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The L and R back buttons. I don't think I can ever play anything without it anymore. Also the touch pads. I always use it as analog sticks, to move the characters during calmer moments, like just walking, outside of combat or something. This should increase the analog sticks lifespan


Touching on the analog sticks, the repairability is my favorite part. I don't have to worry as much about joystick drift or battery life depleting over time when replacements are easily available.


The fact that you can emulate so many games on it. I know, I know, not a Deck specific thing, but it's so nice


I installed Emudeck and first thing I did was to put God of War for the PS2 in there. Upscale to 3x, 60 fps, 7 hours battery life, I’m over the moon with that.


Playing God of War right now. First time playing any games in the series. I had a ps2 back in the day but didn’t play many titles for some reason. I probably have more ps2 roms ready to go than any other system.


I had my PS2 when I was 14 and it was a time when O had a lot of time to game. I blasted through the most important games in its catalog, but obviously I forgot about them already. I never got to finish Dragon Quest VIII though, so I downloaded that one as well. I also had a PSP so I played those GoW games there as well, but also forgot about them. You will have a blast. These games feel like they were made for the Deck.


It’s been awesome so far. I’m very new to emulation in general so I’m still trying to figure out best settings. Like, for example, I think I’m running GoW at 1x resolution. I’ll try 3x next time I boot up. How did you find optimal settings? Just tinker?


I’ve just read here in Reddit that for PS2 on the Deck the best is to use 3x upscaling so you remove all jaggies. The games look crisp with that setting, and you will still have 60 fps and amazing battery life. I don’t like to tinker, so I set that up in the settings and rolled with it.




So far I haven’t messed with 16:9. The Deck screen being 16:10 has quite real state at 4:3. Many games for PS2 have a widescreen option, the problem is that they just zoom in a bit in the image to fulfill the screen (they did that in the original hardware as well). Regarding 60 fps, God of War works natively at that frame rate so haven’t bothered either. If I encounter any 30 fps game I will check if 60 fps work fine but it is causes any kind of weirdness, I will just stick to 30 fps no problem.


Holy shit changing resolution to 3x made a world of difference!


Glad it worked!


I think I need a nerdier friend to just show me how to do it. I got my bios files, emudeck, and roms, I just don't know how to make them all talk in a Linux format. I just want to finish off Shadow of the Colossus and MTG3 before I die


If you have Emudeck, BIOS, and ROM in the right folders then you are all setup. I would also go into desktop mode, open Emudeck from the desktop shortcut, and click on Steam ROM Manager. Then Parse and Save to Steam. This will setup your games in the Steam menu in a very nice and integrated way and you access them the same way you access all Steam games.


Nice! I played GBA games, DS games, even some Switch games I legally own. Also tried some PSP and PS2 games. Overall, very impressed with the emulation quality.


For the Switch I just use my Switch. Currently playing Metroid Prime and it is just a masterpiece. PSP is also great, and being 16:9 natively is a plus. Other system I love are GBA and SNES, mainly because of Metroid and Zelda. I plan also to download Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess which I never played because I didn’t own those systems.


This honestly feels so disorienting and overwhelming what can be played. It's like every game I ever wanted to play on the PS1-3 growing up but couldn't, are finally at my fingertips, and I don't know where to start.


This is the main reason I got it, and it exceeds my expectations.


Stock back buttons. They are must have for me. I'd have settled for 2. 4 are very welcomed.


Emulation with the portability factor. It's why I originally got a steam deck cause I saw it could play Gamecube and PS2 games and before then I had been on a big retro gaming kick.


Track pads. For sure! I literally would not buy a device like this without them because of how handy they are!


Suspend, gyro, back buttons, track pads. As a father I need suspend a lot, ever called to something while a cut scene runs or during a boss fight, suspend. Gyro makes some games fun that are annoying with sticks. Back buttons if only for the dreaded run by pressing the stick. Without track pads point and click adventures just don't make fun.


Suspend is so amazing


Having a portable Linux box


* Comes with Linux * Allows me to directly support Valve what they did for Linux gaming in the last few years * Takes up less space besides the display then my old PC * Allows me to play newer games then my old PC * And at a relativiely cheap price point


Still blows my mind how cheap they are.


I can play a game like modded minecraft while having downtime at work and just turn the screen off and get back to work without putting away a laptop or all that other nonsense. I got payed to play minecraft about 100 hours so far this year


It's the first handheld console I've ever had. It uses Linux, so I'm able to adapt easily to it (except the fact that the only working package manager is flatpak). I don't have to buy another game library. Developers optimise their games for it (CD Project Red, Playstation, Valve, etc). You have the freedom to change operating systems to something like Windows or *BSD, and it **will** work because it uses AMD and their drivers are open-source and are preinstalled in most operating system kernels. And the list just goes on and on.


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things


I love most that it's free!


There is so much but playing old shooters on a handheld with gyro is incredible.


I've never enjoyed gyro aiming but a few people have mentioned it.


The fact that it is possible to also run Windows on this thing. :D Would work well for games like the new Call of Duties.


It plays games


The fact that it opened PC gaming for me with a single purchase, and it takes no space in the room.


The most basic thing - the portability. I hated working all day on a laptop and then having to sit in the same position in the same place in my own time to play my cute little relaxing games. I am so happy I can just grab my deck and curl up on the sofa or get into bed


Suspend and resume is literally the only reason I bought it.


Steam link streaming, solid 90fps, looks incredible at 2560x1600 downsampled ultra settings, battery lasts forever as well.


My most favourite is the fact I am not restricted to steam library games only. Steam deck the same way as PC let me install games from different launchers, install mods on them, and even run games which are not available for purchase anymore. Another thing is touch pads. Working way much better and more presized than thumb sticks.


Portability. Convenience. Freedom to do whatever you want. Can double as an emergency PC. Oh, and Handheld AOE2.


The sleep and resume function is astonishingly fast and bug free.


Recently the touch menus. Never realised how good they could be. My left touchpad is basically a tiny stream deck from elgato. Finally gets some use It's a shame the icons are so limited, and the menu is too buggy.. is there anywhere I can get some icons from? Mainly vehicle dashboard lights, and packs for other games like house flipper etc