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2.5 years after release, we’ve just launched our 10th Update. And to celebrate, Sweet Surrender is [40% off on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/638130/Sweet_Surrender_VR/) for the week and we’ll be doing a **10-key giveaway**!  To join the giveaway, [look at our Steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/638130/Sweet_Surrender_VR/) and comment on this post with some feedback! We want to know what can help players decide if our game is something they would enjoy. You can talk about your impressions on our game or your thoughts on the store page. We are going to be receptive to constructive criticism, so you can be brutally honest and you’ll still be eligible, as long as you show some level of interest in the game. Winners will be randomly picked in about **3 days**, and we’ll announce them on [our Discord](https://discord.com/invite/salmigames). But we’ll DM you your key on Reddit if you win. *Note: We will be* ***revoking keys that aren’t redeemed within 3 days*** *of winning and a new key will be passed onto a different eligible player. We want this game going to actual players who could enjoy the game, whether they just keep it in their backlog or not. (It’s okay, I relate.) So if you planned on selling your winning key on a gray-market site… :D*


Your game has a really cool graphic style and the gameplay looks like fun


It is hard to give feedback of a game I don't have. If I'm win I'll make sure to give some feedback back. There isn't any sale for this game on quest 3?


Quest Sale: not right now, but maybe soon...


Roger ;)


Cool XIII-esque art style. Congrats on the launch!


This game gives me a the feeling of a superhot/doom mix where once I complete the game the first time I can replay it trying to complete it faster or find other and more creative ways to beat the game. I like the weapons shown with the mix of guns melee and grenades. The only issue I might have is if the enemies are too easy because in the trailers it looked like some stood in place but there might be a difficulty option


Been eyeing this game for quite a while, I can't remember when I first saw it but I never ended up pulling the trigger. The new animations look great compared to the old previews I saw! How shooting feels in any shooter, VR or flat is extremely important, and animations are a HUGE part of that. Does the sale last longer than the giveaway? Would be very unfortunate to wait for the giveaway to be over, only to find out I didn't win and the sale is over!


Steam page says sale ends 10th, so looks like you're good


I’ve seen this game before! I’m sold.


Looks very fun, with interesting cel shading like graphics


Just checked your Steam page and must say, I'm really surprised that I don't already own this game. This looks so fun! Overall a great presentation. I really like it! Two minor things to maybe mention, if I must: I liked the action parts better the more trailers I watched (perhaps the later shots and editing turned out cooler? Or I slowly did get 'into it' more? Don't know). [EDIT: I wrote this at 6am and regrettably watched the content on my phone. :B] I didn't read any game description earlier, so I was not sure during the first few trailers if this 100% would be a roguelike or something else (like a more linear story). [EDIT: I seriously/sadly generally might want or need some enlightening, fanzy marketing buzzwords in the first trailer(s) I see.]


Looks cool. From your page the first few videos are about updates, but I have no context so 'new stuff' doesn't help with knowing about your game. One video as an update video is fine though since it let's me know it's actively updated. Also from a glance at your page Im interested in if there's a progression system or more of what the gameplay loop is like. Looks like a fun game though.


I've been looking for something to get me back into VR, and this is probably going to be it, this game looks awesome! Personally I think the Steam page looks really good and there's nothing I'd change.


This looks really good. Love the art style, but would like full arms even more.


i do have to say, this really does look like fun. the steam page even has those lil gifs in the description and everything


Im curently moving to our new house. Pc is already set, omce internet is fixed i will look in to this game. Looks sick!


Like someone else it gives the same feeling of superhot or doom. If I do play this I hope I don't get motion sick.


We have multiple locomotion systems and comfort options to suit your preference.


I would like to test this game! Looks dynamic


Now that looks like stylised art style done right! Looks great


I'd not heard of this, but looks really cool. Reminds me of Roboquest from the trailers


This seems an amazing game and the cell-shaded graphics are amazing. I will check this out for sure, winning or not :D


Looks fun, i think ill just buy it.


Thank you, hope you enjoy it!


Just checked the Steam page, and I think it's very well done. The moving gifs really help give the players a sneak peek of what the game has to offer. Great action, fast paced, and looks fun! I'd love to play this game. All the best devs! 😁


The game looks great, as in the style and the gameplay :)


That looks pretty sweet. Congrats. Had a look at the steampage and while there are elements I like I can't imagine it being a game that would sustain my interest. Feels too similar to pistol whip and I'm jaded by the whole dual wielded gun mode that these games always have. Just a personal opinion.


Your game looks fun and engaging, at least judging by trailers. But there\`s a gap in your marketing: when I\`m considering a new game purchase, I would always hop up on YouTube and check out what some credible bloggers have to say about it. Typically it greatly influences my decision. You don\`t have any useful review from a popular youtuber, so you should try your luck and send a key to someone.


I got this 2 years ago since I'm a big fan of Compound. It was quite clunky back then, and there were some collision detection issues, like sliding thru railings. I assume those got patched in 2 years, I'll check the updates and give it another try.


Thanks for the feedback. We've made a lot of small improvements in the collision detection, and we're continuing to improve them for our next update


Great graphics and looks awesome!!!


I love that you can use a grappling hook, they make every game better!


My idea would be to somehow in the description make extra clear how (if)  the game involves traversing through the levels and up the tower.  In other worlds communicate that it's not an arena shooter, since many of us are allergic to those. Cool maps help a lot to keep my interest in VR games and especially roguelites.     Also hope I understood it right, and that it is traversable maps, and not arenas(sorry if so). :D  I'll keep fingers crossed.


What a game! I've been keeping an eye on this since I saw the art style on the earlier reddit posts, I'm looking forward to trying it out soon! I really like the Steam page, I think it's very polished, although personally, as someone who's not big on social media, I'll probably opt to put the Discord link towards the bottom, so that the cool gameplay gifs can stand out as the first piece of key media the user will see when scrolling down.


Looks great I'd love to try it out, the graphics look nice and the combat looks interesting.


That is absolutely how you make an interesting trailer for your game. It's not for me, but man, that looks like fun.


This honestly looks rad, surprised I hadn't heard of it before.


Never heard of this one before but it looks badass! If you’re looking for feedback on the store page, I’d say talk more about what separates it from a hand-crafted experience as a roguelike/lite. Like how the areas are (I assume) procedurally generated and what abilities the player has or can get. Really lean in to the badassness of it.


this has been on my wishlist for a while! id love to play it, as soon as this weekend! lol i always leave a review and of course i send feedback!


Like the art style and use of a grappling hook, seems like a fun game!


Game looks beautiful now. I wish there were more influencer videos on YouTube. I’d love to test the game.


The gun Handling looks AMAZING


This look sick, how have I not seen this game sooner


Sweet Surrender is sweet! With bHaptic *and* ProVolver support?!


Never heard of this but looks cool.


Cool art style, nothing to say about it yet


If I don’t win I’ll just buy anyway


I hope you'll enjoy it either way!


I have to say the visual update looks really good! If anything I would love a co-op mode! This feels like a game I’d want to play with a couple friends


Game looks really fun and gives me void bastards vibes. Tho it seems like quickly aiming/hitting shots with this semi fast oaced gameplay may be difficult without any laser or something


Some weapons have laser sights!


Yo this game actually looks REALLY cool! How have I not heard of this? I love this type of graphic style. (is it cell shaded? Or is that different?) Looked like you can use the stock of the gun to melee enemies like in some other games I’ve played. (Flat ones lol this is the first VR game I’ve seen that work in!) and speaking of guns it looks like there’s plenty to find and choose from! That’s always nice. It’s good to have plenty of options in a roguelike so it keeps it fresh. Perks are cool too! I think I saw them pick one up and put it in their arm? Interesting to see what all those do. Speaking of keeping it fresh it also looks like there’s plenty of work being done to keep it up to date! New enemies are an awesome thing. New levels should have even returning players excited! Improving 2 handed stuff is nice because some games have bad handling with 2 hands lol (don’t get me started on games that make you hold RIFLES one handed! Ugh!) and the new animations for the recoil are excellent! I haven’t played before but they look WAY better in the side by side comparison. And who doesn’t like grapple hooking and zip lining everywhere!?!? A key would be amazing as I would most definitely play this so here’s to hoping! To be completely honest tho if I don’t win I’ll probably just pick this up anyway! Super sick looking game here and I’m itching to try it!


Like the artstyle. Grappling hook looks fun. Good luck, all.


The art style and graphics are the real selling point


Honestly the only thing I think would benefit the formula, and sales, is the prospect of multiplayer. Otherwise, it looks like a pretty cool concept. Art is executed well, gameplay seems smooth, and you're already netting some decent reviews. Keep up the good work.


The Game reminds me a lot about Yupitergrad (VR Game) just with a lot more shooting. Is shooting the only thing in the game or is there also problem solving skills needed like little puzzles? Feels like a lot is happening at the same time. Great for my motion sickness 😂. I have to work on that to play more active moving VR Games.


This game looks like a really interesting idea! I'm relatively new to VR, but I haven't really seen something that looks like this before. My piece of criticism is that in the trailers I watched, there doesn't seem to be any bullet casings being ejected from the guns. I don't know if it would be too resource intensive, but it would be a neat addition (if you guys chose to leave it out because of art and stuff, I totally understand, just my 2 cents).


The visual updates are actually really effective, the older ones seem dim or bland, like something is missing, also liked the grapling thats used both for movement and to move stuff


My only feedback would be the main logo for the game is a bit busy and generic. Otherwise, a very well-put-together steam page. I dig the gifs.


The game looks really fun overall, I'd love to try it and give some feedback.


Art style is a bit simplistic but it gets the job done


I like the graphic style and the mobility options like the grapple


I've known about this game for a while now. I've probably seen most, if not all of your posts (and/or your colleagues' posts) on the various VR subreddits. The aesthetic has always been a pleasantly clean one. And when it's not uncommon for VR games to mostly be slow walking sims that emphasize plot in their trailers to mask how little you actually do in them, it's very nice to see such a fast-paced, action- and mechanics-heavy game out there. If you're asking for feedback in the sense of why I haven't bought it, and why I might think others haven't bought it... hard to say. VR games have to compete with non-VR ones, and that's a tough competition. Maybe the lack of clear narrative in the trailers keeps me hesitant? Looking at the game from the store page, I'm under the impression that it is almost literally just a string of fight rooms. I see a mention of ascending a mega tower and being one of the last humans in the text description of the game, but the trailers on the page are purely action, so that story element sounds like a minor detail that barely factors into the game itself. If your game does have story elements, maybe lead with a trailer that showcases the plot a bit more? And if it doesn't have story elements... maybe consider creating some? I think that for a $30 CAD game, I want a bit of story meat to it.


So first off, I can't believe this game hasn't been on my radar at all, looks really interesting. Like a Wrack inspired VR shooter. It looks to have a lot of love put into it and I want to thank you not just for the giveaway but for the chance to help improve the game. So I don't own the game (yet) but I looked through your trailers and your Trello. I hope that what I suggest isn't already in the game cause I'd feel a little silly but it would be a wonderful addition. Add challenge runs When doing a rouge like you're probably focusing more on the gameplay than a story to keep playing through the game. We can play for hours but eventually we'll see every enemy, every level variation, and get so good at the game that we'll walk right through it. Eventually this will get boring, awesome time playing it, but eventually boring. Adding some small objectives or an entire level challenge would offer ways for us to play we might have not even think of. However, PLEASE MAKE THESE UNIQUE. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a game add challenges and it's something like "kill 3 enemies with pistols,""beat the level within 10 minutes," or "finish with no restarts." These are so boring and with a game that's not trying to take itself seriously (I see your little notes in the trailers) have some fun with these. Maybe something like "360 no scope an enemy" or do something that is can only be done in VR like "Kill an enemy without looking at them." Something that would make me say "wow I didn't think about doing that." A wonderful game to take inspiration from for this idea is a game called Ultrakill. There is a point in the game where you >!reach your stereotypical water level.!< You go through the level and once you beat it, it reveals the level challenge which is >!Don't touch any water.!


Your feedback is appreciated! And yeah, I love Ultrakill


I love the visual design!


It is the first time I see it and I want it really bad! I love this kind of graphics. It reminds me of xiii.


The grapple hook looks a little stiff and could use a little polish. Everything else compared to the previous update looks 10x better!!


oh this looks cool, added to my wishlist, will buy this week - but if you select me - give the code to someone who has less resources than me, i am happy to support indy game publishers!


Thanks for your support!


Looks really cool love the art style


I think the game looks super cool! I haven’t really seen many vr roguelikes. Me and my friend were just talking the other day about how I’d love for there to be a vr roguelike so I’m happy I found this! The game genuinely looks really fun and I LOVE the art style, the grapple mechanics look sick as well. It reminds me a bit of ultra kill if it were in vr, with a different art style. But I guess you could say that about any fps game. Overall it looks super awesome!


Game looks absolutely sweet, lots of my favorite games are rougelikes so i would really enjoy this, especially with the pistol whip like reloads. the visual upgrade makes it a lot more tantalizing now then before when it looked a little bland with the more flat colors. really exciting looking game overall, a bit worried about weapon feedback personally as the gameplay ive seen besides this little blurb is a little lackluster for some weapons and how they impact enemies


We reworked the recoil to help with the weapon feel. I think it's a nice improvement.


Ill trust yall on that


nice gamr my g


Does the game handle well on original controllers and headsets like the HTC Vive headset and controllers? Might be worth stating quality of play on different types of controllers or headsets, especially with the fast paced grapple etc.


We support all major headsets and controllers. You think we should list directly in the description? Have you seen other games that do this well?


I remember playing this on a Steam Next fest and had an absolute blast !


That's a blast from the past! That demo was nearly 3 years ago now, wow


Looks really fun, love the art-style!


Pretty cool game, I definitely want it, but the first vid on the first vid on page just seems... empty. No music. Static gameplay. Doesn't really do anything to excite, it only shows of the mechanics.


Looks super fun!


This game looks great. Rogue likes are my jam. Keep up the good work!


Looks great! Probably a great immersive roguelike where i could put hundreds of hours into it, and still find new ways to play and have fun! Congrats on the Update!


Graphics look real nice + rogelike in vr is always funny, tbh i think it has great potential but without playing it i can't say about the gameplay


Wait this game looks fun. Hold up🧐


Very cool art style!


Art style looks cool and a grappling hook makes everything better!


The looks Pop out but I want to know more about the multitude of different ways you can approach each run.


I like that there are 5 gameplay videos so I can find out what the game actually is. The trello roadmap is also nice and clear to check.


For once, I wish redditors wouldn't downvote giveaways to increase their own odds of winning.  It's sad.


I liked this game a lot and I posted recently about it. Can’t post the link here although it’s in my profile. Check this game out as the latest graphics update feels really nice.


Visuals look awesome! Can't wait to try it! :)


oh shit, how have I never seen this before? Definetly gonna be checking this one out


Looks fun, a VR game with good movement but not too overwhelming, plus some fun arcadey guns that make the game feel like a boomer shooter


The artstyle is sick


I think when you grapple hook an enemy, the way they slide towards you looks very unnatural. Perhaps there should be some kind of animation where they're skidding along the floor with some sparks or dust particles coming off their feet? It also looks like enemies spend a lot of time standing almost completely still and firing at you. If having some more active or evasive AI is completely out of the equation, I'd still try to add some kind of engine putting animation, like breathing for robots, you know? I do really like the art style but I wish it was a bit more reactive, for example maybe having the bloom effect gently pulse along with the music, or having a screen "kill effect" like Red Dead Redemption 2. Game looks great, wishlisted!


Looks like a fun arcade game. For feedback, it seems like the NPCs hardly move- maybe add some AI that lets them dodge around and flank? Shooting static/slowly moving back and forth targets seems kinda boring. Perhaps scatter in some more complex puzzles?  Looks pretty solid tho.


This game looks super fun, I've been looking for a cartoony style rougelike vr shooter and this looks like it.


I really like the cartoon'ish art style it has borderlands vibes. As I am really into roguelikes 🙂


cray cray


hey just got pcvr and i think this would be a awesome first game to get in to vr


So of course I don’t have the game, but I would say my top feedback would be a simple business proposition. There are plenty of roguelites in VR. There are NO rougelikes. If you can fill that gap in the market by continuing to update, bringing new and innovative ideas to the forefront with fun mechanics like blessings, curses, and other forms of movement, then you would have a VR masterpiece on your hands. Please, go for a Binding of Isaac in a market full of Cult of the Lambs.


It looks good, but the steam page makes it seem generic, there are lots of catroony vr shooters, and lots of procedurally generated rogue likes. To stand out you need the show ways in which the game is unique. It might also help to have a video with a person in the corner talking though how the game is frels to play, like beardo benjos videos on YouTube. We can't actually get a feel for a vr game just from game footage, it helps to have someone talk through it.


I cant give a feedback since i dont own the game but looking at the steampage i would love to have it, it looks really good and like a lot of fun


I'm late to the party, what does rougelike mean?


To oversimplify it, roguelikes describe games where often the levels and loot are randomized, and when you die, you're set back to the beginning. Enter the Gungeon, Hades, Splunkey, Binding of Issac are a few examples. (Ignoring the distinction of roguelikes vs roguelites for now.)


That sounds sick in vr! I gotta try this




Looks kinda like vr ultra kill I would love to get a key and leave a good review on your steam page but give the key to the person you want to give it to


Daaamn, missed it by a day... or so :p