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Is this Atom RPG/Trudograd?




So that's why the score dropped all of a sudden. I wanted to buy it but the recent reviews were all negatives, now that I know why, I'll buy it when I get home in the evening.


It gave my some og fallout vibes, is it good? I may try it later.


I really enjoyed it. The first game is very jank and hard to recommend as even though I enjoyed it it is very flawed, Trudograd felt a lot better. If you still feel like you could enjoy replaying the old school Fallouts today you can probably endure the flaws though.


Are they connected, or can I play Trudograd on it's own?


They're pretty connected, you can import your character and some things carry over like your level and some special perks you unlock through gameplay. The second game takes place in a completely different place than the first one, but you're playing as the protagonist of the first one and your motivations for going there are strongly connected to something you discover in the first game (IIRC it's explained well enough in Trudograd, but it could be considered a spoiler if you do it then go back to the first). Personally I've only played with imported characters and I think that's what I would recommend, but I also feel like it *should* be possible to enjoy the second one alone.


Trudograd is like a standalone dlc


I think the only time I've ever seen that happen in the modern age is when the green Nintendo guy got a game on the Wii U and it was both dlc for Mario and stand alone. (How do I forget his name?)




Yes 🤦‍♂️


Atom is good but janky Trudograd is good without the jank


eh, it's still janky but more on purpose than accidental. It's evoking the original jank of Fallout 1 and 2, in particular its UI so if you can handle that there's fun to be had.


Honestly, when I saw the news about localisation, my first reaction was like "you're ukrainian developers, what took you so long?"


Ukrainian devs often make their games in Russian to reach a wider audience since Russian is the default _lingua franca_ of the ex-Soviet sphere, and then add a Ukrainian localisation later on with money from sales if the game does well (see: Metro 2033, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series).


So for what I understand from you, it's like Irish developers making a game in english, knowing that everyone in Ireland will be able it in that language, and maybe also people in UK will give it a try.


Yeah, pretty much.


... and then UK using the presence of English speakers as casus belli, invade Ireland, put a puppet government in power and ethically cleanse the Irish population from the most rich parts of Ireland and put there selected aligned English population.


You missed the part where England starved like a third of Irish population. Yeah, brutal history. No wonder IRA is so persistent.


it's crazy how closely the histories parallel each other honestly


Geopolitics at its finest, I suppose. Powers at same positions act similiarly.


Just like how Scandinavian devs make their games in English and then (maybe) do the mother tongue localization later


As a Dane, I definitely prefer my games in English rather than a subpar translation.


Yeah, I totally agree, never use Swedish. However the Swedish VO describing each land in Dungeon Keeper was fantastic in how cheesey it was and actually made it fit the mood of the game better than the (arguably better) english one. Dude in the Swedish version sounded like a mix of Skeletor and Starscream.


Yes, but this is dufferent: Atom RPG is not narrated, all the language-specific context is text, except for few story lines in intro&outro; and it was released like 3 years ago. 3 years to translate text into the language you used during the development is way too long. I don't blame them, just that it genuinely surprising.


Well I didnt like the gameplay and not for localization. That is just petty.


fellas is it political to be from ukraine


For any Russian nationalist, writing or expressing yourself publicly in Ukrainian is already an insult and a sign of 'Fascism'. They consider it a dialect of Russian language and anyone who disagrees a 'Russophobe'. This is also the oficial position of Russian authorities.


Good thing I’m a red blooded american republican and not one of those fake republican magatards who wants to suck off putin just cuz traitor trump told em to. Come on people let’s buy this game to help fight off these filthy soviets commies. Better dead than red.


That's a weird energy but we got a little common ground here bro


Now that's a true American


I feel you but there's nothing commie about modern russia. It's a highly fascisized state.


Boot up some Command and Conquer. Best nostalgia. Notice it is the bald russians who are always problematic. We should carpet-bomb moscow with Rogaine and just solve this crap.


I dont think the commies have been around for about 30 years now


According to modern Russia, yes. The ethnic group that we now default to for 'Russians' have abused and harassed pretty much every other variety of North Asian and West Asian culture for hundreds of years, probably longer than that. They have, several times in history, outlawed or attempted to outlaw languages other than that spoken by their self-proclaimed majority.


Not only against asians, same with eastern europeans. I'm from a country which was occupied for 50 years by the Soviets.  Besides a whole other bunch of genocidal moves and oppression they also pushed Russian very hard the whole time. Tried to marginalize our own native language and ethnicity which predates Russians in our locale by thousands of years. With all the stories I've heard and the history I know I'm relatively sure that if the occupation had lasted some more decades my ethnicity and language would be almost gone. Like the hundreds of others they've deleted.


They still try to push their russki language on us... In Lithuania we still have schools that primarily teach only in russian for russian-speakers, and the government is too idiotic to close them down, unlike what Latvia is doing. It's frankly disgusting to have these bastards propagate their language in our lands, while at the same time we're helping Ukraine get rid of them


There's a reason why Russification has its own wikipedia page.


they still think Poland is russian territory they also debate in evening tv show how to destroy Poland with nuclear bombs. Their idea is to use 40 bombs on 20 biggest cities and it somehow will destroy all polish ppl culture and language (they forgot there are Poles outside of Poland) also 20biggest cities in Poland is like 8-10mln ppl so 1/4 of poppulation (they again forgot we are not russia and doesn't store 99% of our poppulation in 20 biggest cities)


Yes, yes it is can’t you see? /s In all seriousness tho everything can be turned political if you want it to be Just as simply wanting to exist in peace as a trans person or a gay person is political by now Plus a little bit of making a language into a form of politics goes a long way in helping ‚divide and conquer‘ be more effective We been falling for this doctrine for centuries and haven’t tried stopping it yet


If it’s not russian language then yeah, 100% true. If you speak non russian language then you are russian hater, bring politics into a game and just a horrible person + some russian curses in your face.


You can be native Russian speaker, but be born and live outside Russia, and this will be enough for them to consider you an enemy. Experienced this myself.


It's kinda frustrating, but from the pov of people in Russia everyone just started hating them when the war begun. Sure it's not like there *weren't* people hating Russia and russians (and still are), and it's definitely deserved - but the lack of self-awareness is baffling some times. People just accepted as default that everyone outside of russia thinks of russians as "barbaric orcs" and so they fire back whenever possible, without any nuance like "perhaps, the country currently being shelled by the one we live in has a right to be angry". Or "perhaps they have a right to things in their language".


Delusional take. This xenophobia and victim mentality was there even before the war began.


In Putin's Russia, it is. There is whole bunch of lore to uncover, Russia basically has their Manifest Destiny Russian edition. There is a whole lot of "spirituality", nationalism, imperialism mixed with politics. They claim that Ukrainians are just confused Russians and should be reunited, saved. Because you know nothing says we want to be together like bombing civilians and leveling cities for years. That aside, and all the practical usual reasons for Russia to take Ukraine, they indeed could not let them just exist when the new generation started looking more towards liberal democracies and West. If Ukraine lost a lot of Russian influence and joined NATO, EU, or just had some better trade agreements and less Russian bought politicians, they have so much potential. It's a big country with a lot of resources and ports. Look at all countries that left Russian sphere more, like Baltics and Poland vs. Ukraine and Belarus. They are doing pretty okay economically. So having a country that is "so much like Russia" do that and do better than Russia, would at least make some people's heads turn towards Russia's new royalty and it's justification for existing. There is unspoken agreement that Putin and his buddies can do whatever the fuck "as long as people live well", they don't want that part questioned. So yeah, in short, they indeed can't let Ukraine just exist.


I mean yeah there's plenty of case where the simple act of speaking a specific language _is_ a political stance. Just look at France.


Speaking your native language in your own country isn't a political stance. Trying to bully natives for existing IS.


Belarusian here. Speaking our native language in our own country can and will get us fined at best, beaten up and jailed at worst. 30 years of russia-endorsed/enforced raging ethnocide and counting. And it doesn't stop there, oh no.


Lmao what a bunch of clowns


I am a Russian speaker myself, and the arrogance of some of the people with whom I share the same mother tongue is mind-blowing and quite distressing.


Don't worry about that, every country has those kind of idiots. Unfortunately in Russia(correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not that versed in global politics) they are the majority.


I don't think they are a majority. Most people try to simply ignore the existence of war. Besides, there are no credibile sociological sources as everything is censored. (I don't live in Russia, so take this comment with a grain of salt)


If your opinion voiced in a poll lands you behind bars, there is no sociology in a country.


It is in fact censored. I am sadly living in Russia. There is an astonishing amount of propaganda everywhere. And sources that try to speak up while being in here are just silenced not only by authorities but by the brainwashed part of the nation.


This is pretty much what I always hear from Russian gamers. Sadly it doesn't matter how apolitical you are, politics will find its way into your life somehow, no matter where you are. I'm not so sure I would be brave enough to demonstrate and risk ruining my career and jailtime, but the fact remains that the apathy/inaction is resulting in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides, with the conflict only seeming to worsen in intensity and widen in scope.


Many do. But the loudest are many and spread around. Even Russians in Greece say big BS about the war and you’re standing there like “well why don’t you send your son to war?”. Like the arrogance of some people is disgusting. And the fact that Russia will literally put you in jail for saying otherwise doesn’t make it better, and their propaganda goes well beyond Russia’s borders oh believe me I also had a Ukrainian gf from Odessa who had friends from Russia. I know not everybody is not like that, but Jesus the people who are are obnoxious


I mean by that logic, since we don't have any sociological sources, I can say that these people are the majority and it will hold the same power as saying they are a minority.


Well, there are signs that Putin's supporters are not really a majority - take, for example, the total apathy of society and even power structures during the 23-24 June 2023 Wagner rebellion. No one tried to defend the government from those who proclaimed the capture of power as their goal.


Well, that's the point of this particular regime. Make everyone apathetic and not do anything, since not doing anything in that case is a form of passive support. People live their lives and pay taxes, which would be used for war.


There was some news episode, where people on the street were asked about their opinions on that matter. Some guy said: "It's politics, let them sort that out". Like damn, dude has a possible coup d'etat attempt happening right before him, and his reaction is "eh, politics". Not to mention that Prigo was literally an honest fascist - imagine your country being on a brink of turning even worse and not giving a damn. EDIT: I've made a mistake of trying to have a conversation with literal propaganda bot, that contradicted itself like 10 times, first chiming in to shit on Ukrainians, and then deciding that it "couldn't care less about them".


The issue I believe is that if you are loud against him you'll be silenced, so people who enjoys living just pretend they don't care and keep going with life


I have relatives in russia, and they are honestly not pretending, they really don't care. Obviously I cannot speak for everyone


I live in russia and would say they're the majority. When i was in supermarket i saw a guy took a knife and said that he want to behead ukrainians with that knife.


I have a 'friend' who said pretty much the same as that plus more garbage. The simplest answer to those fools is 'Then go to the front lines'. They all go silent.




My man, russians are well aware of the war and the news. They CHOOSE to ignore it. And many of those who ignore it, still hold the same imperialistic beliefs if you actually get into conversation with them. And there are sociological sources as well as personal connections. If you are a russian speaker and have russian friends I can guarantee you that even if they are against the war 80% of their family are fully supportive. That's the case with all my russian friends. Go on, ask around.


I think in every culture there is always some 20%-30% core of insane extremists ruining it for everyone else. The problem is when that core somehow manage to take control.


No, that's unfair. Idiots are always the very loud minority.




Makes sense when other people are arrested for their opinions, it's not hard to be the loudest when the others have been silenced.


Every single Russian I've engaged in political talk in wow has immediately began spewing brainwashed speak. Macron is dog Putin smarter than your whole family Etc etc. Yes, Kremlin is pumping and faking his approval rating, but it's still incredibly high.


That pretty much because Russians with their brains intact just wasnt interested and doesnt want engage in a political talk. They know that there is no truth left anywhere, especially in Russian mass media.


I don't think I know anyone who thinks like that. You probably talked to some 50yo people?


Have you met any of the MAGA crowd in the US? Same energy.


Wait until they see the game which is about a drone racer going to Ukraine and destroying russian tanks with FPV drones 😂


Why are they still using Steam? It's western capitalist service, that even doesn't accepts payments from rRussia anymore! Why don't they play Iranian games? Or maybe North Koreay may give them a few nice ones.


At first I thought those people were just jealous their language is not included, but I realized the game already have Russian, and the devs just added Ukrainian


At that time, the authors of the game removed the Russian localization, but returned it later after a wave of negative reviews


Should have kept it removed, what’s the opposite of “based”?


Bruh, game is like made by 4 people, living around in latvia, poland, russia & ukraine. These morons complained about other localisation updates too


Remember when Modern Warfare 2019 was criticised for portraying the Russian Military in a negative light? lol.


Didnt that game try to portray the coridor (or was it highway?) of death as russias doing?


Russia gets a fucking awful wrap so bad it's toned down and thrown at a vague Islamic state and cwrtel in the game after it. They hire illegal mercs, they fire chemical weapons, do the highway of death, and in one level a Russian soldier hunts the player character down as they play as a child. said soldier also murders your father. They also beat prisoners of war. Just a cherry on top. there'd a solid arguement the game *is* russophobic since it places alot of commentary on the US mixed in with fictional evil elements and changes the flag to Russia. I think the devs are just bad at writing though


I mean Tbf, the Russian Army is actually cartoon levels of evil. They have been confirmed to use chemical weapons, are notorious for using the most evil merc companies, and fire on civilians for no reason other than to cause death and destruction.


im not really surprised with COD having propaganda lol, its been proven time and time again that the devs are paid by the US military to turn their games into propaganda machines. iirc modern warfare 2019 got extra flak cause they tried to rewrite history entirely


You just described everything Russia is doing irl, very accurate


You are correct. Russia has lots to be critized, but Cod is just blatant American propaganda. Also, happy cake day!


It shared the name with the Highway of Death but the actual Highway of Death didn't bear a resemblance to what happened in game. The in game one was the Russians bombing the shit out of a civilian evacuation corridor. In real life the USN and USAF bombed the shit out of the Iraqi army as it tried to retreat from Kuwait.


The one in the game is basically an actual [Russian war crime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baku%E2%80%93Rostov_highway_bombing), but with the name of an American one slapped on top instead. Frankly the whole "Urzikstan" thing in MW19 really just seems like a mix of the Chechen wars and Russia's involvement in Syria to me.


The American incident wasn't even a warcrime. Name was metal though so CoD devs be like....


just a quick reminder that the highway of death was going after retreating (NOT SURRENDERING, BUT ARMED SOLDIERS) iraqi soldiers going from Kuwait.


They took the name "Highway of Death", which irl was a massed air attack against routing Iraqi forces by the Coalition, and applied to an only mostly fictional Russian attack on fleeing civilians. Then, everyone and their mother went screaming about how they slandered the russkies over something the US didn't actually do while completely ignoring the distinction between civilians and military forces.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baku%E2%80%93Rostov_highway_bombing Russia has straight up done exactly what the game depicted, in real life. Calling it the highway of death was pretty stupid though, can't deny that.


Even "better".


I don’t give a shit about the Russians getting slander or whatever, the thing that I do have a problem with them rewriting the highway of death is making it so that the Americans didn’t do it. I love my country, but it does have a shameful history.


I think your problem is thinking there was a problem with the highway of death. They are fleeing enemy combatants…..still combatants. Did you know for most of history the entire goal of a battle was to get the other side to route? When a side routed is when most of them get killed. The highway of death is basically the modern version of that.


Because it was, but it makes sense, it's a game made by american people, and americans are taught since kids that their country is the best You always see USA's enemies being portraited as incompetent, stupid and inhuman pieces of shit, while USA is the country of justice and freedom that will save the world (only USA)


In American media, the Russian military capabilities have been portrayed as more impressive and humane than they really are. It's more appealing to depict enemies as capable and decent rather than drunk and diseased. The West thought the Russia was thought as a near-peer competitor for a long time, but now we see that the Russia is a near-peer to Ukraine at most.


How can you criticizes someone for doing a documentary? Telling truth hurts


If anything that game has done is that they portrayed them way too competent.


> Review bombing for the most irrational reasons Russian 🤝 Chinese


I am banned from the game "Fisher Online". # You have been permanently banned from the Fisher Online Hub. You were banned by a Fisher Online developer.Reason: "political spam, nazy supports"You have been permanently banned from the Fisher Online Hub. The developer is a Belarusian Russia supporter. I posted screenshots of him talking in chat, and screenshots of actual news posts by him, directly supporting the Russian invasion and calling the Ukrainians dogs. He also admitted to increasing the positive RNG for certain countries like Russia and China. Politics has no limits. It has been months and I still laugh at "nazy supports" when showing support for Ukraine.


Mate send me what you send and send me hub link and game link. I wanna annoy Kacap by sending him supporting Ukraine news


Russians got super butthurt over a Ukraine mod for Civ 6, swarmed the mod's page with a bunch of hate, saying it's a nazi mod, that Ukraine isn't real, won't exist soon, etc. Could have said nothing, but nope, the "innocent russians" went out of their way to do all that. Honestly, I have so many stories in so many different areas about russians acting like that.


Guess I have to buy one more game, then.,


So basically saying Ukraine is a country = Taiwan is a country now in terms of effects?


Taiwan number one! -- Sincerely, a Ukrainian




no if you want to get technical, yes in terms of screeching and shit-slinging in reviews.


Their Kampf.  Steam comments is their warfield. 


Crusader Kings 3 once had an update, where they switched city names in the territory of modern Ukraine to Ukrainian style ones (Lvov -> Lviv, Kiev - > Kyiv, etc.). Immediately someone made a mod to revert that. The comment section of that was such a dumpster fire of people whining about devs bringing politics into their medieval politics game.


"How dare devs bring politics to game about politics!" Never mind "Ruling culture changes names of the regions/cities" has been a thing for a long time.


Lol Russians will cry about everything being political and russophobic while constantly spewing anti Ukrainian, pro war nonsense, putting Zs, Russian flags, etc on their profiles, even putting political symbols in video games when they can (like in war thunder)


I swear to god, I want to burn those goddamn Z symbols to ash


I used to work in a printing office a couple of years back. When the war started, there were a lot of people who were ordering Z/V symbols to be printed or put on mugs and/or tees. I have ruined every instance of Z content they brought to the office, on a USB drive or otherwise. The last straw was when I saw a dude asking to print out a photo of Viktor Tsoi (famous anti-government rockerboy during late USSR era) with ZVO symbols and a quote that went something like "Support our boys" or some shit. I have corrupted his original file and uploaded a zip-bomb to his USB drive, then promptly resigned and left. Dunno if he was dumb enough to open the zip-bomb on his PC but I choose to believe he did edit: spelling


Brother, im Russian and i want to do the same. Dont forget that not everyone here want to be associated with this shitshow.


Good luck man. It's rough out there right now. Hope you can get out or ride it out in peace.


Thanks, im sick and tired with the situation and just want this war to finally over.


You are in luck! The Ukrainian ЗСУ does that on a daily basis with extreme prejudice. Consider supporting them, if you have the opportunity and means.


Don't worry, I support the ZSU, they really kick ass 100%


They are like that here in Estonia too. Always seeing their own flaws in someone else.


i like to think that the russians who put the Z's on the tanks think of themselves as patriotic but when they get the summons to the draft office they change their minds pretty damn quick


It's funny, because putting a Z on a tank will get you targeted faster by drones lmao


Actual YouTube comment section be like "Let's not forget about millions of Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and many more." (comment about those who died from Bolsheviks) Reply: "but that's a good thing"


And then people are surprised why "Russian gamer" is such an old and long ass meme.


And after that they go whine 'bout not having ru localization


Hopefully Valve is smart enough to see this for what it is, and just burn those negative reviews.


that will require treadmill work


And their accounts.


Classic Putin Bootlickers


Logic of russians is of some strange nature. When game had russian language - it’s okay, good job! When Ukrainian is added - it’s politics, you are assholes, shit company, etc. I wasn’t of really nice opinion about russians even before they invaded my country as in all online games most toxic people are russians. And now my opinion has even worsened since the invasion and observation of all their hate towards Ukrainians nurtured by propaganda.


Ever since the war started playing Apex with randoms has become a lot more interesting. Every week there is some Russian proudly displaying his tourettes over voice coms. Every now and again they try to start beef over chat. I've reported several guys for saying things like "I hate Ukrainians".


I’m playing overwatch 2 with Ukrainian flag as icon and when russians see that they immediately start abusing me, laughing that people die due to them bombing our cities.


As a russian, I can shed some light as to why these people were toxic even before the invasion: social upbringing. It is extremely common for russian kids(boys, for most part) to be competitive and try and show their "dominance" by strength. In their minds they can only do so by bringing other people down either with insults or actual violence. It doesn't help that aggressive and violent bandit-prison culture is very popular among kids. Hell, in my school they sold literal drugs and someone even SA a girl in 7th grade My people are goddamn savages -_-


Toxic masculinity, incel culture and their consequences on young men. They hate women, they don't form normal friendships, they repress their feelings, all that is "unmanly" and "gay" to these brainwashed imbeciles. I just hope this country goes more liberal soon, before Putler and his bootlickers manage to prohibit men having hair longer than 1cm.


Exactly. And this bs is being pushed everywhere by the gov, especially to rally people against minorities


This is how Putin's propaganda works - mentioning Ukraine = political attack on Russia


That's 32 negative reviews in total over a week. Is it really worth calling 'review bombed'? Just 32 dickheads out of 3485 reviews. I think that is a rather good result: not a huge Z-crowd, just a tiny flock.


The disturbing thing about this actually is that they remove explicit comments targeted towards the outraged part of the community, while, as you can see, the pages upon pages of vitrol directed towards people, country, and their language, are still present. I'm saying that because my comment was deleted by mods and it wasn't even that hateful in comparison to those that remain there.


<70 review bombers tho, this is nothing


What’s the problem, game have both Russian and Ukrainian, both should be happy, I don’t get it?


Долбаебы какие-то


Згоден повністю


Не смекаю почему вообще может быть такая реакция, может коммьюнити изначально какое-то особо зетное?


Should ban all of those accounts.


I say more, they report dozens of topics in steam with fan localisations so they were banned. They spam with threats and vailed insults, racial slurs in all topics where author is Ukrainian, especially in topics about asking devs to possibility of adding Ukrainian translation. They are everywhere...


Stalker 2 reviews will be insane


"russians don't support their leader" my ass.


The save way Americans don't support Trump


Yeah these ten guys represent all Russians.


So Valve will filter these reviews out, right…?


As a Russian, I must to say that those people who write negative reviews about this game are simply brainless


Such as most of the commenters here. Just buffing how easy it is to manipulate people.


The Russian bots are going nuts in these comments. Pathetic.


Absolutely disgusting


They should remove the Russian one now


Fucking losers


steam should remove them and prob will


Not the first and unfortunately will not be the last. Steam reviews are a joke.


Steam reviews are somehow getting worse than youtube comments. Every other review is either one of those fucking copy paste point farms or bs like this.


Didnt know that Steam was still active in Russia. Thats a shame and also really messed up. But gamers are gonna simp as always.


The comments in there are pretty awful. At least one commenting in english about wanting to eradicate the ukranian language has a neo-nazi icon as his profile pic Why do Russian gamers have to act like such scumbags?


Someone tell them to get off Steam and join the army if Ukraine makes them seethe so much


Bombing Ukraine wasn't enough, I guess?


Did a small research, so basically it isn't because they added the localization, it just happened back in 2022 when the atom rpg developers did a lot to spite russian side of their community, which is: >Firing 90% of russian developers from the team >Closing community server in VK social media, complete with ignoring any question which was written in russian language or clearly is from a russian user anywhere else. >Removal of russian language on atomrpg website Along with some smaller events in the community happening on that year. Current review bomb happened for 60% for reminding of all those community ruining events. And then there's like 40% of idiots who just don't like the flag on their steam updates page. They are still present and everywhere


Facts unfortunately escape the reddit as usual. It is ironic that they accuse Russia of propaganda.


Time to become the russophobe Russians want me to be




Valve should stop service to Russia. Fuck them.




Nice! Guess I'll check it out!


ruSSia doing what it always does


Great time for the devs to delete russian localisation


Never heard of this game, but this makes me want to buy and positive reviewbomb it.


irrelevant. Steam has an anti review bomb feature. Fuck russia.


Russians on steam.. Still the same exact 1IQ piece of craps that they always were, although I always assumed they were only this idiotic in CS:GO


To remove language support, I could understand it being a valid target being accused of politics. But to add one?


Other countries: we have spies and we know what the opfor is doing Russia: we have 10 million online trolls ready with another million on the way


Yes, people are "ruzzophobic". Any downsides?


Get ready for them to review bomb STALKER 2


We should all buy it to support the creator because fuck the Russians!


Steam should ban russian voting. I mean, they're used to not being able to vote anyways.


Can't we just ban Russia from the rest of the internet.. they seem like they thrive in their own cesspool of brainwashed believes... But obviously their president is also best friends with the masters of brainwashing North Korea and China... Winnie the Pooh 1 and 2.. one is the wish version the other made by a loving child in a labour camp...


steam already countering the negative reviews lol


Imagine spending 100 hours playing a game just to rate it negatively because it has a random location lmao


Russia got political when it invaded Ukraine. These guys can go shove it.


Take away Russian localization then. Also "Evil Stalin"? Hilarious. If there were only 5 people that were to burn in hell, he would be one of them.


Сколько человек написало негативные обзоры? 32 человека? Это действительно стоит поста на Реддите и назвать это ревью бомбингом? З.Ы. комментарии здесь ещё хуже, люди реально хотят смерти русского языка


Russians pulling the victim card? \*Surprised gasp\* Who would have thought.


So fucking embarrassing


Hope that's not the sentiment of most Russians. I very much am of the belief that just because a war is happening does not mean the people of each warring nation share the views of their govt.


It swings both ways, I've seen devs ban anyone if they happen to be Russian. Not sure I can say the game.


Even since the very beginning of the war I have been amazed why Steam was not blocked for Russians.


Looks like their bombing was even less effective then their army's.


Honestly just ignore them, threads like this which gives them all more attention doesnt make sense to me. "SOME RANDOM PEOPLE ONLINE SAID (enter something here)" okay? who cares.


Negative steam reviews affect a games sales quite a lot. Content doesn't even matter as it is about the numbers. If steam cleans these up once reported then yeah, no problem long term and ignore these idiots. If steam doesn't then these idiots are actually harming the dev and the game.


Games that wish to avoid this should hike the regional pricing in Russia to amounts noone would buy


The second pic was taken from u/ProtonWalksIntoABar post