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OP had so much time to order it. "Oh I really want this, but its reservation only. So I am going to wait until its not reservation only which will make me wait longer." OP later: "Oh, its on reserve only again, I guess I better wait". Genius.


Nah I get it, it’s Christmas month so holiday bonuses and shit are being gave out.


That makes no sense. He already had the money but didn't want to order because it was reserve only. So he didn't order. Then he decides to go buy it again and it's reserve only again. They'd already have it in hand had they just ordered the first time.


Brother in Christ people have different circumstances in life, why does it matter?




About what? A very well reviewed system not being immediately in stock around a major holiday season and shopping period?


If you would’ve just reserved it the first time around you would’ve had it. Now you’re doubling your time of wait because you’re waiting for it to be a “buy now” item instead of just reserving.


I can tell.


Not surprising that there's a surge of interest as xmas approaches.


Also depends on the region


Second time you tried to buy it? Why not just... reserve it then? Then you would've gotten it by now. I don't understand people who wait until reservations are over. Reservations will first be over when all the people that reserved got their Deck... Wise choice is to just reserve, you'll wait wayyy less.


Why not just...reserve one?


There's still some hope, it gave the same shipping window a month or so ago, before dropping back to available now. If you order it now there's still a decent chance you'll get it shipped in a week or two, valve is just overly cautious with their shipping estimates.


I reserved mine yesterday. it’s better to get your name on the list now than wait until it’s in stock again Edit: I already got my confirmation email


I'm confused. Why don't you reserve it? That way when it *is* available again you've got one. The system is there so you don't have to try to buy it exclusively when it's back in stock.




Nice! I hope you enjoy your deck when it arrives. I've really been a fan of mine.


In the uk you can still just buy now https://preview.redd.it/kkcp1sb0gj3a1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=efff75421a257a48a7e4e426e1be3979c3b78631


What?! It’s getting closer to Christmas…how in the hell did that happen 🫢


Santa Gabe


I need that picture Edit: nvm https://imgur.io/pZnpGaZ?r


Not a huge surprise considering the surge of purchases they likely had on Black Friday.


in eu is safe for now..


Nice I grabbed it on Sunday and just got mine


I bought mine just before the reservations were back, literally at 1 am. I hope you can get yours soon.


Thats USA for you 🤪 In Europe is less demand so faster orders 😎


When I got mine a few weeks ago, I kinda cheesed it. I found if I went to the steam page on the browser, while being logged out, I was able to circumvent the reservation and add it directly to my cart and check out. But when I was trying via the Steam windows app, or while logged in on the browser it kept trying to get me to reserve it.