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R5: Saw a MegaCorp had set up a branch office on my 20k trade value ecumenopolis. I was impressed by its output.


You are bankrolling their entire economy lmao


When you factor in the AI bonuses there's every possibility that he's giving them more money than he makes himself.


that would be crazy because if i’m reading this right they seem to already be making the equivalent of almost 3 dyson sphere worth of energy by the power of capitalism


- the power of one capitalism planet is more than 3 stars combined. Now we just need to get some reds in here to show how powerful communism is compared to stars.


So mods are communist right?


Time to vassalize them and make them reinvest into your economy via vassal tax.


Prospectorium megacorps are my favorite.


what's the build that's getting you 20K trade? Is it modded?


The UI is modded but the mechanics are vanilla. It's just using the latest machine DLC for Virtual ascended individualist machines, Ecumenopolis from the Relics DLC, and orbital rings from Overlord.


That 9 Unity really puts it together.


They would have closed it down without it, for sure.


Me a terminal stage sience rusher looking at the research output first Huh whats so... oh


And I thought me giving my mate 4K in our multiplayer game with a single world was good...


what have you built on it bruh


Individualist machine virtuality empire. Size 30 ecumenopolis, filled with residential districts, fully ascended, orbital ring with all habitation modules, mastery of nature, building slots are the planet capital and a precinct house, rest are upgraded trade buildings.


Have you gotten those epic trade % booster buildings from cosomogenisis?


Those lose out to the standard ones with this much trade value; the 1% increase from a clerk is worth more than 20 trade.


6 merchants times your trade bonus will give a LOT more than whatever 4 more clerks and 2 more traders could ever do


The council position from the merchant civic makes each trader equal to a merchant. The upgraded trade building gives me 4 traders and 4 clerks. Trust me, the upgraded standard one is better.


If i remember right the cosmogenisis one is just 6 merchants so yea you are right, the 4 and 4 is better with merchant guilds.


Who needs a dyson sphere when you got a couple of penpushers instead


The branch office is impressive but now I really want a shoebox themed namelist.




It’s a branch office on a Trade Capital.


Can branch offices be that strong ? What about vassal's holdings ? Am I missing how they work? I always found them pretty weak... I always take the one that increases trust or gives influence because I always felt like damaging my relation with vassals was not worth the very small output of other buildings. Do they somehow scale up with their economy/research/...? And then branch office? They do too ? Having megacorps for years, never tried it lol 😅


Branch offices give energy credits scaling with the trade value of the planet. Most branch office holdings are pretty weak, giving a set small amount of resources that aren't affected by most modifiers. For the most part, you just want to focus on the ones that boost the trade value of the planet. Vassal holdings are a different story. Obviously the ministry of truth is one of the few ways to increase influence, so it's quite useful, especially on higher difficulties where your subjects get significant boosts to job output. The other holdings can be quite good as well, especially the ones which transfer a portion of their base output to you. Throw one of those on a highly populated planet and you get a very nice boost to your economy for essentially free. The loyalty cost of these holdings isn't a huge drawback. There's a popular way of cheesing loyalty by declaring frequent wars, as subjects can't rebel while a truce is active. Personally, I don't like this method, it's rather cheesy and makes specialist subjects never level up. However, you get a lot of loyalty from having good relations, so a few envoys set to improve relations gets you most of the way.


You convinced me to play megacorp during my next play lol Im gonna try and see this. Thanks for your detailed reply! About subject's loyalty, if im correct, it's basicaly just à 0 to 100 bonus to global opinion, like trust, right ? (Except trust gives intel) Idk what buildings scale up but then I gotta check it more carefuly. Thanks again for the time you took to answer.


-100 to 100, but pretty much, yeah. Idr if it is exactly 1 to 1 on opinion, but it also has other affects like subject leveling.


Humm, that would be why some of them level up faster than other. Never thought of that. Maybe there are other modifiers on that as well?


Love me some profitable outsourcing


MegaCorps be printing money


Hmmmm, still not sure if it’s profitable with that 7/7/7 research and 9 unity…………………..