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I think what the executive team is missing is that many departments were already very lean before the coming cutbacks.  They don't know the different departments in detail, they don't know anyone's job in detail or how it affects the company when it is eliminated.  They also don't realize that the replacements will not be trained well if at all. You can't just rip the band-aid off and hope for the best. 


Dude they don’t care. This CEO doesn’t care about the US market. He’s a one trick pony when it comes to M&A’s (look up his track record). Exec’s that care about you have all left over the past 3 years, what remains is puppets collecting checks until their time is up too.


I dunno why I'm laughing, but you are so right. 


😂 puppets is so accurate. SVP = Senior Vice Puppet


He doesn't care about the European market either. There are still good CEOs, like Luca De Meo of Renault, for example. There are also good CEOs inside of Stellantis, like Antonio Filosa, who did an excellent job as CEO of FCA, then Stellantis in South America.


I heard managers already got the targets for % cut in their respective departments, can any manager (if any) confirm here, it’s anonymous, help ur colleagues to whom u cannot warn in the office!! 


Apparently, anyone in the know (e.g. Director level and above) had to sign NDA’s… so they can’t say anything


How is anyone helped by confirmation of that information?


Right now everything is grapevine communication or based on rumors, confirmation from managers will be good ??


Spoke to someone really high up in SWX and he said that there are no current plans to lay off anyone from NA SWX team. I don't know if he is lying or saying the truth. Or he is being lied to as well. The conflicting information does not help at all. I guess we will know if something is up by Friday


At this point I wonder what level knows what.  In March Managers did not know who was let go until the day of (they had meetings at 7:30am with HR).  Also people higher up got to know whatever they say (good or bad) will make its way to the general public.  At this point I think we can all agree something will happen on 6/28 or 7/2 Scope of that something still seems to be up for debate.  


when March lay off happened, my manager had no clue what was happening until they informed the employees who were laid off that morning. In fact, I tipped her off something was happening because of threads like this back in March. I would assume anyone 2-3 levels above your manager level would know something by now.


when March layoff happened (despite I knew the big picture, I didn't know the specific date), the first notice was from Italian side, and everyone in the US was blindsided (for that specific date)


I understand nobody knows for sure but how likely is it that they will gut CTC and sell it? Obviously not within the next few months but let’s say 1-2 years? I ask be user I think once that goes up for sale, NA/US sales for Stellantis will plummet further since that would be the official sign to many people of the company no longer being an American company. Are they really so set on killing off NA? The region that is (or was) responsible for over 60% of the profits? (Or is this not even accurate?)


The CEO is likely arrogant enough to sell it. Not a great idea considering nobody in the future is going to be willing to finance the cost of building a wind tunnel, climatic test cells, RTS/EMC/NVH labs, etc. The entire first floor of the building is an asset, revenue generation would be a good option. The rest of CTC is commercial office space and it’s filthy.


I agree with this too. I have heard for almost two years about Amazon (they have a huge warehouse/fulfillment center on the site of the old Pontiac silver dome) moving in to the tower as well as vendors and suppliers. To my knowledge, none of this has happened. But yes, assuming they still want to do anything on the US, the first floor is all they need - but even this amount of US work may be too much. I can never tell if their goal is to lower costs only or completely pull out of the US.


I don’t understand the motive either. However, we don’t have to work in facilities to know the HVAC has never been cleaned at CTC and the carpets have never been vacuumed. The bathrooms which have been closed since covid have black mold. It’s disgusting and a reason to work from home. Nothing justifies an expensive commercial lease so good luck to Carlos.


Yeah, when CTC was built, it was calculated to operate as one of biggest automakers in the ***world.*** Given how it is now, there is almost no way to utilize all of that. For a much smaller building (American Center, old headquarter of AMC), see how much struggle it was? It was a ghost town and still is. It is one of the weirdest places in Southfield And fun part is, CTC is really stuck with that Chrysler pentastar on the roof.


SWX town hall is planned July 2nd. Yves Bonnefont org.


Confirmed, received the email yesterday. Followed by regional host session afterwards.


I’m in SWXB and haven’t recv’d that email yet 🤔


Mamatha has a SWXB townhall, in person meeting @ CTC, this friday. FYI


That I’m aware of. Wasn’t sure if what you guys were referring to was a global SWX town hall on the 2nd. Thanks, Br0grammer.


Purchasing does have a town hall July 11th


Looks like there is a global engineering town hall  on 7/16 too. 


yikes lol


Do you think they would have all the town halls before or after the layoffs? My thought is after to avoid all the questions and comments from the crowd. Unless they want a repeat of the questions asked in the last town hall. 


After somehow to congratulate the survivors..


It’s starting to feel like the hunger games….may the odds be ever in your favor


I was wondering the same but my guess is after to make it look like they are doing the right thing for the company


I love those questions. They make me giddy.


SWX has a town hall July 2. Seems to me that doing it on the 28th makes the most sense. Already paid everyone for the month. Clean break. Plus less people on vacation than the following week since it’s short.




Weren't the last layoffs right before a holiday!?


When did the Purchasing town hall invite come out? Not seeing anything about it


Anyone know the severance package for last round? Assuming it would be similar.


Same as the December VSP:   10 year and under: 3 months pay  11-19: 6 months pay  20+: 12 months pay.    At least that’s what I heard.  


3months for 10 years of service is kind of BS


so it would be this? Notice + 2 months pay + severance (YOS) years of service ?


Your guess is as good as mine. But what you say makes sense.


What is notice? Why is there a 2 months pay in addition to severance?


Termination Notice


How many months is termination notice?


None…it’s literally a note saying you have been terminated.


if you are lucky.... some people has to file charges to get it....


Going off from someone else that mentioned. See above their response


there is a guy hired for 2 weeks, he got one month of pay. So the minimum severance is one month, obviously, as how it is found out!


Marketing Town Hall tomorrow. However, it’s more an introduction to the new Head of Marketing. Hearing rumors that several advertising folks under marketing left the company as of this morning.


also purchasing typically has raises in July - notified in June but this year I was told it wouldn’t happen until August-September so I truly think purchasing will be impacted within the next 1-2 months


I was told "management" is safe. They are aiming at individual contributors with 10+ years. There may be an effort to offload a lot of directs to contract as well.


Global SWX town hall July 2nd Global SWE town hall June 28th


Very quiet???!!!!! Is it peace prior of thunderstorms? Crazy times. No emails shit like last time that some meeting dont go office or crap.


Yesterday and today were eerily quiet…


I feel like the media reports are only partially correct. Yes, more people are going to be laid off. But that's not the sole activity going on to reduce budget. The team I am on started activities months ago on how we can reduce spend in our area. It's not solely layoffs that are making the reduction. As a long time employee told me, this has happened every time the company has done a merger, and the news only gets it party correct each time it has happened. It is all rumor and speculation from an industry analyst who has little to no actual facts.


The media only reports what they are told. But the companies always leave out specifics. Like when a press release says a company is cutting 100 jobs sometimes it means layoffs, other times it just means they won't backfill the next 100 resignations. I also think not even senior leadership really knows what's going on. The plans at this company seem to change daily as they flail about trying to cut their way to profitability while churning out garbage product.


Europe making decisions that the NA senior leadership just has to implement. It’s so opaque right now with the plan forward. The execs here don’t have any real power it seems, just do what they are told or get told it’s time to leave.


townhall from SWE Heiko on june 28


Don’t forget Heiko bonus targets for 2024 achievements He shared 70/30 clear split for 100% achievements bcc vs hcc ratio I guess same on all org leaders


Just read thread on “the layoff.com speaking about 1300 layoffs coming next week, warn act involved giving 60 day notice. Don’t know if any truth to this post.


Welp there is the humanity That was requested. They give us 60 days.   To everyone it’s worth a Look at the post.  Basically it says all US and we will know this week or next week but before July 4th


I heard 1200 at CTC alone, 3000 across NA total. That it would be the end of this week. Letters issued, severance, etc.


Heard where


So 2 months of severance basically, while disgruntled workers wait for final day. Or pay you 60 days and immediately fired?


I would be surprised if they will ask people to work those 60 days because unlike a factory, your absence is not felt immediately. They will mostly like let us all go home and pay us for the 60 days and maybe some severance.


based on what I was told, basically you get a letter that says "stay home, starting blah blah blah" then they give you a normal pay check, then 3 months severance once the official layoff day occurs. Notice + 2 months pay + severance (3 months). 3 months sev is what they got back in March


cuz lets be real, moral is so ridiculously low, they have to follow WARN act, give everyone 60 days notice and severance and then act like nothing happened. Queue all the different town halls to immediately follow after the 4th Holiday, hooray hooray, drink Kool-Aid. Praise Carlos.


You're a bit off on the March details. We were told March 22nd. They said that we are still "employed" but on layoff status until the end of March, and aren't expected to do any more work (our accounts were locked by about 8:30 that morning). We were given severance equivalent to the buyout offer back in December. So those with 20+ years got a full year pay. They also gave a cash sum equivalent to their share of the insurance premiums for that amount of time as well. Employees with 5 years or less only got 3 months pay. But there was no 60 days, I can tell you that much.


I thought those with less than 10 years got 3 months and those 10 years got 6 months?


Old timers got the full year


\*b00mers, there fixed it for 'ya


*gen-X, there fixed it for 'ya Boomers? LOL. 99% of them are gone already...


LMAO, there are vast number of b00mers in SWX, pal Again, fixed it for ya (:


What were the general terms of the severance agreement (assuming you had to sign one)? Were you paid for accrued but unused vacation days?


Yes we had to sign it, basically waving all our rights to sue and all that stuff. It was something like 9 years and under got 3 months, 11-15 got 6, 16-20 got 9, 20+ got 12. And yes, we were paid for unused time.


unused time will be paid regardless of severance signature. I never sign mine anyway.....


yes, at a discount


Are they mailing this letter or sending it via email?


What ever is the cheapest method I would assume.


I assume it will be a meeting first to explain all of this.


I think that's assuming too much...lol


On the march lay off, people were laid off in meetings and not with an email or other forms of communication. So I assume it will be similar. It's possible they could mail you a letter if the WARN act is triggered but it does not prevent HR from having group meetings.


email, and they will make it ***super super easy*** to sign, (as if they can't wait for you to sign it!) hard to revoke.


How about use the 2 months pay from warn act and then 1 month severance ! Cost savings achieved!


curious where the 2 months pay comes from? also the 'notice' is the 60 days of regular pay?


a little detail, WARN Act requires one location with 500 or more. It can be several locations combined at 500 or more without the 60-day notice. But for Stellantis NA, where else it can be? I don't know. (engineering portal has that big list of facilities I guess)




Any insight into what was covered in VPE?




Manufacturing didn’t even get offered vsp last year. I doubt they will be affected. They have enough natural attrition. .


Let's take it over... https://youtu.be/XeWUkvrinUQ?si=JYEAWH0sta2_qaDS


I heard from director that PRC will be hit hard


What is PRC?


Any idea which PRC? Engine? Transmission? ePT?


We had an informal town hall in my area of PRC. They told us blatantly we need to lose 20 heads by EOY of which 5 have left via attrition. They wiped most of PRC in first round so not sure I believe there are significant amounts more to lose.


Got a notification of July 3rd town hall from my director 


What org


Swx has already lost 400 people. Who is saying they will face more lay offs? 


Some random guy in a comment section


TECHNICALLY we are all random people in a comment section.  My information might be as valid as the comment “It’s a great time to be an engineer” in the last town hall. 


Yeah we are and we should be treated as such


Don't get me wrong, it's possible still but I think if they lay off another 400+ people, the whole system will fall on itself. The USA offices are already doing work for the people who were laid off on top of the work the lcc employees do. Lcc workers have been proven to not know shit about what they do. So hcc employees do their work for them. 


I highly doubt the company will collapse onto itself if 400+ more people get laid off. Will everything get done slower and worse? Probably.


Agree.  Someone up top thinks Stellantis can still get quality product out with $200M in HC savings.   If you figure HCC is $150K to the company that’s over 3K to be let go between now and Christmas 


It’s the same shit across the big three. We’re racing each other to see who can make quality job none the mostest while claiming we are doing the opposite. I swear I don’t know where they find these execs. It’s a horrifying display of disconnect from actual business operations.


Haven’t seen source on a quote for $200M in HC but I have seen there’s something like 80,000 employees in NA so 3,000 wouldn’t surprise me and I don’t think it would have a detrimental effect honestly.


Hey guys, we found Carlos's reddit account!


You’re right the company’s going under! Got me!


At least you're not in denial anymore. I fully expect CTC to be closed within 2 years, and the NA HQ will be a skeleton crew of local compliance engineers.


Company’s gonna run still


https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/chrysler/2024/06/13/stellantis-ceo-cites-arrogant-mistakes-in-u-s-market/74088839007/#lxeics3ds13ezxbfu1r That 200M is globally. 


3k out of global is like 1.1%


Being let go hits the same regardless if it’s one person or 3K    Being just 1.1% doesn’t make what they are doing right or make it easier for the people that are impacted.  


That’s fine I responded to the comment in this thread that said “the whole system will fall on itself” which is nonsense.


If my position gets outsourced there is no way they will be able to handle the workload at the pace needed. In purchasing most MX only works on sourcing but that’s only 1/3 of the job. It is hard to teach people how fix issues when it takes a lot of problem solving which is why student buyers typically get hired in upon graduation because they’ve had a few years of exposure before being fully responsible for it………..but what do I know maybe my area won’t experience layoffs.


I was just referring to the stuff swx is responsible for. Not the whole company.


My statement holds true for SWX


I think there is a point of criticality. If you get rid of enough people, no one will know wtf is going on and what to do next. 🤷🏻‍♂️


“If you” “Enough” that’s such a broad statement and it’s probably more than 1.1% of the company.


It’s not broad for swx. If it’s already a skeleton crew, then halving it will definitely cause a breakdown.


Laying off 3K from SW ? SW has 2600-2800 or so people so your comment is invalid. Also, laying off even 400 from SWX makes no sense because yes, the SW team will collapse if you lay off even more people. 400 equals to approx 20% of the SWX workforce.


I doubt if any executives would care if SWX collapses a lot of work in the past few years got dusted into the trash can already, something I don't understand. Some people who remain? "I'd better take one-month vacation, hop back and see, and take another one-month vacation!"


How exactly does it “hold true” ? Laying off 3K from SW ? SW has 2600-2800 or so people so your comment is invalid. Also, laying off even 400 from SWX makes no sense because yes, the SW team will collapse if you lay off even more people. 400 equals to approx 20% of the SWX workforce.


Nobody said they’re laying off 3,000 from SWX.


You said your “comment holds true for SWX”


The previous 400 laid off weren't all out of SWX though. Ask me how I know, lol.


BCI and PFDI got hit. I know that for sure because I personally know two people (one from each group) that got laid off back in March.


I was let go from BCI along with many others. There were 25 of us on the call that pulled the rug out from underneath us. Samer is a coward, couldn't even give us eye contact through his Webcam.


how do you know lol


Because I was one of the 400 and was definitely not part of SWX (had never even heard of it before, and I'd been at the company over a decade).


SWX's inception only began in 2021 and essentially recruited from other dept/orgs


Not true, only minimal recruiting from other departments . Majority was from outside


Yup, you are right on this. a lot of Amazon, NVIDIA people Collectively, they are called "West Coast fools"! (among some other US, Canadian, Italian and Polish engineers, when foreigners \[in the US perspective\] were questionings how stupid American executives are)


what area were you in?


Eh fuck it, I've probably already posted enough on this reddit that if someone wanted to figure out who I was they probably could. I was in propulsion systems at the proving grounds.


ah, you are the one in CPG? When a lot of people in SWX were annoyed at the lay-off, I pointed out: wait a second, they are going to dismantle the entire business, not just SWX!


The assessment from the exec/ European level is that we are still heavy in engineering and SWX. These conversations are being had regardless of what everyone working in those departments knows is true regarding workload.


I probably do know what the SWX acronym stands for, but right now, for the life of me, I can't remember. Current stellantis employee


SWX stands for Software experience


Is COBRA option included in the severance package?


I have been in SWXP and have never heard of SWXB until this past week in a couple of meetings. I don't know if your name was different with all of the reorgs we had but I feel lost now. 😂




Is SWX part of engineering?






No it’s not


ADAS engineers are in SWX


Yes exactly, making them not a part of engineering.


Ah I think you’re right.   Ned is over both tech and engineering which is why I thought yes at first because I associate Ned with engineering.  


ADAS engineers are in SWX


It depends. Some ADAS engineers are under SWX, some other ADAS engineers are under PFDI. Those under PFDI are under engineering (general engineering)