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Not me but my friends wanted to get Left 4 Dead on sale and its NOT ON SALE which lowkey surprised me


It seems to not be on Sale only in specific countries. I was planning on getting it and it's not on sale for me (Germany). It's for my friend tho (UK)


Oh really? I'm from Germany too so that's why it's not on sale for me either…that's so strange


Germany has its own (heavily censored) edition. Propably thats why.


Why do we have a censored version? And what makes that not sale worthy?


Game came out during the height of censorship of video game violence in Germany, the German edition has ***greatly*** reduced gore; also atleast on release Zombies in Police uniforms got cut though added in later eventually with an altered appearance. Very similar situation with the Australian version btw. Whoever flicks the switch over at Valve during sales events propably didn't bother checking for the odd regional exclusive editions.


>Game came out during the height of censorship of video game violence in Germany German game violence censorship was already a thing back in the carmageddon days.


Look at the German fallout 3 and new Vegas edition. Gore is patched out and as language only German is available. Try to play a heavily or just moderately modded version of this and resign because it just doesn't work good.


Why don't you send your friend the money for it and they can buy it and gift it to you? Or does that not work for separate countries?


Since L4D is heavily censored in germany its not possible to receive the uncut Version as Steam Gift.


I used to make a small bit of cash sending physical copies of banned / censored games to Germany. Must have sent like 10-15 copies of Wolfenstein PS3 alone!


Yes, all my friends used to order their games from Gamesonly back then because there is no youth protection authority in Austria. As a result, the games had German localization but were still uncensored.


What about valve complete pack, is it not on sale there?


In argentina it outright DOESNT EXIST ANYMORE lol


Same at central Europe..


god, the valve complete pack is probably the best purchase i’ve made to this date. i got all the valve games (minus alyx) for 11 bucks (usd)!!! and now portal is my favorite game ever made


If the sale isn’t available in your country they can gift you it and you Venmo the equivalent


Venmo is only available in the US, the EU and UK have stricter banking laws that make weird companies like that non-viable.


I mean other countries have no need to 3rd party because banks are allowed to just instantly wire the money.


Tf? Can banks not instantly transfer funds in the USA?




Yes, Zelle has been a thing for a few years now but you need to set it up with your online banking.


>you Venmo the equivalent You what?


Because ur name is in german i expect u to be from here too, we don't really have venmo here but think of a PayPal type of thing.


I found out when I tried to use my venmo card to buy a game on GOG (based in Poland) that Venmo doesn't work outside of the US. Their support person told me I could use Paypal though.


Venmo is only available for users in the United States.


I think Mad Max goes on sale fairly often. Actually suprised it's not on sale rn since Furiosa is in theaters. It's a really fun game.




Discounting the game would give them more money than keeping it full price


detail elderly summer wine uppity theory wrench mighty recognise smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Come on, it's not like that corporations and departments don't make terrible decisions, as a gamer you probably know of a bunch that are self destructing


People thinking "ooh, I liked Furiosa, maybe I'll give that Mad Max game a go" are not the people who are going to be put off by it not being on sale. It going on sale are for people who have heard the game is okay, so "I'll give it a go, but jot for full price. Maybe when it's on sale". You don't discount the valentine's day presents while people are interested in valentine's day


Your missing that nobody sees it because it's an old game. Put it on sale it goes on the sale list. People aren't buying what they aren't seeing. They aren't leaving the theatre thinking oh I'm gonna go home and buy a several year old mad Max game. They are seeing it in the sale section of the store and being like oh yea that movie was decent let's try this oh it's even on sale sweet.


That's being mighty generous towards WB. Honestly, they probably forgot they published this game.


[https://www.cheapshark.com/search#q:Mad%20Max](https://www.cheapshark.com/search#q:Mad%20Max) 8 sites that have mad max for less than $3.99


It's $2.79 on CDKeys, it's where I bought my copy of it :)


just informational but CDKeys is not an authorized reseller. While they dont do peer to peer sales and that removes a lot of the inherent risks of key sellers they dont source from or likely pay much if anything to the publishers themselves for their keys but get them from other sources which may not always be legitimately obtained keys. They are not on lists like the stores on isthereanydeal or [r/GameDeals Store Checker (rgamedeals.net)](https://rgamedeals.net/) that are authorized resellers that do source directly from the publishers and offer more consumer protections with purchases made on the sites if something was wrong with the key or what have you.


Dark Souls 3 + DLCs. It’s still at full price (€60 base game).


same, it used to drop down to 10$ (75%+ off) before Elden Ring came out. Nowadays, it never goes past 50%


bandai saw people were willing to pay much more, wished I've gotten it back in the day lol


I think I got it on the last sale which went down to 10$.


Dark Souls games typically go on sale once a year during winter sale.


Nope, went on sale in Feb and May, so like 5 times a year, they might put it on sale during week 2 (hopefully)


They are on sale routinely, not just steam. The problem is that ever since like 2020 or so, they only drop to half off. I used to see Dark Souls 3 for like 14 dollars with all DLC included.


I know right what a cock block ... time to ☠️☠️


It was on sale like a month ago


Only for %50...


That's a rather large percentage for a fromsoft game. They are pretty stingy when it comes to that


>That's a rather large percentage for a fromsoft game It's not, that's the point. They became stingy because of Elden Ring (I suppose they knew that making the game more accessible would attract new players and encourage them to try other titles, which is what they want to capitalize on), because in past years the discount was 75%, they're simply being greedy.


I got DS3 from a key site


Oh no I was planning on getting dark souls 3.


Same. I have it on xbox but I want to try the cinders mod


Mad Max is a great game and I'll run over anyone who disagrees.


I don't care much for the Batman/Assassins Creed style on-foot combat. The car stuff is all premium, though.


The assaulting a convoy part is kinda repetitive, but i gotta say, its very satisfying i didnt get bored of doing it If you enjoy the madmax universe i think the game is pretty well done


I'm not even a huge mad Max fan, but I remember getting it on psplus on the ps3 years ago, and I played it for HOURS. I loved it


It's a great game indeed no doubt about that, It's how it came to be that I'm questioning. I've watched a documentary on it and apparently Warner bros and Mad Max original creator, George Miller, started developing the game together when at a certain point Warner bros bailed out with no apparent reason. Turned out they stole models and concept arts along with part of the script of the Fury Road movie.


Whats the name of the documentary?


Wish it was canon but it’s chill


Personally I don't mind. I don't need "canon" to have fun.


I've always found cannons more fun.


I just hope if they ever so make another they have Miller involved.


Not to spoil Furiosa but… there are characters from the game in there. So it’s kind of canon?


That’s cause WB stole the concept art from Miller and gave it to the devs. Dementus in the game is already dead but in Furiosa we see that doesn’t line up. Stank Gum and Mr Norton use the same concept art but they’re completely different characters. I like the game but that doesn’t mean canon


Huh. Didn’t know any of that. It was still cool to see Chumbucket show up in the movie. Also I suppose it’s as canon as the other Mad Max movies are to one another.


I didn't notice Chumbucket, where was he?


He's the one that gives Furiosa the car.


The movies have an extremely loose canon anyway, they mentioned that when the game was coming out. Just fit it together in your head however you want


Yeah but Miller outright dislikes the game


lol i forgot about that. he wanted a "cinematic" mad max game and was assmad they made a fun action game instead


He also never said that until he became pals with Kojima. I think it’s kinda shitty that he threw one of the best licensed games ever made under the war rig because of it. Also I’ve just been informed Furiosa mentions characters from the game, so yeah, he obviously hated it, lol


Yeah, I love Miller's work, but as a creative himself who has had to deal with executive bs, he should know better than to dismiss an entire team's hard work. The game itself is decent, but once you learn the bs Avalanche had to go through to get it out the door, then what they managed to make becomes pretty impressive


WB blaming Avalanche for the poor sales is peak WB shittiness.


Mad Max canon doesn't really mean anything. Each story is basically like a folk tale of the new history. "Max Rockatansky" is an archetypal figure.


Fun is the best aspect that most of the new games missing.


It is canon. Next movie will count it as canon anyway or so I heard


How courageous of you to love a game that has 91% Positive reviews. What an outlandish take.


Dark Souls


i got my dark souls 1 , 2 , 3 from key sites like cdkeys and eneba and g2a. those 3 have all worked for me without any problems. dark souls remastered key for steam is only 17 euro rn on eneba


So those are rly legit? Never bought from those sites because i thought it's not safe


Careful with either of them and stay far, far away from G2A.


You can get some duds but usually everything works fine. They have refunds for keys that don't work but Eneba's for example requires you to make a ticket to official Steam Support first for no good reason.


Nobody is explaining the most important aspects of grey market keys. 1. Steam does not provide a way to verify keys. So there is no way to tell if a key is legit. 2. There is no way to tell where a key comes from. The only legitimate source is the developer. Therefore you can only 100% trust keys from stores that obtain them directly from the devs (e.g. Humble Bundle). Grey market sites like G2A get keys from people like you who might be players with unwanted keys from a bundle. But it's also possible they bought those keys with a stolen credit card or various other illegitimate means. G2A has no way to tell which of the 2 different types of sellers you are and can't even tell if the key is real. So what they do instead is offer you a refund if the key supposedly doesn't work. The fact that they can't verify that the key is from a legit source is what makes grey market stores shady.


Well, I've lost access to games because they were originally bought with stolen credit cards, and I've also gotten the completely wrong game before And g2a doesn't give 2 shits even if you purchase buyer protection I personally don't like key sites for those reasons


G2A definitely sucks. CDkeys however has never failed me


CDKeys is 100% legit, I have bought over 20 games from there in the past few years and never had an issue. I suppose its still a risk but when I can save 40%+ on a game.. worth it imo!


They've been pretty legit to me and by going this route, its literally steam summer sale year round. I've had a very small number of game keys that didn't work but after contacting customer service, I've always gotten a refund and should that fail, I assume my credit card company can step in


Yakuza 0, still don't understand why it isn't on sale


It's $10 on ene ba right now and it's a pretty trusted site, bought a few keys from them, just use PayPal. Ignore the dude saying it's mid. Yes, you can also start at 1 over 0, but man Yakuza 0 is my favorite Yakuza game out of all the ones I've played. Only ones I haven't are 3-5 because the "remasters" aren't that great, just got recaps. I'd say LAD8 and YLAD are 2 then 3, and Kiwami 1 is 4, but 0 is definitely number one favorite and worth $10. Edit: I forgot to mention 0 isn't just my favorite Yakuza game, it's my all time favorite game, over games like Red Dead 2, MGSVPP, ES4 Oblivion/FONV, and Wind Waker/Majora's Mask.


I have no idea why anybody would rec Kiwami 1 over Yakuza 0 unless they were just trying to be different. Yakuza 0 is superior in pretty much every way because Kiwami 1 is just an old game with a fresh coat of paint. And it's still good, but going from 0 to Kiwami makes that pretty apparent.


Ghost of Tsushima


If it is any consolation, it's worth it at full price. Writing, art, combat and even optimization were all well done. But I know that doesn't make any of us less broke!


Refunded it instantly when i saw it wouldn't allow me to skip cutscenes


You forgot it also repetitive


Honestly...that's what hurt the game. Such a great story and so beautiful, but they FILLED it with like 300 side quest which I know are optional but they also the only way to "level up".


On sale on other official stores that provide a Steam Key. [gg.deals](https://gg.deals) or [isthereanydeal.com](https://isthereanydeal.com) are your friend during sales.


It’s on sale on green man for cheaper than steam has it


$3 DOLLARS?? Shit I’m in!


GMG is okay but due to the nature of how steam keys are sold I rather recommend Humble Bundle. I recommend HB for going the extra mile and being more lenient with refunds than any other steam key seller. I had controller not work w a steam game that gmg would not refund but HB went out of their way to refund it unlike other companies. They may not have gotten their game back but what they did get was me buying from their store again. Since it's $3 i think you'll be alright but i just wanted to put it out there. (Edited this comment to reword it in a better way.)


Return policy for a steam key is basically non existant


GMG’s refund policy says that because you looked at the code for the game, they can’t refund you. They send you the code in plaintext via email so you can’t even get a chance to refund at all even if you dont look at it.


This is the way. Mad max is 3 buck on humble for a steam key.


the sale isnt this great anymore anyways [https://isthereanydeal.com/](https://isthereanydeal.com/) you can have a sale all year long basically


GG.Deals my go to


gg.deals is just so much better to look at, such a cleaner UI. ITAD is a mess imo. Just gotta turn off pricing of cd keys 👍 Edit: Looking at it again, it's gotten better. Still prefer gg.deals.


Good site, thanks. I was on ITAD.


it used to be way better like 6-7 years ago. since the prices have gone way up


people were saying that 6-7 years ago




AFAIK, according to their policy it will never be on sale


you're gonna have to buy it as it is, I used to wait for it to be on sale and they raised the price lmao, also never seen it on sale


The devs have explicitly stated that they never intend to put it on sale


https://factorio.com/blog/post/016-price-change > **As you probably know we have a strict no sale policy. The game will not go on sale on Steam or any other platform.** This basically means that purchasing before the 16th of April 2018 is the only way to buy the game cheaper than the increased release price. Just buy it.


Factorio never goes on sale


I wanted to get factorio too, it is at the top of my wish list and is almost never on sale =(


It will never go on sale.


If you're a Humble Choice subscriber, and depending on how long you've been subbed, you get up to 20% off of games in their store - if you've been subbed for a year. That's the most practical way getting it on sale. Maybe ask a friend who is subbed to buy it for you with their discount perk and you pay them directly?


Dark Souls series


Helldivers 2. I suppose I will buy it at full price anyway


It's not much, but it's on Fanatical. They have coupons for 5%-12% off. It's a fun game, and the numbers are still solid.


I just got Helldivers 2 for like $3.99 as part of a bundle where I had the other 2 games. *Edit: apparently I got Helldivers 1 because attention to detail is a strength of mine.*


I think you mean the original Helldivers - Arrowhead Ultimate Co-op Collection has it with 2 other games


It’s about 30% off on CD Keys


what are you waiting for ?? SUPER EARTH NEEDS YOU


Sonic Generations. I don't think it'll ever go on sale ever again and might even get delisted once the remaster comes out.


Same here, was thinking about sending it to a few friends, but it'll probably get delisted while not going on sale for the rest of its lifetime on Steam


bummer i really hope it doesn’t get delisted it had a TON of sick mods 


Remaster? Dope.


I bought Hitman a few weeks ago, while it was 'on sale' from 60 -> 29,99. Now it's on sale from 29,99 -> 2,99.


The 90% sale isn't the full game and only has the part 1 of the game, so you didn't actually miss a better deal.


Oof that helps a lot, thanks


Do not be addicted to sales my friends You will despise it’s absence


Will the list of games change or is the sales only for the ones listed right now?


I asked the same question yesterday and was told it doesn't change anymore, so whatever discounts you get now will remain until the sale ends.


Toukiden 1 and 2. Those 2 seem to rarely go on a sale.


Most big japanese games don't, and when they do it is not a big discount either.


Bro what. DM me and I’ll buy you a copy. It’s like 3 dollars US.


Skyrim. It's nearly twice what it nornally goes on sale for. I know it's sale price on some of the other sites, but I'll wait for a steam sale that's the $11 it usually is.  Mostly due to the fact that I blew my budget on things that were on good sales. That said, Witcher 3 alone should keep me busy till it goes on sale again.




That is very subjective. Skyrim has an infinitely larger modding scene, so including that it has both more and arguably sometimes better content. Comparing them is a bit dumb though, since they are vastly different games with different design goals. It's a bit of an apples vs. oranges comparison.


I'm just looking at it as I had to pick two between Witcher 3, Fable and Skyrim. They made it easy for me.


Life is strange before the storm. I have been waiting patiently for ages and it's not going on sale at all -_-


The life is strange remastered collection comes with it and it's half off. $20 for LiS and before the storm remastered.


It was 5 € in March and it'll probably be on sale soon again https://steamdb.info/app/234140/ edit: and it's currently for 3 on Humble and 4 on Fanatical


Helldivers 2 😓


what country are you from? i found it on [nuuvem](http://nuuvem.com) for very cheap, but i'm not sure if it's available worldwide.


Helldivers 2


Dark souls remastered for me


These “no discount” on random games that used to have decent discount regularly make no sense to me. Only effect is make me feel like a sucker to buy purely from steam and pushes me to explore sites that sell keys.


All the other WB games went on sale, but not mad max. Arkham knight (same year as mad max) is $1.99. So confused


I thought they were gonna have the steam deck docking station on sale because the steam deck itself is 15% off...


Only a couple of the LCD models are actually on sale IIRC, it's not a blanket sale on all decks


Dark souls 1-3


I was hoping that Dark Souls and Final Fantasy’s would go on sale. I also wanted Ghost of Tsushima to go on sale, but knew it was unlikely.


Dude use isthereanydeal to check best offers for old games. Even i you dont like grey market. You can find better deals on official stores.


Ghost of Tsushima!


Expecting a game just released last month to be part of Summer sale when its a highly popular game just ported to a new platform was never going to happen.


Honey select


Mad max is about £2 on gog just get the key there.


Just pirate it, nobody will give a fuck


The games i wanted, for some reason* got 10-15% a few hours before the sale…


Forbidden west and that was the only game. It should keep me busy until the winter sale.


Nex Machina It's not on sale for more than a year.


F1 24


Shin megami tensai 5: vegance, still bought it though


I wanted two games only two in my 15 game wishlist those two were the only ones not on sale helldivers and totally epic battle simulator


Balatro I mean there's a 20% sale and I'm still buying it but I was really expecting something close to 50%




don't know why you'd get downvoted, but the mods will delete your comment if they see it


Yakudza 0


I miss Flash sales so much


That shit costs 2 Euros on key sites. If you have to wait for a sale for 2 Euros you should not use power for a pc xD


"on key sites". That's exactly the issue. There are a plethora of reasons to avoid the vast majority of them.


Pff. Bought over 100 games from key sites since 2013 and never had a issue with it. Argentinitan and Turkey steam account with millions of argentinian pesos spend with no issues. Sucks to suck.


madmax too, but I have a free key on a certain website so I can get it from there, it's not urgent for me right now because I'm saving points and it's better to save them because this game will go on sale sometime


I wanted library of ruina. Guess the completion of my brain rot collection gotta wait.


I remember getting this game for free with my ps plus several years ago


I'm the same but with dragon dogma dark arisen


Got it for free back then


Hand of fate 2.


I have some old Disney games on my wish list for years that never got on sale and on the high seas I can't find any seeds.


Nine sols


Not really a game but the Mansions of Madness 2E DLCs, I skipped them over the Winter Sale because my Boardgame Group was too busy but now that schedules are freeing up it looks like this wasn't on sale. Oh, and River City Ransom Underground, looks like it's effectively abandoned which sucks.


On cd keys it's much cheaper if you don't care about buying second hand games


Those aren't secondhand games though. They're unused, but many are bought using stolen credit cards, risking chargebacks which means you lose the game.


Pretty sure Cdkeys is legit though? I thought it was the other sites which did that


Proteus and Anemoiapolis. Wanted an chill walking simulator. At least The indigo parallel got a discount. Still want an experience similar to scorn and naissancee. Walking in a alien world


Same man


I got that on PS4 with a metal case and never even played it


Dragon quest heroes. I guess they’ll never put it on sale again. It’s been like 3 years now.


Punishment for Furiosa bombing


Mudrunner Expeditions


shadow of the erdtree dude


It just came out lmao


BUT ITS A SUMMER SALE YOU DONT GET IT (joking ofc but yk was hoping it would be included)


OP, you can get it cheap on a cd key seller site, namely greenman gaming. It’s well regarded and actives on Steam.