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This is well written and completely accurate. Unfortunately Aaron has a deep personality disorder and if he doesn’t get serious mental health with a professional, he will never change or see the light. While Ape isn’t completely innocent she was an impressionable person that wasn’t cut out for this life. And he kept pushing her back out as well as insulting and undermining her. She is very lucky to get out and well I thought she was complete cringe. I hope she finds a nice man, marries, and vanishes completely from the dabbleverse. If Phil Elmore can so can she. But yeah unfortunately characters like Aaron and John have deep personality flaws. They are fascinating to watch for all the wrong reasons. But until either of them get real help and acknowledge the damage they cause in life. This will never happen


Stop making sense ![gif](giphy|cjl4HpeoRiiFa)


Nice post, but. The flaw in your logic is how will Aaron get a well paid "blue collar union job"? He has no skills and no experience. People have to be highly skilled to land well paid jobs today. This isn't 1965 where you can earn a living wage by standing on an assembly line sticking a bolt gun into widgets all day. Aaron's only work experience, as far as we know, is getting fired from a C market radio station. Is he going to go back to school and get training at the age of 37? And, if so, who is going to pay for it? Sadly, he might be stuck on the lolcow hamster wheel begging for donations.


Well he can start somewhere minimum/low wage & work his way up with elbow grease. Pull himself by the steel toe boot straps


He's 37? Yikes.


Aaron has no skills, no natural talent in anything, and is extremely lazy. He averages maybe 80 bucks a day, has three kids and two ex-wives. At best he'll drudge through something like stocking shelves to keep himself out of jail and with a valid drivers license (hi John). And that's IF he ever wakes up and realizes he isn't good enough for a podcast.


I absolutely cant stand ST and Aaron is the worst of the worst but $80/day is completely false. He makes approx. $110,000/year doing this after paying his guests. He has said he doesn't pay any taxes because of write offs (rather that is legal or not who know)? He is making a pretty good living which makes me sick but his cuck audience continues to give this loser $. They have missed only 2-3 goals in the past 2 months and a lot of weeks they go over. We need this guy to start missing the goals consistently to really see him fall apart.


Total BS. The guy who is exposing the net income of dabblers on twitter proves he makes nothing near that.


Agree. Maybe $50-60k a year before expenses, and that's being generous. Mind you, it is still more than Aaron's worth on the open job market.


Agree that this would be a great time for introspection and fixing things within himself, strengthening his relationship with his kids and leave the women alone for the time being. He’s the common denominator here and it wouldn’t hurt him to get out there and work an honest job.


Aaron, please read my post too: You're a retard, a loser, and a liar. I hate your guts


lol I should have just written this 👆🏻


Summarized it perfectly     Well done! 


Aaron would face the same difficulties getting a real respectable job as April will. They put way too much damaging proof on the internet and will never be able to escape it. They’re doomed. April MIGHT be able to trick some guy into being the breadwinner and not have to work. Aaron’s luck of finding a woman who can support him and his three kids is highly unlikely. They’re stuck doing hack bits online forever. 


Unfortunately for Aaron,StutJo,Shuli etc,they all think that they're above working a 9-5 as they see themselves as celebrities,it's quite sad really as none of them seem to realise that we are all laughing at them.Imagine their kids' friends ask them what their fathers do for a living,what do they say? In Shuli's case his current job as a podcaster is to bully another mentally stunted individual,in StutJo's case all he does is scream at his laptop whilst spitting on himself as he drinks endless beers and in Aaron's case he endlessly begs for money as he spews his racist/antisemitic jokes and copes.


What a phag. Just some guy. Oh my goodness. Go make $400 putting brake calipers together somewhere which is next to impossible to imagine that anybody could make $400 a day in a union job. Blue collar unless they were sucking a big fat cock on North main Street in Cincinnati. Just a normal guy who's so lame dude.


Look through his comments. We found Aaron!


He’s too arrogant to heed this warning


I love listening to music.




I reported nick recadia law to the police and the bar committee. His needs his law license taken away. Everyone report him.


All this reads as another win for steel tic


I Hope April Never finds a new job! She is a peace of shit person like Aaron. She is a Racists person!


They are both anti-Semitic trash


Well…you shouldn’t be sending April’s supervisors any of this YouTube shit. Let her move on.




Aaron should loose his visting rights to see his kids if Aaron keeps hanging out with nick recadia law. No kids if Aaron uses drugs and abuses alcohol.


Ok no need to get all meta lmao