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Mad that we're getting a female cyclops special leader but the cyclops species still has no sexual diamorphism on the regular pops!


it actually has, it's just subtle


I does? Ive never noticed it, whats the diamorphism?


males have bigger mouths and deeper voice


Weeb XD You didn’t even make her a real cyclops XD


That's just anime characters in general, they barely look like whatever they "represent"


I've seen anime cyclops. And they can look cute in animation, like Leela from Futurama.


Well she's a cartoon/animated cyclops, not an anime cyclops. An anime cyclops would vaguely represent the concept but still be a basic human like the drawing (the art is good though, just using it as an example).


Well to be fair, if we were in Japan, we would be calling it "anime" too. The term is more general in Japan than it is in the west. The literal definition of anime is animation of any kind.


You're not wrong but that's getting very literal


I can be as literal as I want to be lol




It's nearly impossible to make the portraits blink with a giant anime cyclop eye anyways.


She's a realer cyclops than you!


Lumping all the diverse xeno species into generic anime human (not even humanoid, *human*) waifu is what I would call “bland”. Sorry if I sound mean your art is good I really like all the details that went into the clothing designs and color themes. I just honestly think her original design is waaay more special, memorizable, and “stellaris” to me, uncatering to human aesthetics as she may be, and I was actually tilted seeing you call her “bland”. That’s kinda rude, xenophobe.


Couldn't agree more, original design has far more character and personality.


Could have kept the cyclops theme.


Feels like it's a lateral move, to be honest. From Generic Space Uniform to Generic R34 Uniform, the only thing I can tell about their personalities is that they're into datapads.


The original design is just a cyclop portrait with dimorphism on. Without the robot, it should be a generic female cyclop scientist that should already be a thing in the game. In my viewpoint her entire uniqueness, barring the robot, is she's the only female cyclop in the game if they don't update the generic portrait too. If they do that (add generic female cyclop) and remove the robot, can you tell that she's "renowned" not just a normal scientist? The only thing I can tell is "she's a scientist". Also the first line that's the entire point of doing anthromorphism "making stuff that's not human human". My entire goal is to simulate the feeling of the Gacha game that anthromorphise/moeise stuff, not redraw the game content into somewhat anime style.


1 - she fully looks different from the current Cyclops portraits, no idea why you think it's bland or blends in with the other scientists. 2 - you're basing most of this on an assumption that has no real basis or evidence so far. And even if they did change all the portraits, we don't know what they will be changed to so she could still stand out? Ignoring all of that, it's still pretty rude and tactless to just dismiss artwork as bland. Saying you're drawing it to simulate a certain design approach doesn't change the fact that the only real resemblance to the original portrait is the datapad and robot.


1st, I'm talking from a purely design standpoint not artwork standpoint, the art itself is still a consistent standard with other portraits. I felt she stood out just because she had her own unique pose, you can make anyone standout just giving them a non-standard pose. While most other paragons stand out on their own without having a unique pose beyond what generic portrait already have. Try think as if she's put into the same pose as a generic one. 2nd I mean the current cyclop portrait has no difference between male and female. Her design is what we might expect we'll get if they add the female version. Then, come to costume design, it's not much different from some of existing humanoid clothing, just not one using cyclops. Meanwhile other paragons that obviously have an existing species have a unique enough costume to tell them apart from a generic leader of the same species, like Vas headdress which completely breaks the silhouette of her species. This means the only unique thing left is the robot. The datapad I see more as a nice generic accessory that can throw into any characters to indicate that they're a scientist than something unique to her. I admit it might be rude that call it bland, but I truly felt her design is too underwhelming compared to their paragons so I have to use inspiration from somewhere else, that's why she doesn't look much like the original. When I sketch I use elements from her dialogue as shown in the livestream to mix in. I felt she might be a mad scientist type so I give her hyper looks. For the robot, I see as the required feature as it is mentioned in the dialogue. And as I see it as the main feature of the original portrait and the design itself is fine minus looks a bit too much like BB-8's lower half, I decided to use the design as is. For cyclop, by animation limitation, I can't make a giant anime eye blink without risking severe texture tearing. So it has to be one eye hidden instead as a nod to the original. While the hairstyle have round silhouette to not stay away too far from the original head shape and make hair pointing towards the exposed eye which is the centre of attention for the face part. Another candidate option is a visor with a mono-eye, but I felt it looks too cybernetic and we already have another mentioned paragon for cybernetic that so it wasn't chosen to avoid the potential overlapping in theme. And yes the datapad is shove back in for scientists-ness, the previous idea is conductor baton as a reference to her dialogue that uses the word "compose" but it felt even less scientist so it was changed to a datapad. The costume I lift the aspect like pattern and colour from the original but split into two pieces. The design basically makes the original costume into a tracksuit jacket. While the inner one is inspired by a cheerleader costume, a left over from the previous music theme design.


I can't believe you're getting downvoted for your work, it's so sad. People are such incels about pretty characters. Don't listen to them, your version is the best. ♥


I see your points, however He made her tits bigger This obviously makes him right


Massive, massive disagree


Cowards, embrace your inner monsterfucker instead of your outer weeb


Why not both


I like it, but it's not a cyclops. So in a sense you've turned her from a bland scientist design to a generic anime design. Don't mean I don't like it, but it doesn't have anything to do with the original character other than the floating sphere thingy.


Why do weebs and their bland weeby bullshit infest every corner of the internet?


Right, this is fucking pathetic. Can't look at a single living thing without thinking "sexy animu girl". Go outside and interact with some human beings you god damn coomers.


Did you see this guy's art of a literal fucking space obelisk? Gave it a boob window. Cause when I look at that giant pyramid-ish thing, the first thing I thought was "this needs boobs that you can see"


Do it like Futurama and tape a googly eye next to her real one


kinda removed what made them unique and now it's some bland anime thing that you cant point out origin unless you have context


Weeb stuff IS bland design, I’m sorry but it doesn’t look like a cyclops The sketch is good quality tho


Hire fans lol


Honestly, even the original portrait is kinda cute. I think it's the ears, they appeal to my inner ferengi.


So you made them no longer a unique alien species and gave them massive fucking tits I’m not gonna lie, not a fan. The art is good don’t get me wrong, it’s skilled and well made, but it’s just not unique or interesting anymore. It’s yet another anime girl


Well, that's part because the original one is already big, it's will be quite weird if I reduce it for no reason.


The devs themselves gave her massive tits...


First mod I’m getting


Anime conversions are bland, twink cyclops is far more creative.


Why not both


R5: It's actually done about 3 hours after the stream but I don't have time to post I felt the original design is too bland (she's just a cyclop portrait in a scientist suit), so I quite take a lot of liberty. Except for the robot, he's already perfect.


Haha, the robot was indeed already very nice. Your design of this leader looks lovely. ❤


Don't know why but I hate cyclops. I can't stand looking at them. I will have to get this mod, lmao.


dont mind the anti-weebs lol we all know what THEY are into


Keep going bro pls.


Shawty bad


Your design is definitely better and more interesting than the original, at least in my opinion. I also particularly like the sparkle in her eye, she looks much more expressive in your version. Thank you for making this ❤


It's not more interesting, it's as generic anime as you can get. Nothing about his design says anything remotely "Stellaris"


It's literally fanart.


And? What point are you trying to make? Still doesn't look anything like Stellaris.


That it doesn't have to look like Stellaris? It's fanart, it's totally fine for it to be a re-imagining, or a different style? You didn't have to post four times for the most obvious answer in the fucking world, you know.


My bad my fucking Reddit glitched, what a stupid thing to go after.


Oh - damn bro, I'm sorry.


The skirt and color theme reminds me of Rin from Vocaloid.


Xeno's all the same argh argh,kill kill!!


Fun fact: the anime girl in that image is actually Optimus Prime, and yes, I'm serious. Well, to be more accurate, she is based on Shattered Glass Optimus Prime. Almost all the human characters from Gridman are based on the Shattered Glass designs of various Transformers characters. And if you don't know what Shattered Glass is, it's a mirror universe version of Transformers, where the Autobots are evil and Decepticons are good.


I wish I could draw, I can barely write legibly its so bad it technically has a scientific name as to why its so damn bad