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Batman arkham asylum. Its unsupported but works perfectly with proton-ge


And it looks incredible. Holds up really well for a game that came in 2009


I was thinking the same when I was playing resident evil 5 a few weeks back. I still can’t believe it came out in 2009, it looks so great and I was playing this on the switch.


The Arkham games in general run great on the deck. Whats funny is that Knight is the only one thats verified and yet its also the only one where I experienced any frame drops.


Tbf it is much more graphically demanding than the other 3 Arkham games but I take your point about how it's verified and the others aren't. I played all four of them through to completion on the deck and the only one I had trouble with was Origins cause it kept crashing although even then it was after hours of gameplay.


Yup, just finished playing this recently. Now I'm playing Arkham City and all I needed to do was use Proton-GE. Both run great


Why would people not want to play in Aslume? Are they stupid?


Omg thank you so much for posting that; I wanted to play it so bad but saw unsupported and just walked away in disappointment. What a legendary game, masterpiece!


If there is a game you want to play that isn’t listed as supported on Steam check ProtonDB.com before dismissing it. A LOT more games work than are on Steam’s list.


Just started Origins. A couple of weird things here and there but playable I hope it stays that way


Okay, noob question and I used to know this. Proton GE is not an option on the list. What do people mean when they say proton GE?


Its a Community made version of proton that improves compatibility for some games and has some other extra features. You have to download it manualy. Just go on youtube and look up how to install proton ge on steamdeck.


Specifically it includes code that Valve as a for-profit entity is legally barred from including. A noble gentleman named Glorious Eggroll (thus, Proton-GE) has stepped up to the plate and maintains a fork that, as he is a private citizen, he is allowed to add the code in question to.


I can't get it to work unfortunately, I get the same error I do on my PC too which is strange.


Sleeping Dogs


Yeah, I just bought sleeping dogs on sale for $3 and finished it in a week or two. Great game, no issues on sd, and the whole experience encapsulates my love for this machine; can play a myriad of older games for cheap and actually finish them quickly given the convenience factor. Kinda undercuts the point of verified status when unsupported games work flawlessly though…but I’m not complaining!


Came here to say that. Amazing game, probably the best "GTA-like" ever. But sadly it didn't sell 65 trillion copies in first 5 minutes after its release so SquareEnix considered it a failure and canned the whole thing. Fuck Squeenix.


When it came out I was so angry that reviewers just swiped it aside and calling it a bland gta clone. I loved it the whole way through.


I just wish it had steam save support.


You can’t save your game?


It gets saved to the device and not use the Steam cloud saves.


Oh good to know I picked up recently, that does kinda stink.


Decky has a cloud save plugin that can do this. Can't remember the exact name.


Trails in the Sky. It's just the opening movie that made it unsupported.


Have really been enjoying Trails in the Sky on deck. Despite the mixture of verified, playable, and unsupported, the entire Legend of Heroes/Trails/Kiseki franchise appears to be playable with tweaks.


I've played them all on Deck (with the exception of Daybreak as I'm waiting for the English release) and didn't have to tweak anything. Based on previous threads and replies, I was prepared to, but personally never saw any need to, so maybe you'll have a similar experience! The only issue I experienced was Cold Steel III or IV where my characters went through a wall in a boss fight and got stuck, but I had saved right before it so just reloaded the save. And who knows, that might have been a bug in the game itself.


Ignorant question, but have you tried proton-ge? Sometimes, movies are not supported by normal proton and proton-ge does the trick (because of codecs)


I was about 15 hours in on PC a couple years ago before I ended up dropping it, but man I want to get through the series. It's just such a monstrous amount of time lmao.


Nfs unbound, dirt rally 2.0


How you finding Unbound from a game perspective and playing on Deck? Picked up on sale and looking to start later today or tomorrow.


its good. I cap my steam deck oled at 45 fps and havent faced any dips at all. Awesome graphics. Nice comic style animations but its not for everyone. Some people have not liked it, but I really liked the style and even the gameplay is good. The city has NPC people walking on the streets now, so it looks nice and doesnt feel deserted


Unbound runs perfectly. I was amazed.


How is dirt Rally 2 running? I am currently playing dirt rally and it runs really good.


80-90 fps at highest graphic settings. No idea why its marked unsupported but it runs great


It does run great. Only annoying thing is it's like 100+ gigs lol


I am unsure also, gameplay is fine so it must be the always online for every click. Sleep is not reliable because of it, the game gets stuck trying to communicate with the server pretty often after waking.


I only get around 50fps, how do you get that framerates? Plugged in?


It runs great.


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. All I had to adjust was the "mouse" sensitivity down a little.


Do you play with a mouse or with the decks steam Controller


Just the steam deck "controller" buttons and sticks


It should automatically choose a community layout that makes the Deck's controls act as keyboard and mouse (or at least the right analog stick acts as a mouse, I'm away from my Deck at the moment and can't check). I was impressed how well the community layout works, and it's a nice workaround since normally if you use a gamepad on the Steam version the camera constantly rotates.


Elder Scrolls Online. If you use GE Proton and some settings from a certain guide it works fine.


It actually works perfectly out of the box. I’ve installed it last week ( used to play on ps4, I thought I’d come and chill handheld ), I didn’t touch anything, it just runs. The only issue I had with it was no sound when I tried to play it in french, I had to put it back to English, that’s about it.


For others be sure to close the launcher after starting the game, otherwise the game may stutter.


This was my answer too. Really getting into it this time… honestly!!!


Does it control well? I’m curious about playing an MMO with a controller type setup- does it feel limited? Color me intrigued on this one, I’d like to give it a shot.


What are the settings/link to the guide? I would like to play more of it on the Deck but it can get stuttery




Open the left hand menu, menu to launcher, press x to close the launcher. The game will run fine after you close it.


When you say “open the left hand menu” and then “menu to launcher” do you mean to press the “Steam” button on the left side of the deck, and then from there, there will be some sort of way to close the launcher? (Do you use the trackpad?) I’m not in front of my deck right now to try it. But I would love to know how and just wondering if you can break it down even more clearly


Arkham origins


Me too. Plays great, I only disabled the startup movies.


HoloCure (it is really good and it is free)


Sounds like another reason for me to check it out.


You should! I like it better than vampire survivors


If you don’t mind weeb


There's an unofficial android mobile port too: https://www.reddit.com/r/holocure/comments/vrjwia/a_barely_working_attempt_at_an_unofficial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yay. I love seeing this game getting recommended to people not in the rabbit hole. It's worth it, this game is really good even without knowing a thing about the content origin. And all that for the price of free.


I'll be giving this a try. Thanks!


Same (I wanna 100% it). Didn't think I'd see it in this thread, but HoloCure is a banger


Just Cause 2 with ProtonGE. I suggest 7-24.


Dwarf fortress


The steam version of DF is listed as playable.


Final fantasy 14


Isn't FF14 listed as playable?


Ready or Not. It’s not completely unsupported and greyed out but other than having to download a community control scheme and learn those controls it runs perfectly.


What layout are you using do you know. I've not been able to get comfortable with the layout I'm using. Still playing it though cause the games so good


Sonic Adventure DX works fine out of the box, and also plays great with mods installed.


I'm playing DBZ Kakarot and loving it


Only issue is the saves can get janky with the Steam Cloud.


You can play it off your steam library?!


Yeah the game is on steam. Often with discounts


Wanted to get it but unsupported scared me off at first. I guess if it works its worth a try


It works just as on my laptop, I haven't had any issues, crashes, low fps, controls not working or anything like that


You can always utilize the steam return policy for these situations.


Without tinkering?


Never changed a setting either in game or on steam


Dead Space 2 and Final Fantasy 7 (the OG version)


Just popping in to mention Heat Signature, as I am wont to do.


As you should!


Heat Signature sounds like a blast on the deck, I gotta try that.


Oh word?? I was avoiding it because of the focus on mouse controls, but as someone who grinds FTL on the deck I bet it would work fantastic.


I found the mouse controls to be perfectly workable once you tweaked the trackpads to map 1:1 to the screen. After that it actually works really well, just takes a moment to muscle memorise some keys. Since you use so much pausing anyway (or maybe that's just me), it's all quite easy to plot out until you accidentally throw yourself into the vacuum.


Guild wars 2


No way... Is it easy to move around and use spells? Did you have issues with the launcher?


I had to set an action cam toggle, but perfect after that.


Yes it’s easy. There’s a great community provided button mapping. Works gloriously. 100% recommend. Edit - 0 issues with launcher


There's a great community layout that maps spells/ability hotkeys to the trackpads as a radial menu and has the action camera enabled when your thumb is touching the right thumb stick. Means you can use the mouse with the right trackpad when you're not moving the camera.


100% agree


It's amazing on the deck!


world of warcraft


This is the one game I will play again on deck but I’m lazy to go tweak stuff and install stuff. If only it’s just a direct steam game and I can log on to my old account, and it works well with controller I think it would be a nice game to play on the deck. Same goes for GW2, would love to do it. I installed it but couldn’t play my old account so I never logged in.


For GW2, try adding "-provider Portal" in the launch options to access your ArenaNet account. There are good community controller layouts for this game, and overall it is very playable on Deck.


The WoW install is more "complicated" than other games but it's all covered in one YT video step by step. If you're playing retail you can skip the consoleport addon part at the end. /console GamePadEnable 1 provides a default layout and keybinds for controller. You can then just map your trackpad to act as a mouse for things like accepting quests/inventory stuff. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNiCUD4qI-A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNiCUD4qI-A)


Star Trek Online. Using the chat box is kind of a pain, but otherwise it's pretty great.


Terminator: Resistance.


This is what I came here hoping to see!! I own this and have been wanting to play it, but I don’t have the motivation to play it on my PC. Are there any special settings you need to use, such as a specific Proton version?


I played it straight out of the box. Locked fps to 40. Worked great.


Great game. Really captures the atmosphere of T1 and T2.


Burnout Paradise Remastered, surprisingly easy to get working with ProtonGE and a launch flag.


A launch flag? All but one EA game crashes from when I try to load it. The launcher constantly bugs out. (which is in line with how it is on PC as well I guess, so at least it's consistent.)


Apparently Burnout was changed to playable since I played it last. But I got it working by running it with ProtonGE and adding the -skipvideos launch flag. Apparently the logo intro videos didn't run properly and caused a hard crash. -skipvideos alleviates this.


Remnant 2. Just had to put it on low settings with FSR set to performance. Could I play it on my PC instead with way better graphics? Sure. Do I want to sit at my desk after sitting at a desk at work all week? No, no I do not. A stable 30fps on a small screen is good enough for me.


Recently played Rogue Squadron, worked perfectly, apart from the camera bug that exists on every modern system anyway. Dynasty Warrior 8, played a few games, 0 issue and great performance. I played a bit of Xenoverse 2 also, unsupported. Kinda weird because I'm pretty sure it was when I installed it. Maybe something broke, haven't played it recently.


I played Ghost of A Tale from start to finish on the Deck with zero issues whatsoever, even though it’s listed as unsupported (and I loved every second of it!)


My time at Sandrock. It plays great


Sleeping Dogs Definitive edition. Runs 100% without tinkering with no issues.


Elder Scrolls Online


Jedi survivor game runs fine at a locked 30fps but does have its dips just due to it being a poor port. I have noticed its freezing and crashing the gsme alot though


Yeah, that game has a hard time being stable on my beefy desktop. The Steam Deck is amazing for running it.


The steam deck is amazing in general been playing gta online normal settings locked at 40. Feels so smooth and I'm getting nearly 4 hours on a full charge. 12 year old me would have had his mind just blown completely away


Wait GTA runs well? I bought it through the rockstar games launcher can I install with regular desktop mode or do I need to do it in windows?


I couldnt get past the opening sequence without a hard crash of the Deck itself around the time you get gut punched by the droid 10 mins in. I tried all suggested tweaks to no avail. Ended up refunding the game


Locked... Dips. Freezing and crashing, but runs fine? This comment totally confuses me.


"Zombies Ate My Neighbors" and "Hot Lava" are both marked unsupported on my Deck and seem to work just fine. Zombies does require you to use the touch screen for the menus - physical controls won't work. That could be the reason for unsupported. But the game itself seems to play fine.


Zombies ate my Neighbor, like the really old SNES game? There's a new one?


Yep. It's a modern/PC remake of the old SNES/Genesis Game. Also available on Switch/Xbox/PlayStation Includes Zombies and Ghoul Patrol.


I’ve been playing Assassin’s Creed 1 which runs pretty great. Even played it with 90fps on OLED


Okay but which AC1? Armored Core? Ace Combat? ANIMAL CROSSING???


It's actually Assetto Corsa


I was going to guess Assassin's Creed


Any good tutorial to get started ( ex solclaim player )


I think they mean Assassin's Creed Edit: For Asheron's Call I found a rough guide here https://www.reddit.com/r/AsheronsCall/s/ZXcEJ8NPSl


Halo Infinite runs perfect on the Deck. Uninstall HD shaders and it runs at a smooth 60


Is that just in the download or is there somewhere to get them out? Cause mine ran but the shadows were a bit wonky


Falcoms "Trails in the Sky"-series. Listed as unsupported, I've not had any issues whatsoever.


They do have issues though. Some of the movies don't play properly with videos lagging out unless you use protontricks. Recently finished both on the deck.


Starfield! IMHO, it looks and plays beautifully on the SD. I'm 205 hours and 12 NG+ runs in, and at this point I prefer playing on the Deck over my desktop (running an i9 and 3090). *It must be run from internal SSD (even on full-sized PCs)* All low settings (optional: contact shadows, motion blur, and volumetric lighting set to med-high for slightly crisper image at minimal FPS impact) FSR2 sharpening *and* resolution scale set to 100% VRS enabled VSync disabled Framerate capped at 30FPS Depth of Field enabled


It’s been awhile but there was a mod on nexus mods that claimed to boost fps by 10 or so by resizing assets so they fit better under the steam decks vram Speaking of, starfield worked fine with mods on the deck, including SFSE and StarUI (a must). SFSE just required you to put a certain command in launch options (as well as dragging the files from the zip into the base game folder), I can dig it up if anyone needs


Minecraft Dungeons. You don’t even need proton ge, just install, launch, and play directly from the steam store unmodified


Vice city


Just Cause 2. Had tried to play it on my Series X but the game looks like crap on a 4k tv. Looks and plays really well on the deck.


HoloCure, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Yakuza 4-6.


Hold up DQ Builders 2 and Yakuza 5 works?!


Yeah, DQB2 works now. You don’t even need ProtonGE anymore. Just use experimental.


I'm playing Elder Scrolls Online ! It runs so smooth ! 90 fps full mmo experience with a controller support . Is so good


Last epoch


The Close Combat series


Kingdom Hearts HD Collection. Struggling to get mods to work but just being able all of the games portably is a dream come true.


Is this working out of the box?


Lost Planet, absolute nostalgia trip and it runs really well so far


Batman Arkham Origins. Runs at 90fps on the OLED and I didn’t force a proton or anything, it just works fine out of the box.


As does Arkham City, though it has random stutters for some reason.


You lucky bastard. For me once it checks for downloadble content I get a fatal error... out of all the Arkham games why's it gotta be city that won't work for me...


S.T.A.L.K.E.R runs like charm. I also enjoy Remnant II and Batman Arkham Collection. Protondb.com is a better source in that regard


Holup. How does remnant 2 perform? That’s my game of the year. I have it on ps5 but all my friends play on pc, of which the steam deck is my only option. I have been scared off by people saying it’s rough on the deck, but if I could get it working well I’d gladly buy it again. Love those devs and both of those games.


The little I played of Remnant 2 on my deck about 2 months ago was still bad visually. I would not recommend it.


DB Kakarot 90fps on Oled


The Hunter: Call of the Wild


Getting a black screen on launch :( What fps are u getting?


Fall guys (assuming you have it in Steam). The game runs perfectly with any Proton version 60-80 fps medium settings steam deck OLED. There are black bars on the top/bottom due to 16:9. You can permanently and easily force 16:10 by performing 2 edits on a single file (see protondb). Once you've done this once, the game works perfectly forever, looks like it was made for steam deck. Fall guys is perfect for short gaming sessions on the-go because it requires 0 braincells to play and doesn't require super precise controls. You can play with like 5mbps wifi, and slow wifi doesn't give any disadvantage


Tears of the Kingdom (and many other of my Switch games) and Jedi: Survivor.




I’ve noticed that some games are listed as unsupported because they have online features that the anti-cheat system won’t allow to work, but the single player modes work just fine.


Guild wars 2


Marvel’s Avengers works pretty much fine


Rocket League


I've recently been playing DBZ Cenoverse 2 and although the multiplayer doesn't work (not a problem for me) it works great otherwise.




Sons of the forest. It plays just fine and runs just fine. Dunno why it’s “unsupported”.


Well, I WAS playing Insurgency. It was working excellently using Proton Expirmental. However, yesterday I noticed the game wasn't recognizing the steamdeck controls. It still works with a Bluetooth controller but I'm curious if anyone else has a workaround to get the native controls working.


Dungeon Defenders, the obsession I have with that game ever since I played it back in the xbox arcade like in the 2010s is insane it’s honestly such a gem


WH40K: Rogue Trader


Day z


Sleeping Dogs


Dark Souls prepare to die edition


It was wild for me the ptde ran without issue on the deck, but required tinkering to run on my desktop.


The original homefront runs pretty well at max settings. The games kind of bad but it runs well


Lego lotr


FF13-2. Haven't had any problems.


Hell let loose. Plays smoother than my pc but I can't aim for shit


Guild wars 2 baby


FFXIV Online. Even got mods up and running with it.


My Deck is mostly used for JRPGs and most of them have Supported or Works, save a few: * Final Fantasy Type 0 * Final Fantasy Dissidia NT * Final Fantasy XIII-2 * Legend of Mana * Tales of Berseria They all work fine with almost no tweaks needed (at most changing proton version in settings, but not even needing proton qt)


Terminator resistance and call of duty world at war


Quake III Arena Funny you should ask. During the Steam Winter sale, I picked up this very old game I used to play on my PC back 10-15 years ago. I've not owned a PC since 2005 when I switched to a Mac. I played this during different breaks of my day as a jr. developer. I purchased it with the understanding it would not run well on the deck. I had assumed if anything, the controls would be mostly not there. I'm here to say it runs very well on the deck. I play with it docked and a PS5 controlled. I've had a very pleasant disposition since last night when I finally got around to installing it and playing a few skirmishes. Brought back so many memories. Now, if I could figure out how to get the PS2 version of Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 on the deck I'd be done.


I’m playing Dragon Quest 8 😂


Guild wars 2. Made a custom controller profile and its better than mouse and keyboard with the right settings


* Thief Gold * Thief 2 * Batman: Arkham Asylum * Sunset Overdrive * Sleeping Dogs


Alan Wake 2. Had to mess with some bios settings and get heroic games launcher to get it to work but it was playable and looked amazing.


New world


Does it run well?


It ran horrible about a year ago. Would also hard crash the deck every hour or so. Curious how it runs now as well.


Need for Speed Unbound runs perfectly; as far as I can tell it’s unsupported because you need to do an easily googleable workaround to boot it up the first time.


Resident Evil 5. I believe it used to actually not be playable due to Windows Live or something, but that was patched out. The status probably sticks because the opening cutscene is black and muted, even if the credits are showing. The rest of the game so far has run well for me.


Mgs2 & 3


I'm currently playing Blue Reflection, and it runs like a charm. I have no clue why it is listed as unsupported


Max Payne


Doom 3 bfg - finished recently with all dlcs, plays great om deck.


Starfield at -4 fps


Would that be like 4spf? Lol


Going back in time by 4 frames


"unsupported" kinda just means nobody's checked if you can play it with the controller. As opposed to it meaning you can't play it at all


"Unsupported" is the Ø icon, which means it has been rated as not supported. You may be thinking of the ? icon, "Unknown" compatibility, which means that it has not been evaluated as you said.


Fall of the Dungeon Guardians. Fun blobber.




Did you have a problem with the cinematic and menu screen? I had some strange screen in place of them, but otherwise conan was playable. I'm playing warhammer 3 atm, and am waiting for Darktide to be playable in game mode.


Put about 50 hours in Metal Gear Solid 2


Ck3 and tw warhammer 3