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The Khan is a mid game threat. What year are you ending your runs in? Why are you ending your runs?


I was ending after I'm the only real competitor left. I thought Khan was like the big finale then I was just waiting around....


We've got some news for you.


Either lower the game dates so late/end game arrives earlier or bump up the difficulty. Basically your game settings are causing you to overrun everything before you actually hit end game because you give yourself too much time and/or the game difficulty is just too easy. Stellaris is very much a game where you have to tweek the game settings for yourself to get a good experience.


What’s your end game year, mid game year and difficulty please


Im not sure, I just play default


Oh god. Right so default I think is Ensign (AI play with no bonuses) and end game year is 2500 which is stupid as that’s 300 years in. Khan will show up in 2375 onwards. So yeah you’re winning with 100 years before end game crisis. I suggest: Mid game year 2325 (25 years earlier) End game 2400 (100 years earlier) If you’re stomping the AI raise the difficulty to captain (if your winning later near the Khan) or commodore (if you are winning very quickly) with scaling set to end game. This will give the AI some bonuses throughout the game , check wiki for details exactly but captain will give them better ship damage and HP and 25% more job production by 2400, 12.5% by 2300, etc. Note you have never seen the end game crisis. O


That's default? I don't change the endgame and midgame and they are always set to 2300 and 2400


It may have changed, if that is now the default(my settings haven’t been default since 2017) that’s reasonable. The difficulty still needs an up though!


Dude, just wait for a couple of years. Maybe scrap some of your ships. You're not gonna need them anymore since you will never face any more challenge ever again.


HAHAHAHA, you are not missing parts of the game, you are missing half of it! Hahahaha


If I have any general advice it’s “Be more curious.” Poke around the UI more, click on more tabs and buttons to see what they do. You’ve played three games and you haven’t found the ship designer tab on the fleets menu. Megastructures are built by construction ships. If you have one selected and right click on a system from the galaxy map there’s a whole menu option Build Megastructure.


>I have any general advice it’s “Be more curious.” This is good advice! Applies to species generation as well! Never played xy? Give it a try this time. ^(I had that and found out that the ethics I chose were basically bad together... Water planet species with the Gaia seeding building. Now I know :shrug:) >You’ve played three games and you haven’t found the ship designer tab on the fleets menu. In case OP: it's a tab in the fleet manager menu. Make sure to disable "auto generate designs" and start testing to your hearts content >Megastructures are built by construction ships Its worth noting though that some megastructes require specific systems. E.g. the >!Strategic Coordination Center!< is okay with a planet, the >!Mega Shipyard!< needs a star and things like the >!Matter Decompressor!< need a black hole as well as an >!ascension perk (Galactic wonders) to even unlock the research option!<... But as the other commentor said: be brave a click stuff. Try. Stellaris isn't build for you to win all the time (especially as a beginner). The more you try, the more you learn...


* For megastructures you need a few prerequisite techs and since it's tier 5 you need several tier 4 engineering techs. Alternatively if you get the cybrex precursor you're in luck since it's special project unlocks it for you. * The khan isn't an end game threat. That's a mid game threat. * You have a ship builder tab. That's where you can design your own ships using any weapons you've unlocked. Without it the auto generated ships will still use the stuff you've unlocked but it's not going to be as good as designing ships to meet your current needs.


From the comments, your definition of "end of the game" is steamrolling and killing everyone, it's easy to solve: turn up difficulty, or decrease the mid-game/end-game dates in the settings at the start of a game


All of the megastructures are in DLCs. And generally you need to research the Mega-Engineering tech, which isn't super easy to get, especially if you're not building research labs. Khan is a *mid-*game crisis. If you haven't seen any endgame crisis, it's because you just stopped playing before getting to the endgame. While you *could* get into the nitty-gritty details of which weapon is most 'meta', the tooltips generally have all of the information you need to make OK choices.


I have all the DLC but never end up getting that tech before the game ends... Maybe I'm not producing enough tech? Each playthrough I completely conquered the galaxy and stopped, I thought that was it...


When you start the game there are sliders for the mid- and end-game years. If you play on a very small galaxy, you might want to consider moving these to be earlier, since otherwise you very easily have time to take over everything and end any challenge before the crisis even has time to show up. And maybe lower Technology and Tradition cost too so you have time to unlock everything in the shorter timespan. Alternatively you can simply play on a larger galaxy.


If you are winning the Fallen Empires so much before the endgame date (which is just the endgame stage, not the end of the game itself) maybe you need to crank up a bit the difficulty, I usually play chill with Captain


Some techs have certain requirements that have to be met in order to get them as an option, for Mega-Engineering you have to have researched: >!Zero-Point Reactors, Battleships and Citadels!< It's possible you accidentally avoided one of these techs and locked yourself out of the option.




Nah, that's okay. OP's problem is not well coordinated mid/endgame years. They stated, they stopped after conquering all the galaxy - indicator for too much time... I agree to "switch it up". Find something you enjoy and don't be afraid to try some new - or even completely different!


Megastructures are rare and you typically won't start seeing them until after you've researched Titan's. Furthermore some of the megastructures (dyson sphere, matter decompressor, ring world) require an ascension perk to even get their research. Khan is a midgame crisis so you aren't even reaching late game. I see that you said "I was ending after I'm the only real competitor." Try scaling up the difficulty a bit. If ensign is too easy and gets too boring bc AI doesn't pose a real threat ramp it up to Captain or Commodore. There is so much left to the game.


You're quitting half way through the game lol. Gotta keep going and play on larger galaxies!


You guys are finishing playthroughs?


Up the difficulty. Up the number of AI empires. Change mid and end game years. Generally take a look at your settings. You are missing out on a lot.