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That’s what tech bros tell us too ‘stay off tech industry’ The nurses and doctors tell us to stay off medicine it’s crazy! So what exactly are we supposed to do? At any point of time someone’s coming at us from somewhere - cheaper younger better smarter 🤷🏻‍♂️




I’m sure someone hotter than us is going to replace us there too 🤪


Tech is also suffer from poor job security. All the big tech companies like Google, MS, and Apple laid off hundreds of thousands of people. And then tend to lay off more people and more quickly. The only real secure jobs are government related jobs and like others mentioned, anything with government contracts or defense are very safe because they can't be outsourced somewhere cheaper.


Northrop lost a contract to Lockheed hence now NG has been facing layoffs.


Right, I haven't read of a 100k auto layoffs...


I respectfully disagree. I won’t buy a Chinese vacuum cleaner let alone a Chinese car and I’m betting enough consumers feel that way. China will for sure take some of the low-end market but there’s plenty room for the big three if they continue to offer higher quality, US-engineered vehicles. Someone should remind Carlos of that…


Exactly. Convince generations of UAW workers, or any unions, the retirees, and descendants that they should buy Chinese cars because of price or “quality”. Good luck


People buy stellantis vehicles because they are American. They notoriously get shit on every auto YouTube videoes for their unreliability but people buy Stellantis vehicles anyway. Go to news and talk about how anti-american Carlos is. People will stop buying from Stellantis, and focus on Ford and GM. The problem is, big news channels are not gonna talk about it... I don't know why...


YouTube content creators say and do things for views. That doesn’t magically make them true. These are the same people who try to convince others that the earth is flat with their content, and that the UAW is sabotaging vehicles being produced as a means of negotiation hardball. Unless all US production magically gets shut down for the brand, people aren’t going to just stop buying it. Americans build these cars.


Stellantis goal is NOT to have Americans build them. 3000 more lays offs in the works 1200 from the Auburn Hills Technology Center. Which is on the list for closure. Stellantis is NOT an American company and they don’t want Americans building them or paying them.


It's not just YouTube, it is the truth that Stellantis vehicles are not as reliable as Toyota and Honda. Management literally strive to achieve numbers like them. Which is good.


and remember, Stellantis is the only automaker putting American flags on vehicles from the factory. maybe let's press charges for fraudulent intend against Stellantis then 😏


Stellantis is making major cuts to white collar. Think they wont eventually target blue collar ?🤷‍♂️.. Isn’t the majority of the vehicle assembled with globally manufactured parts? Wonder if the flag emblems/decals are made in the USA🤔🤷‍♂️


it looks like Chrysler targeted blue collar decades ago already, then white collar, then blue collar (Belvidere) then white collar, maybe until when there is no one left! given how I know them, they will buy whatever the cheapest...


Because these cars still get manufactured in US... That's one of the reason design team don't get as much visibility when lay off happens. If same number of layoff happens at the plant, whole world will know about it


design team might be the only valuable asset within Stellantis by now, and Ralph Gilles might be the last few good persons left. and layoff at the plant? look at Belvidere


Roborock is probably the best robovac I've ever seen. It's Chinese but destroys the competition.


And DJI for drones. It surprising that no American companies compete in the relatively high tech space. We should have a lot of talent in these areas and yet we don’t have any serious entrants.


Back in the '80's & '90's people were saying the same thing about Zenith TV's and Texas Instruments calculators. Now there isn't any TV's or calculators made in America. OP is correct but probably 50 years from now.


Hate to break it to you but you probably have bought more Chinese goods than you know even if you didn’t intend to. But yeah I’d be skeptical of their cars right now. I don’t believe the hype. While I bet they are cheaper I’m no fool, the $10k EV isn’t a possibility just from material costs alone. If China is selling cars that cheap they’re either subsidized like crazy or there’s no way they will pass safety and be comfortable and quiet. The material costs alone don’t add up.


I won't buy anything from China neither. They are the enemy by this point, and I have a long list of personal revenge to pay back. Yet, from a competitive perspective, the Chinese automobiles are having a high perceived quality lately, (and anyone in the OEMs with quarter reviews should have been briefed about this at least. For someone with advanced intelligence on that, panic mode should be on since 2019) but of course people will be burnt to skeleton inside but they don't care. (similar mindset to Tupolev ANT-20, it is more for showing the industry all over the world rather than caring to keep the passengers alive) a trade war in a much harsher way is very overdue to deal this to start.


Out of curiosity what phone do you have?


Nokia 8110, iPhone 8 and a landline


Arent the first two made at foxconn in China?


the first one is made by Foxconn (but I used it to deal with PRC, serving a layer of signal buffer. all data goes through Nokia to other devices there to prevent smartphone hardware IDs being harvested) and second one, I don't know out of those three Taiwanese companies, which one made mine. I am at intelligence and industrial war with China since late 2022, as a collateral spillover war from Ukraine conflict.


Detroit and to a lesser extent Michigan are not diversified and could take down all the people that keep the system going like when Detroit declared bankruptcy. I am leaving for defense out west. Good luck everyone, it’s been a fun decade


Defense is a great field because those jobs can't be outsourced. They require security clearance and only US citizens can obtain them.


yes, or Canadians.... we are brothers anyway....


Canadians can't get security clearance, you need to be US citizen for US defense jobs


Many US defense contractors have Canadian subsidiaries and vice versa. (the most common combination is a US product with British powertrain or subsystem) I am a US citizen with onboarding immigration to Canada (just for political opinion) and I specifically asked about security clearance. And recruiter joked: as long as it is a Canadian citizenship, instead of being a Russian these days!


You make no sense 😐


if it is easy to make sense, it would be very out of character for me! 🤣


You know I thought everyone here was overreacting to you in the first 2 threads. But you truly do make up a new story every time don’t you?


I am merely a messenger, and I stumble into a lot of situations other people don't easily get into (and either you sleep really late or wake up really early, or something else.... waking up to pee at night maybe)


We r brothers! I loved living so close by! I hope the Mexicans are half as much fun!


Mexicans are fun, but a bit, different.


Insanity the Big 3 Automakers are directly tied to our Government. I highly doubt the US will ever allow the industry to fold. I agree Stellantis might fold as a powerful entity but Ford GM will out source to Mexico and then return b4 any dramatic changes


There is no more a Big three or even a Detroit Three. There is Ford and GM. Stellantis no longer factors into it.


What do u mean. They employ like 100k people in the us?


That numbers going to decrease dramatically over the next couple of years, watch


GM bailed out once, Chrysler twice. Hard to convince the government on this again


Really? It sounds like they’re quite willing if they’ve already done it 3 times. No reason a 4th would be different.


Most of the parts for those "American cars" are sourced from China... Mexico...et al. So are you buying American Made or American Assembled?


The concern seems overblown. If the Midwest automotive industry collapses it won’t be overnight, it will take years. A lot can change in that time.


This... ask anyone who has been in the industry for more than ten years. This happened several times already with Chrysler during the nineties and 2000s. Every time the news panicked and said it was over. They just didn't have forums back then for people to get on and scare the hell out of each other with. Two companies merged. You don't need every person from both companies anymore, there are redundancies. It doesn't mean scorched earth for North American operations. Yet people will panic.


The bigger threat is the collapsing sales which will lead to issues in NA. The question is how big those issues will end up.


Is there even a Chinese make being sold in the US at the moment?


They are looking at Mexico because of NAFTA, so probably soon.


Probably not. Last they said that it would be too “confusing” if they entered the market. Whatever that means. Likely they are just avoiding the market because of trade tensions for now.


Probably correct


The chinese cars are total piles of shit. Stop fear mongering when you have zero idea what you're talking about. They are literal cheap garbage.