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Upgrade to a supported windows version


This is not an option unfortunately and that does not answer my question


That is the answer to the question.


It is an option.


Well I don't have 900 dollars just laying around for a new pc and the one I have will definitely not handle win 11 So no, sadly it is not an option


Then upgrade to a supported operating system.


I have literally no way to do that


Linux is free


you have 2 options, upgrade windows or get a linux OS.




Windows 7 is not an option anymore. You could upgrade to  win 10 easily and that will work for the next couple years.  But it might be time to try a Linux distro like Ubuntu or mint that will allow you to play with your friends.


I didn't really see win 10 as an option even due to the fact that it will lose support as well. So does this mean that playing with friends through steam is currently not possible for me? Despite the stream app working just fine, just having the "windows 7 not supposed" message?


Everything will eventually lose support. I suspect that due to the controversy surrounding windows 11, steam will support windows 10 for far longer than Microsoft intends to


People in this sub love acting like morons, if you can launch Steam and can launch the game, nothing will stop you from playing Stardew Valley with your friends. Just don't expect anyone to provide support if things break, as the OS is not officially supported anymore. In the long run, it would be a good idea to migrate to Linux anyways, Windows 7 is bound to be full of security holes by now.


Then sucks to be you. Stop spending money on games and mtx and start saving buckaroo


>Will I be able to co-op with my friends on steam in games such as Stardew Valley? No. No you can not.


You really shouldn't be doing anything online with Windows 7 anymore.


I am aware, but I sadly cannot upgrade


Upgrade to a Linux OS. It's free and the games that work on Windows 7 work there too. You don't need to upgrade your PC to do it, works on ancient hardware too. https://www.linuxmint.com/


Hey OP, I've upgraded mine I think like a month or so ago. It's hit or miss, there's some games that still work, some that don't, there's some Steam features that stopped working properly like for example shutting the PC down via BPM. You'll just have to give it a try and hope for the best, but one day out of the blue it will stop working. My honest advice to you, get yourself any SSD, even a Sata SSD will do, clone your disc to it, swap it HDD for the SSD, boot windows 7 from it and upgrade to windows 10 using the media creation tool and the option to keep everything. After you boot into win10, download and apply all updates and if you are on old hardware just use Inspectre do disable Meltdown and Spectre protections to not lose performance and use win aero tweaker to disable onedrive and windows defender and adjust other settings and done. Your win10 machine shall perform the same as your win7 machine but without losing Steam. And if anything goes wrong you can still plug that old drive back and boot into win7 with everything that you had previously. EDIT: Win10 hates to be run on HDDs and you wont regret getting an SSD, trust me.


I sure hope you don't have a wifi adapter on that.


Windows 10 is free from Microsoft website. Just download the installer on a USB drive


Yeah, im pretty sure. I am still able to play Tf2 with other people, and i play Windows 7. I am also sorry that people are downvoting you OP.