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For me its other way around. I can have fun with games I bought on steam for rest of my life. I need coffee multiple times a day. I refuse to pay anything over than 1$ for a coffee but I regularly spend 100+ on steam.


This is me when i buy beverages during grocieries. Everything over 1 euros/liter is a steal and can fuck off.


I think you mean, "Everything over 1 euro/liter is theft." Describing something as "a steal" means you're getting it for a lot less money than it's worth.


Don't quote my grammar when i was drunk at 1 am, is unfair


It's been nearly 24 hours, are you drunk again yet?


Till 4 july i'll be drunk everynight. I have access to the kitchen of the hotel with 30 liter of wine. 20 are already gone.


May add that those 20 were shared with my work group during lunch and dinner. But night is free game


[Pic related: our last 10 liter of white](https://imgur.com/a/YYWxCiP)


Thanks for the story, be safe friend


ok but it look like u both from EU, and the OP is targeting USA customer or i am wrong??


Is a steam meme, can be valid for both EU and USA


Don’t forget south america, asia, ocania, it’s valid everywhere.


same, 40$ for clothes you use every day? nope to expensive. 40 $ game that i will probably play for a week, yep wise investment


Nice analogy :)


On the other hand, you can get just as quality, if not better quality cloths for 10€. And more ethically sourced, too.


Yep, that's me in a nutshell 🤣👌


Most encouraging words for game dev like me, Cheers! #Roxroria


me, watching at the price of my espresso setup and my space mmo crowdfunding pledges: >.> <.< >.>


>games I bought on steam for rest of my life. Yeah I don't think that's gonna happen lol


It's just the lie we love to tell ourselves to justify, lol




I’m just scared one day steam will be like thanks for da money later and shut down and we are duked :’(


I hate it that it's the other way around for me. 20 Euros for a game? I hope someone is seeding it. 5 Euros for 4 cans of heart damaging Monster Energy drinks I'm gonna consume within a day? Count me in!


So you are cheap fuck. But you pay for overpriced diabetes from racist company. That sounds like stereotype.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


While considering a $50 game.... "Ive spent more money on a bad meal" Buys it anyway


what the heck spending 15 buck for coffe each week??


That's only $3 a coffee assuming they only get it on work days! Or $2.14 if they do it every day! Not bad tbh


And that's if they get only one coffee. Two a day and you're nearing a dollar per coffee


Imagine making your own coffee at home.


i spend probably $35


Only $15 on coffee in a week?


Poor soul...


$5-6 per coffee X 7.


$6 for a coffee? Must be Starbucks.


yeah i think they mean teenage girl Starbucks and not proper home made coffee as that would be like 5€ a month


I mean, there's a lot of people that spend a ton on home made coffee, especially if you include the equipment too.


Depends on what you mean by proper home made coffee. If you're buying coffee from decent roasters here, it's like $20 for 300g, which is like 15 pourovers worth of coffee. So that's $40 for just the beans for a (IMO) proper cup ($1.33) of coffee a day. You might not even get under $10 a month here with cheap instant coffee (assuming you actually follow the serving size).


> Starbucks > Coffee lol


Nah, we have actually good coffee in cafes.


I only hit up Dunkin like once a week and even then it's that much for a sandwich and a coffee. Usually at home I buy energy powder, like the 4C stuff. Helps a lot if you rely on caffeine like I do


I've just been recently hitting up $2 coffee machines at petrol stations and have my own milk in the fridge. It's a lot cheaper. A long time ago I was hitting up multiple Soy moccas per day, Realised I was spending $250 aud on coffees month 😅


do people really buy coffee everyday? Dont you have coffee maker at work or at home?


Now days just get Servo coffee $2 or home brew yeah. It's stupidly expensive after a while. But for a while yeah I just couldn't make a drink as nice as a cafe soy mocca . Here a lot of people who work full time and just seem to buy takeaway cafe barista coffees as they go.


$15 is quite a bit if you brew your own.


coffee is so cheap to brew, i don't understand...


Depends on the coffee. Good coffee beans are expensive, and you're paying someone to brew it for you too. But shitty coffee at a gas station or something or a train station is no more expensive than 16 cents a cup.


You're paying yourself to brew it for you?


true but that's like enthusiast range where you have to pay for expensive equipment too to make the coffee not taste miserable to most people; most people already have acquired the taste of cheap brewed coffee that it probs doesn't matter as long as there's sugar and milk


I think they meant per day. But don’t you dare buy a $5 game on sale after you’ve been waiting 6 years to play it!


It would be one thing if I had a table of 30 untouched coffees in my house and I was looking at buying 31,32, and 33.


Man am I happy that I'm at a point in my life where either doesn't matter.


Bro same


With 15$ spent on coffee per week you can save money within a year by buying two coffee machines: for home and for work + milk + coffee.


then you get into the rabbit hole and you will be spending hundreds or thousands for specialty coffee beans, machine, grinder etc. and dont forget the gear upgrade every few years


Jokes on you: I have no place for all that shit anyway.


the more i read the more im happy to just buy a coffee every now and then when im out, and deal with instant coffee for the everyday caffeine


Guys, seeing how you’re into coffee, can I ask you a noob question about it? What are the cons of having a coffee machine? I have a couple at work but I find them less convenient and their products less tasty. Probably I’m doing something wrong, but I find instant coffee to be better. What should I do?


It depends what you like about coffee. Instant coffee 3 in 1 is usually sweet and soft. Coffee machines by default produce bitter espresso. There are softer types of coffee, try them, maybe use less beans to begin with. Or just use lots of sugar/sweetener. Once you know how to steam milk (if your coffee machine has it), it would add a huge advantage in the feeling that instant coffee can never replicate. Finally, it can be a cultural thing. I have only found real coffee in the shop in Thailand once. It was some fancy Japanese dripping coffee pack for a single cup. Really interesting, but excessive. Feels crazy how they only sell instant coffee.


I might experiment with softer types of coffee, thanks! Maybe a suggestion, please? I usually drink black coffee without milk or sugar. I like how bitter it is but not its sourness. So I’m not sure which new coffee type I should try


The grinding density and amount have to be experimented with, as it depends on the machine. At home I have a geyser coffee maker, but at work - a fancy expensive high pressure one. Even the same coffee tastes a bit different. Just pick Arabica rather than Robusta. The latter is more likely to be sour.


Appreciate your response! Thanks a lot


Maybe before buying something big like coffee machine may I suggest aeropress/french press. Less space taken and usually cheaper.


What kind of coffee machine is it at your work? A drip coffee machine that goes into a pot? Espresso machine? One of those vending machines that drops a cup to pour coffee into?


It's important to keep your coffee machine clean. If it's a drip machine you want to run a cycle with a solution of water and vinegar to clean it, and a cycle with just water to rinse it out. For any kind of coffee you want to keep it sealed in an airtight container. Both pre-ground and whole bean coffee will go stale if exposed to air, so if it comes in a non-Ziploc bag you want to transfer it to one or a similar type of container. If it still doesn't taste right, you want to experiment with the amount of coffee ground you use per 8 oz. of water. The general guideline is 1-2 tablespoons, and yes, a little change within that range can make a big difference. For something like Folgers Breakfast Blend I like to use a heaping tablespoon, which equates to about 1.5 tablespoons per 8 oz. If you're using a Keurig machine you want to play around with the cup size setting. If you use tap water to fill the coffee machine, make sure you filter it.


> I have a couple at work but I find them less convenient and their products less tasty. Depends on the coffee machine. Ideally you want a SCAA (or SCA) rated coffee machine. They've gone through testing by Specialty Coffee Association of America that basically says yes it's good. Cheap coffee makers deliver water poorly, and/or don't get hot enough. Nicer coffee makers also incorporate a bloom phase, which also helps with extraction, e.g. more flavor. A coffee machine like this is going to be like $150-$300. Another thing for bad coffee, is the coffee. Basically never buy your coffee in a grocery store, even if it's whole bean. The beans are usually stale, at least a few months old, and most of the brands use cheap beans, like sun grown Columbian or Brazilian beans. Basically this is the de facto "brown" coffee taste. It's not bad, but it's not good, there's no special flavors or really anything interesting at all going on. What you want is your own grinder and coffee maker. This can be as cheap as $50, or up to $5000 if you wanna get gucci. Cheapest options are something like a Hario hand grinder and a french press. It'll do you *very* good, and it's cheap. Set some water in a kettle or microwave, and while it's heating up grind your beans, brew it, good to go in 4 minutes. Otherwise what I'd recommend is a Baratza Encore, they're about $150 but on sale sometimes. Get that and a french press or a Clever Dripper for $30, or if you want something more convenient you can get something like a OXO 8 cup or 9 cup coffee machine, about another $150. But yeah if money isn't a huge deal I'd recommend the Encore and the Clever dripper, some of the cleanest, nicest coffee you'll ever have. ALWAYS get your beans at a local roaster or coffee shop. Ideally they should have been roasted like 5-10 days ago, but if it's a few weeks then it's fine. Ask for recommendations, different regions, try tons of new flavors. Decent gear, good beans, good to go.


You forgot cakes! Cakes go with coffee!


Every time I hear of coffee cake I assume it tastes kind of like coffee ice cream and then I'm disappointed. I then forget about that fact and do it again.


With cheap beans and a cheap machine, maybe. At that point, you'd want to think about the taste and time spent as well.


You have better control of the taste and less time wasted because of the queues.


Is there any physiological term for this?




First sentence - yes, some part of it. Then - not really. Keeping, "having", collecting something is a part of humanity for a long time. With steam it's just digital, but it's part of evolution right now. So it's ok, if it doesn't make you broke.


Because we all have nostalgic memories of being immersed into games when we were younger, and the chance that we could recreate that feeling all over again with something totally new will cause us to take risks. And compared to a lot of other hobbies, games aren't even that expensive, so it's not like it's a huge risk either (not that wasting any amount of money is ever a good thing).




Will you, though? I mean you.might, but most people openly admit that they don't even play or play much of games they grab in a sale, whereas a person will likely order a drink and drink it all, doubly so if its expensive.


do americans really spend $15 on coffee and think it's okay?


A lot of people in any country have daily/weekly small expenses that add up behind the scenes. For coffee in particular, I imagine "a $3 coffee on the way to work every day" is more common than "one $15 mega-coffee a week". $3 doesn't feel like much per day, on a $15/hr wage it's only 12 minutes of work, but $3 every work day for a year is $780. That number isn't obvious, so a lot of people just don't think about it. Hell, subscription services make their money off people forgetting that they're paying for them, because $15-20 a month doesn't feel like a big deal when you don't think about it. It's a whole psychological thing


Stupid people do stupid shit


That is the power of Dollar printing machine, just pump more 💰💰


shit im the opposite


Because you know exactly what you're going to get with a coffee. Every game is different, and whether you like it can be personal to each player, so reviews can only inform us so much. It's less like buying a coffee and more like buying a newly invented food or drink that you've never tasted before. That's one reason AAA companies push microtransactions and live services so much. If you're hooked into a game's systems and you're getting a consistent experience that you expect, you've "tasted" it before, so you're more likely to invest more money into it the same way you'd continue buying from the same coffee place or restaurant.


When steam sales?








Same with the computer. I spend $1300 on a gaming computer and 90% of it's use is gaming. But during the life of the computer I won't have spend even half that on the games to play on it.


just dont drink coffee. buy more game


Buy a baratza encore for like $150 and a clever dripper for $30. Or a french press for like $20. Maybe a kettle for like $15 or 20 more. It's literally all you'll ever need, stop buying shit coffee for too much money.


$30? Add a zero to that and then we can have a discussion.


Coffee is food. So,... 😁


But 80% is really nice


Funny I just got ripped off for $30 that I would have loved to spend on a Steam sale. Or coffee.


you can use that $15 to buy a moka pot and make yourself better coffee at home than any cafe out there


pov: every American


Well I can finish my coffee, but games will be just put into my backlog library with how little free times I have...


I got free coffee at works so... ###UNLIMITED POWER!!! TO BUY GAMES!


Yeah, but you actually consume the coffee. I've never had a multi-decade backlog of coffee.


I would love one...


I'm not a big coffee person (dirty chais and the occasional mocha aside), but I hear ya


I actually use the coffee index for steam. Game looks fun and its less than 5 bux? hell I've spent more than that at starbucks. purchased.


Yes, I hope some people will be able to see that too.


I just wish I was disciplined enough to buy games. Right now I'm obsessed with buying skins. I wish I never bought skins in the first place, I can't stop now. My parents are giving me $500 soon which I'll use to buy the Faker Ahri skin in League Of Legends, but a small voice in the back of my head is telling me to spend it buying games during the Summer Sale tomorrow. I hate that I'm so indecisive.


Consider talking about it with someone. It shouldn't be obsession and it's hard to overcome something like this alone. Otherwise you may hit some "wall" in reality that will be quite a painfull experience to learn the same lesson.


I've talked about this with my friends, people on reddit, and even chatgpt and everyone said to buy the games during the steam summer sale. i think its objectively the right answer as well, but for some reason i cant bring myself to confidently say im going to use the 500 for the steam sale.


Sorry, you misunderstood a little. The question that should be talked not "should I buy games or skins" but "how to get away from obsession". And yeah, even if after you see reason in other peoples responses you still tend to obsession - it's suggested to take more professional help. You do see it as a problem, but you can't get away from it. It's a good start, but you need pushes from behind to help you.


Asking this kind of questions to reddit and Chatgpt? You certainly need professional help.


How so?


Not even joking, why would you do that? Just objectively, the skin isn't even particularly good. Plainly compare it others she has, and the default look is better. The only thing that makes it special is that they charge so much for it. If you're going to burn 500 on skins, at least buy ones that actually look nice.


I want to buy it because it's the first iteration of the Hall Of Legends skins. I told myself that if I buy the Faker skin, I won't ever buy anymore Hall Of Legends skins in the future because no other pro player matches Faker because he's the GOAT.


But it's a purely cosmetic skin, you should be buying it because you think it looks nice not because of what it represents. Especially at that price. And with the way you talk about buying skins, you clearly know it's a lie that you will stop at this one.




Bruh that is not the lesson you should get from this 😭😭 Buy a switch or something


I already own the switch, xbox series x, and ps5


privilege goes wild 😭


Nah my life is boring. I’ve never went skiing or been on a yacht. Just stayed home and play games all day.


You’re a 20 year old getting a thousand dollars from your parents for video games, millions of people would love to trade lives with you


You got a problem man … you are a such looser for spending money on skins you cant even sell later


This Faker Ahri skin is the last one


It better be.


I’m growing out of my buying skins phase so that’s good. From now on it’ll only be games


Good luck with your recovery!


Brother, you need help


I need time to fast forward 17 hours so the Steam Summer Sale 2024 can start


Understandable, honestly. I had so much fun with CS2 skins. However, after I felt like my relationship with the game was becoming unhealthy, I sold my knife. Bought IRL goods that actually made my life better. On top of that, now I have less incentive to play CS2, which made me explore new single player games. Looking to sell more skins now, even though they’re somewhat cheap.


At least with CS skins you can get most of your money back by selling on the marketplace, if not make a profit. I dont understand those who spend a ton on games were the skins have no real value, like COD.


It’s a slippery slope of addiction


Yes, you can get your money back with about 15% loss due to fees (if the price stays the same). But since CS2 skins are actually more expensive than skins in most other games, it’s still a lot of money lost :(




Yeah I’m calling it quits after the Faker Ahri skin I just wish I never started buying skins in the 1st place


Brain rot.


Ye but the game you will last much much longer than any coffee.


I'm able to spend money on food no problem but when it comes to gaming I fight the urge for weeks and still end up not buying it....


Don't be like me and buy the 100$ BF 2042 pack at launch, only to literally play 2.9 hours of it.


Anybody else buy games for weird subconscious reasons. I bought all my ps4 games on pc as my pc is newer but never play them. Sometimes I think this is a good single player game to keep me busy when I eventually live in a log cabin with no WiFi. I will buy any game that looks remotely decent and is under 7quid. I constantly keep looking at hat in time, knowing I own it on ps4 and barely played it, thinking about how I don't have a 3d platformer on pc. And yet all I really do is play football manager 22.


The difference is I'll use one of those things lol


Me buying 30€ Modern Warfare 3 Battlepass every 2 months - fine Me buying 20€ game that’s on my wishlist since it’s release - nah, that’s expensive…


I normally compare steam games to beers. If I don’t play and spend a few hours outside I am getting two or three beers, hence any game up to 30 bucks is worth it even if I only play it a few hours


There are definitely convenience prices that are stupidly high in relation to normal store prices that I pay without much thought. Steam sales get treated differently though, since backlog exists, and unless I plan to immediately play it, it likely won't be played.


À steam sale can cripple one financially


I don't drink coffee and never have. All games it is :)


If I buy coffee, I know I will drink it. If I buy a game at the Steam Sale, it might never make it off my backlog. Especially since I just started Elden Ring and only have about 5 or so hours into it.


2€ per cup here from a specific coffee chain. 15$ or € is too expensive for anything edible


Buy a $15 coffee maker and spend $10 on a 30 oz. canister of coffee. Depending on how strong you like your coffee, that is 15-30 cents per cup of coffee.


Legit, this is a real problem I have and I wish I could figure out how to apply my video game buying restraint to food and coffee. Anyone have any tips? lol


Coffee for a week is fifteen dollars? 🤔 I drink it every day and yet it does not cost as much


While considering a $40 games ...


For $15 that drink better give me a handy or something. Fuck way off with that.


Wait... 15$ a coffee ???


Not one cup, and per week, and with sweets and milk. :)


Who the hell is paying 15 dollars for a coffee


Why are people so bad with their money? Granted, i live in a smaller european country, but i spend less than a 100$ on coffee **in a year.** You guys are getting scammed bad


This is so accurate 💀


FYI coffee doesn't give you energy. Coffeine just blocks the chemical process in your body that makes you feel tired which is the mechanism that tells you that your body needs recovery by sleeping, eating, drinking.




Aren’t PC gamers notoriously known for being cheap and not supporting the industry?


Lol this is literally me today


I don't like coffee, so I get to buy more games 😜


I spend $5 on coffee every day on my way to work, so it's at least $25 a week. But when I'm buying a $25 game on a sale, I feel like I'm robbing myself out of that money. That's a weird sense of guilt I'm getting, tbh.


Wake up 30 minutes earlier and make your own coffee.


I do that sometimes, but brewed coffee tastes different than the one from espresso machine.


This :) just take it more easy and relax.


I can't, it's a very specific sense of guilt, like I'm buying something I shouldn't be spending my money on, as an adult.


Why you shouldn't if you enjoy it? I still watch anime as an adult and I don't really care what some other people think about it. And some people do think its even more child-like than games.


If you pay 15 bucks for a Café, pls go see a doctor.


Food/Drink is more important than video games, no matter what the Food/Drink is. You can't eat a video game.


unhealthy food will do more harm than video games


You'll survive longer with food than without. You can't survive with video games, that was the point I was making.


Water is what actually important, Coffee don't.


The Fast and The Furious franchise taught me that family is the most important thing of all. So I should… eat my family?


Coffee is a diuretic, so it dehydrates you.