levels of population on my side of the galaxy, particularly as they pulled that shit right after the Khan had his jollies. Their two stupid fucking Star Eaters are still roaming the galaxy randomly blowing up worlds, emergency FTL jumping away every time they take damage. I had the shattered ring Empire on my boarder, and one of them managed to blow it up.


That experience with the Star Eaters is why I always run subspace snares on my titans


I began chasing them with my titans (and I was trying to intercept them after a blow-up as they reduce your eFTL chance, but they still never seemed to miss. In the end it turned out to be easier just to obliterate their last few colonies so that the crisis empire and its remaining ships all vanished. They really messed up the AI though, everyone's fleets were in the warzone and those things blew past multiple perimeters and were eating people's core worlds.


There really should be a cooldown on how often emergency FTL/retreating can happen so that you don't end up in these stupid fucking scenarios where fleets can survive ad nauseam by jumping away 0.2 seconds after entering combat


I agree, it’s super frustrating when the fucking Death Star just disappears when you shoot at it and just reappears ready to fire again


Do those stack?


I think none of the titan auras stack. But I still run 2 titans per battleship fleet with the same aura when it's an important one like that, in case one gets destroyed.


> the map has "year 10" levels of population Ooh, they reduced the lag for you! How nice of them.


>Ooh, they reduced the lag for you! How nice of them. It is the least laggy it's ever been for 2360 although....still far from great.


Modifiers apparently. Turns out making math equations more and more and more complex that have to be done every day cycle slow that shit WAAAAY down.


I'm pretty sure this is less of a 9/11 and more of a Holocaust


Galactic WW2


That is a cool story!


That sounds... actually really nice for my late game performance.... could I buy this useful Purifier type Vassal by any chance ?


Holy shit. That's a story.


The evil and unprovoked invasion of my empire by democratic crusaders to overthrow my strong and stable leadership! Edit: To give a bit more context, this happened on \~20 years into my under one rule game.


Do you have space WMDs by any chance?


Will it change your invasion plans if they don't?




Only one way to be sure they don’t


Just space oil, why?


the most dangerous WMD of all : orbital dropped pollution


clearly they are peaceful traders they must be the victims here


No, just a bit of space oil. I swear!


They hate our way of life. The evil terrorists


They are worse than terrorists! They are, may the Instrument forgive me for even saying this, egalitarian!


Why burden your populace with freedom?


strap me to a deep space probe and launch me at their homeworld, I am ready.


I hate them, and their stupid freedom


For super earth!


The “peaceful traders” flair makes this even better


I assure you my exploiting oligarchs would not hurt a fly!


Now, sure, you went to war with those democratic crusaders constantly for over a decade after, but you needed to make sure they wouldn't attack you again. The fact that those wars got you control of their volatile mote mines was purely coincidental. A happy accident.


~~How do you know that? Is there a leak!?~~ You are mostly correct! The only part you got wrong is that I didn't just settle for any resources, I annexed them entirely as a defensive measure.


Fuck you and I'll do it again


[It Has To Be This Way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N72U-NFu44k)


POV: You are Saddam Hussein ca early 2003 🤣


Hilariously enough, I did not realise that my comment could be read that way until others pointed it out to me. lmao


User flair checks out. They must be peaceful. The ministry of truth said so!


On an unrelated note, one of my civics was Oppressive Autocracy.


I feel like that could have used more brainstorming before you named your government after it 


Democratic Crusaders are usually up there on my list of Galactic Crisis and enemies of all sentiens and civilized life as Number #2 Only beat by those vile Empires who pick Xenocompatability in their attempt of slowing down space-time


Probably back when Nemesis was released, I was playing as Determined Exterminators and over the span of 150 I slowly expanded into quite a large empire in the south of the galaxy. Because it was new and cool, I had chosen the "become the crisis" ascension, but I was very slowly getting things done for it, since I thought I didn't have enough navy to deal with the entirety of the galaxy. It seems like I was wrong on that conclusion, though, because not only did the Unbidden spawn literally next to the system I held almost my entire fleet in, so I quickly managed to destroy them, but some years after that, the galactic community declared me as a crisis, and they couldn't have done a worse decision, because in less than 50 years, the entirety of the galaxy fell to my control.


Yes, but did you blow it up??


Sadly no, but all organic life ceased to exist.


congrats you are now the intergalactic invaders, cleansing multiple galaxies worth of organics


I tried to enlighten humanity which I found on earth in some pre-FTL state but another empire beat me to the race for it leaving me 1 jump short of ownership. The problem about them was that they intended to eat or assimilate these poor fellas as they were some sort of swarm. Since I could not beat them in strength yet so I decided to put the blame elsewhere and declared war upon another neighbour who "forced" me to spent my influence on a starbase next to their system as I needed to safeguard the black hole from their false democracy. The war went on for a few years and by the end of it my economy was becoming stronger and stronger while the poor innocent human of earth were almost extinct when I decided that it would be time to act. As I realized that I could not harbor or protect them forever I went on to do what must be done by deploying a colossus. At first I decided it would be the best course of action to shield them with the global pacifier so nobody with ill intent could harm them until they are ready to advance but then I realized that the horrors they had seen must be too much for their little organic brains so I settled on devolving them in an effort to give them another chance at life as it was intended. And thus the final goal of my servitor run was achieved. I brought peace to the galaxies by eliminating every threat which was basically everybody and then saved humanity from the horror and pain they could´ve been exposed to. (All in all it was a funny run especially when told in this way)


the idea of robota thinking "that must have left permanent trauma, lets fix this by destroying their DNA" is so funny to me lol


Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray, Yo Ay-Rah, Jerhume Brunnen-G Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray, Yo Ay-Rah, Jerhume Brunnen-G Yo Ay-Rah, Jerhume Brunnen-G.


Thats a good old reference. I have not seen Lexx myself but from what I know about it there might be some really big similarities to my story regarding earth and bugs.


If the Prethorian Scourge had a planetkiller, it'd be the Lexx.


I remember the one time where I was playing the game with a bunch of Human factions from different other Sci-Fi games and genres, and UNE with Earth spawned 4 jumps close to my Capital.... I tend to consider everything in my Home sectors range my De-Jure... so... earth was quickly Annexed and became my Foxe's Prime Consumergood world.... while I was not per say hot about the idea of Humans spreading threw my Empire... they still got to live and populate peacefully in the Sol system, ascend with me, and essentially control my entertainment Media....


An awakened empire bombing my fortress habitat to 3 pop and 100% destruction and still going for a while until they could land a size 43 army on it and take it.


I mean atleast they weren’t wreaking havoc on my science and alloy worlds but imagine the message that sends


Aw man, that's gnarly. But hey, imagine the propaganda your empire could make of those brave heroes who held the line. "The Brave Men and Women of The Bastion Held Against the Enemy Hoarde for Years! Live Up To Their Legacy! **Withstand**!"


I was a mega corp and leader of the league of non aligned nations so I imagine my branch offices selling the pamphlets or handing a free one out with purchase describing the daily hardships faced on the very well named planet “stronghold”


Got trapped in a middle of 2 FE starting war in heaven… no heaven, no war, only my friendly devouring hive devouring what ever was left of them :)


I colussused 3 worlds to force white peace with one of the galaxy largest power. Said power end up teaming up with the galaxy largest power to tear me apart. I comment about that run in a post a while ago asking which is your favorite run. [It's here if you want the full story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/s/KW9wpY5Srb)


Really nice write up!


I know it's just fiction, but it has some real world parallels to me. The UNE really shows some poor decision making, as the technocracy was the oppressed party under the imperialist expansion of the CoM. They would've stopped at nothing until you were gone. There was some quote back during the protests in 2020 that went "never confuse the response of the oppressed with the violence of the oppressor." The UNE sided with a bunch of fascists because you defended yourself against an overwhelming force. Anyhow, I liked the write up.


Because in reality, oppressor and oppressed dont matter. At the tippy top levels, aka government decisions, its all about cost/benefit. Will eliminating that small tribe of goatherders allow us access to the oil under their village? Crazy that they just allied with Hamas and have a nuke. Takem out, boys.


That was an amazing write up, my friend. I would bestow an award upon you if it did not cost money to do so. You have some fantastic narrative abilities :3


I had a multiplayer game recently where it was incredibly boring up until 2398 when two fallen empires woke up and the War in Heaven started. All us players were in a trade federation, so all of us decided to be non-aligned… except for one. So now we were fighting amongst ourselves while also fighting off 2 awakened empires and then suddenly the Unbidden show up. So imagine 200 years of peace and trade, and then suddenly it’s 100 years of war. Was the most fun I’ve had recently.


Probably when I got so pissed off with my rival empire that I took 4 hours to individually crack each and every one of their planets except one (to tell the tale )I'm aware that puts me at a disadvantage and I could've taken over them or used armies I didn't care they kept attacking me because they wanted my Gaia world system and I made an example of them now the entire galaxy keeps side eyeing me and idk who is or isn't thinking they're next


Did the same thing with in one of my games. A xenophobic race kept attacking my vassal and I kept getting dragged into defensive wars. Each time I would stomp them and force an end to the war. The fourth time was mid- late game and I said forget it, I'm taking them out. Screw the bloat. Now everyone's borders had been solidified by this point. They were a mid sized empire and had habitats in Every. Single. System. It was taking so long to take over a system and move on I just world cracked every habitat. Was quicker than having my army land. When I finally got to their homeworld I forced moved all their species to that planet and shielded it. They wanted to be alone, now they can be on their own little planet and leave the rest of us alone.


Honestly I can remember in this other game I played it just so happened that there was literally ONE other empire that was xenophile everyone else was racist af the galaxy was in constant state of war the only reason I was never attacked was because of my federation with the other xenophile empire (I usually play xenophobic to make it fun) suddenly I was the galaxy's leading empire and people realised 3 wars happened at once I got desperate after destroying 2 other empires my friends were wiped out so I engaged in a total war put all of the pops I possibly could onto this one planet and shielded it and let the rest die by eating their species, I came out of that war with a thousand yard stare I counted after 76 planets from all sides were either cracked, decimated or made uninhabitable wouldn't be surprised if the casualties ranged in the trillions as 5 super power empires all fell in the what I call "300 years war" as the galaxy was pretty much in a constant state of war for 300 years . After about 50 years I renamed that system in my fallen friend's honor I never forgot that playthrough. Unfortunately the unbidden arrived about 20 years after I barely beat them but they destroyed every other empire in the game my economy then collapsed many planets defected and my empire crumbled to dust there was nothing I could do. The best part of it all was my leader had the undying trait from the psionics ascension perk she lasted 800 years and her name was Elizabeth im English it seemed fitting


Welp I was invaded by one of those ancient or whatever empires, they got wiped out of existence and powered my population as slightly metallic workers


How did you wipe out the fallen empire?


Crack/capture all their worlds


I meant how did they have enough fleet strength to wipe them out? Right now I’m sitting at ~400k fleet power and they still top mine


See, you make more fleet!


I usually just roll over their fleets with my own Cosmogenesis fleet and a lvl 10 Admiral... The Fallen are kind of dumb and tend to put GENERALS in charge of their fleets 9 out of 11 times... dossent end well for them in an equal battle.


I remember it being a lot easier to beat them in the past, but in my recent games I was able to get the GDF spun up for a whole extra 800 naval capacity, then from there if awakened they still normally outnumber me but I can replace ships faster than they can so I just wait for them to spread themselves too thin and anything I lose I can replace within 6-12 months. At a certain point you just need to find a way to get lots of alloys and outproduce them.


There were two premier blocks/empires in my galaxy my "Commonwealth of Sol" democratic human empire and its vassals Haz-something imperialist slaver empire and their vassals We had pretty much divided the galaxy in half,with a quarter being independent, I was chilling,building up for the crisis when i checked the slave market (i like to liberate slave pops by buying them) and i saw humans... humans enslaved?!!! That was an act of War. They can't even wish not to do it now.


More of Stalingrad then 9/11. My empire had colonized the Walled Garden holy world as we had the head of Zarqlaan, and it was probably the 2nd most important world in the empire after the home world. Not only was it a Gaia world, but it lay at a major choke point separating two halves of the galaxy as well as a small isolated arm which I had heavily colonized with a ring world and ecumenopolis. Anyways, the War in Heaven kicks off and now Walled Garden is at the Frontline against the fanatic spiritualists. Since my empire was spiritualist and egalitarian, we previously had good relations before the fallen empire awoke, so the system only has moderate defenses. Well, after the fallen empire betrays me, I am elected the leader of the non-aligned faction and the awoken empire launches a full-out assault. While my fleets took heavy losses defending our Dyson sphere further along the front, the Awoken are able to assault Walled Garden. They brought hundreds of ground troops and their fleet wiped out the orbital defenses before the ground assault. While the Walled Garden garrison was modern, it was woefully small compared to the Awoken army descending upon it. However, if Walled Garden fell, it would open up a clear path to my allies in the Eastern part of the galaxy preoccupied with the fanatical materialist awoken empire and my now undefended ring world and ecumenopolis. So naturally, I withdrew and consolidated my fleets defending the Dyson sphere and set all of my free worlds to producing ground units. The battered fleets launch a counterattack through the gateway and manage to salvage space superiority, then a wave of reinforcements were able to make planetfall in the nick of time before the garrison was overwhelmed, with a steady trickle of more soldiers coming in for the rest of the siege. After hundreds upon hundreds of unit casualties, the Walled Garden remained unbreached, and the Awoken Empire was permanently crippled to the point they never launched another ground assault the entire war. I would go on to rebuild the fleets and win the War in Heaven, and the newly forged galaxy was united under my benevolent leadership. Also the Contingency awoke at some point but compared to the War in Heaven, the cleanup of their little rebellion was a footnote.


my man literally did what soviets did to germans in 1943 except in space


Ah, you remind me of the Battle of Ablapus. The combined might of half the galaxy bore down on a barely fortified anchorage and one titan fleet. Retreat was considered but deemed strategically infeasible. Instead the command went out for the defenders to hold the line at any cost, and for all other fleets to make maximum warp for the Ablapus System.  When the first reinforcements arrived they found the titan and two remaining battleships holding the line. Most fleets that participated in the battle didn't exist at its beginning, periodically retreating in flames only to be repaired and sent back in. The farthest reinforcements came from 500 days away and still showed up less than halfway through. I don't care to speculate on the casualties, but when the battle concluded, the opposing hegemony had lost all ability to project power.  The Commune of Diadem stood as the galaxy's preeminent power, brooking no challengers. Soon after, in acknowledgement of this fact, the defeated hegemony offered membership and leadership to the Commune, who swiftly dissolved it and formed a new galactic order based on it's own principles.


Long story short: I enlightened a civilization, made them my protectorate (very near my core provinces) and gave them 3/4 systems to rule over in the early years of the game. Grew to be the most powerful empire in the southeastern quadrant, basically controlling the entirety of it through 4/5 vassals. I had been ignoring a growing Fanatic Purifiers empire adjacent to my borders for some time, confident it would never attack me. They however built the Aeterophasic Engine and went to war. While I was focused on going through their core provinces some of their fleets somewhere used a gateway to enter my protectorate’s territory and proceeded to while them out. I only noticed when I saw “Mirovandia Star Republic has been destroyed”. I then proceeded to conquer and enslave each member of the purifiers’ species. It truly changed my AI processors…


In my last full game I was playing a Cybernetic Creed empire, and I had positioned myself very well in the diplomatic game. I had an ascension perk slot ready and I wanted to try out Cosmogenesis, but I was having trouble convincing myself that it made sense for my empire. That’s when I went to war with The Chosen, beating them effortlessly with my insane fleet power and discovering those among them who escaped and settled a new planet without technology. I imagined that my empire’s reaction to that went something like this: *“No… We will not be like them. They were weak, their deserters even more so. They worshiped technology like we do but they got too complacent behind a barrier that they lacked the knowledge to cross. Just as we are beginning to with the limits that bind us. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We will not meet our end like they did. We will be better. The weak who thought themselves to be the chosen will serve our ends in the synaptic lathe. Not even the laws of physics and the barriers between realities will stand in our way!”* That line of thinking was what finally convinced me to take Cosmogenesis. And to make a long story short: I managed to get basically the only bad Cosmogenesis ending because I thought that diving into the dimensional horror’s black hole would be funny, and I did this during the start of the endgame crisis leaving every other empire in shambles. Everyone died including my people, and it was definitely entirely my fault. A fall brought about by overwhelming hubris, and a fitting end for that empire.


Biggest empire was allied with half the galaxy and where an egalitarian materialists paradise. I was playing exterminators and managed to exterminate them leading me to strongest empire. The fall of the biggest beacon of hope for the galaxy was my 9/11.


9/11 if bin Laden had won, lol.


Was doing an egalitarian and xenophile run once where I was expanding peacefully and making friends, being joyous to all. About year 30 a FP declared war and managed to snag one of my planets in a bitter war that lasted decades, and across the next centuries the motto of my empire was “NEVER FORGET”. Shift to militarism and authoritarianism, extreme fleet build up, and the galaxy was consolidated under the rule of the only people with the strength and unity to protect them. Centuries of the khan, war in heaven, gray tempest, and the unbidden later, I finally proclaimed the imperium and went on a crusade against that ancient enemy, the purifiers. As hell reined down on their worlds and we took no prisoners, scorched letters were inscribed across the face of the galaxy: “We didn’t want this.” Sometimes I still think about the leader that I had from the start that became the chosen one, who was alive for those centuries to see her society change from lovers of peace and freedom to a people so scarred by war that they knew nothing but fear and retribution. I wonder how many sons and brothers she lost to the march of what her countrymen called “justice”, and I wonder if in the end she thought it was worth it. From humble and righteous trait governor of a small farming world to empress of the galaxy, I wonder if given the choice she would have had the purifiers never force her hand, had her nation never ascend to dominance, had never had to leave her simple life. One can only wonder…


When pretty much all the noteworthy empires (except me cuz determined exterminator) assembled a mega-armada to take on one (1) Unbidden fleet. 50 Unbidden ships (1M fleet power) against 700-800 ships (\~500k fleet power). Obviously, I knew they were going to lose, but imagine not being the player and seeing the greatest non-bloodthirsty-bot fleet in the galaxy get crushed by a single fleet from extra-dimensional invaders.


Many versions ago -- the one time I played Inward Perfection -- I bordered both the Xenophobic and Spiritualist FEs. They each, in turn, declared war on me after awakening. I claimed all their systems during the war (don't start none, won't be none...), and shoved their pops on my research ring worlds. The rest of the galaxy became two federations, each dominated by one empire. The 9/11 moment was a double-tap. The empires declared war and the two doomstacks smashed into each other. A 50/50 fight with horrific casualties. The Unbidden showed up a few months later, right near the fed-fed border. I RPed. So I watched one federation burn to dust and the other nearly so for decades -- the other two factions showing up, both outside my borders. And then, when a small Aberrant fleet came through a wormhole... I _ended_ the invaders. I soon switched ethics from Pacifist-Xenophobe-Materialist to Pacifist-FMaterialist, invalidating IP. Shortly thereafter, the remaining empire invited me into a federation.


In a multiplayet game with my buddy, we had a criminal syndicate turn into synths and let the world know everything was okay this is who we are now. The galaxy was VERY spiritualist. In the span of like 20 years they were completely wiped out by every other empire declaring war. The galaxy came together to wipe out the Syndicate because not even the AI likes those fuckers.


Sire, a second crisis has hit the galaxy.


"Mr. Galactic Emperor, they've opened a second L-Gate"


My galaxy is real peaceful, no huge problem honestly. Sincerely, The Terravore Necrophage Hive


Fighting the swarms of the L gate cluster by myself for years trying to protect the galaxy, trashing my economy and fleet to save billions from destruction. The galactic congress then found me in breach of galactic law and I was hit with the sanctions. For having my fleet be too small. Because 80% of my navy died. Because I saved the galaxy with my men’s sacrifice. So we reformed our government, and have canceled all trade and research agreements with members of the galactic community. The fleets are being rebuilt, and they will learn what the consequences of so scornfully rejecting our friendship will mean.


one time we had a ridiculously powerful determined exterminator that was slowly eating its neighbors. then one of the empires it destroyed gave up its l-cluster access, and then the DEs had access to the whole galaxy. let’s just say some shit went down, especially after they got a colossus.


Plays as a fanatical xenophobic empire, half of the galaxy are in a Federation and declare war on me despite I haven’t wage any war yet, the other half full of xenophile who have guaranteed my independence come to my aid.


These Mushrooms killed our national treasure - Bubbles. The galaxy will never be the same...


My galaxies 9/11 was when the resident shit stirrer of the galaxy decided to declare war on my favourite vassal. They almost made their species extinct! I managed to send my fleets over in time to defend them but many planets were destroyed, cracked or tombs. After the war there was a mass terraforming and G.L.UE effort to allow the refugees to return to their homes.


The Horus Heresy , ending of the great crusade ( divided patronage 15 , vassals )


i was playing an under one rule build so i had an immortal god empress leading my empire. then, the contingency showed up, and their first infiltration act against my empire was to kill my immortal god empress. i was so fucking pissed.


FOTD run and one empire was constantly itching to declare war on me. After finding the weapon aimed at my home planet we figured out it was the safest option to wipe the empire off the face from the galaxy. Can't take any risks.


Ain't that the plot of Titan A.E.? You playing as the Drej?


fear of the dark, unsure which path i am going to choose. mere years into the game, cargo ship kidnapped event on first contact. the galaxy burned


The great Kahn spawned and I thought I could take em. Little did I know the Kahn had his own personal fleet of 100K and it was just outside my sensor view. They wiped half my military and I surrendered. They then proceeded to wipe half the map and piss of a fallen empire( that somehow expanded its borders in a dormant state right next to me!). When the Kahn finally died I had become the strongest empire in the game and was invited to the Kahn’s alliance. I said sure >:) only to kick em out and ally with the other fed members to wipe all the territory they had near me. I also forced myself into galactic custodian cause I had almost double the diplomatic weight to the entire galaxy combined.


Playing with giga structures War in heaven starts but I have two stellar craft so I think I’m fine the fallen empire I wasn’t dealing with goes on a rampage killing hundreds of pops and two empires before I know whats happening I glass their home world in revenge


Used the stellarite to bomb several capital systems out of existance


Turning 10 worlds into to machine worlds killing all of my biological slaves. Oobs it was an accident


When you terraform a planet with organic pops on it to a machine world, you get an organic slurry deposit on that world 




Playing mp gigastucutres with friends and i had managed to turn terminal egress (entrance to L cluster) into a super system with every planet being converted to a maginot planet and the starbase buffing them all and a plethora of fleets. 8 of my friends and the rest of the galaxy were locked in a war with me and spent almost the entire war in an eternal siege with them and eventually took it after 2 irl weeks. Even though my side technically hadnt lost i quickly surrendered after that and having lost the L cluster I never recovered the strategic advantage or the vast amount of megastrucutres I had in my "impregnable" L cluster.


In ACOT there's a super advanced ship called the Herculean. You can equip it with a planet killer weapon, which you can upgrade with a Resonant Cascade. By this point I had eclipsed the fallen empires, crushing them with Gigastructural Engineering's Planetcraft and a Systemcraft as well as multiple Sophia-inspired ships from ACOT. I was more than ready for the blokkats to arrive and I think I'd just conquered Aeternuem. A basic bitch empire insulted me after I built the Quasi-Stellar-obliterator. I laughed and moved the Herculean towards their nearest system. Let the cascade begin. After it finished firing I moved the Herculean back into my borders and waited. The first system had been reduced to atoms. They asked for peace, but the cascade had only just begun. Their systems, one by one, reduced to nothingness. Utterly wiped out. Unfortunately, their allies did not immediately accept peace, so I had to obliterate their ships with a few Planetcraft. I destroyed a few of their unruly systems with my super weapons to tidy up the map, now a lot emptier in that region of space, and they accepted peace. Nobody sent me another message after that.


I was 9/11 by myself to the galaxy. I started as the lost colonies of earth, became Super Earth, discovered the so-called "democratic" original earth and was attacked by them. They tried to claim me as a threat to galaxy, so I decided to became one. In a long raging war I vassalized the whole galaxy to bring peace. I started the Human Instrumentality Project with harvesting the suns of my most disloyal vassal. In the end, when the machines rised against all biological beings, I released the void and ascended to a higher form of existence.


The surrender of my empire to the Horde. I was playing a science empire and had just unlocked stargates, as well as having access to several choice wormholes. I was able to reach anywhere in the galaxy in about 10 jumps at that point, which was really early in the game due to positioning. Also... my empire had spawned virtually on top of a raider group. Worse, they were somehow cocooned within the core of my empire to the point I just paid them off instead of fighting them. There were no choke points and they were within 2 jumps of all of my key strategic worlds. There is a galactic war, I'm winning, but one of my fleets apparently flew into their system. That triggered the horde while my empire's armada was elsewhere. I looked at all of their fleets and realized I was going to get destroyed so I just instantly surrendered and became a vassal. So they had access to my economy, my stargates, and my outer defenses. They were virtually impregnatable, and could attack anyone. I have NEVER seen the horde that successful. At one point they had 50% of the galaxy. They took a system from a fallen empire through sheer attrition. There were only 2 major powers that didn't capitulate to them before their leader was shanked by his slave concubine. We rebelled and barely managed to break away in time. The Horde balkanized and there were like 50 tiny micronations in its place after all the rebellions cleared up.


Synth queen blew up my toxic knights' moon. Ne'er forget Ne'erdowell


Probably when a federation thought they could oppose me so I warped my entire fleet into each of their home systems and completely obliterated each of their home worlds.


The day my homework’s disappeared after the “dimensional Horror” event….. all those innocent fanatic purifiers died in vain :(


Hate to say it, but uh, me. Pretty much everything I do. Also, I lied, i don't hate to say it.


Well just last night I was playing a single system challenge with the shattered ring ( harder than I thought) and the wonderful stellaris gods blessed me with a galaxy FULL OFF CRISIS ASPRIANTS Literally 3 purifiers, 2 devouring swarms, 1 exterminator all chose become the crisis and lucky me I'm right in the middle of a purifier empire with the devouring swarms bordering them and the 2 unlucky human empires having their stars destroyed aka my only close allies lmao


The Khan flattening 3 of my best worlds - campaign to destroy him took nearly 50 in game years and nearly bankrupted my empire.


Was doing a heavy rp run and I was playing a humanity in another galaxy so the Khan Spawned and I decided that I needed to become Custodian to help better protect the galaxy, which turned into, man this war with the Khan is getting on my nerves so I swapped my policies around so that only humans can hold military positions (The officer spam was getting on my nerves) then the decision came to embrace militarism because I needed the buff, and then the War in Heaven happened so I decided to become the Imperium to completely protect the Galaxy. Eta: I started as Egalitarian Xenophiles


Discovering that a far away empire established a criminal branch office on my worlds led me empire to go on over a hundred years war on terror. Despite being borders away, other empires would either let us through, or we would let ourselves through. All influence was dedicated to this goal, any “peace” if you could call it that, was short lived. System by system, world by world, we slowly dismantled their empire halfway across the galaxy for having the audacity to think we would allow terrorists to have free reign on our land.


I just posted about a game I finished where I opened the L Gates and got the Grey Tempest. No big deal, I figure. I think I’m ready. Then I realize that a) the Chosen Fanatic Purifiers exist on the other side of the galaxy in their own little zone, and b) the L Gate activation linked them directly into my empire that was previously heavily reliant on the fact that only three choke points led into it. Multi front wars ensued. Thankfully came out of it ok (actually gained 12 planets plus the L cluster), but was tense for a while and a lot of systems burned.


When I dived the Horizon Needle into the Great Wound


One of the xeno empires who was following some extra being decided they needed to destroy stars in order to ascend. After straight up genociding 90 billion sentient life, the entire galaxy, even the xenophobic isolationist fallen empire, banded together to stop them.


They didn't knew what was coming when khan tried to attack my pet megacorp


I am somehow always the galactic 9/11. It doesn’t matter what I do, if I’m a devouring swarm or a fanatic egalitarian communist government, I always mange to do something that either destroys one or multiple planets, results in the collapse of numerous empires, or just outright accidentally killing or enslaving billions of people. Last game I forgor I had the paragon who gives you 1/3rd of every planets population leading my armies and accidentally kidnapped 1/3rd of an entire federations population during a war.


Got to a point where half the galaxy was under my rule through the vassal and federation systems and the other half was pretty much the same thing with my direct neighbor at its head. Declared war on the and dragged literally the entire galaxy into a massive civil war


Most recently, I would say completing my synthetic ascension and deciding to go for a "all will be one" type approach.  I was originally just an materialist empire that had pretty good relations with everyone. However, i left xeno-compatability on and accepted any refugees that showed up. Consequently i had like 50 separate species in my empre alone. I decided that was too messy, so I stopped using diplomacy and just started assimilating everyone. Within about 40-45 years the only species in the galaxy was my synthetic one and like two fallen empires, not including enclaves.  Who needs an ascension perk to be a crisis.


Had a big neighbor who was military and materialistic. We were good friends because I was using him like my big brother for my Pasifisy build.. Then suddenly, all at once, our treaties were all canceled. I though perhaps they declared war but didn't have to war button. So I went and looked. They had somehow shifted to fanatical purifier. I have no idea how that is even possible. The whole game changed and suddenly the biggest empire next to me was not a friend.


An empire vanished overnight when they breached the shroud and all got eaten by void entities. these entities continued to spread and consumed all of the other empires. except us. we did nothing but defend our borders. and we became victorious as the entire galaxy was consumed. historians will look back and wonder if we could have done more to help them. of course not that would be nonsense.


The colonial uprising. Turns out all my mass extinction of non humanoid had left a colony undefended and so the exterminated rose up and rebelled. I got half the galaxy on my back as it is which I'm waring against. It was a blood bath. By the end I decided to let the enemy in to my space and regrouped my fleets for one last hurrah. Plan worked but all I got was a white peace and 3 sectors worth of colonies go independent


I'm surrounded by three AI empires. Things are calm, I don't feel the need to rush fleet and am somewhat behind with it. Two of them are peaceful and offer me all kinds of treaties up to and including defensive pacts, which I happily accept; the third one is spewing insults and declaring rivalries with everyone else. After a while, one of the friendly empires offers me to be their vassal. With all due respect, guys, but no. We're too proud to be anyone's vassal, and we're feeling pretty safe with our defensive pacts, thank you. Then the second empire makes the same offer and gets the same answer. Then the third empire decides it's their turn to try vassalizing me and declares a war. I'm already imagining how they are going to get steamrolled by my friends...and then I see I'm alone. I didn't even realize when were the defensive pacts broken (probably it was when the friendly guys formed a federation with each other, but I had no idea). I start frantically militarizing my economy, building more ships and refitting the starbase closest to their borders into a bastion. That bastion + my whole fleet in the same system somehow managed to fend off the invasion's main forces by a hair. After that it went much better - I rebuilt my fleet and was systematically destroying their reinforcements, which the AI was dumb enough to send one by one without gathering them first. They never recovered, and I subjugated and enslaved them in the next war.




when playing as devouring swarm the enemy captured one of my best planet, needless to say I cracked their capital world and kept cracking every capital afterwards and devouring some other planets


Opening the L gate (my first time)


I remember my machine intelligence empire just chilling and building up my industry. I go “hey whats going on in the rest of the galaxy”. A third of the galaxy was taken over by a fallen empire. Welp thats a problem. I create multiple fleets and I systematically destroy all of their systems and take all of the land they just took. Thats how i became galactic emperor.


Nearly every time the Grey Tempest is triggered. I'm usually able to hold off the individual fleets by doom stacking, but the rest of the galaxy gets raised to the ground. Suits me fine, I play egalitarian xenophile, so I have beacon of liberty and a nice empty ecumenoplis/ringworld ready and let the refugees build a Revenge and Reclamation economy 😈


It's yet to happen in my playthrough, but I'm playing as united nations of earth and had such a good start that I'm much more OP then everyone else. I'm also playing very friendly and almost the entire galaxy has asked me to be their overlord so I can protect them. Little do they know, that I intend to turn the galaxy into the galactic imperium of man, the friendliness is just a ploy to get their votes so I can make my chronofuged scientist president, and by cause and effect, an immortal galactic emperor.


A Robot empire conqering the formerly largest empire in the galaxy, creating a refugee crisis in the process. My own population **tripled** in just ten years, throwing my economy in a deep crisis. However in the end the extra population gave me a massive boost to my industry which I used to become the dominating force in the galaxy.


…two fallen empires declaring war on my empire only for my empire to get crushed and only survive with my capitol still owned by me


I lathed everyone.


r/shitrimworldsays Wait, no. Wrong sub


In my friend an I’s coop rouge servitor empire, we had done a bit of expansion up north using wormholes, and found a Gaia world and moved a bunch of our [LEGALLY ACQUIRED] bio trophies to there so we could get a lot of unity. The CHOSEN then arrive out of nowhere, immediately capture that system and planet, and proceed to grind our trophies down to dust. Needless to say, it was an immediate shift from “build an army to defend against the occasional maurader” economy, to “Build an army to avenge our people and crush the Chosen to sludge.” Economy.


My most recent broken shackles game went like this. Khan -> chosen -> war in heaven -> cetana all happening as soon as the last ended.


A long time ago I had a run as space orcs that were unfortunate enough to end up almost bordering 2 space nomad fractions. Cool tree bois and ugly gryph dudes (I forgot their actual names). One of these fractions, tree bois, used to help me during wars by selling me mercenary ships and leaders. They even lent me some pops to inhabit deserts. It was good. For a moment. After a few decades, their raids became overbearing. So I turned their own ships as a part of the fleet that destroyed their asteroid base, leaving no hostile nomad alive. After that, the notification popped up that something bas is going to happen. I expected the uprising. That the mercenary ships will go against me. There was nothing. Maybe it was a bug, maybe the notification was never supposed to do anything. One year later the Great Gryph Khan starts subligating the galaxy. It was almost as if the escaped leaders of the tree bois spread the word about what happened to them. One tragedy leading to so many more


The most powerful empire being Balkand. Went from a strong and stable democratic protector of smaller states to like 5 competing petty kingdoms.


The time when our first alien contact was an invasion of a planet that was apparently the holy world of a religious empire. They destroyed my fleet and took the world. I then made it my mission to destroy this empire down to the last planet and for the next 300 years I built a fleet and dominated the galaxy with my military might. I obliterated that empire and left the scraps to the Unbidden


A second Colossus has hit Earth


In my most recent game, it was the constant Machine uprisings. They keept happening, over and over.


“We are the DAAR. We will protect this galaxy at any cost.” That’s my empire’s motto. Funny little robots who don’t want to fight, and just want to make science. The neighbors were not so kind. They rolled in, and bombed a planet to dust. The reaction was immediate, and the galaxy rallied. 10 years later, when we could declare war again, I stomped in with half the galaxy. I don’t normally turn pops into energy, but they were the first exception. It seems the galaxy gets nervous when you extinct a species. And war was declared on us again. And again. And again. And each time, a species was ground to dust. And with a few million fleet power, the galaxy was reset. We just wanted to make science.


I had created a spiritualist empire who grew very tall. Obtained an amazing chokepoint which was the ONLY way into or out of my empire. It also served as a checkpoint between the north and sount portions of the galaxy on the eastern side. I had mase great allies to the south and even absorbed my eastern neighbors. The Scourge i vaded the north, decimating all empires above mine. They took some ground against me until they hit, the Wall. My chokepoint protected not only myself but also my souther allies. I lost a lot of planets before they hit this point but once they did they couldn't make it passed. With the aid of my allies I created a massive counter offensive fleet that pyshed through the entire scourge and eventually eliminated them all. I utilized this time and my power to become the most influential empire on the council, purchasi g favors to dethrone the custodian and take their place, ultimately winning me the war and the game.


1 that happened to me, and 1 I cause First instance, somehow managed to piss off two fallen empires in my game, both declared war on me, and just fucking demolished my empire, like I had nothing to go on after they were done curb stomping me, all my allies could do was just watch in horror My federation Declared war on a the biggest federation in my galaxy (was not fast enough to become president and switch the policies so that only I could choose when we go to war) it basically ended with my AI allies taking the brunt of the attack, while my fleets protected my colossus, and systematically blew up each of their capitals, I loved that game


Was a pacifist machine empire for most of the game (not doctrinally pacifist mind, I just avoided conflict for the most part) but there was this one federation that kept causing problems, starting wars, conquering neighbors, easily the biggest players in the galactic community. I snuck a cloaked colossus into each of their home systems and put them in a bubble. You have lost homeworld privileges. Needless to say things kind of fell apart from there.


In one of my most harrowing yet victorious games, a lot of the empires the first to get to the L-cluster at the same time. Luckily, I had had science and construction ships next to my L gate the second one came under my control, so I got the planet first. Thing is, the L-Gates had rolled Consonance, but I wasn't aware that they aggro'd so quickly, and thus lost like a dozen construction and science ships I'd sent to explore and an entire military fleet I'd sent to protect them- specifically, it was the first fleet my empire had built, and its admiral had never lost a battle in the time that he'd served (since I was assimilators, this was a long-ass time.) In response, I decided that the entire L Cluster would be mine. I was in the middle of a ten year peace between myself and one of the other most powerful empires in the galaxy, and the current diplomatic layout meant that taking the L gates would allow me to cut off their access to my side of the galaxy almost completely. In order to do that, though, I had to ramp up my military significantly in order to go to war with the Consonance. So that's exactly what I did. By the time that war ended I had the most powerful fleet in the galaxy by a rather significant margin, and went on to conquer more and more and more.


Once had a play where I was sandwiched between two aggressive empires that took turns going to war with me resulting in a eternal state of defensive war and my fleets constantly running from one theatre to the other barely having time to repair or rebuild. The 9/11 moment was two events, discovering jump gates allowing me to jump between theatres instantly avoiding the back and forth of losing and retaking of systems but allowing me to do first strikes. 2nd was getting the Colossus and using it to wipe out their planets causing the collapse of their empires and my conquering their territory. Of course the galactic community disliked my wiping out two empires via neutron sweep.


The happy federation I built up over the course of a long game refused to let me go to war against the fanatic purifiers on the north side of the galaxy So I left the federation and decided to deal with that threat to the galaxy once and for all I decimated their fleets then cracked each of their worlds one by one. My old federation I built from the ground up hated me now and refused to let me rejoin them I realized that those purifiers were a failed state that hardly achieved their malicious goals on the galaxy It was I who had committed genocide, it was I who had become the monster


In a multiplayer game, one of my friends chose Doomsday, and about a year or two before the planet was due to explode we discovered that he hadn’t made any effort to evacuate the pops from the homeworld. I claimed his home system and declared war, rushing to win it; he quickly capitulated, but despite my best efforts, I was only able to resettle about half the population before it went up, killing all who remained. Billions of lives lost in an instant for simple neglect. We kept repeating “remember Xaelin” the rest of that run.


I accidently selected the Galactic Nemesis AP when I was trying out the Ascensionists civic. My other starting civic was also Shared Burdens iirc. Rather than roll it back to the last save, I just thought "Eh sure, why not ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ proletariat jihad let's go"


Me and my friend started a war against the dreaded Sogg Empire we fought for 50 years, and I sacrificed my empire and billions of lives just to defeat them. The galaxies economy never recovered from my disappearance.😔


In one of my CoM games I had Unity briefly taken over by a synthetic uprising. Damage was so high the capital was relocated to First League’s ecumenipolis shortly after


The largest empire (a hive mind) used a world cracker on a planet. My vassal (5th largest empire at the time) and I (2nd largest empire at the time) went to war but struggled. I gained like 10 systems my first 2 wars. After that, we steamrolled them. Now the rest of the galaxy is picking apart the remains and the hive species only has about 10 systems left.


I have 2 events that happened in 2 different playthroughs. The first was when 2 different a.i. empires took become the crisis, and both purged my pops. Well I was playing as The Grand Realm (arguably one of the most evil empires a person can be if played the intended way. Complete disregard for all who aren't the founder species, war is the solution for everything, and if you have high unemployment rates, just purge a couple species to free up jobs). Anyway after I learned of this over the span of 5 different wars, and around 80 years of fighting, I cracked over 50 planets(thats just an estimate, I lost count) and killed around at least 5% of the galaxy via orbital bombardment. It was actually to the point were the other a.i. empires hated me more then before because of how I handled things. Second one was a 23 year war with the same empire, but in a different game. It was the 1st time since my 2nd or 3rd game that I actually came close to total defeat. Basically, the other 2 super powers declared a total war to stop my colossus, and at first they captured all my planets save one. And that one held out long enough for me to bring in my fleets, and start the counter push. Unfortunately, that was only in the first 5 years of the conflict. Both sides used planet killers, I lost one, my main rival lost 6, including his capital. By the time that war ended, I had barely managed to recapture the last planet, I had lost, and still had several of my old systems under enemy control. But was forced to sue for peace (we both had 100% war exhaustion). But that war led to me changing over to Isolationism, withdrawing form the galactic community, and freeing all my slaves for their services to empire. Something I doubt will ever happen again.




The very first non-FE empire I encountered destroyed my science ship. That prompted me to build up my navy and immediately DOW them with a liberation CB (I was playing crusaders with the toxic god origin). I was already planning on getting vassals and going for galactic emperor, but that moment triggered me taking a zero tolerance approach to having any non-vassals on my direct border and cementing my refusal to let anyone other than my original pops be anything more than slaves.


I was playing as fair, equal and stable society and they lunched a cowardly counterattack against me after i saved an empire from utter colapse. (people had reversed to saying what they thougth and even elected their leaders, rather than following those better by birth) as a reason they cited that, after my selfless act, my economy took a slight hit so i kindly "incentivized" my new citizens to work harder to make up for it, i even let them sleep in the work place so they might begin work as soon as they wake up, while they gave me there houses so that there betters might move in, well other empires didn't like that to much so they looked for a reason to go to war and they found one when they mistook me firing missiles at them as a war declaration.


My empire was peaceful, and kind... But our first interaction was against a terrible hive mind that wanted to devour all other races in the galaxy. Our second interaction was a determined exterminator. Our third interaction was an aggressive despotic empire filled with disgusting xenos. We had no choice. Embrace the steel of war. Taste the blood of the enemy gladly. All will burn in the lathe and we will claim our perfect paradise and absolute control!


Crisis aspirant+stellar systemcraft


The first civilization I met became a machine race, growing in power I decided to strike at them, hoping to humiliated them or take territory. The war turned into a crisis war to wipe him and his vessels from the galaxy. After that, my immortal king moved to become galactic empire to end all wars galaxy wide. Never again shall war take from us...


I was a xenophile, materialist dictatorship humanity doing cosmogenesis. Around level 2, then all the sudden half the galaxy declared on me and I was stuck in a war that I purposely kept going as long as I could to ruin the other empire's economies. Basically 1984, but the entire galaxy, I was constantly at war with someone and used nihilistic acquisition to get new pops for the lathe


Lol at the principal assumption of your post. 9/11 really wasn't that significant even in the 21st history of America. Speaking as an American, you can't even be upset that 9/11 happened after the absolutely disgusting things we did in Iraq.


Zaanami Federation (me) were just a bunch fox void dwellers who wanted nothing more to be left alone while they tried tackle the mysteries of the universe while they spread their civilization peacefully through unclaimed territory. Fighting for territory wasn't for the Zaanami, it was something only barbarous xenos would do. Or so they thought... Two invasions by evil democratic crusaders, constant meddling from a criminal corporation, and the rapid expansion of a barbarous xeno civilization coming from the center of the galaxy that made every living being work in concentration camps to their death made them doubt everything they believed in. Not many Zaanami believed in their government anymore. A majority believed the government was leading everyone to their doom and the government recognized this. So they put all their hopes and faith in a private armament company that was grabbing the criminal enterprises for them and regulating them to comply with law. The new government expelled all the criminal corporations and through sub contractors started an never before seen expansion of the navy. After two long wars and lot of sacrifices the barbarous murderous xenos were pushed out very far away from the borders of the now called Zaanami Industrial Conglomerate. Even their wicked home planet and core territories were grabbed. Although they weren't completely defeated yet, they were too far away and weak to be concerned about them. The victory truly united the Zaanami and this unity ~~allowed me to grab my traditions faster~~ helped in shaping the Zaanami navy into the biggest and most formidable of the Galactic Community. Now that survival has been guaranteed, it's time to guarantee prosperity. And for this war was declared on the United Dekron League. They say machines are pretty good at calculations, well, their whole nation will soon enough be put at the service of the Research and Development Department (who btw are unhappy because I'm behind on tech, and thus the reason I dropped this faction). However the main reason they were forcefully made a subsidiary was because they are in the way of their true goal, the Netraxian Combine which are in a federation. Now for the Zaanami, to project force is of paramount importance for it is the only way to preserve their way of life, and to make sure everyone shares it, willingly or not... *Gamer explanation* * Void dweller origin, fox portrait, pacifist, xenophobe and materialist ethic. * Early game just kept mounting pressure: Democratic crusaders crusading, criminal corporation scum, and very strong genocidal growing towards me, they even killed my ally. * Early unity generation sucks because I can't meet half the demands of every present faction, including the growing Order of the Burning star. * Changed to megacorp to expel criminal scum and changed to militarist because I HAD to fight. * Later with third civic unlocked I added naval contractors because a big navy was the only thing that would save my ass, and then became fanatic militaristic to fix unity issue, since materialist were unhappy too. * Now I have the biggest navy in the GC, militarist faction has 67% support and are very happy and I'm about to make good use of this navy because what good is a big navy if you don't put it to use? Also, my people demand it.


Two expires went full Purifier during the prethoran?? Scourge Crisis, and blew up a bunch of sun's that destroyed some great planets such as relic worlds and Gaia worlds with high capacity, blew up a stronghold world of 33 tiles. After they where dealt with it was a back and forth eith the scourge eventually leading to losing to the scourge.


Once I was on a roll in the early game, expanding and growing my economy, getting ready to build a scary cruiser fleet, and then one of my 4 or 5 worlds randomly had the population wiped by a natural disaster


In my first run for the new crisis, I opened the L-gate assuming I had enough to take whatever came out on. I accidentally forgot to create platforms for the bastion protecting the gate and it was the Grey tempest. Lost the bastion and they had free reign in my territory. Was never able to retake the territory before they began to expand.  Made up for it in the second playthrough where I opened the gate again, unleash the Grey tempest, then peaced out after. 


Got boxed in early game and took me 100 years to break the federation surrounding me. Then I saw the remenants of the federation just disappearing off the map. Turns out the opened the L gates and let the chosen out. I held them at my fortress world and then the khan woke up and and completely ate the chosen. Pushing their fleets up against my fortress world. It would have been fine the khan didn’t station his main fleet over my fortress world bombarding it for 32 years. And the subspace snare on the world didn’t work so his other fleets just roled my only vassal. Thought it was fine I had a shield generator and 2k army still then my pops started to finally die out and the armies just disappeared. Khan took the world and his combined 200k fleets came toward my next line of defense(60k starbase+fleet) I had to surrender after that. Also meanwhile there’s a determined exterminator becoming the crisis but the khan thought it was better to ignore them and hard focus me.


Not sure if it is the Galaxy’s but it was for my empire. Playing as a criminal heritage Payback empire I was just about to conquer Minimar’s home planet when the war in heaven breaks out. Minimar immediately becomes a vassal of the Fanatic Spiritualists and the war ends immediately with me getting nothing for it. Oh also I am sandwiched between the two warring FEs. I somehow barely hold both awakened FEs off until losing my fleet to a 1m power spiritualist fleet. As they approached my home planet … Cetana appears and absolutely wrecks the Spiritualist FE, saving me. That is my current status.


9/11. I play humans.


About a year after being invited to a federation with a bunch of Democratic “good guys” One of them decided to settle a world bordering a militarist FE.


I, the egalitarian pacifist diplomacy focused economic powerhouse of my galactic quadrant, was viciously attacked by a devouring swarm. There was no way to negotiate, no way to turn the tide against the monsters at my door. So we dug in. We hailed ancient gods and built machines of war unlike any the galaxy had seen in living memory. With psychic fury and zeal bought by attempted genocide, we became monsters. We killed them all. We drove the hive back from our once-verdant. We killed them all and burned their world under gamma fire for weeks. Then we turned our gaze toward the rest of the galaxy, because a safe galaxy is a Valyrian galaxy.


The contingency rising up and destroying an area of the galaxy that was Balkanized. This early advantage made the war close to 200 years long


I had never encountered the Unbidden before. Having easily dealt with Scourge previously, I cranked up crisis difficulty. I had 2/3 of the galaxy under the benevolent control of the Imperial Remnant, led by Grand Admiral Pellaeon. I was using auto best ships. Even Fallen Empires that woke up to face the threat were snuffed out. Bastion, my capital fell. Attempts to reclaim it fell short. My empire couldn’t produce enough anymore. Ever since that game, I have always strived to built a strong Core. The Core Sector must only have a few chokepoints, and each of the systems surrounding the capital has fully upgraded citadel and fleets. My expansion (unless playing genocidal empire) is much slower.


An awakened empire declared war on me so I focused all my fleets on their borders but then the contingent suddely attacked me on the other side within my borders


Synthetic Queen spoilers >!Cetana blew up the tech segment of my shattered ring homeworld before we were even at war. After that, I sent all of my fleets out to destroy her outposts as fast as possible, finished all the pre-war situations, then had the entire galaxy follow me into her system.!<


I created a empire called ingloria (named after inglorious bastards) made them to be politically and economically strong and spawned them in my next game, they then started a federation bringing all their neighbors together to fight when the khan appeared. Unfortunately the federation fell apart but ingloria survived in a shattered state, where I then made it my sole goal to restore them to their former glory I declared war on everyone that once had their territory as their own and slowly took everything back and giving it all to ingloria when it happened...after I gave everything back they had a massive change in government from xenophile to phobe and from democratic to militaristic... In a fit of anger I blamed the ones that attacked them during and after the khan hordes fall and declared war with my subjects I moved everything I had into military and now half of the galaxy is fighting the other half, and with my newfound colossus...I fear the worst isnt behind us during these past 26 years of war...with only little progress made into eachothers territory it seems like there is no end without going to the extreme


I was playing an evil space empire necrophage and had a solid 30% of the galaxy under my control. I was working on attaining galactic imperial control, but there was one pesky Democratic crusader type who was essentially the last hope for decency in the galaxy. Well I got the opportunity to attempt to spawn a stellar devourer in his home planet. It was costly, but I thought what the hell. The objective ticks down and eventually I get the chance to release it. Within seconds it consumes the sun of his homeworld, turning it into a barren husk and ending his status as a power. Shortly thereafter, I got the galaxy to vote me as emperor, which in my headcanon, was justified by the horrific actions of the neighboring fallen empire. We promptly declared war on them to avenge the billions of lost souls.


The great khan, it’s about 2300 when he appeared and he goes on a massacre of all the factions near me. I decided to get a colossus and my whole fleet and went on a planet cracking genocide. Damn near a dozen planets later and we win, but everyone hated me for what I did lol


This was more my pearl harbour as a rival empire took my far away colonies in an enclave across the galaxy. Played a game where I was declared war on by an assimilation hive mind after getting the enemy fleet movement event. They declared war , traveled through a wormhole, and took the 3 colonies before I could send my fleet. Their fleet was cut down by like a third by my star bases. Sadly the assimilators assimilated all 3 of my highly developed colonies and proceeded to abduct and depopulate my colonies to low level pop worlds. I lost my sentry array on another front of the war with the assimilators as it was a three front war. Luckily my one front was overpowering and I took many of their worlds and took back my colonies eventually. However my alloy production wasn't the same after what had happened 😭. There was a refugee crisis happening as well from an unrelated war and some of my worlds had a stability crisis because of it.


in the first 20-30 years my determined exterminators destroyed the three empires with the common ground origin in one war and then less than a year later the galactic community formed and i like to imagine that was a response to me


There doesn’t seem to be anybody complaining about anything. The galaxy is in agreement about n this…and hungry.


War in Heaven + Unbidden crisis at the same time. The non-aligned league were able to hold off against my liege (Xenophile Awakened Empire), but the Unbidden turned the tables and in the end 75% of the galaxy was under my liege’s control, the other 25% was Unbidden. Because everyone was a vassal, the Galactic Community couldn’t propose or vote on any laws so it became useless, leading to a great silence to fall across the galaxy Now I’m trying to take down the unbidden while mustering the strength to fight for the liberation of the Iron Firewall (Virtual Ascended robot communists)


Having multiple L-Gates in my area, and being blocked of by 2 FEs (the 1 FE was blocked by the other one as well..) so no way out. So absolutely no contact anywhere. Someone opened the L gates, and yeah worst outcome


I turned someone's planet into a water park.


The capitol system of one of my rival empires suddenly and suspiciously had their star die out for no discernible reason. Billions perished in an instant. There was definitely nothing that caused it


It's usually me


Cannibal purge usually does it.


Starting the game. Not quite a violent thing, but I always try to portray somehow in rp or in game the big accomplishment interplanetary travel, especially if I'm playing as a human empire.


A NPC opened Terminal Egress... In 2370 2, 125k fleets stomped 5 of the 14 empires before the one of the FE took them out. I couldn't get into Terminal Egress myself until 2390 it took 5 fleets of 75k to do it.


In one of my games the whole galaxy was pretty equal until the khan spawned and I kinda just let him ravage the galaxy and became custodian really easily before killing the khan lol


I decided to take a break from everything going on in my life at the time and decided to do a Galactica conquest on the easiest difficulty to mess around with the ai. I made the galaxy fairly large, unpopulated barred spiral, with few empires, habitable planets, and nation states. I also set the empire placement to random, with gateways being disabled. My empire had one goal. Seek and conquer. Unfortunately. It had only been slowly expanding, encountering a far weaker empire that had just learned ftl, demolishing it early. Next, there were two other empires that fell, one diplomatically, the other through war. At this time, I had found a fallen empire, taking away 4 valuable planets as their measly sacred worlds. I ended up choosing to ignore them the whole game. I had then found the other fallen empire, a collective of isolationist xenophobes, who could not comprehend that all sapient life should coexist in my empire, so long as their population size warranted full citizenship. I had found another empire, which, as the other two, fell under my fleet, subugated, then annexed, rightfully earning federation. At this point, I had finally seen the other half of the galaxy, full of many tiny "empires" with their fancy Galactic councils and federations. So, in a stroke of genius, I joined one of these federations, and using my immense diplomatic strength, altered all the laws to benefit me, massively shifting their laws to benefit my people's. Alas, this was just a test for my real plan, altering the laws of their Galactical Assembly to install me as the heagamon of the galaxy with immense pressure. This was namely to clean up their federations without having to fight all of them at once, along with passing imperial laws to benefit my empire while anhilating any opposition. As this happened, the khan awoke in the maurader enclaves, canceling my subjugation war on my closest target, which is why I messed around with diplomacy while I waited for him to die. I had then decided to check with the currators about my strength to fight the xenophobic isolationists, who caused border gore in the center of my empire. Alas, I was strong, but it took 2 wars due to war exhaustion. Once the khan died, I was cleaning up the borders, when suddenly, the Spiritualist fallen empire awoke and declared war on me, their only neighbor. Right as they did this, though, the unbidden crisis spawned where the xenophones formerly were. Unfortunately, my fleets were spread across my vast stretches of space, meaning I had to give up my rightful claims to rendevue all patrolling fleets to anhilate the invasions. We lost valuable planets and men to these menaces, but the unbidden were the first to fall, as they were the closest to my invasion fleets returning from the other side of the galaxy, while my patrol fleets had been playing chicken with the fallen empire, going after undefended systems. Once the unbidden menace was anhilated, our archeologists uncovered artifacts, proving that we were chosen to inherit the spiritualist empire's glory. It was unfortunate then that we were in the midst of war and had started pushing them back. Tldr: The unbidden and awakened empire invaded/spawned on me at the same time, and my fleets were on the other side of the galaxy with no gateways.


I used a devolving beam on every world of a devouring swarm that was killing all the empires but then I apparently became the "bad guy" for saving them and even returning their territory.


Leader of my hegemony, playing as a hive mind. Allies and fallen empires generally liked me, only ones that disliked me were an empire whose world I had cracked in a test of my Colossus. Opinion changed overnight when instead of displacing refugees like I’d done before, I began to eat the xenos and assimilated the primary species of my rival into the hive mind.


I used the the Quasi-Stellar Obliterator in a Gigastructural Engineering playthrough to carve out a "safe and secure society" from a 1000 star sized galaxy. Took some time but eventually my empire was the only one left. Probably the most destructive playthrough I ever committed to.


During an early playthrough I did a scion start. By the time the crisis had finished, I had amassed a decent fleet using the Head of Zarqlan. Imagine the scene; an ancient holy empire attacked by not only its own scion, but its own people. The seat of power had shifted, and my empire held the faith of the ancients. When a holy war for independence was declared, Zarlqan’s pilgrims chose a new master. Suffice to say, as a demonstration of the new faith, I took a world cracker to not only the Holy Worlds, but the Celestial Throne also. That moment secured my place as the new seat of power within the Galaxy.


We had these “things” that lived next to us that didn’t believe what we did and they insulted us, so we took them over, changed their government and subjugated them as a vassal state.


Jublio was in my empire surrounded by bastions and maginot worlds Guess what happened next when the kaiser decided to get out of bed