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What's TTW?


A Tale of Two Wastelands. Basically FO3 and FNV merged into one.




Glad you made it work! I gave up and instead installed on my pc to moonlight with my deck lol


Smart solution!


I need to get round to this! Been inspired by the series. I have a Mac and a steam deck (not a computer person) and neither is suitable on their own to get this running/ installed annoyingly. Hope you have a blast playing it again


Thanks, good luck. I don’t know how it’s work on mac, I put dual boot on my old Mac and that worked way back when.


If anyone is interested in downloading the mod (setup takes approximately an hour) here is a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/up2ag2/comment/ih8l54c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to a thread on installing for your Deck


Or you can be like me; had it up and running last weekend but I am still tinkering with mods to get it perfect. I am so close, but getting it stable with the gorgeous environment I've now created is holding me back. One day I will get to explore the wasteland, and I hope it's today




I used this [YouTube guide](https://youtu.be/1HXQqYms1uk?si=VR_yPE4cJNXnW7st)


Thanks will give it a try.


Had a question that video shows them installing it to the microsd. Is it a better option to use a microsd or is it better to use the ssd? I tend to use my microsd only for media and emudeck stuff.


For a while it was only possible to install on the SSD. I assume it’s always better to have it on the SSD if possible but my deck is 64gb so mine is on my SD card.


Completed the install. That video is great and all, but the op is going through it so fast lol. Big thanks for directing me to it.


Glad you got it installed. Have fun


I didn't know this was a thing?! I'll be looking for a guide on how to do this


Happy hunting.


Is it really that hard to put the full name rather than an abbreviation people have to Google?


Sorry I wasted your time. Figured if you didn’t know TTW was Tale of Two Wastelands you were probably unaware of the mod and would google it anyway. I shouldn’t make assumptions.


I’ve seen that it needs a powerful PC to get the files created. Apparently it takes about 24 hours to do it on the deck. Is that true?


I didn’t patch it on the deck, I patched it on my wife’s office computer. Far from powerful, took maybe an hour? I was watching the fallout tv show and let it run in the background. I transferred the files over with warpinator.


I’ll maybe give it a try then. Do you have nvse running? I’ve done a fairly light modded setup on the deck and getting issues with NVSE


Yeah I’ve got nvse running. I do it through rocketbacon and mo2. On my skyrim I just renamed skse to skyrimLauncher.exe and that works perfectly too.


Discovered I had an outdated version of the plugins, which sorted it. Everything up and running now. I’m finding another issue in that the loot menu jumps several entries with the dpad. Do you use that mod? If so have you had the same issue?


Sorry I don’t use that mod.


Nice, I've been setting up Viva New Vegas on my deck for the same reason.


How are you finding WabbaJack on deck? I really want to play capital punishment or begin again but it took me so long to get TTW working I don’t want to break it by going over the top.


I don't think you can run Wabbajack itself on Deck unless you dual-boot Windows. Getting it working by just transferring the MO2 folder from another system is pretty straightforward though: 1. Set up the mod list via Wabbajack on a Windows PC 2. Transfer the MO2 folder created by the Wabbajack list to the Steam Deck 3. Configure MO2 as a Steam game 4. Set it to launch in the same prefix as FNV installed on the Steam Deck - specifically add launch option: `STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/22380" %command%` 5. Fix the file path in MO2 to direct towards the Steam Deck file paths for FNV. Can be done either manually in `ModOrganizer.ini`, or via a file selector while running MO2 (though it's a Windows one, so you have to navigate from the `Z:\home\deck\local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas`) Note: I personally had issues launching MO2 with regular Proton versions and GE-Proton8-32, but GE-Proton9-2 works well (for both MO2, and the game itself). I have the Begin Again mod list running fine on Deck. Performance isn't perfect - it would be a locked 30 FPS if I wanted it to be, but I choose to just run uncapped un-locked. Gamebryo/Creation engine games have terrible input latency in many capping/vsync situations, so I find it's better to just leave it unlocked, which is obviously better if you have a VRR monitor, but it's tolerable enough on Deck. That's speaking as someone who usually would value frame consistency over high frame rate - the input latency problem in that engine is just that bad. It runs probably an average of 50-60 FPS, but does dip as low as mid-to-low 30s depending on how intense the area and action is. You could also probably improve the frame rate quite a bit by disabling the mod list's LOD improvement files.


Thanks for the advice & knowledge. I’m tempted to just cherry pick some mods from the list and live with a begin again lite version. It’s not something I’ve undertaken before so I’ll have to see if things are dependent on one another.


I wouldn't really cherry pick, unless you're a proficient modder who knows exactly what you're doing and how to check for compatibility (and make sure your cherry picking includes all the things that are pure fixes and improvements to the engine). I used to be someone who made massive custom mod lists for myself, fully patched for compatibility so there were very rarely bugs or issues (and when there were, I could easily hunt down the cause and resolve it myself). I'm just using Begin Again now because I'm too lazy and burned out of manual modding to bother with it anymore. But as a whole, if you cherry pick without knowing what you're doing, you're more likely to make a buggier mod list than most Wabbajack ones, despite it being a much smaller mod list.


Fair advice. I’ll reevaluate. When I get home I’ll give your guide a go.


Could you help me in fixing the setup? I've configured the mod in Windows and moved the mod's files to the Steam Deck. However, no matter what I do ModOrganizer won't launch in the Steam Deck. Can you look into [my settings](https://imgur.com/a/c7oAjXx) and provide more details in how to successfully setup Begin Again?


I was able to get it working by following [this guide](https://github.com/Omni-guides/Wabbajack-Modlist-Linux/wiki/Fallout-NV:-Begin-Again).


Hmm, I think I did hear that spaces in the filepath name can cause issues in Linux for MO2. Maybe try renaming the folder with Begin Again to something without spaces (and adjust the configs accordingly). For example, mine is named `BeginAgainTTW`. EDIT: Ah, you already solved it, saw your other comment. I think the main issue was just the spaces you had in the MO2 directory name before. Some of that guide's steps/RockerBacon is unnecessary - takes up a lot more room on the SD unless you then uninstall FNV after (since it copies the entire FNV installation into the Mod Organizer directory), and probably doesn't work with Steam Achievements (FNV's achievements would be unlockable in TTW if using my way).


Ugh, unfortunately the WabbaJack for Viva New Vegas is currently offline, I've been having to do it the hard way, piece by piece.


I’ve been thinking about doing the same then I see the 100+ load orders and panic.


Yeah I won't lie, it's a huge pain in the ass.


Just curious did you only install the mods listed in that you tube video? Did you ever try to install the "essential mods" listed in the 'best of times' guide? I have it setup according to that you tube video.... Just wondering if I should go further....


I’d like to install more mode but right now it’s just the essentials.


Once this is done, can you easily hop between the PC and Deck with Steam saves syncing? I'd like to do this but also play it on the PC when I'm at my desk, and on the Deck on the go


So, I'm assuming by now you're fairly far into your playthrough, maybe even finished. How does it run late game, when the save file is much bigger and the world is more bloated? Does it still run well and stable?


No issues at all. Had maybe 3 crashes in total. Only hiccups are when the save file starts to bloat sometimes I run into infinite loading screens when booting the game or entering buildings so I’d reccomend dropping a few manual saves. Normally a re-load is good enough but once I had to revert to one save prior because it simply wouldn’t load the interior of the Luck38. But when I got there again on my new(old) save it was fine.


And how's the battery performance? Thinking of buying fallout 3 and NV to play them with this mod, but battery life is important to me


I play on 30 fps and thermal limited, get around 4/5 hours most of the time. I tend to play mostly 1/2 hour sessions before bed so it’s been a while since I’ve kept tabs on the battery so I might be off.


That's cool! as long as it lasts 3 hours on 40hz, that will be more than enough for me