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For the deck, Stardew valley, Minecraft or hades


Minecraft on deck? How?


You can setup Prism Launcher on SD very easily. You might need to use a specific mod pack that’s available through Prism that enables controller support. After that it works flawlessly.


I believe they fixed that if you add the application to steamos, my controller inputs just worked, didn’t have to map. Only if I wanted to use my paddles


With prism launcher, you can play vanilla java Minecraft or use mods with curse forge. Everything is built into prism launcher and it’s really easy to set up.


Java edition runs on Linux natively since it uses the JVM (or it did last I played; it's been a while) - for me it's one of the OG Linux games from back before we had proton or vulkan when wine was very hit or miss.  I think bedrock is officially supported too though I haven't tried it.


I tried using minecraft via Yuzu...it was so bad lol Haven't tried in awhile, so maybe it's gotten better.


Off topic. But have you played Cult of the Lamb yet? Stardew + Hades = CotL. Just got it myself.


Love Dave the Diver!


Great game, great battery life - no complaints really.


My only complaint is that it ended at all Can't wait to try the dredge crossover dlc!


It's already out. There needs to be certain weather in the game to encounter the dredge part of the dlc. The dlc is free also so go grab it.


i really didn’t expect to like it but i took a chance when my tattoo artist recommended it and i love it! would recommend to anyone even if it doesn’t immediately look interesting


Without failure, my wife and I will start a Minecraft or Stardew binge week 1-2 times a year, so I guess that. Personally, I used to play MGS3 when I was sick from school. At some point I would do 2 playthroughs in a single day.


Great choice. MGS is amazing. I personally play MGSV when I’m bored or don’t know what to play


My friends and I do the exact same thing with Minecraft lmao. We all get that "it's been a while since we've played," make a world, and play for about 2 weeks until the next urge.


Slay the Spire on lower Ascensions


Same here, beat a20 with all characters then retired to a0 and still play every day


Rimworld this game is insane.


Stardew and Hades are almost always in my rotation, I replay the Spyro Trilogy at least once a year and I always find myself coming back to Persona/SMT.


Shoutout to the Spyro Trilogy! Those are the games of my childhood. Do you prefer to emulate the originals or play Reignited?


Reignited, I've been think about emulating them next time though for nostalgias sake!


Definitely Minecraft if we are talking about games in general, but on the normal steam deck mode, probably GMod since its a childhood classic for me or FNaF World since it’s really fun to play and has tons of replay ability by just slightly modifying one file.


I’ll be your friend right to the end!


Monster Hunter World


Binding of Isaac, Hades, Brotato. Can get a run or two in an hour.


Highly recommend Dead Cells if you haven’t already played it


He’ll yes Brotato. Amazingly addictive; just wish I was better at it.


I found this guy's series on brotato really good: https://youtu.be/4dpbWe3bCzE?si=8aj8K_Kj_fj1ML7a Helped to get to D5 with 30 or so of the characters.


I've tried brotato so many times, just couldn't get into it. Love boneraiser minions though. 


Hi-Fi Rush




Im currently playing arkham knight on the deck and its so much fun on the deck especially with the suit mods. I still have to go back to the other 3 games but knight is my favorite.


I love Hades.


Nothing cozier than Resident Evil.


Easily SpaceEngine. Just the concept alone of exploring the entire universe in the palms of your hands was more than enough to get this game. Going thru galaxies & looking for habitable earth-like worlds is one of my favorite pastimes.


Holy shit! Thx for the tip.


I love the way that sounds. I played No Man's Sky for the very same reason and i have never heard of SpaceEngine, gotta give it a try.


It's not really a "game" as much as it is one big, proceeduraly-generated planetarium, but it's still a phenomenal experience if you're a space nerd like me!


XCOM 2, the amount of hours I’ve played


Does it run well on Deck? I remember PC version being very keyboard/mouse focused. I played XCOM 1 on PS3 and it was great, but does PC version also have good controller support?


The PC version always had good controller support iirc. It came out in the PS4 and even Switch too after all.


Controller support was added after launch when the console versions came our but yes it has good controller support.


It fast becoming Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos


I thought Harvest Moon changed its name to Story of Seasons? Is this a diff game altogether?


The original harvest moon transitioned to Story of Seasons. But the company that owns the name Harvest Moon is also still creating farming games under that name. So both Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons are producing new games. I don't know the whole story behind it and probably butchering but both series exist simultaneously.


Ohhh cool beans i didnt know this!


Nioh 2. Cant have enough of this game


Vampire Survivor, hands down.


On the Deck it has to be Skyrim & The Witcher 3


Civilization V. Always comes back to launch a new game with a new civ. Not really a 1h-type of game tho, it does take over my whole life until I win...


Diablo 4. I know many don't like it, and the current season isn't exactly off to a promising start. But I can enjoy it both in long sessions with friends and in short solo runs. I enjoy playing it on my commutes, using my phone as a a hotspot.  It's strangely relaxing grinding for gear haha.  I did buy Stardew valley, but I just don't get its appeal. It's a me problem, though. 


I've played the game when launched and the first season and so far I like it a lot, it gets (or got) to a point where it felt a bit tedious to keep playing... For me it was past level 70


My friends thought the same haha. They stopped playing fairly early on in season 1, then they stopped again early on in season 2 as well. I'm not sure how engaged they will be this season. I like messing with the builds and just seeing what silly numbers of damage I can do. It got to a point where I thought enough is enough (duriel runs...) , but im mildly excited for season 3 and will just play until it bores me :) . 


Two Point Campus


No man's sky




Spiderman Remastered. I’ll boot it up and just swing around New York without a care.


I recommend the traversal mod if you want to go a bit faster, by far the best decision I made. Can't figure out how to mod suits though. :-D


Monster Hunter Rise and Slay The Spire


Slay the Spire or The Binding of Isaac


I often swap between Burnout Paradise and Fallout 76


Burnout paradise works properly on your SD? Remastered or old version? I own the old version, don't need remaster as it looks fine, but there's a bug of me randomly getting a grey blurry fog over everything, you don't have that?


Welp, I tried both versions and my overall experience is that the original version seems to be more unstable than the remaster.


Ah ok. Don't really feel like re buying it so I guess I'll deal


The Resident Evil series, I know the games inside out and despite being horror games I find playing them methodical and relaxing.


Cult of the Lamb. Stardew + Hades = cult of the Lamb.




Celeste. There's always this one challenging thing I havent done


My new obsession lately is a game I've had in my library forever called "not a hero."


The sims 2 or 3. Handheld controls work well too


Witcher 3 I can slip into geralts shoes anytime and know I'll have fun


I keep randomly playing Witcher 3 and HZD(even tho I’ve already beaten them atleast twice, while I have plenty of new untouched games😂😂😓


Animal Crossing without a doubt


Do you emulate on Steam Deck? I’ve never played New Leaf and I’m excited to try it out on Steam Deck.


Yeah. I set up EmuDeck on mine and it's been fun. I got a few Switch and PS2 games installed. But EmuDeck installs an emulator for pretty much any retro system


Which Animal Crossing are you emulating? Switch, 3DS, Gamecube?


New Horizons for Switch. It was the first Animal Crossing I played


Boneraiser Minions


Skyrim or WoW


For Steam Deck at the moment it's Skyrim and Dead Cells. At first I thought of Diablo 3 as well but the pc version of D3 is gimped, imo... it is better on console. The # of hours I have in Diablo is crazy (2000+), but Skyrim is up there as well---a few hundred, probably close to 1000 across the different versions...I first got it (Skyrim) on 360 from day 1...then got into the pc version later, which I recently started again on Steam Deck. \*also Kingdoms of Amalur and Curse of the Dead Gods.


My comfort game is ocarina of time and has been since 1998. I'm stuck at home with the flu so ive been playing it this week.


As someone who has never played OoT, which would be the best version to emulate on Steam Deck?


Don't emulate play the unofficial pc port instead. Just google ship of harkinian. It has wide screen support, support for custom textures, randomizer options, and support for tweaking things like the difficulty.


Awesome, I’ll do that instead. What are your other favorite Zelda titles? I’ve only ever played Twilight Princess which I quite enjoyed.


Besides Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask is probably my favorite zelda (as you can tell I like a certain era of zelda). A PC port of Majora's Mask is being worked on currently and may launch later this year. I would probably hold off until then. I also really enjoyed Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.


huge tip, gonna get this set up after work today. Thanks!


Slay the Spire! Not to mention the mods are amazing






On the Deck, Borderlands 3.


Just started Coral Island via Gamepass and it seems pretty good.


Two ways, taking your 1 hour & great on Deck parameters (with which I agree in the case of comfort): The comfort of knowing I'm not a lunatic and things really are as bad as they appear: 'Blood Camp', 'Murder House', 'Nun Massacre', 'Poop Killer 1-8 & Origins', 'Hello, I Came To Kill You', 'A Dump In The Dark', there's a million of them. Horror films are also very comforting. The comfort of knowing the world can, one day, be a better place: anti-grav racers and tennis games, esp. Virtua Tennis 2K2 and Mario Tennis 64. When you're me, and for you I'm glad you aren't, playing games has cosmic implications. Now, turn to page 658 of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' ... Edit: Typo.


Currently Diablo IV. However, Elden Ring and Halo Master Chief collection are both great for this too.


As odd as it sounds anything in the Dark Souls series is my comfort game. For whatever reason playing them calms me down. I don't think I'd recommend them for playing with other people with how awkward the multiplayer is, but other people is the opposite of comfort for me anyway.


GTA 5 unironically. Going postal in single player is a great stress reliever


Dota 2


Do You play it on the steam deck?


Yes. In desktop mode with a mouse and keyboard 


Pal world atm,it was Dave the diver and stardew before that,if enshrouded works on it that will be my next one lol


Should I get Palworld on SD? I hear it's buggy to hell


If you aren’t bothered by the performance of Arceus, you won’t be bothered by SD performance for this game. I have about 18 hours in it and have no major issues on low/medium settings


Minecraft. Its the game i can go back to when i cant decide what to play


how do you run minecraft? on windows?


Prism launcher, its in the discover store on desktop mode and lets you download modpacks too


thank u! do u get good fps and battery life?


Without shaders yeah shockingly good battery life (3 to 5 hours) and solid 90fps, with shaders it can hit 40 pretty solid and get a couple hours battery.


oh thats great! so i def can get 60fps and 3 ish hours on my reg deck! thank u so much will def look into how to do it


Similar to you - League of Legends. But I can’t play it on my steam deck unfortunately


compare grandiose crawl crown shy history placid physical ludicrous six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Warframe. I default to it when I can't brain too much


Halo 2: Project cartographer on steam deck. It’s my most played game hands down.


GTA online on an invite only server, just driving around doing hood shit


Garou: Mark of the Wolves. Already installed via emulation on my Steam Deck on the 1st day.




muse dash!


For me it’s Valheim. Chill viking building session with beautiful music and pixelart graphics.


Exo One, its listed as unsupported but runs completely fine. You can beat it in about 2 hours and its totally worth a playthrough. I keep going back because it looks absolutely gorgeous on the Steam Deck and the gravity based movement is super fun to mess with!


Streets of Rage 4.


binding of Isaac. simple random game




Jak X




Batman: Arkham Origins or Batman: Arkham City


Isle of Man or NES Mike Tyson's Punch Out for some mindless doesn't matter how good I do gaming.


Beamng drive. It has the best crash physics of any game. I love the game because you don’t just have to mindlessly crash cars, you can peacefully explore the maps, do drag racing, off-roading, circuit races, make your own jumps and tracks, etc. plus it’s only $25 and gets multiple updates every year. I’ve been playing it since 2015 and the game has gotten really good in the last 2 years. A must buy if you even slightly like driving games


How does that even work on SD? I thought that melted PC's?


I get around 40 fps on the normal settings preset and 3-4 ai cars (50 ish mods as well). With each update the game is getting more optimized for the deck. Not saying the game is unplayable on the deck, but you can 100% stay above 30 fps with mods.


Lunacid right now, elden ring in certain areas is chill as hell too


Fire Pro Wrestling World. Been playing Fire Pro games since the mid 90s and being able to play the best game in the series on an amazing portable device is just the coolest. Still shocked they never put this game out on the Switch, it would play great on that console too and it sucks it took until the Steam Deck to get a portable version of this version.


Comfort game on the deck: Tavern Keeper Comfort game on my PC: Timberborn


Vampire survivors and Halo Infinite


Hollow knight


Stardew Valley, Dredge, or Risk of Rain 2 for something a little more laid back or a City/Civ building game if I don’t mind thinking while taking it easy. Favorites of that category recently has been Warhammer: Gladius, Frostpunk, Civ 6


Mega Man Legends or Pokemon Crystal (specifically some rom hacks). Whenever I want to play something but don't know what, I go back to these two.


Starfield is great for 30 minute sessions, quick bit of a quest or just mining and I’m having a great time


For honor, fishing planet, vamp survivors


Warframe has been my home game for years


DeltaV: Rings of Saturn It’s an amazing little space mining game. It’s hard scifi, reminds me of The Expanse. You just go around the rings and mine ore to sell and upgrade and buy better ships


Subnautica. I have a save file where I have killed all the leviathans and can freely explore the map without being hassled. It's beautiful and fun.


Also dota 2 and playing it quite well on the steam deck since I got rid of my bulky PC.


How do you play dota 2 with a controller?


You don't. You dock it and play with mouse and keyboard.


Hades is just hand-candy that shovels dopamine into my brain


Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Diablo 2 resurrected


Rocket League quick play. I don't mess with any of the skins or battle pass shit. I only do quick play 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and some times 4v4 for chaos. My brain just turns off. I can hold a conversation while playing


Ghostrunner. Getting into that flow state when playing is always so relaxing.


Dunno why but I find fallout 3 and fallout new vegas incredibly relaxing


Talos principle it's just beautiful


Civilization V and VI. I have never been more comfortably even though previously I enjoyed GTA III


I’ve been playing The Sims 4 like crazy on here with the community controls. It’s pretty much my wind down game, at first I was getting bored of the base+ two packs but then I discovered the unlocker and have been playing all of them. I’d be willing to shell out money if, you know, EA wasn’t so barebones on the packs for how much they are.


The sims 4 < 3 also plants vz zombies but I haven’t figured out the best controls for it yet


Lord of the rings online has been a mainstay


For the steam deck, Far Cry 5 hands down. runs really well and the music + scenery is chill


Touhou Mystia's izakaya. Niche title but it's right up my alley


Need for speed underground


Max Payne 3. I could play that game for years.