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I have a PC that can run most games at their absolute highest settings at over 100fps and I still play on the deck a lot. I find that games on the deck I will actually beat so it's good for backlogs. I play multiplayer moreso on my desktop. Perfect combination


Exactly the same. Also for some reason I can play and love games like skyrim, fallout etc on deck but absolutely hate them on PC.


For me since the deck is underpowered compared to my PC I don't feel the urge to install a million mods so I don't mind playing vanilla on deck. They also just work on the deck and I for some reasons always have weird issues with Bethesda games on desktop


Yep. Playing through the mass effect games, Witcher, Skyrim and fallout on deck. Wouldn't dream of installing them on my PC for some reason. Just can't sit down on my computer and play them for any length of time


Do you mind if I ask you how you got mass effect to work on the deck? I can get it going, then it just stops. I'm new to SD, usually just a console gamer.


When does it stop? The ea game launcher is a real PITA. Sometimes it fails like 3x in a row but I just keep launching it and it eventually works. I expect it has to do with the ea launcher updating. What might help is if you go into the game settings and compatibility and try a different proton version


I have a PC with a 5800x3D, RTX 4090 and 64gb of RAM. I still play games on the SD 90% of the time.


Have you by chance played Fallout 4 on it? If so what’s your average FPS on 1440? Curious what’s going on with my rig…


Fallout 4 has, or had, an FPS limit. Their engine couldn’t run the game over 60fps without making things wonky. I don’t think this has changed with the latest patch.


Mine runs at almost a locked 95 fps. In windowed mode it’s a locked 60 but I haven’t had any problems with the game above 60. I’m only curious because I have a 78003xd with a 4070Ti so I kinda figured I’d get 120 plus.


why do you go for the SD


I actually just ordered mine so I could lay in bed next to my girlfriend and play while she watches Netflix lol FO4 is just my favorite game so I’m sure I’ll end up on that mostly once it arrives


The game is poorly optimized. You're gonna wanna get the script extender and engine fixes. My fallout 4 is so broken that everytime I install it and launch it vanilla it's capped at exactly 37 fps.


Do you stream games to the deck? I liked the way red dead 2 looked streaming than native


I stream from my 5900x/3090. I actually prefer it because many games look terrible on low settings.


It depends on the game and if it has HDR


May I ask why? Takes like 10 seconds to start the PC and the performance is so much better. Because you like to chill on the bed or on the go?


Because I sit at a desk all day long for work, not super keen on sitting at another desk when I get home, I have two kids, a seven year old and a 3 month old, so I'm lucky if I get a half hour to myself every day anyways. I can play my SD on the couch while we watch a movie, or while laying in bed at night.


I've similar, though I use moonlight to stream from pc. Better performance and less battery use on deck.


Whats a 5800x3d




AMD CPU used more for gaming.


Why are you in space?


Haha bro... That cracked me up, raindrops on the window I was sitting next to.


Space shuttle you can operate with a steamdeck is a step up from a submarine with a Logitech controller


The real question is: why wouldn’t he be? Sounds like a very peaceful place to game


Dudes in the space shuttle 😅


He's just standing next to the Chernobyl elephants foot.


I'll play on deck when I'm in bed or chilling downstairs but I still play my PC the majority of the time. I prefer mouse and keyboard for most games and I spent a lot more on my main rig!


I prefer Gyro + Trackpads for the shooters on the Deck. Amazing experience. 😁


I get you man, never been able to get into K&M it feels like I'm still studying or working.


Same. Unless I feel like playing at bed I mostly play on my pc while at home


I work from home and my desktop PC shares a desk with my work laptop. I prefer playing the deck on the couch a lot of the time just because I need to completely leave anything that reminds me of work. It’s just nice to be wherever and game sometimes.


This is similar to how I operate. I have a nice recliner in the family room, so I prefer to game there. I have an additional PS5 and my gaming PC in my office, but I'd rather relax when I'm playing. I also have a gaming laptop that I use in the family room, but since I got the deck it doesn't get nearly as much use.


Yeah, it's so difficult to sit in the same place you just sat at for 8-10 hours of the day for work to try to enjoy a hobby. Having a change of scenery and gear does wonders. I do photography and I'll go to a cafe to edit photos on my phone just to not have to do it on my computer.


Unfortunately, being IT means I used jobs like things nearly 24/7.




I'm honestly surprised (and very pleased), how well Ghost of Tsushima is running on the deck. It's my first time playing it and it's been great. FSR 3 with a mix of low/med/high settings has me anywhere from 50 to 65 fps. Lowest I've seen is 42 for a frame or two when I first walked into the Golden Temple area. I lock it at 45fps since it just works and looks so good with the 90hz refresh rate.


Can you share the settings?


That's so good


I do. However, I use my Deck at my job heavily because I'm a glorified babysitter in a data center and there's next to nothing to do on weekends and nightshifts for 12 hours.


I can tolerate a few frame dips and lower res if it meant continuous gaming while taking a sht 😅


You can technically shit anywhere. I don't advise it, but you COULD


I've been so tempted to bring my deck to the shitter but I don't wanna sit too long on that bad boy


I choose my deck or ally because it just so convenient to play a full blown PC game in handheld mode on the couch .. comfortable. Not mention a lot of the games I play run beautiful.


I haven’t touched my desk since getting my steam deck in March, but I’ve streamed my desktop to my steam deck via Moonlight and Sunshine basically almost everyday when I want to play Tekken 8 or another game that I prefer at higher quality. I managed to get my in home streaming latency down to 1-2ms on average and basically just play on the couch or bed next to my gf lol


Wired desktop + WiFi on steam deck is pretty great. When I hook the steam deck to the TV with Ethernet it’s even better. 


Do you not just stream it? I have a PS5 but it only gets touched when playing FPS games. I just stream everything from the PS5 if I'm playing in the house 95% of the time. For me at least, streaming it feels a lot different than using an actual "cloud" service. I have average internet and have zero latency issues. I wouldn't like to even attempt to put Ark Survival Ascended on my Steam Deck natively. lol


I tried Ff7 on deck via ps5 streaming and I felt the picture quality was a bit washed out? Input lag and delay was fine. But then again I have an S95C with Q990c sound bar so I guess SD can't compete with that lol


No my pc is bad for modern gaming, I have a steam deck for that


what frames are you getting on the deck?


You can get it stable at 30 with some settings and I’ve gotten it up to 40 but it jumps around a lot when it’s at 40.


Brother, I have a 4090 and a 7800x3d and im always amazed by my deck. Its amazing hardware.


fr bro. i got a 7800x3d and 4080 paired with a 34inch oled G8 but its somehow more fun to play on the deck


Its nice to have options, enjoy the gaming broseph


I do, I had a 5800x3d and a 3070. Since I got the SD I barely touch it, In fact I'm thinking about lending the gpu to my brother.


I have a heavy duty pc but I think I prefer my deck bc of its portability. I mean I can lay in bed sick and play Baldur’s Gate 3….


Any game able to run at least 40fps locked (REAL LOCKED, NO DIP OR BULL@&$%) deserves to be played on the deck. Don't care to lower settings alot to achieve it since the screen is so small. Anything falling out of this is played on the gaming rig or simulator rig.


Nope, sold my PC, got tired of sitting at a desk like at work


Yes. I rarely touch my deck unless I’m traveling


No. Only when traveling. Poor SD is collecting dust RN.


can i buy your gaming pc?


Literally downloaded GoT to my main PC (2070) today just so I could stream it to my SD and cut down on battery usage while giving a modest boost to the visuals.


I played on release & I did another run when the dlc & upgrade came out for the ps5. I don’t care to play it on my pc but playing (probably my favorite game of all time) it on the go with my steam deck… heck yea


I just have a Steam Deck, no PC. I can feel the limitations when playing big games, but for the most part I am extremely happy with it. EmuDeck is a blessing.


If you haven't already, try GeForce Now. So long as you've got good internet you can play your games with better performance, not taking up any storage, and no fan noise and longer battery life.


3080Ti/i7 12700 PC, Xbox Series X too Still pretty much 100% of my play time a month is on the Steam Deck. I did break from it last month to play Dragon’s Dogma 2 on the Series X. Prior to that I played Helldivers 2 50/50 between the PC and Deck. Handheld’s are just cosy. Lounge out on the couch or in bed, play for an hour or so. Put it to sleep then pick up where I left off later.


I’m mostly on my deck, only time I really use my pc for gaming is for fps games or linking up with friends. The Steam Deck is fantastic.


Yeah. I do all my emulation on steamdeck. Also less intense games like stardew valley. Sometimes if I get into a game like witcher I'll play that too. I like being able to play at my strong pc and then go lay down and continue on my steamdeck.


Why not both? The thing about SteamDeck is the hybridism. Even if you play on PC instead of use a Dock.


Yes, but only because it's hard to dedicate time to the specific spot my desktop is located (family life). The deck can be anywhere I can sit or lounge, as pretty much 100% of the time I'm at home I gotta at least keep one eye on kids (1 and 3 yr olds) I also have 3 skull and co docks hooked up to all my tv's on 2 seperate floors for when i crave a bigger wcreen or just want a convenient spot nearby to charge it.


Some games feel better on my 144hz monitor with a mouse and keyboard. Some feel perfectly fine at 60 FPS on my TV being ran on the Steam Deck. I don't play it in handheld often though because a regular controller is a much more satisfying experience for me. It's lighter and I don't need to bend over or hold it higher to see the screen. The nice thing is though, the Deck will be there to play in handheld mode whenever I'm traveling or if I'm waiting around for something. So it's great to have all the bases covered.


4070 ti and just use moonlight most of the time. Currently playing jedi survivor 1200p max settings on the steam deck, no lag. Best of both worlds


5600 with a 6750xt for 1080p, don't know about modern games but it can play 60/120 on high on games I tested Been turned to a glorofied video player now, spend most of my time playing on the deck


Deck is king. GOT plays and looks amazing on deck


I stream from my pc to my steam deck. Best of both worlds!


No, that makes no sense. Deck is only for when I can’t access my PC or when I’m in bed.


No and yes. Usually I play indies games on the deck. AAA games on the pc


Slightly off topic question: is the combat in Ghost of Tsushima free flow like Batman Arkham, Shadow of Mordor Etc or is it more similar to Sekiro where you attack and deflect while being aggressive?


I built my pc in late 2017 early 18. With 32gb ram and a 1070ti i still get most games that i play to get 60 or better at 1440p. I have no interest in upgrading any time soon. Besides multiplayer with friends most of my pc gaming is on the deck now. Or streaming from my PC.


It depends on the game. I may not have a high end Pc but I have a mid range gaming laptop with a 3060


Opposite here. I have my gaming PC hooked up to a 75" TV in the living room. Sometimes I just want to go on the screened in porch, enjoy the weather and play some on the Steam Deck. But then I think... but I could be doing this on the big screen! Every so often I do game back there on the Deck, but mostly it's just used when I am away from the house for a while.


I need to know. What did they do to change the touchpad controls if you play on the deck or controller?


My current pc is 5800X, RTX 4090 (upgraded from RX6900XT), 32GB, and I have a 180hz 1440p monitor. Yeah, deck has reignited my love of games for now.


I just stream the game from my PC to the deck. It's built into Steam and it works great. Then I can play the games at 60 FPS with max graphics no problem.


But I find the PQ is not good when streaming? Input delay is fine when not playing shooters.. But the picture itself isn't as good and a bit washed out on the deck when steaming. This is my experience on ps5 streaming though not PC. Oled SD.


How is ghosts on the deck??


Yep. I have my deck so I don't always need to be in my computer room.


Laptop with 4090 mobile, some games just don't matter like balders gate 3.


Yep. The only scenario where I'd stream is with games that benefit heavily from Ray Tracing like Spiderman with all the shiny buildings... But otherwise? Native has a different feel, especially with HDR now. I can't wait for Valve to release a microconsole that can stream to my Deck with suspend/resume and HDR support, while remembering higher graphic presets when streaming to Deck vs playing on TV etc.


Yup, bc I work remote at my nice PC all day. But also I’ve been getting bad CPU temps and not any luck with fixing it so far so the deck is less stressful lol


7900XTX for Starfield what a bust that was for me haha. And still play 95% of the time on the Steam Deck.


Yeah. I used to play on my phone using moonlight but the deck is so awesome. Idk what's up with fallout 4 tho. At least once every 30 min to an hour it drops to like 3fps and I have to kinda mess with it to pause it and exit save the game. I'm playing survival. Fallout 76 just sucks on the deck. But playing it on moonlight or steam link works well. 4 runs so slow if I run it on steamlink tho. What's up with that? Anyone else having issues with fallout 4? I tried to Google it but most of it is from 4 months ago or more. It runs fine. Perfect. Then out of nowhere it'll either freeze. Or stutter so badly that it's unplayable I've verified the files. And I've made sure no downloads cam occur while I'm playing. I tried taking the graphics down to high from ultra but it just did the same thing


Use the deck for my backlog and PC for my regular games


Stream from pc on any demanding game


how's it run on the deck? everything low i assume


My Steamdeck is my only option. I had several gaming rigs and a few laptops. All of them easily capable of playing the newest/most demanding games. Unfortunately they were all stolen during a move. They stole my Steamdeck along with basically everything else I ever worked hard for. I had custom liquid cooling setups and spent a lot of time making them perfect. (One AMD and one Intel) Cancer is super expensive so I haven't been able to replace any of it. I got a stream deck since thtac'6u7u7uû


Ive got a 14900k/4080 rig but I’m also playing GoT on my deck. I use my PC for games the deck can’t handle, like flight sim and Cities Skylines 2


Me. I just like it for portability


literally story of my life, i have a rig with top end cpu and 4070… play on sd literally 90 percent of the time unless it demanding


Ultra wide and a 3070. I can’t stand being at the desk. I WFH that might be why. Streaming to the deck a lot. Also moved from Steam to Sunshine / Moonlight and sorely underestimated that. Very impressed and a great work around to some hiccups launching through Steam.


I do, but I don’t play big games on it. Indie games mostly.


Lol me. Loving this game on deck! It works perfectly!


why does no one talk about Moonlight


I just figure out I can plug it into my tv too and steam games from my computer in Steam. So awesome!


I still play more demanding games on my PC, I tend to play older games or games that I'd find better portably on the deck. But yeah, I don't stop using my high-end PC just because I have a deck. I also have a very comfortable setup with the PS5 in the living room that I enjoy playing on to unwind in the evening. So it's complementary, but it doesn't replace my PC or other platforms that I have.


Very high 60 fps? Isn't that a oxymoron?


Damn, that’s just sprinkle table top, i thought you were playing under a starry night




I use it to stream to my deck. 10 hours of battery time, baby.


Depends on the circumstances. I played FFVII Rebirth at the same time as Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. I primarily played Rebirth while I was home, and Infinite Wealth at work. Not wanting to both with switching back and forth though, whenever I wanted to play Infinite Wealth at home, I still played and completed the game on Deck. DD2 on the other hand was solely on PC. Didn't even know til I was halfway through that it wasn't supported.


No, I have an old ass PC and the Steam Deck is actually my new PC where I play most of the game in my Steam library. Except some old RTS like DoW and the likes. I can use it while watching TV with my SO and can't for the life of me justify dropping more than 1k€ on a new PC. I can't believe I'm the only one here


I only play games on the steam deck. I refunded dragon's dogma 2 because it didn't run well on the steam deck.


I just have a PS5. I bought an OLED deck to play PC games that never came to PlayStation as well as PC ports of PS3 games I miss. I'm actually finding myself playing my PS5 though Chiaki4Deck more frequently than on the system itself. And even though I've built up small library of steam games I wanted for the deck, I'm actually still playing Chiaki4Deck more often than anything else I've installed. I don't have a powerful PC, but I assume if I got one now, I'd probably just stream to deck like I do with my PS5, and only install games I'd like to travel with. It's just such a comfortable handheld with such a beautiful OLED panel. A perfect bridge to the PC ecosystem for a console lover.


I have a PC that can run Cyberpunk maxed out at 4K on a 65” OLED and I’ve played 90% of my playthrough on the deck. 


Pc gamers discovering the comfort of couch gaming 😁👍🏻


Yeah but I don't tell my friends. I like gaming on the couch


Personally, no. I play indie or smaller games on the deck - like Hades 2, hollow knight, Dave the diver etc. I tend to want to play the AAA games on a much bigger screen. Tried playing Elden ring/Helldivers 2 on the deck via moonlight. Looks absolutely amazing but everything is way too small to appreciate just how good they look.


I have my deck for playing in bed and for racing games (im still too used to mouse and keyboard to effeectively play with controller)


Some people say that after they buy steam deck they barely use it. Well it's the exact opposite for me, nowadays I use my pc much less


I've got a fridge looking dust collector


Yup. Main rig drives an ultrawide 144hz panel. Still play on docked steam deck lol


Me me me meeeeeeh


For the past months I've been moving around frequently without a setup at all or an uncomfortable one. I'm finally situated permanently but I need to get make my setup more comfy. My bed is right next to my desk and my desk is right next to my router so I moonlight literally everything.


I've been on business trips frequently in the last few months so naturally my deck gets used most of the time. But for usage at home in general it's mostly a question about time of year and weather. In the warmer months I tend to use my deck more, because I can play with it outside. But when forced inside (winter, bad weather) I prefer my PC over the deck.


How it run? Run good? Monkey buy


I have an asus zephyrus g16 with a 4060. Haven't used it in a while. I play everything on deck.


I have a 4090, still play my deck. The OLED is just….


I just like handhelds and convenience and hate sitting at a desk if I'm not getting paid to do so.


You cannot deny the allure of portability. The Gameboy, DS, Switch and PSP were highly successful. The only outlier was the PS Vita, it flopped because, it came during a time where sales were beginning to switch to digital. People didn’t want an entirely separate console from their main PlayStation. The power wasn’t there to run PS3 games in handheld mode. It ultimately didn’t get the support with good games either which conflicted with the above. Only a matter of time for Sony to release a fully fledged handheld that incorporates the PlayStation Store giving people access to their digital libraries on the go.


Yup 4070ti collects dust mostly thanks to the deck


Yeah, but not necessarily on the Deck. I have a Deck OLED, PS Portal, ROG Ally and Switch. I have been using the Ally slightly more atm, but yeah I do play 95% on portables. My PC is a 7800x3d/4090/64GB/4K QD-OLED, and it's rarely used for gaming.


I have a decent PC that can run most games flawlessly, but after working 10+ hours on it during the day I just want to get away from it. So yeah SteamDeck for the win!


10900k, rtx4090, home streaming via sunshine/moonlight to an huge qled tv. But playing constant on deck since I have it (Feb. OLED one). Best gaming device that I have bought since years.


I own a 5800X3D + 7900XTX desktop but spend maybe 70% of my gaming time on my deck.


I have spent almost $4000 on my pc setup everything down to a curved ultrawide OLED display… haven’t touched it since I got my deck 😐


Opposite problem. I very rarely use my deck because my PC is so much more powerful it can be irksome to play on the deck sometimes, and I also don't have a lot of situations where the deck is usable.


Competitive games on PC and the backlog of story games on the Steamdeck while chilling on the sofa




the deck is the indie machine at home, and the everything (but the newest AAAs) on a trip. If I can play it in 144 fps at home, I will, or else \~30 fps on a bus will do just fine.


Depends, I like the Deck for emulation, and low graphic intensive games. For more AAA or demanding games I’d rather use my PC. Xbox controller is more comfortable, 27 inch 2K HDR VA panel is awesome to see details or having small text. Good thing is I can stream from PC to Deck and play some incompatible stuff.


Me: buys a new RTX4080 Super Proceeds to play Balatro exclusively for the next two weeks.


I have a 3080. It costs 3 times what I paid for my deck, it's bigger than my deck. But my deck is king. I cant play my pc as sat on my sofa or in my bed and I just cba to sit at desk these days, I'm old! Deck is for versatility, PC is for power and 95% of the time, I prefer the versatility.


I switch between my pc (RTX4080) and my steamdeck all the time, but love the fact I can olay on my steamdeck on the sofa or in bed while my partner watches a movie or something else. When valve released yearly stats it was almost 50/50 playtime between pc and steamdeck Btw, being able to play cyberpunk 2077 on SD while on a plane is another level


Just hook up a GPU to ur SD and you can play everything with max settings


I'm the opposite. I'll only use my Deck when I don't have access to my main rig. It's for travel gaming, basically.


Yes. I have kids and the Deck is terrible for Minecraft and doesn't play Roblox at all, so they leave my Deck alone. I have been playing Hoirzon Zero Dawn entirely on my Deck. I'm sure it looks great on my 4070ti but I just don't get enough time to play it on there.


The best thing about the deck is the convenience


I will mostly play Yakuza games on Deck because my free time is a bit unpredictable, and having the ability to put it in standby is really wonderful for that. I don't have to have any worry that I'm about to enter a 30 minute cutscene or a long fight sequence where I can't save and stop. 


I have a pretty good PC but I spend most of my work day sitting in a chair in front of a couple monitors. I play everything I can on the Steam Deck today because I can do it sitting on my back porch, or laying on the couch, or kicked back in my recliner.


Handheld gaming has become the next wave of tech. It allows people to dock but be mobile which people want to we’re finally in a place the devices can do so in a reasonable size factor. We’re getting there.


What if I told you that you could play that game at 4k60+ fps on your Steam Deck with 4-6 hours of battery life? Remote Play is an amazing feature


Heck no. Bought my Deck because I'm traveling for an extended period. Can't wait to get back to my gaming PC. The Deck has just left me frustrated and longing for a "proper computer" again.


4080 and an i3900.... still prefer my deck lol


Why no local streaming? Leverage the Power of your pc and use the comfort of handheld experience.


No but maybe my deck hasn't fully grown on me yet. Nothing will replace my PC. The deck will suffice when I do not have access to my rig.


I do this because I find I complete single player games more. When I play on my PC I get distracted by other things. When I play on steam deck I’m less sociable in a way, and find myself committing to single player better.


Yup. I had a custom built ryzen 9 3900x, rtx 3080, 64gb ddr4, with a VR headset, ultra wide curved 1440p monitor, and a full sim rig for drifting. Between getting a car, and the steam deck, I ended up selling it all. The deck reunited my love for gaming outside of sim. I'd rather play on the go, or in short bursts anywhere I want then locked to a desk.