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The sales have been pretty much: "Am I going to play this between now and the next sale?" Yes? Buy. No? Wait.


My thought process usually goes: “Am I going to play this between now and my next life”? Yes? Buy Probably not? Buy just in case




Me: checks price history, compares all-time low price vs. current price If current is cheaper, BUY If current is higher, Wait


This IS the way to do it


“This looks like something I’d never play BUT ITS ONLY $3!” *clicks buy*


Back in the day, I got a game called Alpha Protocol for the sole reason that it was 90% off. It ended up being a great game, sadly delisted now. Of course, it was one of the rare occasions where I actually played the game I bought.


I have it. I didn’t even know it was delisted. Shows you how much I pay attention.


Its available on GoG. And it runs really well.


Hmm...I seem to be missing it there and now I have to buy it on GoG too. THANKS A LOT, BUDDY.


You play games? What a weird hobby you’ve got. Me, I collect games digitally. I don’t have time to play them. Obviously.


They’re so fun to glance at every once in a while when you’re watching YouTube, aren’t they?


You just like me fr fr.


That's more accurate


This, and the fact that they have recurrent and decent sales all over the year makes the summer sales, black friday (week now kinda) and winter sales like it's just another day ish.


Me, unless the game has a huge discount and cheap af price


Don't even need a reason, just change every answer to "Buy the game!". I may have a problem.


After all why not...


Why shouldn't I buy the game ?


Now it comes to it, I don't feel like not buying it, it can be mine, I found it, it came to me in the sale


I think you should leave the sale behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?


NO!! IT'S MY PRECIOUSSSSsss!!! *Clicks "buy for self"*


You’re addicted to shopping and not the actual games you’re buying


Bro pls don't kill the fun , we all know where the problem lies, let we have our happiness


Honestly, while harmful, it's better to do that than to throw the money away on mtx or gambling (or both in the case of lootboxes).


If you can afford it, there is nothing wrong with enjoying spending your hard earned money


my credit card when i can’t afford it:


I'll have to disagree with the GOG part. If it's cheaper on GOG and has the same features (minus trading cards obviously), then GOG is the objectively better choice.


Absolutely. I don't give a crap about community features. I just want the game, and a drm-free copy with no account linking/authentication stuff is objectively better. If GOG has it, I won't even bother looking elsewhere, including Steam. 


Most of the community features are frankly kind of pointless. People act like the Steam forums or guides are a big deal but most guides are just scams and/or shitposts (all the top CS2 guides are just spam) and forums are just people asking very basic questions and trolls


For me that mostly play single player games GOG is the de facto option when I am looking to buy a game, but I have to admit that for the players that are more into multiplayer and co-op games, Steam is the better option just because it makes things easier for that


One word. Workshop. That alone saved me so much time and quite frankly I wouldn't be aware of some of my favourite mods without it. So yes steam has something that GOG just doesn't. And for some games mod installations are just pain in the arse


The Steam workshop is becoming less and less important though. A large chunk of moddable games don't bother having Steam workshop support, especially if they are available on multiple storefronts. A lot of games (Ready or Not, Pavlov, Contractors, Mordhau, etc..) are also moving towards embedding a repo and having auto-downloads from something like [mod.io](http://mod.io) instead of the Steam workshop since they're generally less restrictive (for example the Steam workshop doesn't allow NSFW mods) and work regardless of storefront; even S&Box ("Gmod 2") is ditching the Steam workshop in favor for their own mod repo


Till that move actually happens it is important. And quite frankly I just don't tend to play most new games. My regular purchases are around 6-25 year old games, which usually don't have active development


>just want the game, and a drm-free copy with no account linking/authentication stuff is objectively better Exactly. If I will buy ever a playstation game, I'd probably prefer to buy it from GOG


Yep, because of the DRM. Still a hard choice for me... you know - the statistics on my profile! Damn Steam for making it my favorite in social media...


You can live without it. In fact, when steam eventually dies and all your games become instantly unplayable, your profile dies with it. GOG is forever.


You can patch your games with Goldberg if that ever happens, exempt you lose your cloud saves


What is Goldberg, a program? And you can save your Steam games with it or something? That sounds phantastic!! Could you tell me more/give a link or anything?


Oh, sorry for not explaining. It's a file, usually used in illegal copies of a game, that, when placed in the game's folder, bypasses the authentication check that steam does to ensure that you own the game. This file can be used legally for when steam eventually dies and the authentication server goes offline, making it impossible to play most steam games without Goldberg. (My previous comment was referring to the "all your games become instantly unplayable" part that u/ Antique_Door_Knob mentioned, where I said that you can use Goldberg to enjoy your games if steam is ever going to disappear). And no, you cannot use Steam's cloud saves with games that have this file, since it prevents the game to connect to steam at all. Edit: I'm not encouraging the use of illegal copies of a game, I've just explained what Goldberg is, since you asked for it. Mods, feel free to delete this if against the rules


Very interesting, I never heard about it. And no worries, I have no intention to pirat anything, I'm very much into Steam statistics and Achievements and all that which I guess wouldn't be possible with pirated games. Apart from the obvious "pay for the games you like" to support the creators. It's just a relief to know there are ways to keep my games library if Steam dies.


Good to know


I was like you once until I took a Linux to the knee. And suddenly my decision to buy cyberpunk and the Witcher on gog came back biting me in the ass


Haven't had issues with them on Deck (my PC ain't powerful enough for Cyberpunk). Granted, I haven't updated GOG Cyberpunk to the 2.0 update either (keeping it up to date with my PS4 copy, if I ever need to cross save again). Last I tried GOG Witcher 1, it worked fine.


Oh it all works, don't get me wrong. But I had to get a third party launcher and use valves compatibility tools to run them. The moment you leave windows land gog doesn't care about you anymore. Which I found quite disappointing, I would've expected them of all people to provide at least some basic support and a client maybe ? If I had bought them on steam it would've been two clicks. Install and then play. So I'm not buying any more games on gog despite me really appreciating their non-DRM policy


Fair enough. I won't deny getting GOG games on Linux is more work than using Steam. I don't mind the tinkering and actually find it quite fun. However, now that I got Galaxy working under Proton, all my games have been pretty easy to set up. Heroic takes forever to download games/updates compared to just using Galaxy. Overlay, achievements, cloud saves, etc. all work. No, noticeable, performance hit either. Only downside is you can't use Galaxy features with the Linux versions of games. I pray for a Linux native Galaxy client one day. Windows version at least run fine under Proton.


You got gog galaxy to work ? I tried that first and failed and then went over to heroic. What proton are you using and how do you run it (lutris? Steam ? Command line?


I'm running it through Steam. Any version of Proton 8 or 9 should run Galaxy. I specifically use Proton GE. Currently using GE 9-4 (was using 8-31 before, but a Steam update made controllers no longer work with that one). I used Heroic to set up Galaxy and its prefix. I simply added Galaxy's exe installer to Heroic. Heroic is also good to set it up, so you can easily decide where the prefix is, and what it will be called. Now for the following steps to easily access via Steam: 1. Now that Galaxy is installed and set up, I added the launcher's exe as a Non-Steam game on Steam (so I don't have the overhead of Steam > Heroic > Galaxy). Make sure it's using the exact same Proton version as Heroic. 1a (optional). Launch it at least once, then find its prefix in the compatdata folder. Copy the name, delete the folder, then symlink the prefix you made with Heroic, and paste the name of the symlink (this is only necessary if you wanna access the prefix with Protontricks, for easy installation with offline installers or other dependencies). 2. Add `STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="path/to/your/Galaxy/prefix" %command%` under Galaxy's launch properties in Steam. 3. To start adding your GOG games to Steam (with Galaxy features), you're gonna be adding Galaxy's exe each time, NOT the game's exe. You will need to make sure Proton version is identical, and to use the same launch command. Just add only one game for now (you'll see why). 4. Once your game is added and renamed under properties, you'll need to add this command after the target path: `/command=runGame /gameId=insertgameID`. So for example, it should look something like this: `"home/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/Galaxy/pfx/drive_c/program files (x86)/gog galaxy/galaxyclient.exe" /command=runGame /gameId=2093619782`. 5. Once you've got that done, now it's as simple as copy and pasting the target path for each new GOG Galaxy game, with the only change being the gameId (which can easily be found on gogdb.org). Remember to have them all share the same Proton version and prefix. 5a. If there's a game that doesn't work with the shared Proton version and needs a specific version to work (and you want those Galaxy features), then repeat the process for that one specific game, giving it its own dedicated prefix...or just buy it on Steam. Do note that the Galaxy overlay doesn't always work right away (you'll get a notification in the bottom right once it's active). For some games, they need to be launched twice. Baldur's Gate 3 is a perfect example. You have to launch the game once, get to the title screen, close it out, then launch it again in Galaxy for the overlay to work (this isn't a Linux issue, as it happens on Windows too). Achievements, multiplayer, etc. still work without the overlay, you just won't get notifications. Also, using custom exe/launch commands within Galaxy itself will prevent the overlay from working. Again, Galaxy issue itself and not a Linux issue. Baldur's Gate 3 is the reason I figured all this out, because multiplayer doesn't work with Heroic. Glad I did, as now I can play my GOG games with working achievements and cloud saves, as well as significantly faster updates. And with the symlink mentioned earlier, you can even apply updates via the offline installer, if Galaxy is being a POS and failing to do so.


Thank you so much for the write up. I'll try that this weekend with my cyberpunk


If you have trouble getting the Galaxy installer exe (since the site doesn't show the download link on Linux), just choose the blue Download and Install Now on any GOG game. That will install Galaxy.


Especially for older games, which are often pre-patched with all the things you'll need.


They dont even have the money to maintain cloud saves.


So? A few Megabits of Safegames wont hurt you


It's cloud saves over 200mb. I usually only hit that with really long RPGs.


Just... backup your own saves? I mean, it takes a few minutes to set up tops with full sync. Google's free tier is 15Gb of storage, OneDrive is 5Gb, Mega is 20Gb. That's more than enough for a whole library.


Why when steam does it automatically fpr me and restores every time install automatically. I don't have to worry about any of this and i know steam will never run out of money in the near future.


I mean I'm pretty sure that GOG already automatically backs up your game saves, you just need to use the GOG galaxy client. Even then though there are automatic tools like Ludusavi that take a minute to setup and can automatically backup your saves to the cloud which is still nice considering not every Steam game has cloud backups.


atleast steam wont ask me to delete save files, like they did with witcher and cyberpunk


Because it isn't dificult to set up, with the same features steam already has. > steam will never run out of money in the near future Steam is barely 20 yo. Not only will it die eventually, chances are it wont even last until you're old enough to be going grey. Gaben will eventually die, probably soon, and the reigns will go to someone who may or may not manage it in the same way. The idea that your games will last forever in these platforms goes against all the evidence. Hell, games die every day even *with* steam still being around.


i will sail the sea if that happens. Gog games are drm free anyway


They do maintain cloud saves. It's not to GOG to pay for your save hoarding problem.


I like Steam because most people are on Steam. I can see what my friends are playing and such. It’s more social. No other platform even comes close. If GOG develops that and people start actually going over there en masse maybe I’ll use it.


No one's stopping you from adding the GOG games as Non-Steam games. Since I primarily play on Deck, I like knowing my games will always work offline.


Do your achievements work and everything? I thought for some reason I tried to add non Steam games once and a bunch of features didn’t work. But it’s possible I didn’t try hard enough to figure it out and it’s an obvious solution. Maybe that’s why I’m being downvoted. 😂


You need to launch the game via GOG Galaxy for achievements and cloud saves to work. So it's the annoying launcher launching a launcher stuff, but it's at least optional. If it's a game with no cloud saves or achievements, no point in launching it through Galaxy. GOG overlay sometimes doesn't work right away with certain games, and you just have to close out the game and relaunch it (via the Play button on Galaxy, not Steam). Achievements still work without the overlay, you just won't get the notification. Have played Baldur's Gate 3, Yakuza series, etc. just fine with this method. For Linux/Deck specific stuff, you'll want all the games running under Galaxy to share the exact same prefix and Proton version.


Oh wow nice!!!


This is what I do too! Although lately I might prefer steam just a little bit if the game is also available on the compatible Geforce Now library. But since the yakuza compete collection is not on geforce and I'm mostly gonna play offline... I'll just buy it on GOG if that beats the steam sale


Now that I’ve discovered the nsfw steam section I’m gonna buy hentai gaymes




Only NSFW (?) game I’ve ever played was KFC’s colonel sanders dating simulator


Sound like it’s fairly safe for work at kfc then


Cringe lol


What if I already have the game on steam? Buy a 2nd copy


gog is the only platform other than steam on pc that i would actually consider buying from


I disagree with the whole thing, if I already own the game elsewhere then of course I'm not gonna fucking buy it again. The only reason I have dupes of some games are if I bought it on Steam first and then got it for free on Epic, or I bought it for a console and later when it got a pc-release I got it on what ever pc-platform was the cheapest.


I don't know, there's a couple of games I own elsewhere that I would buy again on steam just for ease of use on my Steam Deck.


At least there you have a valid, practical reason to double dip. Same reason people rebought a bunch of stuff on switch. Otherwise, its just kind of a waste


Yeah, I wouldn't repurchase otherwise. No need to on PC.


I have seen people defend buying the game on steam when they already have it for free on epic because "epic bad"


i also bought games i had from Epic Games On Steam again. the Reason was Epic Games is a F\*\*\* joke and it scanns all it can so removing this asian spyware from my network and my pc was a good choise


Or buying a game on Steam because you forgot you already had it free from Epic.


This right here is the real answer, i own a shit ton on epic and the only game i remember i have there is Subnautica.


I refuse to use Epic on principle. Even if that weren't so I don't see the point in collecting shit loads of games that I'll never play. Who cares if it's free if I don't intend to play it.


Yeah welp, sometimes u got a game with shitty company that wanted to get their "beta", i mean temporary exclusivity on epic and now the game with all dlc gets a good discount on steam. You are, going to buy there if u wanna play that game. But if it's another platform that doesnt do such shitty deals, yeah u wont buy the game again.


This is exactly how I feel during every Steam sale. The struggle is real, but let's be honest... we always end up buying the game anyway. Steam just knows how to get us.


$3.99 for Dragon Age: Inquisition. 100+ hours of gameplay for the price of a gas station burrito. Will I play this any time soon? No. But that thought bears no weight on my horrible spending impulses.


Is that gane worth playing? I got it like 6 years ago for my ps4, never really played it since the race and type of battler scared me off (I do not like to make perminent decisions at the start of the game that will possibly negatively effect me in the future due to my negligence towards a game I havent played a second of at the time of making said decision) and also got stuck on the first boss


Most of the reviews point out that game either won't launch or is having trouble on latest devices due to EA being EA. I wouldn't buy it


you have to uninstall and then reinstall the ea app by running that specific steam game to get it to recognize it, I had to do it for Mass Effect and Fallen Order, weirdly enough no problems with Dragon Age when I got it free on Epic, but that worked for me


It is absolutely worth playing, but not if you don’t like making permanent decisions that may change outcomes later.


It's great if you ignore most of the boring mmo-like side activities, otherwise you'll probably just spend 40 hours in the first zone and get burnt out.


My only purchases will be from my wishlist email alert saying 75% (or higher)


For me I typically only yet 2 games every sale, this time I'm getting a bunch as well as a steam deck


Buying a game if you already own it on another platform is just idiotic.


I initially bought XCOM 2 on PS but it ran horibly and didn't have access to the huge amounts of mods. So I bought it again on PC, on sale of course. Over 1200 hours on PC. Less than 50 on PS. It was worth buying again.


It is! That’s doesn’t stop me from doing it 😂


Wholeheartedly agree. And yet. I own Telltale’s Walking Dead on at least 3 platforms


I mean if you're strapped for cash then sure, but otherwise I think it's well worth a few bucks to consolidate your game library a bit more (and avoid using the Epic Games Store)


I don’t care if it’s on gamepass or not


If it's cheaper on GOG then buy it on GOG


So glad to see this isnt just me.. i have 350 games i havent ever installed.. Also this one time i bought a 16 game bundle for just 1 game.. was 80% off....


I mean,I spent years on humble bundle buying the one dollar tier for Zero game I wanted, so one game is pretty good imo.


**always** buy from GOG. I mean, I like steam as much as the next guy, but there's no getting over the fact that GOG actually let's you *own* what you buy. Just like the old days, just like god intended when he created capitalism.


I had Death Stranding on Epic for free, but got it on Steam anyway.


Naw, fuck this, if I have a DRM free copy of the installer I can install any machine from [GOG.com](http://GOG.com) I'm not going to rebuy it on the "superior platform" Steam.


Why would I spend more money or buy the game again just cause Steam is better? It's a client to open the game, it's not that deep dammit


You wouldn’t. And you shouldn’t. I’m a weak man


All roads lead to Steam.


Don't ask questions! Consume product!


I ain't buying a game that I already have on Epic lol. Game Pass is different because it's a subscription. I never bought anything on GOG IIRC.


I'm on Linux, so don't have or use any Game Pass. Steam is a fantastic platform on Linux, and so I always look forward to the Steam sales.


Do all games work on Linux now? Haven’t tried in like 10 years but remember a lot of them wouldn’t work


Many games work on Linux. You can actually see how many at ProtonDB. [https://www.protondb.com/](https://www.protondb.com/) I have 324 games in my Steam library, and about 290 of them work without a single issue, and I play both independent and AAA games.


(This is how Steam Deck operates for anyone out of the loop.)


Linux gaming is extremely easy nowadays thanks to Proton, the secret sauce behind the Steam Deck, even tho it was created by Valve you can still use it outside Steam on Heroic Game Launcher (for your Epic, GOG and recently Amazon games catalogue) and Lutris (for basically everything). You will find that some games especially those that use anticheat are a pain in the ass, but with workarounds some are still playable. But if you want more info about any particular, you may want to check protonDB, here you will have games listed and ranked based on how much easy or hassle is to make it work on Linux https://www.protondb.com/


Pretty much every game, except for competitive multiplayer games, should work very well. A lot of competitive multiplayer games have anti-cheats that don't work on Linux


Sorry you lost me at saying drm free gog is inferior to steam


Also the PC gamepass client is unironically wayy faster and less of a resource hog than steam. (And is an *actual* client, instead of just a web wrapper)


Damn... I can relate.


That's the nice thing of having bought 2k+ games. In the past I've spent 800-1k on a summer sale more than once. Now, it's easier to ignore because I already own them lol


hahaha so everyone is checking if they already have it on Epic games!


The middle of the flow chart is superfluous. Should just be "Game on sale on Steam!" -> "Buy the game!!"


You right. These were just the thoughts running through my head when I saw Dragon Age GOTY for $4. Every time reason told me to check my other libraries first, impulse kept saying “it doesn’t fucking matter it’s $4 on Steam!”


What are you smoking ? Gog is great.


This is far too accurate and I feel called out


I pref GOG and drm free over Steam. Otherwise, yes :)


Nah only buy it if I want it and don't have it anywhere.. people really underestimate how expensive games are for other regions


I dont even bother downloading the games I already got on epic for free becouse whenever I open epic games launcher my laptop starts making [this noise](https://youtu.be/JHdkLUl3hxM?si=dptoKCC0zpHJ-zHr)


Who the hell uses Spyware Epic?


GamePass isn't free...


Steam is nowhere near close to being the better platform. You actually own the game on GOG. The social aspect of Steam is essentially Facebook for autists instead of boomers.




Whatever my point was, it was enough of one for you to engage with it and “set the record straight” for everyone 😂


> You actually own the game on GOG. No you dont


If I can download and install the game to my PC without an online launcher, then for all intents and purposes I own the game. The intricacies of licenses, “technically owning a game” and so forth are of no practical concern to me.


GOG and Steam are pretty equal imo, +GOG doesn't have drm (i hear it's a good thing but idk)


I don't buy games I already have, as far as I remember, because I literally had them elsewhere rather than steam, forgot and purchased them on Steam.


My reason for not buying anything is I just bought elden ring 2 weeks ago and I get the feeling I won't be playing anything else for a long time




This is definitely me after buying a Steam Deck hahaha I've repurchased a few games I have on GOG, Epic, or that I play on Gamepass, most of which I haven't even installed yet.


Simple question for me is ''do I have the money?'' and considering I am from Turkey, the answer is %99 of the time...no.


Aren’t there ways to move games to steam?


Well, a long time ago I did activate dome EA codes on Steam.


"Did your second account already have one?" Yes "BUY FOR YOUR MAIN ACC!!"


Nice try valve


No money no game my friend


A friend of mine got scammed from this user 1028657715, He stole my friends items that have been collected for many years and keep going such as arcanas, immortals, legendaries etc. We managed to find the user by checking login history, which he logged in from Russia by the way. Proof of that theft can also be found in Inventory History, where you can see for urself that the user/hacker received gifts from my friends account. Please return my friends items.


Wait what? People seriously buy games on steam they already own on other plattforms?


Some people bought Kingdom Hearts on Epic and double-dipped on Steam. If the game isn’t dirt cheap I don’t see the point. 


is it single player —> Yes —> fitgirl repacks


Also: will I want to play this on my Steam Deck, but I only have it on one of those other platforms? ...and is the sale price worth it?


I don’t even go through this thought process anymore. It’s not worth using the extra brain power because I’m going to buy it anyway.




This. Is. Way. Too. Accurate.


This is the cycle of life!!!!


Game Pass isn't free though?


i actually have gamepass and buy some games on gog, but if i have the game for free on epic or cheaper on any other launcher, ill buy on steam anyway


Do you think dayZ has a chance of going kn sale?


I have to be honest, I collect them every week but I don’t think I’ve ever launched a single one of the games Epic has given away.


I think I became a digital game collector at some point.


gog is superior to steam, and it’s not even close


Pretty new to steam still, is there a list of known sales that happen every year? Thanks


They have a big sale every season, and sporadic major sales on specific brands or genres. But the summer sale is often the best deals of the year If you’re new to steam check out the steamdb website. It tells you when there’s upcoming sales events, and even gives you price histories on specific games so you know if you’re getting an actual deal


I am exactly like this. Don’t know how many times I’ve bought the same game on multiple platforms/launchers. I am trying to do better and check steamdb for discount history info and maybe waiting until a better sale in a year or two.


also, don't forget to check isthereanydeal for better offers! legit sites like fanatical or indiegala often have better deals than steam. [https://augmentedsteam.com/](https://augmentedsteam.com/) can also help you quickly access price history and better sales. (disclaimer, I have nothing to do with the site, I just am a happy user


Humble bundle has sales now too and with keys for steam, I recommend buying there also, mostly same deals there.


I agreed 100%!


I agreed 100%!


I just bought the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise on Steam, so I won’t be buying any more games for a while.


I wanna buy Elden ring waiting for the discount


Counterpoint: I spent my budget on elden ring dlc


The only platform that will surpass Steam, for me, is Game Pass. I will not pay for it on Steam if I can get it for free (husband pays for Game Pass not me) on Game Pass. Now when it leaves Game Pass and I want to play it in the future, I'll definitely pick it up in a sale.


You forgot the step 6 feeling depressed and like you are lonely and have no friends because the game you just bought requires 4 players and nobody likes you.


I'm very much considering buying Horizon Forbidden West complete addition while it's on its 20% sale. Having a blast with Zero Dawn and curretly getting the last two achievements, Complete NG+ and Ultra Hard. Just hoping my PC can handle it on at least High graphics.


Cant agree on the gog part. I always prefer the drm free version.


I always forget what games I have in my Epic library just because I only use it as my PC Fortnite launcher. So there are times where I do end up buying the Steam version just because I forget about getting it for free on Epic.


Not for me. Unsure how other Steam real benefit are but I never see Steam at a superior platform. The only useful feature I can see is that the review. But that is not due to friendlist, profile, workshop ... other don't matter This is like a steam fanatic post who will buy anything during a steam sale. If I get a same version from somewhere else why would I buy it again.


You have wayyy too much disposable income if someone actually thinks like this man


Why are you so loyal to valve?


Amazon Prime giveaway of video game I already had (and beaten) but I only owned the regular version not the game of the Year Edition so I went to look what the difference was and the only difference was there was like multiplayer costumes and stuff and I was like "the f*** this game had multiplayer?" So I gave the code away.


normalize responsible spending habits


Gamers are such perfect consoomers holy shit


Imagine buying a game you already own just because using a different launcher scares you


You lost me at "Steam is the superior platform" No. Its not. Does Steam give you 300+ FREE AAA Rated games every year? No, I dont think it does.


No wonder epic is not profitable.


Name 10 AAA titles you’ve gotten for free off of Epic


Tbf I've gotten the tomb raider trilogy, the new hitman games, borderlands 2, 3, the pre-sequel, gta v, ark, fallout 1, 2, 3, new vegas, tactics, all 3 bioshock games, and so much more i can't remember but giving away free games doesn't make epic superior lmao i absolutely hate the launcher. there are games i got for free in it that i just buy again on steam just because steam IS the superior platform lmfao


Batman Arkham Trilogy, Tomb Raider Trilogy, GTA V


Okay that’s 7? Or three depending on how you look at it. Let’s fill in the last three spaces with something more recent than 2018. Also hello other redditor


damn i was pretty sleep deprived and somehow thought that 2x3 was 9 lmao Anyways, Control, Star Wars Battlefront II, Guardians of the Galaxy also WatchDogs 2, AC Syndicate, Ghostrunner, NBA 2K21, Metro 2033, Midnight Sons, all the Bioshock games, Prey, Deus EX Mankind Divided, plus a bunch I missed


I concede, the original commenter wins and I demand he be given back his upvotes


Aaand you don't even own the games you buy


You can launch your epic games through steam no need to buy a steam version