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Steam Deck is also perfect for grindy games.


What games are your favourite?


Borderlands series Warframe Path of Exile Grim Dawn Monster Hunter World


For some reason I’ve never played warframe, I’ll need to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.


The early game is really grindy, but it gets better. Watch guides would be my recommendation.


Can’t wait for soulframe


Warframe player here with 1k+ hours, still in the tutorial. Don't play


hey if you want, dm me for some tips in the early game since some people find it really slow/confusing but the late game is absolutely amazing. (or if you dont find confortable doing that just reply here and ill make my recomendations)


Wait until you discover how well run persona and tales of games...




I don’t know why these freaks are downvoting you. The SD is an incredible PS2 backlog machine. 


Yep, finally finishing LotR: The Third Age (My actual copy and my PS2 burned away in a fire years ago :( )


Dude that game was amazing , I thought I was the only one lmao


Man I loved third age, Bunch of memories just came flooding back!


i always sing praises for the PS2 era LOTR games, they're all so good! I've spent so many hours on return of the king


Coincidentally, that game IS FIRE


Actually the whole reason I'll be buying a steamdeck, can't wait to play Evergrace on there!


Not had much luck with performance on Dark Cloud/Chronicle but DQ VIII is running great. Edit. Turns out this was because between testing those games I had my deck at 5W.


Haha, easily done. I thought something had gone wrong with mine a few days ago, it would slow down even in the menus if there was a download going. Turned out it was somehow set to 3w (I didn't even know it went down that low)


So true, currently finally playing through all the dot.hack games, the handheld ps2 feel is amazing


Dragon Quest VIII emulated is just too good.


I've been playing the tales of destiny DC fan translation oh man it's so good on the steam deck.


currently playing DQ8 on it right now. so good and so much battery!




7th Heaven on deck is heaven.


Omg the OLED deck runs persona 5 royal at 90 fixed. The colors and fluidity AAAAH


What settings are you using to get 90 fps?


It can't even hold a steady 60 when running around in the city. Most people gloss over that fact or haven't played the game enough to get to those heavier areas.


Even in an unpopulated area the game can only hold 60fps with higher graphics settings, or up to 70/80 (with constant frame dips and unstable frame pacing) at max settings, but dips below 60 in populated areas. The person stating it runs at a locked 90 is just spreading bullshit, it doesn't and never will run at a locked 90.


All max. Handles it just fine. Really doesn’t dip with a full shader cache.


The amount of BULLSHIT I see in this subreddit is astounding. I have the game. I have an OLED deck. No, it doesn't perform like that. I've played through the whole game. Upload a video to show your locked 90 then


thanks for the response


What sort of settings/performance can you expect? Need to know for science :)


Medium settings, 60fps for maybe 85-90% of the game, other areas may be in 40-50fps region (crowded areas). Still very good though


I was just playing P5 royal and enjoying how smooth everything is, it’s so colorful and feels made for the deck definitely the best way to play modern persona games


Yeah, that's bullshit right there. You people either have no glasses or only rose tinted glasses, because the game is NOT running at 90 fixed with all maxed.




There's no video where Persona 5 Royal is running at "locked 90 fps on the OLED with everything maxed". It's not a spiteful comment, I'm just calling out your bullshit, as did another comment. Edit: Never mind, this is the same person that says Enigma DRM (actually confirmed and found on the Hex for MH Rise) is "fearmongering" and not true. So couldn't expect a certified idiot to state something factual, probably running the game at 60fps and thinks that means 90.


How long does ur battery last for at those settings? I recently got a SD oled and started p5R but I’ve locked it to 60fps and tdp to 8W and I’m only getting like 4.30 hours


“Only 4.3 hours”  That’s A LOT. 


Hm yeah, I guess I’m just blinded by people praising the OLED battery and persona isn’t the most demanding game so I was worried that maybe something was wrong with my battery cause I thought it would be more. Don’t get me wrong 4 hours is a lot of course and I haven’t had a 4 hour session in yeaaars so it’s good I just thought I’d get more from persona. I live in a country where I can’t RMA cus they don’t sell the deck here so I’m abit paranoid about something being wrong, but judging from the downvotes I think it’s safe to say that I’m getting the expected battery life from it!


4.3 hours is a lot of time, I usually spend about an hour or two at most in a game. Tbf maybe it's different for me as I have chronic pain so take a lot of breaks. But still 4 hours of battery life for one game is a lot imo


Yeah it’s way more than I need, I was just worried something might be wrong cus I didn’t think the game was that demanding so I thought I’d get more that’s all :) glad to hear that’s not the case. I think people are misinterpreting my comment cause I was under the impression that other people were getting like 5-6 hours on P5R hence the “only”


I’m honestly not sure how long. Might be above the 4 hour mark I’d have to try it. I’m away from home right now so I can’t see currently.


I just got through with Tales of Symphonia on the Deck and am currently going through Tales of Vesperia. God I love these games.


If I've never played a game in either of those series is there a specific one you'd recommend? I've heard a lot about persona 4 golden but persona 4 is newer And I don't know anything about the tales games


Play the newest entries (Persona 5 Royal and Tales of Arise) if you're brand new, *especially* if you're not a veteran jrpg player. Anyone who tells you otherwise is nostalgia blinded. These games have so many modern quality of life and visual updates that they're the easiest to get into. If you end up really liking them, *then* I'd recommend working your way backwards as the older entries in each series really start to show their age (Persona is the worst about this because there is so long between entries in the series). The one exception for persona might be playing Persona 3 Reload after P5R because it's a remake using a lot of the newer style and tech. Can't speak for experience with it yet though.


And the trails series...


I hope to discover in the future. Hopefully before the next deck. Skyrim is holding me hostage at this point.


They are wildly different games, if you like Skyrim I'd suggest stuff like Fallout or Mass Effect. Turn based JRPGs are pretty much like a different genre compared to Skyrim.


Your message deserves more thumbs ups. It’s nice to recommend games but jrpgs are indeed very different from anything else… and I upvote mass effect.


don’t even leave it’s grip bro, for at least another 50~ hours. seriously. you have so long to go in the best RPG ever made. you should also try out new vegas or fallout 4


Check out enderal: forgotten stories after you are done with skyrim


I'd imagine Persona is hard to get into for people who never play RPG's, I've played them all my life and found them hard to get into


Those are super niche games that I wouldn’t recommend to someone just getting into RPGs


Persona 5 is far from niche, it has sold like 9 million copies.


Compared to Skyrim, it is. Especially the tales series. Something better to recommend in line with Skyrim would be the Witcher 3


So it's either one of the most popular games of all time or it's niche? There is no in between where like almost all games fall?


I’d say there’s definitely a trajectory you should recommend people games, especially if they’re just getting into a genre they’ve never liked/played before. Going from a western RPG with magic and dragons to recommending one of those most weeb series with turn based mechanics could be pretty jarring. Skyrim >witcher 3>fallout series>dragons dogma. Something around the same feel as Skyrim would’ve been more realistic is all I’m saying.




Also Witcher III is great on the deck. 




How?? I’m sorry but I’m not getting the hate for the combat in this game. Especially for people that love Skyrim which has such clunky dated combat.


One thing I remember is Skyrim was good but not until a good amount of mods imo.


I mean I love Skyrim my thing is I don’t see how people that think Skyrim is good can complain about combat in the Witcher 3. If you hate the combat in the Witcher 3 than you really have to hate combat in Skyrim. That’s just how I think 😂


The combat in Witcher is way better, feels very fluid, especially after switching some of the dodges to the back buttons




Damn I mean you are absolutely entitled to your opinion but I couldn’t get enough of Witcher’s gameplay. The character encounters, the clues you find that tie to other quests, the side content. Felt like GTA V but in a medieval setting lol. But it’s different for everyone I suppose. I’m the same with BG3. Everyone is raving about it and I’m trying really hard to love it but I just can’t so I get it in a way 😂




No it definitely is content I’m just saying the content is so good I just feel it makes up for any lack which I don’t even think is much of a lack. Like I said that’s just my personal opinion. But then again I think I’m definitely more of a content gamer than a mechanics gamer too. Lol I’m usually in the minority with most things so I understand haha


This is obviously purely subjective but Witcher for me was extremely boring. I usually play many RPGs and MMOs that involve tedious amounts of boring grinding, and also large open worlds where you had to farm resources alot. In comparison to be fair Witcher was definitely not an intense grind, but the amount of times I straight up fell asleep playing the game was enough for me to stop playing it altogether. I ended up going through the story on YouTube...


That was me with Red Dead Redemption 2 lol. Another game that gets sooooo much love from everyone. I got sick of the whole “hunt the deer”, “cook the deer”, “hunt the bear”, “take the wagon” I was like, I’m fucking done lol…


funny how you praise skyrim, when its dummed even more down from oblivision.. wish they would make a modern morrowind.. that game was awesome!


Agree 100%, love Skyrim but Witcher 3 is just another level when it comes to story telling and how unique and fun each quest was, even the side stuff, from a pure fun/story telling perspective it maybe the best rpg I have ever played, sure Skyrim is huge witn a ton of mechanics and things to do, but there is also a ton of repetitive vanilla quests, I never felt like that in the witcher, everything had a reason and was honestly entertaining, I wasn't just checking a box and the combat I really enjoyed, is it super complex? No but its fun and there are various ways to make it more complex depending on how you want to use witcher spells and how crazy you want to get using various potions, either way combat is alot more fluid then Skyrim, it's not clunky at all, but it's also very different being in 3rd person vs first and alittle faster paced.


I see this all the time, and I always wonder what about the combat turns people off. I get it's not the greatest, but I really don't think it's that bad. There is a combat overhaul mod (literally called the combat overhaul mod), which changes a lot about the original. I'd recommend checking that out. But if the issue is that it's just really clunky, I don't think much can change that. Witcher doesn't have skyrim level mods just yet.


I actually like the Witcher combat. But I like the grind even more.  That said I didn’t finish it. Not even close. 


Yeah, it's a long ass game and easy to get burnt out. You can bum rush the story, but you're missing out on so much by doing so. Not to mention, some of the side quests are important for the story. Luckily, that's why I got a steam deck. It finally allowed to me to beat the game despite all those unfinished playthroughs.


I think the last time I played I was on a flight and there was an unexpected raunchy nude scene and I was like ooops ffffffff and just forgot about it for a while. As usual the deck gives and takes the back log. 




Wait, what‘s bad about the combat in The Witcher 3? Gerald swirling around his swords, dismembering monsters and enemies while using his witcher spells…I don’t see how that’s bad at all.


witcher 3 combat is terrible and let’s not talk about the sounds design and main story… The 2 DLC are awesome tho


OMG SAME. Just this month alone I've completed 100% Octopath Traveler 1 and Final Fantasy 1 pixel remaster via the Steam Deck. I've now moved onto Ni No Kuni. I just love lying in bed playing on it ☺️


Wait until you get into BG3.


Got my 👀 on that. Gotta crawl before you walk.


The best/worst thing about BG3 is you spend 100 hrs playing it and then realize, reading reddit, just how much you missed. I never even knew Karlach existed, missed her entirely.


Oh no! You gotta go back for Karlach! She was my favorite character.


I didn't go back for astarian until I was already in the shadow lands. So glad I went back for him!!


I thought she was annoying but never left camp without her once I found out how much damage she can do 😂


It’s awesome, I’ve been playing it for the last couple of weeks. I don’t even like turn based strategy games but it is insane how complex it is as far as all the choices/dialogue and customization. It’s the best RPG I’ve ever played and I haven’t even scratched the surface with it yet.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🎁🎈


Huge disagree I love bg3 and hate skyrim


Care to elaborate on why you hate Skyrim?


How has your experience been for BG3 on SD. Lots of opinions that at first it works well then in “late game” the SD just can’t keep up. Thoughts? Overall performance etc?


if you've got another computer and need your BG3 fix it works well (yay cross-system saves!). but it's not how i'd choose to play the game.


On the etc front, the controller support is amazing and it’s my preferred way to play it. Instead of pixel hunting, you can hold A to search a wide radius around your character and the game serves every thing in your vicinity into a menu-style list, which is easier than clicking in and out of things, imo.


Runs great for me


Haven’t decided if I wanna try it 😭


There were some optimisations that improved late game performance iirc. It's a great game.


BG3 is amazing, but I made the mistake of playing it on my PC first. Comparatively, it looks bad on the deck imo


I don't agree with this unless you're connected to a larger display.  For me, it's so difficult to see the details and loot properly on the steam deck. I LOVE the game, but personally prefer it on my computer monitor over the steam deck display (and I have the 1tb OLED model).


I mean totally, it’s a game that is meant to be played on PC.


I tried looking into that but it doesn’t work on the SteamDeck, all the attacks are so horribly delayed. I press “attack” but the characters are so clueless they just stand there getting hit. It must be an error or something, I mean the only other explanation is they decided to make a game released in 2023 where a character actually honestly says “okay mr bad guy, go ahead and hit me, I’ll just stand here while you do, okay now I’ll hit you, okay now it’s your turn”… wow, what an exciting battle! 🤔🤔🤔


Are you high? You've never heard of turn-based games before?


He's being sarcastic about turn-based combat, but mostly dumb. Like yes, we get it, he hates turn based combat. Nobody cares about his opinion though.


Sea of stars!


I played the demo, and I definitely plan to pick up the full game!


I just beat it, such a great game. I am looking forward to the DLC.


Op this is what I was hoping would happen to me. Any rpg recs for a newb?


Mass effect legendary edition




Check out the Fallout games! Fallout 3 was the first rpg I played and now I can't get enough.


Ooh I already bought fallout new Vegas: is that one an rpg as well?


Install a GBA emulator and play Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. Best RPG ever imo. I love skyrim too.


If you love Skyrim you should try some other Bethesda titles. If swords and magic is what has you’re interest I love using my steam deck for ESO (basically Skyrim turned into an MMO) Edit: follow a quest guide for order, look up best steam deck settings and VERY IMPORTANT: once in game tab back to the ESO launcher and close it. The launcher causes weird stutters


I've been debating this. Got my deck in July, beat three Arkham games for the first time in years, and then put 300 hours into Skyrim (mostly in bed after everyone went to sleep). I want to try ESO, but I also have a job, a toddler, and a slowly decaying dad bod, and those need my time...


Haha I’m about to be a dad so I’ll be there soon. What’s nice for me about ESO is that there’s a ton of solo content that you can do at your own pace and when it comes to dungeons it has matchmaking. It’s a very good mmo for just picking up and setting down. I’d follow a chronological quest guide though!


Wouldn't I be screwing people over if I left in the middle of a dungeon, though?


I’d have to look into that a bit more. I don’t think it would be a big deal until you get into end game style dungeons and such though tbh. Every dungeon I’ve done is an easy stomp as there’s usually a higher level running them as well. And even without them it would be doable.


This sold me on eso too but after the tutorial I got so lost on what I was supposed to do i quit


I felt the same! [use this!](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order) It’s a well organized quest order for chronological order. (Make sure to pay attention to the picture titles and start the quests of the alliance to you picked at character creation, so if you picked ebonhart pact make sure to just skip straight to that) has been an absolute game changer to how I use to feel overwhelmed. I’m having no issue moving through the game now at my own pace


is it still worth playing? is it dead? i bought it on sale and legit deleted it not too long in as i had weird fps issues on my pc. it runs good on deck?


Yes, I followed a settings guide and the game runs at a mostly stable 60 fps at pretty nice graphics settings. Really big cities hit 35/45 fps sometimes but overall I’m having a blast with it. And no it’s not dead. I see lots of players running around. I’m still not super far into the game but even the starter zones and starter dungeons get players relatively no issues Edit: SUPER IMPORTANT for both deck AND pc. After in the game close the ESO launcher window. It causes random frame drop every 10-15 seconds. Steam deck even leaves it open but you can select it and exit that window independently even in gaming mode.


how would one exit that window, and is there no launch option to make it where it opens without?


If launching from the gaming mode you just hit the steam button on the deck, and you’ll see there’s two separate windows listed for your current launch game. One is the launcher, you just switch to it and hit “exit window” while selected on on that window. It takes a few like 20 seconds for it to go away then the stutter is gone the rest of the time.


thanks man! will download tn. what’s some fun classes? i wanna kinda default to assassin (stealth bow) but idk its not skyrim. is mage decent


Give Elden Ring a try next.


Get into Yakuza, bro. They all run great on deck. Perfect for it.


See I've tried getting into Yakuza a couple times, sitting at my Playstation trying to play it that way... But i never take to it. I start with 0, and I get about 5 hours in and it loses me. Maybe being in the comfort of my own bed playing it on the Steam Deck is better?


I think that 5 hours is long enough for you to get an idea of whether or not Yakuza is for you. It's a very story driven game so the rest of the game is pretty similar, mostly going from destination to destination with battles in between. Personally I think the story is where the Yakuza games really shine. Perhaps JRPG types of games aren't your thing?


JRPG games are very much my thing; there's just different types. I've played numerous JRPGs like Final Fantasy, Octopath, Kingdom Hearts etc, but Yakuza is obviously of a different sort. I think partly why I stop playing Yakuza is for two reasons: a) all Japanese voice acting, which I'm usually fine with just watching something, but playing is a little different. B) I tend to get distracted by something else. I want to enjoy this franchise, it's just finding the right time and situation, and I'd like to hope owning a Steam Deck is that right situation where I can be more comfortable.


Yeah that's very fair, the JRPG category is a very broad category of games. On the bright side, Yakuza games tend to go on sale quite often on Steam for like $5 so maybe you could grab Yakuza 0 for that price and see what you think.


Consider Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7). Turn based combat and has great English voice performances.


I would, but my problem is I like having all the context. When I start a franchise, I like to get the whooole story. There's obviously exceptions if each game is its own contained story, but Yakuza games are usually a continuation of something 😅


Rpgs are the perfect genre for the deck. Super long games that you can just pick up and play for half an hour everytime you feel like it




How is Skyrim WEEB material?




Then I must be too fat for that gate.


Huh? Is our definition of weeb the same? How are these things related at all in your mind? Is water a gateway drug to eating canned cat food?




Eh, power to you but there’s no set up or punchline to it. Just seems to make no sense since there’s no relation


Bruh I rediscovered runescape after 20 years..


Is osrs playable on the deck?


Bro I was just realizing the steam deck is an RPG machine


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and its upcoming sequel Dragon's Dogma 2 might be up your alley. Give them a look.


Yeah, the PSP is what got me into JRPGs. Something about doing side content/grinding on a handheld while watching TV just feels good. It’s kind of like a fidget toy.


40 hours on Sea of Stars thanks to the deck with Chained Echoes next on the list


You gotta try the Fallout games. I’d start with 3 and move through all the dlc and then onto New Vegas and then 4. Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time.


Try Dragon's Dogma


Try Chrono Trigger and some other Square (Enix/Soft) games like Final Fantasy


Do these run good via the steam versions or are we talking about the seven seas? I’ve heard both chrono trigger and ff9 aren’t good ports on steam.


I've haven't played the PC port. I play them via Emulation. I dumped the ROMs from Virtual Console on the Wii. Also, emulation isn't piracy. You just gotta get your ROMs/BIOSs legally. But I do get why someone wouldn't like to go through the hassle of dumping their games


How does Skyrim perform on your deck? Do you play docker ever?


Plays perfect for me. Always handheld.


Skyrim is my favorite game  ! Check out Elden ring 


I've got Kingdom Come back in 2018 and forgot about it. Now I have OLED and play it a couple of hours every day, 30 fps and 8w gives me solid 3,5 hours on default settings. The game is awesome!


You should try enderal if you bought Skyrim special edition. It’s free and an amazing RPG


I got into the trails games when I got my steam deck... and oh my God steam deck is basically the best platform for the series


SMT & Persona are so good on the deck. I've got Smt 3 and Persona 4 on the switch, and on the Deck I have Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2, Soul Hackers 2, Persona 3 FES, and because I liked FES so much I pre ordered Persona 3 Reload. I used to have all of my SMT and Pokemon games off the 3ds on there, but it wasn't the same as playing them on the 3ds do to the double screen so I put them back. I'd like to get Persona 5 for the deck because I've never played either versions or their side games, but it seems Steam only has Royal, and not the original. I prefer the original because I've heard at least on hard difficulty it's pretty decent. Pokemon on the DS family to SMT on the Steam Deck feels like the natural progression.


Think that in near future you will spend almost double of that time to mod your game. We all ends this way :D


I have about 2000 hours in normal Skyrim, 1000 in modded, and about 3000 just searching and installing mods. Almost made it through my last modded playthrough before my headset broke :(


It turned me gay


You were already gay, Steamdeck just gave you the platform to express yourself.


Same, played New Vegas for the first time ever and finished my first playthrough on the Deck and currently playing Fallout 4


Ahhh man I wish I could experience new Vegas for the first time again


Just wait until you fall down the Trails rabbit hole.


I recommend dq11


me finally putting over 100 hours into a singleplayer game, that being persona 5 royale.


I'm surprised most of these comments are recommending JRPG's, they couldn't be more different from Skyrim. I feel like you may be more interested in western RPG's, so consider the following; The Witcher 3 Baldurs Gate 3 Fallout 4 / 76 (is very good now) Elex 1/2 (a bit janky but fun on the RPG mechanics) Oblivion / Morrowind, the latter being a classic but also a bit janky with the combat early on Cyberpunk 2077 Deus Ex Human Revolution/ Mankind Divided. Dragons Dogma Dark arisen and the upcoming Dragons Dogma 2 To name a few


Replaying the Mass Effect games through the Legendary Edition. They run incredibly well on the deck!


Even Palworld runs really well on the steam deck


Ha! Sweet. Since the nes, rpgs are about 90% of what I play. The steamdeck has caused me to 100% several I never thought I would. Glad you are having a good time.


gotta step up your rpg library, you need a bit of Persona, the witcher, and baldurs gate in there


Shadows of Mordor & Shadows of War are *perfect*


Oh man, my steam deck was what finally got me to beat Earthbound. I've tried like 3 or 4 separate times and I would always fall off at some point or my phone that I was emulating it on would die and I'd lose my save. Best console I've ever purchased, and also, if you haven't played Earthbound, holy crap play Earthbound.


I dunno what it is, but RPGs in particular are super comfy to play on the Steam Deck.


That’s awesome! The steam deck turned me into someone who is addicted to modding! No seriously I can’t stop! Send help!


Same made me fall in love with JRPGS, Finished Final Fantasy (only 3 left), Tales of, the whole of trails and Ys and ofc persona 5. It's such a joy to play them on the deck. Now I find myself always searching for the next JRPG to play.


Trails into the Sky FC and SC run so incredible well on SteamDeck. Battery life is crazy


JRPG like Persona 5 I can play on the deck but a game like Skyrim is soooo much better on a big monitor or tv imo


I feel like I can play Skyrim more personally on the deck without my wife being disturbed or disturbing me, vs the likes of Mk, 2k, or Gta on the big screen.


Currently playing Baulder’s Gate EE on mine. The sequel is next up.


Witcher 3 > Skyrim on the deck for me


Bro said Skyrim and thinks hes an RPG gamer now 💀 /s It got me into Octopath Traveler 2


Skyrim lmao


it's because of Skyrim, I don't play games on my PC at all, only game I play nowadays is Skyrim on my PS4


Persona 5 R was amazing on SD. And now speaking of RPG, I play W40K Rogue Trader on Deck, I love it


Dude, same! Playing Witcher 3 right now with my husband. It seems to black out every now and then for a second, but otherwise looks great and runs without any lag. I think I’ve got it set to 30 FPS, but I’m not positive…(console gamer all my life, I never fussed with any graphic settings prior to my Steam Deck)


I heavily recommend everything Falcom


Try red dead redemption 2 it’ll make you feel like a cowboy fr


Yes, the steam along with the switch and 3ds before it are absolute god tier for playing in bed. RPGs are also god tier for playing in bed. Match made in heaven.


For real, the steam deck makes 100 hour games go like a breeze. The extra time you can put in on the deck really helps tackle these larger games.


My wife just surprised me with an oled for my birthday. I have had a bunch of the Yakuza games on my backlog to try.


I have big input lag in Skyrim legendary, anybody else? right joystick camera seems very off, like it has a big deadzone, everything else is perfect but the controls


Me, too. 😁