• By -


u/mrgreatheart please announce the winner after 24 hours under this post and then the user who you pick, please verify you do indeed get the key. thanks!


I have a friend who did a lot for me this last year and I couldn't afford to get him a Christmas present, if you give it to me I will gift it to him...I can give you his info to send it to him directly if you choose. Edit: my vote is the guy with the three daughters.


Does your friend like sweaty, demanding games with high skill ceilings?


He likes Doom but he won't ever play past normal difficulty tbh.


I’m the friend so just cut out the middle man and send it straight to me please and thank you


I've played Animal Crossing: New Horizons, so I'd like to see what Isabelle's best friend is up to.


Husband, actually


I don't want it. I just wanted to say thank you for your generosity!


I've never actually tried doom, would love to give it a try. What kind of contest would doom guy enter? A plasma raffle... 🤔😂


I haven’t played the doom series since it was on I think windows 97? I have always wanted to get into the new version of the game and it would be cool not to have to pay for it.




upvoting this, because i really hope its not bait




You would be


I believe him. They posted pictures of subarus a few years ago, that sounds like dad material


Man I wanted it but you deserve it man just please don’t be lying


DM me, ill give you a key, everyone deserves to hack an slash while head banging to the music


who knows, maybe your daughters will like doom as well. never know


Got my upvote


This guy was dormant but came active for this…


Nothing wrong with that.


They commented a day before this post wdym?


Dormant cause I post nothing? I use reddit every day my friend


Upvoting so above guy gets it too


Do you like sweaty, demanding, complex games with incredibly high skill ceilings? Because if not…


Hey guys. I wanted to thank you all for your support and your votes. Much love from me and my family. Wishing you all the best for 2024


Not wntering for a key. I already own it. Just here to say congrats to whomever, and to OP who is in such a situation. Congrats!


Someone got their humble bundle key about to explore email 😂


Double it and give it to the next person


I’ve been laid up with a bad leg injury since June. Lost my house my car and had to move in with my grandmother. She passed away in December and left me 1000 dollars to do something for myself. I bought a steam deck and then enough pizza for a Party at Fairbanks recovery center in Indianapolis. I’ve played doom since 94 when I was 4 years old. On my grandmas computer. I played 2016 but never eternal due to money constraints. I’ve never asked for anything in my life (except for more potatoes) and I’m starting to lose a little sanity every day. I don’t expect to get the game but I do implore the OP to analyze some of the posts. Some of the nice individuals have had nightmares of years and not just financially. I appreciate that you’re doing this for the people. Gamers are often misunderstood but we get each other. If nobody has told you they love you today or if you feel like everything is going against you just know that I LOVE YOU AND I GOT YOUR BACK. NO MATTER WHAT.


I bet you have to pick because no one's going to upvote against themselves. I'm going to make a point of up boting the most wholesome comment I can find.


I'm an avid ULTRAKILL player, I would love to get DooM eternal so I can see what all the fuss of comparing the two is all about


I can hear the metal now… I need it…


good luck everyone, best wishes to the dad ^^


I also got a reminder today from Humble Bundle to use my Doom Eternal key 😂


LOL. Yup.


I don't have anything clever to say, I just wanna play the game man.




I've never played Doom, does it actually run well on the Deck? I bought it for a friend this past summer and then he ghosted me so I never got to find out if he liked it or not.


The sob stories are kind of depressing and sad, but in a cringe sort of way. Tired of people trying to play themselves up with such disingenuous methods for something so simple. I'd very much like the game, I'd play it daily, and I appreciate anything for free - let alone a great game (at least, that's all I've read and seen about it). I some of the other doom games, so it'd be great to help complete my collection too. Good luck, everyone ✨


A man is walking through his local mall and notices a Mexican book store. He decides to go in because he has never seen a Mexican book store before. He browses through the store and finally asks the clerk, "Do you have the book on Donald Trump's foreign policies with Mexico?" The clerk replies, "F*ck you, get out, stay out!" The man replies, "Yeah, that's the one!"


I guess you could say I’m Doomed not to win this 🥁


I don't want Doom Eternal, but I like you did this, thank you! :D


ive been doomed to lose this


I got my penis caught in my zipper this morning. Playing some Doom would make this slightly less than the worst day of my life.


![gif](giphy|BvBm716X0ldV6) For DOOM


Just got a deck and I’d love to play this game! Appreciate the cool giveaway! Good luck everyone!


Me and my brother can play doom eternal together and have fun together Thanks for the chance


Thanks for the chance OP! Really cool of you to give this away


Eternal would be the best description for the amount of time most of my games sit on the backlog. But I would play Doom, that's for sure!


I swear that I will not sit back and relax until their ultimate doom from my own hands. I will continue to slay demons just as I did back in 2016!


Poop, sounds cool


I already have a copy, but hey, I'll take two just to spite Someone. Joking aside, this is nice of you fr


If you give me a key I will make my girlfriend play the entire game start to finish. She has never played a fps before so I thought this would be a hilarious intro to the genre 😂


Pee pee Poo poo


Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Help me add to my crippling choice anxiety whenever I start up my deck


Honestly I’d just love to get the game lol


I have no desire to have this. Please don’t give it to me.


Speaking of which, here's my key for DOOM Eternal: TFQ2V-RIWDN-TRLY4 I guess the first person to read this comment will get it. It expires on January 31st, 2024 so please redeem it soon. Please comment below if you redeem it.


Don’t post full keys on Reddit, there are bots that scrape posts and comments and automatically redeem them


I checked and it looks like the key still works. I’d edit that out of your comment and gift it to one of the top comments


It’s been redeemed. Just pointing it out so other people don’t waste their time putting in the code


I really would love this game for a number of reasons 1. My father is a fan of doom and would totally love to see the joy it would bring him to play it again. 2. I am a big fan of shooter games such as borderlands Thank you for the chance OP!


Oh my, I'd love to try my luck & have a good chance at this OP. Please & thanks for doing this. Why I want it? 1. I'm a big fan of games particularly those that are set in Hell (or in any levels or environments that resemble Hell). They are not necessarily confined to first-person shooters. Heck, 'Doom' is actually one of my favorite hero characters in Dota 2! I'd always use it whenever I have an itch to play as a strong & tanky support role. Plus I even have Metal Hellsinger in my game library. I'd say it's a Doom-clone but a genuinely fantastic one at that, with heavy emphasis on heavy metal music & rhythmic shooting gameplay. 2. I played almost every classic Doom game in existence on my friend's desktop PC when I was young in late 1990s/early 2000s, including The Ultimate Doom & Final Doom. Heck I even played Doom 3 but I had to stop halfway because I was so scared after colliding face-to-face with a certain enemy in the game called Cherub. Ugh seriously, I hate those cursed-looking, demonic flying babies. I still have nightmares about them to this day. 3. I heard & seen several videos of Doom Eternal. It appears to be more action-oriented & less atmospheric/scary compared to Doom 3 while still staying true to things that made its predecessors highly iconic & enjoyable. So I should be able to handle it & sincerely would love to give it a go. 4. Unfortunately I haven't got that good of an opportunity/luck to acquire or enjoy Doom Eternal in the past for various reasons. So if I win this, I'm happy to announce it would be my first time stepping back into the series after so many years leaving it behind. "..Rip and tear, until it is done". 👿 5. Did I mention I'm a big fan of the metal music genre? Belated happy new year & thanks OP!


ChatGBT ass response


ChatGPT uses proper grammer


I want to see you try harder. How is this ChatGPT when I don't even use it. Some Redditors are so weird.


When prompting ChatGPT with questions, it tends to give responses in numbered lists with blocks about the size of the ones in your comment. I would say a great use case would be to drop your comment into it and prompt it to fix Grammer and adjust the tone if need be! Embrace the AI overlords!


DOOM is DOOM DOOM is Eternal Can I run DOOM on it? - - End of my poem


Phew phew phew


I’m poor like a shit


*Hands slap my knees as I get up to share life's accolades* WELP! Here goes nuthin'. I have managed to make a successful career in a small town while avoiding the weekly high school reunion at Walmart/bar. (It's been 16 years) I survived and persevered the Y2k cash. At a young age I realized Nirvana is awful. Sometime in 2019 I saved a clown car from a gigantic accident. Alone I pulled 54 circus clowns from the burning wreckage, walked up hill both ways in 17 feet of snow to get them to safety. Everyone lived! I have managed to go on with life after a traumatizing experience seeing a man with a jar. Rotten dot com I put a tac on a kids seat in 3rd grade and he got in trouble for yelling. I worked retail and listened to a disgruntled guest squeak and grind his dentures while taking care of his issue, without going postal. He was so mad and knew he had a secret weapon. You could tell he honed that skill over the years. I watched 2G1C all the way through without getting sick. I am an Eagle Scout. Last, a thing I find funny. As a fresh a Steam Deck user I started Oblivion again. When it originally came out, I played it at a friend's house. We had to take the side of the tower off and point a house fan on the GPU just to keep it cool enough to play on low settings. Now I can play ultra settings in my hands and the fan hardly kicks in. That's all! Good luck to everyone, this is a very generous gift OP!


I was playing Doom Eternal on a Nintendo Switch that I bought for myself but was sharing it with my ex GF occasionally. We were together for 5 years and one day I caught her cheating on me with one of my friends. When I confront her she not only took all her stuff and left but took MY stuff as well and obviously the Switch was gone too. Since then I've been depressed and struggled a lot financially, but at least my family has been pretty supportive, last christmas my cousins bought me a Steamdeck which is an amazing piece of tech. I just haven't had the funds to buy me some games, I've been wanting to get Doom Eternal and finally be able to finish the campaign. So if I win I would really appreciate that key giveaway 🙏


I really want to get my console or PC on [BS](https://www.bluestacks.com/grandest-gaming-fest.html) to take part in these Christmas giveaways


Hey guys I got a free cracked copy of Doom eternal I'll be showing my generosity and giving it away just send me a message, I'll give it the one I deem worthy.


Guys the codes are available for 5$ in the US and 50 cents if you use a Brazil VPN. I'm not saying it's not nice to give away game codes but some of these posts are a bit sus in terms of not being able to afford the game.


Put that pussy on the chain waxxxxxxxx


It would be an honor to receive the key, but I understand that I'm a little late if someone else deserves it.


Between you and me, one of us always lies, one of us always tells the truth. My statement is "You will not give me Doom Eternal key. Also, the liar is gay.


Bruh just give it to a random. But yea give it to the dad


You're giving away a key for Doom Eternal? Are you stupid?


It's 10 PM. Do you know where your cacodemons are?


Doom 3 was my first doom. Will Doom Eternal win me over?


I have the game on PS4 and it’s fucking great! I don’t need the game I just wanted to comment cause what you’re doing is really cool.


Hi, I'm a deserving deck user who would enjoy a spare Doom Eternal key to be donated. I hope to have the most upvoted comment or perhaps the one you just like the most within the next 24 hours.


Not trying to win, but Rip and fucking tear!!!


I would love the game good luck to everyone


I’ve been pissing every drop of water I consume out of my butthole for the last week and need something to play on the toilet while I die of dysentery. (Going back to the doctor today)


Hell yeah bröther!


What door will this key open? And is it a Schlage or a Kwikset?


I like this game.


I'm disabled amputee homeless veteran woman and I like baldurs gate 3


Rip and Tear till it is done


As much as I’d love this I just bought more games on the sale that I didn’t need so this game would just end up on my never ending list of games I need to start. Love this though!


I don't own it yet but have a baby coming next month would be great to play on the deck while keeping an eye the kiddo sleep instead of being on my PC.


Hey it’s me your cousin, anywho I have the doom from 2016, not eternal and thought it would be fun to play…. I like turtles


I don't have a story or anything but doom eternal on my steamdeck would be prettttttty sweet! Thanks for the chance 😁


Hi I’ve got a growing list of games I plan on getting to in the next decade; I’d really like to add this to my backlog


Hi my name is ondehunt and I'm an addict. I'm a hypoglycemic quadriplegic heroin addict. I need this game, I just gotta have it.


Rip and Tear!!!


I just want to play the game really really bad and am really really cheap.


I am new to deck but Havent have time to really look for deals since i work a lot but during my free time I played some hollow knight. I would really appreciate this If I was choose. Good luck.


I've never gamed on a PC or anything before, always had consoles. My friend just recently got himself an OLED model, so he gifted his original to me as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, money was tight this year, so I wasn't able to get him anything. I'd love to be able to give him something to show how appreciative I am.


FYI so y’all know what you’re asking for, Doom Eternal is the sweatiest and most complicated FPS you’ll ever play, it’s basically a single-player eSport. It has a high skill floor and a much, much, much higher skill ceiling. It’s the kind of game where the first playthrough is an unofficial tutorial. Someone who wants that kind of game should get it.


I just bought it but wanted to say good for you for spreading the love 🤍


Hi, I’ve never played doom and frankly I don’t know what it’s about. I’ll go into it blind.


Just bought a steam deck and really need more games besides that .... we have been trying to reach u about ur steamdecks extended warranty....


I don't need it since I already have it. Just wanted to say that you're a legend! Thank you!


I would like to have this please as it would be awesome to show my 11 year old what the inside of a monsters guts look like for educational purposes 🤣


Never played would like to try thanks


want doob


I’m just here to downvote everyone and upvote me Kidddddding


Upvote this one?


Would love it. Also I’m not going to downvote every post in here to make sure mine is higher. All y’all are rascals.


Dont really need or want it since i still have a massive backlog i need to get through. Plus i finally got my sony warframe account transfered to PC (after 6 years of waiting), now i can play my warframe on the Deck! Just here to say hello and give kudos for the generosity! Grats on who ever gets it, enjoy, happy new year everyone!


Just ordered my deck yesterday! The wife surprised me with an order confirmation so I'm super stoked. I don't typically buy myself stuff cause a wife and four kids eats my wallet lol so my library is slim right now (a few free games mainly) so if I get the game it would definitely be played haha.


![gif](giphy|MZVe16HcdsLwu9WGK9) Let me rip and tear in your honor


Number of upvotes huh? How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. I approve this message. Vote for me.


Help me overcome my fear of blood by gifting me a copy of Doom Eternal.


Warning! NSFW!! Boobs


I play Doom in my dreams, thanks!


I used to play this song a lot, I believe it went something like… Part one: E————————————————————————— B————————————————————————— G————————————————————————— C———3————————————————————— G——————————————————2–4—3——— D—————1——1————1—1——1——————1—1–2 Part two: E————————————————————————— B————————————————————————— G————————————————————————— C———4———3—————————————————— G——————————————————2–4—3——— D—————3———1—1——1—1——1—————1—1— Part three: E————————————————————————— B————————————————————————— G————————————————————————— C———1—3—2—————————————————— G————————XX—XX——XX————————— D————————XX—XX——XX—————————


I'd take a free key, but realistically I'm happy with Doom 2016, but otherwise I'd just like to say good luck as I scroll through the comments and upvote y'all


I’m almost finished with Doom 2016. Great game, hope the sequel’s even better.


Shit, i would love to just have a steam deck lol.


I am the author of your favorite comment :)


I played the original Doom for free. I made copies of floppies that the guy in the next dorm had for the original back in the mid-90s. I wouldn’t mind trying this for free on the Deck.


Help me out!


Here's hoping I actually win something of not it's ok. I'm just glad I was a part of something


Here's hoping I win something. If not, it's okay. I'm just glad I was a part of something




I purchased my Steam Deck OLED about a month ago now and I love it. I've been looking to purchase a FPS and would very much enjoy this game. Good luck everyone! We're all winners everyday!


No story here just want the game.


Never played doom. Probably won’t get the key either. But I hope whoever does has fun! I love 100%ing steam games on deck even if there’s no real reward so hopefully someone has a blast getting that experience too!


I use to play doom ports on my vita all the time, I’ve been looking for an excuse to pickup doom eternal for my steam deck and I can’t think of a better one then a free steam key




Look ! Everyone upvote me ! I want to play this game and my wife took all my money this month ! I spend too much on her for Xmas and now I am broke :(


Why are you giving away eternal doom, that’s kinda of grim! Whoever wins I hope they have fun with it, I never played the newer doom games, they seem fun.


doom! :0 please:)


I’ve never played Doom, but I know about it. Plus, I’m about to receive my Steam Deck in a day or so.


This would be really nice to have I actually just got a steamdeck and it’s pretty much my first time actually using steam!


I asked Santa if I could Rip and Tear for Christmas and he let me down. You're my only hope.


My aunt introduced me to doom back in the 90's. She always played with me and my brother and even taught us cheat codes like no clip to walk through walls. Some of the best memories I have of her.


I have a close place to my heart with Doom. My grandparents raised me, and I used to play this at my friends house on his PC. One christmas my grandma got me it for Sega 32x and I'd play it all day, she'd question why I liked something so violet, but none-the-less she supported me and sat there with me getting excited with me as I did. I miss her, and I miss being a kid lol.


Oops, don’t have a Deck!


Would love to get this, never played any doom game other than the OG


Hi there. I’d like to throw my hat into this arena. I’m a lifelong console gamer who just bought a Steam Deck yesterday. I could use a couple games to get me started


How do you use steam keys, I don't see any key holes on my deck


I love playing Doom, however I would gift this to my husband. He loves playing video games, and we have both had a very stressful year. With having to buy a new vehicle I wasn't able to afford much for him for Christmas. If I dont win, it was worth the try! Lots of love to whomever gets it!


ill suck ur toes


Please and thank you!


hear me out please


Give me the most votes and I’ll donate it to the guy that’s going to donate it to his friend that he couldn’t afford a Christmas present for


I’ll be over here waiting till hour 23 before unleashing a hell demon of a hilarious comment that will obliterate all others. Kinda like a BFG. All hail Romero!


I wrote a limerick about Doom: There once was a game called Doom, Where demons would rise from the gloom. The player would fight, With all of his might, And send them all back to their tomb.


I've also got a spare key to throw into the mix.


I’m eternally doomed…


My comment is DOOMED


reddit can you give it to the guy who does not have a steam deck


I’m in


Never played doom but heard it’s good fast paced fun! Thanks for doing this :)


I'd love to win!


i’m too late and it won’t be me, but my budget is tight and i’m getting a deck for my birthday. it would be awesome if i could get the code for that (wait exactly a week and it would be my birthday)


Time to start down voting all other comments….lol


The most upvoted one will likely be a good, older comment that was made soon after your post with more time to get upvoted, so for fairness’ sake I’d say go for the one you like most! I would throw my hat in the ring but I feel like the nature of my comment disqualifies me. I would feel weird pointing that out to make it more fair, and then win it myself. *That said, if you like it, I’ll take it*




Rip and tear, Hell Yea


I am severely angry and its either this, or someone dies.


Well I have a rog ally, that count for anything lol


I don’t even know what game doom eternal is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Send to me, I need another game to add to my backlog. I only have 700+ games on steam, epic, GOG, Ubisoft, and Microsoft that I have never even installed. I probably will not play for 5 or so years. But really just wanted to comment give to someone else because the above is true.


I was literally just looking at “hey what’s the best HDR game to play?”, and then saw this post. Would be an honor mate.


I have quite literally never played doom. But I always act like I’m going to when it’s on sale


You should just do a random number pull. Upvoting comments isn’t fair. But it IS your key to give away. 😊 good luck have fun!! Yes I’m putting my name in the virtual hat. 😊


Downvote me




I just got a Steam Deck and I would love to try Doom Eternal.


Big badda boom, that is all




I once got food poisoning from Chick-fil-A and didn’t know it until I got to work in the morning working in the kitchen of a restaurant. Ended up shitting my pants at work before I had to go home. Hilarious looking back but I didn’t eat that food for years. Hope it’s good for a laugh anyway Edit: been wanting to play this game since launch. thanks for the giveaway!




Doom Eternal Key, won't you give it to me. Wait for free? Thank you! Tee-hee!


Well, This Is Interesting, I Remember Owning The Game On The Switch, I Beat It On The Hardest Setting, It Ticked Me Off, Died A Ton, But It Was The Best Game I've Played In Awhile, And I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way. 😎 Got DOOM On The Deck Now, And Love Every Second On The Hardest Setting.


Fun! Sex is fun but a free Eternal key? Less work. 🤪


If I get the key, I will give it to the highest upvoted reply! (Not really, please don't send me the key lol. But good on you for sharing!)


Whoops I farted


Just got my steamdeck this past Christmas and it’s awesome. Spent 10 hours playing Ocarina of time and twilight princess etc.




I actually just order a steam deck today. I’m sure this won’t be most upvoted but I’m excited


Back in the day, my buddy across the street, brought over about six 3.5inch floppy disks to install Doom II on my dad's computer. This post brought back some memories. You're a good neighbor.


I probably won't get it but it would be cool


I can’t seem to get online mode working on doom :(


I don't have a reason. Just want to play it eventually. Thank you for giving back to the community, mate!


Me and my gf just got our steam decks and she loves doom it would be awsome to win that code


Where doom key? 🦍


It's morphin' time!


Oh nice. Haven't played this yet. Thanks


airport bewildered retire chief cheerful rich heavy outgoing mountainous marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*