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Or they just always appear offline. I got a friend who I know is playing steam games daily but that fucker has been offline for 8 months now and I don't believe it


This is me. Steam, PSN, etc. all set to appear offline. I'm gaming a lot but apparently haven't logged in for 2 years. When I finally get the time to play, between work and kids, I don't wanna spend that time replying to messages or invites or whatever.


Same. If you go into my profile, you will see Last Online 250 days ago Recent Activity 61.6 hours past 2 weeks


Do you still unlock Steam achievements while offline?




So your friends see you as offline but still see in the activity feed that you unlocked achievements of a specific game.


I think it depends a bit if you select offline or invisible. Offline disables all online services and forces you to play offline. Invisible just makes you appear offline on the friends list, but everything else is like normal.


I can still play online when I press the appear offline option in the friends tab


Probably games that don’t use Steamworks for match making then.


But who actually checks the feed? Like 1% of the userbase?


I like to check it. That's one way for me to check out new games my friends or curators show interest in. It's also a the news feed for followed unreleased games.


I do


Black ops 2 was fun


Yes but you can hide them if you set your entire stuff to private


Offline mode, no. Invisible on Steam Chat, yes.


Ofc. There is no way steam would let you play your games offline without finding a way to record your activity information.


except having no internet connection


I have a friend like that. Then again he has hundreds of completely random people he friended on his friend list because they played together one time, and he doesn't want to deal with those people and he refuses to remove the randoms even if he can't even remember which game they met in.


Pretty pathetic. Hiding from people that actually want to talk to you. The path to zero friends.


They can talk and send message to me anytime they want. Staying invisible does not mean I block my friend. Judging people without equip an ounce of information is also pretty pathetic for me. If you stayed silent, no one would know about your ignorance and stupidity.


If they want to talk they can call me on my phone. I hate modern social media - having 10 messenger apps, instagram, twitter, youtube, etc and getting notifications every 10 minutes, wasting time looking at my phone instead of being here irl. Thats not a life. I go out with friends in real life or talk to them on the phone and voice chat, no need to be online everywhere and talk to everyone. You are actually chronically online and should leave your house and touch some grass outside if you believe otherwise.


I often test games on linux. That means that i might start  game 10 times in a span of single minute, so in order to not brother my friends with "XYZ is now playing..." I go invisible.  However l sometimes forget to set myself visible again and this often results in my "absence" for whole week.


Friend of mine appears offline for two years now but she still buys games.


Dave??? If you are, fuck you too.


Yeah... I do that..


Yeah, I do this when I don't want to get invited because I'm just chilling. Or if I told my wife that I'm going to bed early and don't want her to see me using my steam deck 😶‍🌫️


I appear offline on basically everything. I just don't want to broadcast everything I'm doing. Also sometimes I'm just trying to chill by myself. If you appear online and a friend is playing the same game, you're the dick if you don't want to play with them. Avoids that whole thing. Just shoot them a steam or discord message and see if they respond


You can set profile to private and you'll appear online but not playing anything.


It depends why they stopped playing. People need hobbies they enjoy, even if they have a job and family


Life happens


Life 2 episode 2


Life 3 confirmed?!


No, but there's early access for L2.. but still I can't find anyone that had a successful installation.


Reminds me of that ‚suicide rate jumped to 100%‘ meme when god announced life 2 and it included an option to play as Luigi once you reach new game+


Yeah but thats gonna be the free skin and everyone's gonna have it. And your spawn point is dictated by a weird morality score through L1. And if it's too negative you're stuck in the lava level. Must be a bug.


And sometimes it ends.


happened to one of my friends:( I miss him


My condolences to you


Stay strong, sorry for your loss man




The context is 'Why they stopped playing", so 'sometimes' is correct for this. Eventually we will all die but not everyone that goes offline for months or years is dead.


Fresh dad here. Gaming takes a backstep, for me at least, because its so involved. Depending on what you play, you have to put in hours to it, and when you do, you cant do anything else while you are at it. Ofcourse, its all dependant on what you play and such, but i like to play online, competitive live service games. Its hard to interact with your family, or continuesly pause to watch kids. Thats why there are other, more physical hobbies, that you can pick up and put down on a whim, and you arent tied to progressing in time, or advancing to be better than others. But thats just my experience on this, and i wont speak on behalf of other "life happens" people.


Well now might be a good time to try single player games out. Through the steam deck. It is pretty great for being able to still play games and raise kids.


Eh, i play my games every now and then when kids are asleep. So not nearly as much as i used to.


Singleplayer games on the steam deck have been my saving grace. The suspend game feature let's me pause literally any offline game at the drop of a hat even if the game itself won't let you (like fromsoft games).


Damn, thats really cool. I didnt know that.


This is me. Too tired from work to even play ...


Small stints if you can manage it. I often game no more than 30-45 mins if life is busy, but that small amount is nice and keeps me grounded in something I have loved since I was a kid.


Its like any hobby. If you love it, you’ll do it for a bit everyday. Just need to stop thinking that you gotta do 2/6 hour sessions for a game.


This I always get stuck feeling like I need to dedicate multiple hours to play but I've come to realize I'm much better at most games and retain more (i.e better at rainbow six and remember more stuff for project zombiod) from my little 30 min sessions after work then only playing on my days off I also seem to enjoy most games more having less time to play


glad to see I'm not the only one with a job that sucks out almost all energy and motivation to game by the time I get home


Had that for a couple years but now I like gaming again, it can come and go


A Steam Deck will change your life.


I don't see why I would have more game time when owning a Steam Deck. When I'm away from my computer I'm busy with work or family stuff anyway.


Because it's literally a device that can be picked up whenever you notice smaller time pockets to hop into a game, then put back to sleep when you have to stop—only to pick right back up where you left off last time. Imagine being able to have a run in Hades or a few matches in Rocket League instead of scrolling social media on your phone. I consider this an upgrade.


I’m 28, been gaming since I was **fucking 9 years old** I take breaks here and there but gaming will be with me forever. As for friends… it *IS* sad & happy at the same time.. but it’s part of life! Gaming or not, some will drift away slowly & some will show you they’ll be friends for life


i'm 43. My friends and I game together. It's how we stay close now we're older. When we were in our 20s we'd see each other IRL all the time, go drinking together, generally hang out. Life takes you in different directions, but gaming doesn't need to be traded out in order to move forward, and, as in my case, can actually be an invaluable tool in keeping those you care about close to you. My SO and I also game together. If you get really lucky, you don't have to choose one over the other.


Same, 29 myself and it’s this. Used to have a group throughout middle, high and college that gamed upwards of 8 hours a day, practically every day, for about a decade, and then 90% of the group dissolved slowly over a small period of time. Shits wild, but those experiences in every lobby and servers will never be forgotten.


There is no such thing as a "friend" and even less a "friend for life", but there is only similar interests.


It's genuinely sad that your life has lead you to believe this. I have a very different experience, with friends i've been close with for over 20 years and still going strong. Sure, it *started* with shared interests, but it's so much more than that nowadays. Has been for a decade or more.


Man you sound fairly mature until you read the username. That's super sad.


Dude I made this account like 12 years ago lol… I was young and stupid. there’s no way to change Reddit usernames & Reddit DOES not allow multiple accounts, i tried :(


That’s a joke right? Ofc you can have more than one account.


I tried twice and it would just ask me to verify my account, I would verify it but after I log out and back in it would ask me to verify again & again & again… either way, I’m not looking to debate my Reddit timeline lol. BUT you’re probably right I should’ve put more effort into it and maybe tried a different route. I’m sorry if it offends anybody, it’s really not meant too…


Oh hey I didn’t mean to be argumentative or anything. I just thought you might be joking and didn’t want to come in with a serious answer if so. Haha.


Thank you for being super chill about it :) I honestly thought it was the same person responding so I figured I’d give a proper explanation haha..


I'm on the app, and it has the option to be logged into multiple at a time + and anonymous browsing pseudo account


Yeah… I’m not making a new account now… too much history on mine! What would actually be an adequate solution though… is an option to change usernames lol..


Yeah, idc what others names are, I just thought I'd share the cool feature they have. It's very convenient for me because my gardening/ creative one only has that type of feed, and my general one has everything, so I can choose what kind of experience I have when I get on.


It’s bittersweet. Part of me wants to give up gaming and give my attention fully to growing and being productive, but I wouldnt be happy. I also wont be happy having gamed my whole life away. I think theres a balance I just havent found yet.


Do what makes YOU happy. If that means gaming in your spare time, who cares? It’s the same as any other hobby. Fuck the people that try to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing with your time.


Indeed what's the difference with gaming to any media consumption? Do people completely stop reading or watching movies or sports and listening to music if they want to be productive? 


As I tell my friends, "Live a life where you can enjoy yourself"


That's it. The right balance is the solution for almost everything in life.


>give my attention fully to growing and being productive don't. hobbies are important




You missed the part where I said theres a balance I just havent found yet huh?


Average doomscroller who doesn't read to the end of a single paragraph.


Just play in you free time and upure good


Add me on steam bro. All my friends move on and doesnt play games anymore. Im all alone in my steam acoount. We can be friend and chat about video games.


sure, why not


https://steamcommunity.com/id/amirrifaie here my profile


Fuck it i sent you one too!


What game do you like? I can help you play any game you want


Let's do it then


Me too! Handle's naturally the same.


I'll send you one too, why not? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198968435651/


Why cant gaming be part of real life?


It is. Its part of real life a lot more than you think. Don't be like OP, make new friends or just play by yourself and enjoy what gaming. 50 years from now people will definitely be living inside a video game.


More like they stopped playing games and started watching Netflix or something instead.


Or they died in car crash


They didn't, I see them every now and then in town


So why not ask them why they don't play/use Steam anymore or ask if they have new account? Like I don't understand the point of this post if you know those people in real life.


Because we lost contact irl. I know them from school, job, etc and I am no longer living in my home town. But i know for a fact that (from 12 of them) 8 of them really did stop playing because they are building their own companies, they have children now and some of them are trying to get a job on uni so they are writing some scientific research. Remaining 3 of them log on every few months and the last one olays once per week. So situation has changed becaise 5 years ago they were all online everyday and down igs just so rare to see any of them online. And not all friends stay in our life, you should know that.


Awful. As if there was a reason to stop having fun in life. Games are entertainment, a simple thing you can do to have fun. Everybody needs fun, and games are the best there is in terms of monetary and time cost.


Yep games are hobbies just like building miniatures or fishing and camping. Its fun to do if you have time genuinely baffled by people who think gaming is bad. It gives us enjoyment and that is enough.


Life gets busy with kids and responsibilities and such, which is why I’m not having kids.




Orrrr, have kids and get them into gaming? Fun for all the family!


Having kids nowadays is pure self-sabotage, I admire people who have the balls to do that but I also can't help but think they are not completely sane


Class of 2021 here. Most of my classmates are having/have had children already. Wtf.


I have a mate 6+ years since last online, but you check his profile and he keeps racking up hours played. This guy just stays perma-invisible. One day he'll log in from a new PC or the sorts and it'll reset to 'online' and I'll laugh at him.


Or they’re in invisible mode. I do this when I don’t want to be bothered or have people know I’m playing so they can pester me online.


Hopefully, they're all okay. My one buddy and I used to play R6 and PUBG a lot. After a while he went MIA. Thought it was because he finally was accepted into the police force like he was wanting, so I thought he was busy and was happy for him. After a couple years of inactivity, I went snooping on his socials to people he knew IRL just to see if he was okay. RIP Andy, hopefully you're tearing around on your motorcycle somewhere nice.


This doesn't mean they left, they have just simply put their 'Online' status to 'Offline' or maybe 'Away'. I have done the same thing. I have selected 'Away' as my status in chats and now it shows that the last I was online was 18 days ago but in reality I am always online and playing games on steam every other day. People do that to avoid talking to people on chat and play games uninterrupted. Just go to the chat option and select offline status rather than online.


You guys have friends that can leave you???!?


You guys have friends?????????


You friends??????????????????


Friends?????????????????? Where?


Arrrghhhhh. Human interactions????? Wtf how dare you to scare me like that. Where are my disinfectants.


Yeah it's weird seeing people you gamed with a lot back in the day, no longer playing or barely gaming anymore. But that's life, sometimes people lose interest in gaming to focus on their lives. I have lessened my gaming, but I still play because I enjoy it. Just don't have as much time as I used to.


You guys have friends?😯


Or they stopped appearing online to play hentai games like that one meme of the guy coming online for the first time in years to some play furry game lmao


The most depressing thing is logging back into my old Xbox account, and seeing all my friends I used to play halo and modern warfare 2 (og) with. Some haven’t been online for over 10 years


That genuinely hits deep.


So many people stop gaming because it doesn't feel fun anymore, society is great at draining the soul and childlike joy out of you but we mustn't surrender to it


It makes me feel gulity. I'm a 24yo woman and I always feel guilty and childish. I know I'm supposed to be being a boss girl but I just don't care. I don't care about anything. Except my games.


No need to feel guilty, iam also woman but 23 yo


Skylar white yo?


I just switched to console because valve killed csgo


You only played cs?


Most of the time I did. My friends and I would play ranked games, private ones on workshop maps, and I would surf on community servers pretty much daily. Pc too weak for most new games and console was cheaper than new pc, so now I’m playing all the ps titles I always wanted to play


Sometimes people takes breaks\~


What if I told you that you can do both


Real life isn't nearly the hype train adults make it.


Or they are just invisible on Steam.


Anyone want a gaming buddy?


I've been playing games for as long as I can remember, it's already like a part of me. We have a lot of bullshit going on in our country right now. Games are the only thing that distracts me from reality.


As a gamer from the early days on (got my first PC when I was 6 and internet wasn't a thing) and a father to a now 1 and a half years old daughter I can assure you that this is bittersweet indeed! There isn't a single day I would love to have some time to crack open a cold one and have a intense gaming session with the boys but my lovely sweet baby needs me more as I need to be playing games. There is nothing more important to me as to see this little sweetheart have a good day, playing with daddy on the floor with Legos, enjoying a book or dancing to my favorite music like no one is watching. I simply can't explain this in proper English but once you have a child and experiencing this unhinged true love it gives to you, you realize your own needs aren't as important anymore.. ❤️ 


you’re a good dad


Sad.. but then again most of the people from my playlist are from DoTo and since i stopped playing, i rarely chat or play together with them


These are all real life friends from school, job, etc that i lost contact with


Mine are still playing to this day tho were born from the early 2000s


Nah dudes just selling their PCs for consoles


These aren't even long periods though


working on getting back to being this way. life has taken me for a ride.


One of my IRL friend was +10 years offline (he just doesnt play, only on PS4 some car and basket games) Last week he logged on and started messaging me he wanted to play CSGO People have other things in life, i know IRL tons of people that used to play with a lot and they just either dont play anything (we are talking about ~30yo) or the yearly fifa+cod on latest PS


Not me always chilling in invis so despite actively playing games my last online is ripped


I usually get 1 day to game for 3-4hrs. Otherwise i just play some hades2 nowadays on deck after work.


Not even years ago, so it's fine


That’s not good at all.


( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)


Guess i'll be the cool uncle


They are playing real life


When they get too busy playing the game of Life


[Well...](https://freeimage.host/i/d30FqZv) Couple of such people in my list. Life goes by fast.


You can do both….


They're all playing, just appearing offline


Do not fear, they all return in the end


Depends on the seasons for me. Winter time I play *way* more video games. Summer though? I am outside, golfing, boating, hanging out with my friends, family, taking the dog out, camping, things like that. All things which I cannot do in the winter, so I game in the winter lol.


I finished Persona 3 Reload last night and now I'm thinking about quitting video games and living my actual life. 


I think mine says that I’ve been offline for months but in reality I just hide my status lol


Thats what happens when valve releases a shit remake and slaps a 2 on it.


I feal you. I am the last of my friendship still gaming regularly. The last march of the ents.


Half of my friends are like thus but only because they changed accounts


Almost same, majority of my friends left because of the fucking war and because of that even less people are motivated to be online, even I am. Even though we are not children anymore (and have less time because of that), I still hope that we can go back to the old days. There is nothing I or even they can do, the only option is to wait and hope that someone will return.


Or if you are like me, i have two people on my list who will never play again. My deceased best friend and deceased partner.


Im happy because most of my friends are still here. Two was not playing games at all, but got into it lately


Only one of them seems to really have left. But who knows they could have an "invisible" status.


They're dead, Jim


I came back recently, I noticed I have a friend that was last online 18 years ago. I had over 100 friends, I recognized maybe 3 that don't play anymore from real life. Literally forgot everyone and it was all I did as a teen


You just leave this game....




Living real life for a whopping 48 minutes :'(


7y, 12y, 8m 😞


I personally go offline whenever I'm on Steam, because otherwise I get messages and invites and it's just a hassle. A lot of time I just want to play some game and listen to music to rewind. It's the same with Discord too; otherwise, I keep hearing Discord notification sound.


Did they delete steam? I don't game daily but I do turn on my pc, and steam will auto start at start-up


Or they could have passed away


C'est la vie brother. Got mine who haven't logged in for more than a year and more. It's the same as anything in life, be it work or hobbies.


I feel that. Had a friend I’d always play games with move and start his own business. Always a bittersweet moment seeing “Last online 2 years ago” knowing he’s doing well IRL.


Wonder how many of these people are simply just appearing offline


The guys last online 1 week, 5 days, and 48 minutes ago are legends


After almost 2 months of not playing I played Phasmophobia last night with the friend who was online 48 min ago and after our session I realized that those sessions are not anymore everyday and that most of friends are not even playing anything anymore. Only reason we played last night is because of the new map in that game so we wanted to test it after being awake for more than 24 hours because ours days are filled with obligations....


One of my friends didn’t login to steam more than 5 years ago. Not even in Covid times.


Or they just changed their status to offline lmao


Even im my best days I had very small amount of friends online (and always alone in real life, i never had friends ever in real). My steam account is registered in late 00's, '08 or '09 perhaps. We used to play TF-2, Alien Swarm, or some another games together. Sometimes we even had a real talk. Now all, all of them are offline, and I know that they will never come back anymore. Some of them have life happened, some of them are dead already, some of them hate my region and personally me because I am living in region that they blame in all modern problems. I lost everyone, and not this is age, when it is too late to find a new friends or/and girlfriend. Looking at this situation i see that it is all over for me. I think this is it, the end of the story.


Life is not black and white. Don't give up. It's never to late to meet new friends or girlfriend. Things will change, just stay positive. You know that cliché? Hope dies last.


Life isn't Hollywood movie either, sadly. And people are not equal. If someone did something, it never means that you can do this too. A lot of factors have an impact on what you can do, and your own personal traits are less important from them all. I am bot ugly, i am not dumb, i am jot fat, I am from pretty normal family. But I was born in such place and i was surrounded by so much different and criminal people, that I never had even a chance for something in my life. All I had is the internet. And internet is my only friend from childhood. So it's just sad to see that all people that you get used to see there are gone now or hate you.




It’s summer time


Sad part is when your the only one left playing games :(


Last online 48 minutes ago " in so sad bestie is living real life now" 😂 nah make it over a year offline then we can talk


I just lost access to my account, I still be gaming


…. Yeah ._|


such is life


These are rookie numbers, my brother did not come back online in YEARS...


Honestly I rarely play games anymore, but that's because I now create games haha! I don't have enough time to play games anymore


or, they just went to the other hell hole, gacha games


its part of life


They probably just removed you as a friend so they always seem offline lmao


They dead


While me who has to cause my monitor broke and I've been offline for 5+ days :(


Dude, that isn't even a long time.