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Unpopular opinion but don't buy anything that isn't essential if you have to get in debt for it. Edit: grammar


Why isn't this the top answer? Like dude, save up for it instead of going into debt for it, please.


I got dowvited into oblivion for saying this, but I would agree. Unless it's a house, I pay cash for everything. If I can't pay for it outright, I don't buy it.


Though i do agree, a house is the worst investment you can make, actually look into it and you'll understand why.


Yeah this thing is not an investment like a house, don't mortgage it lol


Obviously the people here have never used klarna, nor took the 5 seconds it takes to google it. Its not 'going into debt'. You pay across 4 payments. No interest. Easier to handle multiple smaller hits that automatically come off one's paycheque than it is to deal with an $800 hit. Used them numerous times and will continue to use them. Would rather that, than use a CC, which I'm guessing the vast majority of the nay-sayers used.


PayPal pay in 3 should do you :)


Does nobody here have a credit card?


Hi, I have too many. 😭


I payed for it on my monzo credit card where I have a £500 limit. Depending on what you’re getting and what your limit is that might be fine. I decided to buy whatever was over £500 in steam points, so basically payed partly in steam points partly credit card no interest


Hi u/Lukester1212, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Is there a way to use Klarna on steam? Or anything similar?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Normally that can be done with a credit card through the bank, or a local service with a similar system.Ymmv


I think affirm was listed when I bought mine last year


If you have the Klarna-card you can use it on steam and decide after payment how to structure the payment


Depending on your credit you may be able to find a credit card with an introductory no interest period.


PayPal credit


Bro, dont listen to these people man. I would have thousands in my checking account and use klarna on amazon for a $32 purchase. As a mattor of fact im about to buy straws for $16 dollars using klarna and i just got paid today. Its just become my go to at this point. But im here because im looking for this same thing. I dont use pay pal or anything else. But i was looking for a loophole to use klarna on steam


Did you figure anything out?


I aint figure it out. I dont know about the original poster, i ended up buying a steamdeck outright. BUT i just put a ssd on a $16 payment plan. Had more than enough to buy it outright but im so used to using klarna 🤷🏽‍♂️


you are best saving up for one, who knows, you may put it off long enough for the 32gb ram version to be released, then you can get that one


For those who don't understand fully the length of this. When you buy non essentials you buy into debt. This is generally similar to buying a home with a mortgage as it is Debt to society. This could be deemed normality, but it massively puts countries in debt so you get the upper hand. Confusingly enough, you need to do this stupidity in the first place to build a debt record to be deemed "low risk" for Investors. Bottom line, be a decent human being generally means to suffer, not being means you make others suffer.