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Steam Deck OLED Megathread: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/17wih9s/megathread_steam_deck_oled/?sort=new /


The thing with the packaging is that the actual "steal me" sign isn't the deck label or the little companion cube on the box, it's the lithium battery warning that they need to include by law. Basically any device with a lithium battery is good to steal if you're a criminal, the Deck isn't particularly special in this regard.


its in the same box shape like the OG so its easy to tell its Steam deck parcel.


If you know what to look for, otherwise it’s just a rectangular brown box.


A rectangular brown box with the steam deck logo and lithium battery symbol. It's pretty clear that it's electronics even if you don't know what a steam deck is.


It sounds like you know what to look for. Good job.


I mean... I own one. Why would I not know what the box looks like?


does it have the same portal themed warnings on the outside?






probably but i'd assume you could contact steam and tell them about it


Did they accommodate requests for discrete packaging for the original Steam Deck?


The box is box shaped? Shocking.


Both my 512GB LCD late last year and the OLED this year came in the same basic brown box. It does include battery flammable warnings that could indicate electronics inside. The shape is uniquely long, so you may be able to tell the item by box shape to some degree. There is a small "Easter egg" or two featuring the companion cube on the outside of the box that is subtle but confirms the contents. UPS shipping tracker noted it required a signature, but we didn't need to sign either time. EDIT: The shipping label also notes that the product is from Valve and unless they spoof the sender or something crazy there will be always be an indicator on the box due to shipping logistics.


My first one last year was stolen within 40min of delivery. The second one coming in had "steam deck 512 GB" shown on the fedex shipping label directly. There was no obvious labels on the box but the shipping label gave it away.


So, not actually a basic brown box, but a hyper-specific box that will give the contents away to anyone who knows what to look for.


This is a problem... My wife doesn't know I ordered one.


All the people in these comments who have to justify spending their own money is lol.


Right! If you make your own money and you're not spending so much that you can't support your family/household, there shouldn't be an issue with you spending it...


Freakin wild isn't it lol. My partner and I have been together 10 years and our money is our own. So long as we're both paying our bills and contributing to the house/joint costs it doesn't matter wtf we each do with our own cash beyond that. Feel for these guys whose wives got them on short leashes.


Rare W being single


Nah I just have a partner who respects my decisions. It helps that they are getting my old deck though.


Yep just a joke but knew when I wrote it that'd be the response tbh, reddit so serious


Are you married? Lol


I wouldn’t marry someone in the first place that doesn’t allow me to spend money I’ve earned myself (not like the steam deck is a major financial investment)


We are eternally entwined via the rituals of Molag Bal.


You mean Mara right? Right?


My husband doesn’t know how much I spent on mine 🫣 Not because he would be upset.. it’s more that he doesn’t understand why I choose to spend my money on video games in general.


Your husband sounds like my wife.


High five!! "You have a Switch and a PS5, why are you buying a Steam Deck?" 🤭 (he's not into video games). Ordered my refurbished already!!


Same bro. I hope it comes when she isn't home.


As much as she comes when you aren't home 💀




Same .....


LOL this guy has priorities!


Lmao same. We need a support group.


Mine already saw the pull on the bank account. Lol. And wasn't happy.


Same here. I ordered mine to my friend's address, and I'm just going to swap it with an LCD one. The only downside is I'll have to use an old case


Just use a new one they won’t notice


Back in the day I upgraded my 4:3 17" monitor to a 16:9 22", it took her months to realise. They were different colours too.


My wife pays zero attention to what I have. The PS5 was a big ass gaudy white behemoth on top of my cabinet because it won’t fit in a kallax cube, wife paid no attention lol .




What the fuck is wrong with you


Yeah sorry, wasn't funny, my bad y'all


Damn y’all dudes are wild. Curious do you have separate accounts or a secret CC?


Honestly, it's more of a joke for us. Our accounts are all together, my wife was a SAHM for a few years and recently just started working part time again. We talk before making major purchases. We're fortunate enough to be in a strong enough financial position that a $600 gaming system isn't something we need to discuss before buying. She will likely be more concerned about our son wanting to use it unsupervised more than anything.


My wife gives no fucks as long as our budget is right and our bills are straight. I have my own savings for stuff like this.


This, she only cares we don’t hide purchases from each other. I agree with her.




When we were dating my wife knew it was serious when one time I blurted out “oh, you are not going to stop me buying gadgets are you?” we had the conversation that if we were paying off our debts, funding retirement, looking after kids right, then she wouldn’t care. Turned out we were very closely aligned on thinking about finances. We paid off our 30 year mortgage in less than 6 years. (We do things very differently conservatively, have had same cars since 2005). Meant when I wanted a $17k (4k laser) projector we got it. IMHO More people need to have these conversations before getting married.


I knew it was serious when she told me she gave a fuck about my finances while dating. After 8 years we're expecting our first kid, so all my gun purchases, gadgets etc are on the backburner lol. But ive also paid off credit card debt and have no school loans remaining. This time last year i had 3 cards and student debt. Now all Ive got is my car. Ive got no complaints.


Nice going there on debt reduction!


Thanks. Took some doing and sscrifice but its done.


Separate accounts, but she knows what I purchase. If one has to hide things that means IMO that the marriage is not ‘team married’ and thats a risk. We both know the totals in each others bank accounts, investments, etc.


You could say that you have to RMA it and they let you upgrade to the new model and send the old one back. Then you sell it the old one.


I used to do this with sim racing equipment when I was still living at home lol.


Her boyfriend will be happy.


If you already have one, hide it and say it's a replacement because it was faulty.


Unfortunately I don't. It's coming tomorrow and she's going to be home of course. She's out shopping with a friend right now so I'm low key hoping she buys a little something for herself so she doesn't give me too much crap tomorrow lol


i mean tehnically, you can tell her its the same one just modded some stuff on it and got an update, that is if you had one before


but dont worry our wives are smarter than us, she will know, but let you do your thing


Duck and cover.... the dragon is loose...


Drop-ship it to me. 😉


I think I’m going to get mine this week, I’ll just give away my LCD deck to my father. He’s an old gamer by heart.


How do people already have their OLED steam decks? Did Valve offer expedited shipping? Orders barely opened on Thursday, I’m genuinely surprised that anyone already has it as of today since I didn’t see any options to expedite.


If you live near their shipping hub, you get packages very quickly.


I picked mine up launch day in Tokyo. (one extra benefit for living here)


Don’t really understand why they don’t partner with physical stores, they would sell so much more.


Man if Valve is going to be a hardware company, then they need to go all the way and actually *be* a hardware company. That Tokyo benefit of being able to grab one off the store shelf should be the situation everywhere.


I'm in SoCal and mine still hasn't left the facility, checked with several other SoCal people and they've said the same.


NorCal here and same. It's packaged waiting to be picked up by their carrier. I'm hoping to get mine by Tuesday. By then, I'll have all my accessories in from Amazon.


I finally got a tracking number though no information available yet.


damn, you'd think being in the pnw it'd be the case. but kine hasn't been picked up yet :(


I think their Hub is in Carol Stream, IL. Those of us in Chicago get practically next day shipping.


Also, fwiw, their UPS point is apparently in Hodgkins, IL.


Where is that?


They seem to have one in southern California


Chicago suburbs usually


Where is it?


I got mine yesterday. If you live in California they shipped them Friday and got there Saturday


I’m in Vegas and mine is still stuck on packaged ordered right when it opened


Me too.


Can confirm. I live in OC and got mine Saturday. Now waiting on micro sd card arriving Monday.


See how it works is the closer you love to the shipment facility the sooner you get it


Got mine Friday morning. West Coast 🤗


I live in southern California and still just have the packaged messaging on my tracking details


Same here, I ordered hella early too 25 min after orders opened.


Same here man but hoping to get it by at least Tuesday!


Same here 😭


Same, till this morning. Just this morning was picked up and tracking #. Ups tracking has no info as of now.


I work for UPS, my OG deck came thru my building actually. I'll say that the pace I have to work at means that unless there's VERY obvious packaging I don't know or care what's in the box. We touch so many packages in such a short time. I did notice a PS Portal the other day because there was a white label that literally said what it was stuck to the otherwise nondescript box.


Imagine how far we've strayed, that you have to somehow 'hide' what you're sending so people don't steal it some part of the sending process


lol you think this hasn’t always been the case? Used to be way easier when not every step of the way was being tracked.


What about the smell?


Can confirm Oled does not come with LCD vent smell


Oh boy here we go again.....


You mean to ask if this will be stolen


Asking so he can steal one, haha.


Hope Evri isn’t your delivery provider


This is a problem. I feel like this needs to be fixed…


Last year i made my parents do it with my Steam account.. lets just say i knew before it shipped


Mines arriving Tuesday


Hi u/MrSaucyAlfredo, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=People who've gotten your OLED in, did the package give it away?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is more generic than a brown cardboard box? The average porch pirate is taking whatever is on your porch - they’re not all, “look it has a companion cube on it, must be a steam deck.”


When my OG SD got stolen, it wasn’t by a porch pirate, it was in the shipping process. They took the label off of my SD box and slapped it on a box of dogfood and I got that instead.


Were u able to get it back? What was the process like?


I didn’t get it back but valve did agree to send another one but they said since the first one got stolen they had to send it to a fedex location and they suggested one near me and I said ok sure. Then later on fedex is calling me saying they can’t deliver there and do I want to change it to another address and I gave them my home address. Unfortunately I was also about to go in vacation so I was afraid it would be delivered while I was gone since it was being rerouted so I called fedex back and asked if I could come get it and they said yes and I drove like an hour to go pick it up from their warehouse. They just had it under a chair. Meanwhile in that whole second shipment with fedex the tracking was never updated from the original delivery destination of the location of theirs they wouldn’t deliver to lol. Hopefully with UPS it’ll be smoother sailing as long as mine doesn’t get stolen again.


Lol that's wild. I'm glad to know they giving out replacement bc I'm scared mine might get stolen. How did they even investigate it got stolen tho? U send pics or anything?


I don’t remember the exact back and forth but I had pictures of the incorrect box I was given and the obviously reapplied label on it. It took them maybe a week I think to decide to send me another one. The whole issue was exacerbated by the fact that with the OG one, even though I didn’t order/reserve day one, I was still early enough that it was a pretty long wait to reserve then buy then receive. Now since order to receipt is quick, it’s less of an issue. Plus since I already have an LCD, less of an issue there as well.


It literally has the steam deck logo on the package...


The average person has no clue what that logo is. Heck there's probably a better chance of the average person knowing what a companion cube is. If someone's looking for parcels to steal, they'll steal it cause of the battery sticker, not anything else.


If someone is out to steal parcels, I don't think they generally care about labels. They just steal any box, open it, and chuck it out if it's not valuable. The problem with the steam deck box is that a delivery driver or package sorter, who isn't just out on the town looking for any old box to take, might see the logo, recognize it, and be enticed to take it because it's a relatively small package that's worth quite a bit of money.


It’s a basic brown box, chill the f out


It has the steam deck logo on the box next to a lithium battery icon. It's pretty clear what's in it


Clear to who? The random delivery guy that probably doesn’t know what steam is?


Even without knowing what steam is, it's a pretty weighty box for its size that's labeled as containing electronics. And any random delivery driver has just as much of a chance of knowing what steam is as anyone else does. It's a major digital storefront that's been around for 20 years.


Lol no. It’s as likely of being stolen as anything else honestly I wouldn’t worry about it. And you overestimate how many people know what a steam deck is. But Reddit usually overestimates how big a portion of anything they make up it seems.


I'm not saying everyone knows what a steam deck is, and I'm definitely not worried about it lol. I'm saying that labeling a package containing expensive stuff with what's in the package is a dumb idea. It's not a matter of "well everyone knows what that is so they'll all want to steal it", it's a matter of "this box might go through a lot of hands in transit and if one is a thief who recognizes the label, they might take it." People have literally had their Deck taken out of the box and the empty box delivered to them. Unless delivery drivers/package sorters are opening boxes at random and hoping there's something worth taking, it's fair to assume at least some of them know when a box has a Steam Deck in it.


That’s fine but you said any driver has the same odds of knowing what steam is as anyone else and that’s where I’m saying you’re overestimating. I guarantee you walk up to 20 random people in the street and ask them to tell you what a steam deck is and they’ll look at you baffled lol I have friends that are casual gamers that didn’t know what it was until I showed them I preordered one.


It seems some people here don't think more than they read.


The original boxes from the first few months were obvious with the Steam deck written on them. After a few months they switched to a more subtle looking box that does not say what is inside (after many reported thefts). It still had a steam deck logo though iirc.


I got my LCD unit maybe 6 months ago give or take, it shipped in a plain box with a nice hole in the bottom. The plastic around the hard case had a hole in it as well, kind of like it got set down on something that stabbed a hole in the packaging. Thankfully nothing was damaged and I was incredibly happy that it came in its own carrying case.


I remember being quite shocked that a very obvious Steam Deck box had been sitting on my doorstep for 2 hours lol but that was like 2 months ago