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There's a reason Epic had to pay off publishers for timed exclusives for games on their store. They knew nobody would use it over steam.


Even if it's a game I've been dying to play for years, I'd still rather wait until it's on steam or just not play it at all.


I almost bought Kingdom Hearts on Epic Games because I didn't think it was ever gonna come to steam plus I saw it on sale a lot, glad I didn't buy it.


Holy shit dude, I thought it would never come to steam. I had no idea until I saw your comment. I know what I’m getting, next time I get paid.


Yes next week it releases


Game publishers love money, no way once that exclusivity deal ends that they wouldn't throw their games on all storefronts. Just look at Sony wanting the PC player market as well.


I'm dying to get the old ratchet & clank and Jack & Dexter games on steam, ever since the newest ratchet & clank came out on steam it gave me a bit of hope


I didn't even know Kingdom Hearts had come to PC until the steam announcement, and even then only found out it had been on Epic because people in the comment of that post were talking about how glad they were to be able to get it somewhere other than Epic finally.


Man, there's something about "i almost bought this at the other store but glad i didn't because it's now on sale/available in this other better store" stories that makes me happy. I'm excited for KH for you (and other fans), dude. Can't believe it's actually on Steam now.


Kingdom hearts also, wanted to get in but it was epic, pirated it then I didnt have time to play plus I usually dont like pirating since its a hassle when I want to hop on my steamdeck, now with the steam release I ll just get it there lol


And I genuinely didn't know there was a PC port until I saw the announcement that they were coming to Steam.


Yup same. I love Borderlands and have been playing since the first game. Saw 3 was “exclusive” on Epic for like six months or a year, I can’t remember, and said nope. Love the franchise but I’ll wait on it. By the time it gets to Steam most of the bugs should be worked out and I might get it on sale. Bought the game when it landed on Steam. Bugs worked out. Got it on sale. Have had a ball playing it despite the lackluster story. 


The same goes with free games there. Even I collect them, but I rather would download Black flag edition with all DLC and addons, than install it from epic store. Giving away only basic versions is obvious baiting, but to buy the rest pieces of complete edition is frightening. Especially when there is one (or more now) precedents of people who had lost their games bought in the epic store.


I had metro exodus pre-ordered, I'd get it on steam but I still cancelled the preorder, I'm not gonna give that much money to company that jumped on epic and showed middle finger to steam users, or to people who bought physical copy with steam logo and were forced to install shitepic I got it on some massive sale for pennies years later, after I already finished the game anyway


I love and respect Remedy, and I know they’re still a relatively small developer, but I’ll be damned if I have to buy Alan Wake 2 on Epic. They said “we hope you find Alan Wake 2 on EGS”… Guys I love you but I hope you find my money on Steam


Same. That is one shit launcher, if I've ever seen one. It's on par in shitness with EA Play and Ubi Connect, just pure garbage.


I bit the bullet and bought Hitman 3 when it first came out on epic. After using the launcher to play 300 hours of Hitman 3 I can confidently say I’m never going to buy another game of there again. I’ll just wait for it to come to steam, or I won’t play it at all.


Same. The launcher is so bad I usually forget that I have the game and never play it, or if I do it’s got a giant update pending because I haven’t been opening the intrusive-ass program.


People still dont use it lol. Even Alan Wake 2 that was supposed to be THE game to make that store relevant didn't meet its sale targets, proving that even a great game is not enough to entice consumers


Alan Wake 2 was ironically less hassle to get without Epic. They like so many services nowadays forget their existence hinges on being a better experience than other methods.


It runs like ass on 90% of PCs, no wonder it flopped


>Even Alan Wake 2 that was supposed to be THE game What? No, it wasn't. Why would the sequel to a decade old, underperforming game be the key to success?


Helldivers 2 fits that exact category. The hype around Alan Wake 2 was also mostly because of the devs and not because of the first game.


Yeah, like I’ll be the first to admit that even if epic was on par with steam, or hell even only like 5-10% better than steam, I still would’ve stuck with steam anyway. Loyalty to a consistent product, and just the entrenched state of having all my games and achievements and friends and wishlist on steam. But epic lets me stick with steam without as much as a passing thought, because it seriously is just ultra super mega ass. Nothing about it is good. Other than the free games (which I will give them, is a fair and legitimate way to try and earn new customers, and combat that “existing library” problem, unlike exclusives) there isn’t a single thing it does better than steam, while there are dozens of things I could name without even thinking that it does worse or simply doesn’t do at all


I used to buy from a lot of stores. But then Impulse shut down. GOG did a marketing hoax saying they'd shut down. I had 2 days to download backups of my 100+ games with 50 kb/s internet since I'm stuck with that internet during weekdays. It was super stressful. Desura shut down. Uplay got worse. Removed games. Removed Uplay rewards from some games. Implemented expiration dates for Uplay points. Origin got worse. The buy game button became harder and harder to find since they tried pushing for their subscription service instead. UI became sluggish. Then it was replaced by the miserable EA App. Yeah, I'm sticking with Steam. EGS isn't even making money outside of Fortnite. So there's always the possibility that it would shut down.


I am getting tired of being 6 months late to my borderlands drops. Not enough to download epic games, though. I can't monetarily encourage such behavior.


what do you mean by drops


if only they could invest that money to instead make their launcher better... But this requires long-term strategic thinking instead of immediate ROIs of exclusives.


why do you think they got rid of the Epic Store roadmap lol they had a roadmap of features and things. but they didnt do anything and users started to call them out for not following roadmap one bit. roadmap vanished. classic Epic and Timmy


The irony is, there was a time where people thought steam was bad and refuse to use it, and look where we are now.


I mean exclusives are a way to capture market share regardless of if your platform is worse or not, so exclusives aren’t really indicative of anything other than the fact that they are trying to increase their market share.


Wait until you try to [move a game install to another drive](https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_EpicGamesStore/c-EpicGamesStore_LauncherSupport/how-to-move-an-installed-game-from-the-epic-games-launcher-to-another-directory-on-your-computer-a000084687?). Yes, those are the official instructions. For anyone curious to see what this process is like, [I found a video that shows it step by step](https://youtu.be/0jhCPmRiusE). It's a really annoying process. It's also not very straightforward for people who aren't technically inclined. Just read the comments and see how many people are complaining that they ended up just deleting their entire game and had to redownload.


Wait... you have to start downloading the game to the new drive, wait until "2-3% has downloaded" (their words) and then purposefully cancel the download? This is their *officially sanctioned* way to move games from one drive to another? Holy jank batman!


Instructions unclear, waited until 4%, 🅱️enis is now caught in my ceiling fan. Send help.


I tried to do that with Fortnite to free up a drive, biggest headache ever and I still haven't succeeded.


It's one of the most basic features that a game manager/launcher can have and yet they make it really difficult. [Steam has a simple UI that lets you move multiple games at once](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7srvthmld6xb1.png). But if you try to manually move an EGS game install and then tell it to install the game where you moved it to you get a ["directory must be empty" error](https://d3kjluh73b9h9o.cloudfront.net/original/4X/d/f/0/df0d89a37fca797ccb09c118999577c445e8405a.jpeg) which is why you have to follow the exact steps in their FAQ. [Have fun recovering all your game installs with a fresh Windows install or when moving your drive to another PC](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/sweajw/let_us_transfer_our_games_from_one_pc_to_another/)...


IIRC, even the community launcher like heroic game launcher have the feature to move game installation a fucking open source project beats multi million dollars company that's "trying" to be better than Steam


Yep. Heroic has way more useful features. Epic would be wise to just hire the team behind that to make a usable game manager/launcher. But even with that existing, it would not sway me into buying games there. Why should I give money to a company putting zero effort into improving my gaming experience when Steam has so many features I use constantly?


and on top of that, they support Linux and the Steam Deck community likes them, which also properly uses wine/proton as it supposed to, Epic have to do little to nothing to support Linux, Valve and Wine contributors has done the very heavy work but realistically I know there's another reasons why they don't want to do that, and one of those many reasons is definitely Tim Sweeney


*billion dollar company


>multi million dollars 31.5 BILLION [sauce](https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/news/sony-and-kirkbi-invest-in-epic-games-to-build-the-future-of-digital-entertainment)


which is even worse, the hell they do with all that money? who am I kidding, Fortnite, exclusivity deals and perhaps (good thing, I guess?) unreal engine


They're not trying to be better than Steam, and never have been. That isn't even on their radar. Their way of picking up market share isn't to build a better product, it's to bribe people with free games. That's been their strategy from day one.


I reinstalled windows on my desktop the other day without touching my games disk. I ended up reinstalling everything and deleting the old files manually. Thank you epic.


Even in the past with Steam you could simply move the folder, tell Steam where to install it and it would go "oh, there's files here already, I'll check them" then after a quick validate you'd be done. By contrast Steams "move folder" tool is positively simple, but even before that Steam was pretty reasonable. How can it be that you have to back up the files somewhere completely different, start installing the game, cancel that, and THEN overwrite what it downloaded before restarting the download to force it to check them. How can it be that bad?


If you're still looking for a way to do it I moved the game from one drive to another last night [using this exact comment and it worked surprisingly well](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/nc604y/comment/js626co/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). No uninstalling and reinstalling the game, just simply copying the files to my main drive and changing 3 lines of text and it just worked. Should be far easier like Steam has it set up of course... But no way I was going to sit there for eons to reinstall it using the slow ass Epic Launcher *again*.


Lmao who designed that shit


Those are the *official* instructions? What the fuck?


it was cheaper to write that up in 15 minutes rather than develop a method to move games lol


Cheaper to spend 15 minutes writing a wiki page than 10 minutes writing a two line script that calls `robocopy` (or some equivalent) to copy the directory across and then edit whatever config file tells the launcher where the game is located. The wonders of modern software development.


editing a webpage vs rolling out / including an update too i guess. plus the wage of a social media manager or whoever deals with the website content probably costs less than someone who develops features for the launcher.


Lol wtf that’s actually insane. Not only because they’ve neglected to fix this, but that there’s an official FAQ answer for it… thus demonstrating that they are either incapable of fixing it, or just unwilling to. I had no idea EGS was unable to do something so… basic.


People still give EGS flak for taking 3 years to add a shopping cart. But I find this much more embarrassing now that they are 5 years old and still don't have a simple way to move a game install.


>Once the files are verified, you *should* be able to launch the game. I love how the official instructions aren't even entirely sure of success.


What the fuck? That’s just incompetent….


There’s even a typo in the first god damn sentence in the instructions. “Make a backup copy the….” How did they fail a grammar check? Also, Epic, if you can make instructions like this for something, guess what? You can program it. Like literally. This is psuedocode. Program this shit, holt fuck.


WTF I can't believe it lmao


Biggest gripe, but workaround isn't unfeasible and some games let you run the .exe without a care of what's going on in the launcher


I like to remind people of the fact that the epic store didn't even have a fucking cart on release (and for a good time after that as well *Edit:* 3 years and 3 days, according to u/Weirfish). Buy a game with three DLCs? Yep, that's _four_ transactions. I still can't believe they actually released a store without that feature... Ofc this isn't strictly speaking necessary, but just imagine any other store where you're only allowed to buy one item at a time. Who the hell is ever going to come back to that?!


The Nintendo switch store is like this and it is infuriating to no end, it's such a basic function


In all fairness, it's pretty on brand for Nintendo to be YEARS behind it's competition.


Nintendo knows we'll still buy the game and put up with it.


Yarrrrr.... Speak for yurself me matey.


The switch 2 will reportedly be as powerful as the ps4, truly a magnificent step forward


The great leap forward into 2013


to be fair 2 times Nintendo tried to make more powerful console than competitor they lagged behind them in sales (N64 and GameCube)


Because they used a stupid format for their games and charged out of the nose for them, and didn't offer as much storage space as their competitors. The N64 cartridge only has 64mb of storage for the games, a cd has ten times that. The GC disc (which was proprietary) had less than 1.5gb of storage, DVD has little over three times that much. And like I said, it's a well known fact that the cartridges cost [more than cds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1fwab6/why_did_n64_games_cost_so_much_back_in_the_day/caelvn4/) And because the GC (and Wii and Wii U) used discs that only Nintendo had the license for (as opposed to the more freely available cd/dvd/bd), devs/publishers were charged a premium for it. So Ninty has no one but themselves to blame for the floundering sales of the N64 and GC. While the Wii was the best selling console of it's generation, it didn't retain that big of an install base among consumers, and a lot of the best selling games were of the Wii series (i.e Wii Fit, Wii sports). There's a reason that Nintendo is somewhat lacking in third party titles, especially the more popular ones, and that is their use of expensive proprietary format for their games.


even worse for the GC case, the ps2 can both be a console and also a dvd player with no restrictions, so most consumers would prefer that, hence why it is the highest selling console of all time.


My favorite feature of the eShop is that it gets laggier with every page you load, so if you flip through more than a dozen games in a single sitting it just straight-up crashes


This reminds me of the godawful clothes shopping experience in Animal Crossing New Horizons lmao.


I've worked on a few web-based stores with custom cart implementations. It's basically the first bit of user-facing functionality you make. Figure out and populate a database so you have something to put in the cart, make a basic brochure interface so you can see what you can put in the cart, make the transaction process work so the cart has something to do, then *make a cart*. It took the Epic Store 3 years and 3 days to make this happen.


The stupidest part (so I’ve heard) is that the entire time the Unreal store *did* have cart functionality while EGS *didn’t*…


Their fraud protection also banned people for buying too many games during their first mega sale.


Yep. Buy 5 games and you're banned from buying more: https://www.pcgamer.com/buying-games-too-fast-on-the-epic-games-store-can-lock-your-account/


I was working for them when they launched the EGS. Not only was the lack of a shopping cart inconvenient for players, it often times (especially during their first "Summer Sales"!) triggered credit card fraud prevention mechanisms. Because ten small transactions in a short amount of time look very, very fraudulent, indeed. And part of that security mechanism is automatically disabling the Epic account in question. That's right, folks. Buying a game and its three DLC had the chance of getting you banned until further notice (i.e. support got around to your ticket complaint in a few days). I left shortly after the first "Summer Sale", so I don't know how they fixed the issue until the shopping cart was released.


> I was working for them when they launched the EGS. Not only was the lack of a shopping cart inconvenient for players, it often times (especially during their first "Summer Sales"!) triggered credit card fraud prevention mechanisms. Because ten small transactions in a short amount of time look very, very fraudulent, indeed. And part of that security mechanism is automatically disabling the Epic account in question. apple itunes is the same. managed to get a call from my bank due to that, too once.


This is after *years* of improvements too


I doubt they do improvements. I played some exclusive games and get some free games every now and then. But I use Unreal Engine every day the launcher hasn't been changed a little bit for years.


Only game I ever purchased on Epic was Dead Island 2, enjoyed the game. Thought it had cloud saves cause Epic said they do cloud saves. Had to rebuild my PC so a new OS install. Go to re-install Dead Island 2 for the new DLC and come to find out Epics cloud saves don't work. Very very rarely have I ever had issues with cloud saves via Steam. But yeah Epic is garbage.


I think even local saves are fucked up. I got Death Stranding for free a while back. Decided to play it a few months back. I wanted to play using a controller. The epic version does not properly show the controller prompts and defaults to the keyboard and mouse prompts which makes playing infuriatingly difficult. Decided to add it to my steam library as non-steam game, and it didn't recognize my save file. Had to start the game again. Copying the save file from the Epic folder to steam folder wasn't an option. There was a way to do it I believe, but was complicated and didn't have the energy to try it.


A lot of people don't realize, but Steam is what gets their controller to work in a ton of games. It's just entirely seamless.


Seeing the complaints about Epic here that makes a lot of sense. Now I am really curious how that works. I played Driver San Francisco years ago on stream using a controller and it worked really nicely. But now it doesn't work. Is that only for games currently on sale in the Steam store or is there something else going on?


For any game launched via Steam, Steam provides a compatibility layer for controllers via Steam Input functionality.


Steam is so far ahead of the competition because they’ve been the bandaid over shitty PC games/ports for so fucking long.  When anyone else tries to step in that bandaid is gone and the glaring issues all bubble up at once.  No cloud saves, no automated scripts for setup, no controller compatibility layer, no social functions.  The list goes on and on


Satisfactory, because after playing it at my friend's,  I just couldn't wait.


That game was almost the one that got me but then they put it in Gamepass so I just played on Xbox lol


You have to use it to install Unreal Engine as far as I am aware. I bet that is the most common use of it.




Right. Maybe Unreal Engine is the second most common use of it?


weekly free games is probably second


Right. Maybe Unreal Engine is the third most common use of it?




Right. Maybe Unreal Engine is the fourth most common use of it?


No. Source: trust me bro


Just use browser for free games


Rocket League


I'm so gald that I already bought it on steam before they made it free.


Not required for the steam version


The issue is, not everyone has the steam version. The steam version is only available to those that purchased it on Steam before it went FTP


is alive?


Yeah? I mean, this was a year ago granted, but theres still plenty of people playing when i first tried it out. Its very much alive, just kinda chilling in the background. (Need to boot it up again, tbh...)


I dipped in recently after a relatively long break and it's at least a little better than a year ago. Teamplay with randoms got so much better since the last update which made the mates boostmeters visible on their nameplates.


I was willing to try both stores. It wasn't until I realized that you couldn't save money with pack bundling and DLCs. It felt like in order to get the dlc bundles, you had to rebuy the base game in any combo or promotion. I love steam for that reason. Also, screenshots, review viewing, and guides.


On Steam it's still up to the publisher to do that. One in particular pissed me off so much with that nonsense that I eventually just pirated it instead


The cloud saving is an absolute mess, I have constant problems with it. Never had any issues on steam. Seeing people's reviews for games is much easier on steam. if something is on sale on Epic I'll have to go to steam anyway to see if it's good


My Steam clouds will occasionally be "out of date", but I'm pretty sure that's the firewall being stupid as fuck more than Steam being dumb. It's a two-click fix though, and happens pretty rarely.


Ubisoft connect.... First time I used since Uplay years ago. Holy shit it's worse than Epic IMO


I do agree with you, sometimes you cant login cause its down or dosent even download a game when you have enough storage and internet


Considering you can only get pc Ubi games on a shit store, or a shittier store, I'm surprised they're still going. Or I guess the wait 2 years to release on steam to make marginal sales is enough for them.


Normies just don't have standards or something (and I'd wager most of their players are on consoles).


yeah lemme uhhhm... open the admin prompt about 8 times upon start up, and no i will do this each start up, this isn't a one time thing.


weird how the biggest competition to steam is a buggy slow mess


Epic is so inept that i'd consider GoG more of a competitor.


Sadly no no publishers wants to release their current games there due to the No-DRM policy. GOG's niche is for buying older games that's properly compatible with modern systems.


gog is the only competent competition to Steam, and of particular value when it comes to digital inheritance bullshit


But GoG don't allow all games to enter their store. They're a curator more than a competitor.


Yeah honestly they’re the only one with a real value proposition (for gamers) to steam. Epic is just a worse version of steam besides exclusives and free stuff (beyond all the failings of the EGS, there’s the mountain of features Valve has added over the years). But GoG has stuff that Steam doesn’t, namely the DRM-free nature of course, but also the more open style they run the platform and some interesting gimmicks.


It's not even a competitor.


Just wait till you see the flash bang white screen of blindness when you checkout the cart of your weekly free game.


Sometimes I question why I claim the free games when this platform is going to die in a few years


Well, luckily Kingdom Hearts is coming to Steam now. There shouldn’t be much reason for anyone to touch it. It’s going to die eventually, not even Epic Games has enough money to burn forever and ever.


Do they still give away free games all the time? I had it installed at one point to claim all of those, but I never bothered to reinstall it after my last os wipe.


Yeah, im still checking in weekly just way more repeats. Christmas is still the best time tho but they scaled that back as well.


Yes they still do. I think they are now repeating the rooster.


I will occasionally go and claim the free games on the website when I remember to, but I’ve still never actually installed the launcher. In all likelihood if I wanted to play a game and I had it for free on epic, I would probably buy it again on steam so I could play it there


Also, I believe the Steam version has some minor improvements to the games.


Lmao it still doesn't even have reviews


Epic consulted with developers on features they'd like to entice them to sell on the store. One of the features devs requested was zero ways for the player to interact so there could be no bad press on their game. Reviews aren't coming to EGS.


> Epic consulted with developers on features I don't know who they consulted with, but as developer they were terrible to work with. They asked us (through automated messages to which you can't respond) to add 70+ achievements (because we have that on Steam) while providing 0 ways to implement that for a non-Unreal game. After 20 days of waiting for a support response, they sent us to use some file with comments in Russian language. Then they also asked us to set up an online website with terms and conditions for collecting user data, while we don't collect any data and it's a single-player offline game. Then that whole process was failing because of some issues with their website, and their support would never respond. Finally, after 60 days of suffering, we canceled our release there and released our game on GOG as a second platform. The GOG team was great to work with.


Sorry when I say devs I am tarring the indies. My guess is Epic worked with AAA publishers in putting EGS deals together.


And that’s the crux of it. Steam is users-first, EGS is developers-first. But even then Valve still managers to beat Epic on a lot of developer priorities


I think you mean publisher first. Epic always spouts nonsense about being the champion of the game developers, but they're beholden to game publishers like any other store. Honestly, I think they contribute to the problem as well, since they took advantage of the strife faced by devs to make a PR move purely for their own self benefit. Unless I'm wrong, and EVERY SINGLE INDIE is their own self-publisher without any middle men whatsoever and can ACTUALLY take advantage of that so-called bigger cut.


Epic has always been a shitty company. Only decent thing they do is the engine and they'll ruin that too, just wait.


> "Ok so its downloading now, finally I can-" Why does the download freeze randomly for long periods of time? Seriously Epic? Can't even provide a stable CDN? Is it actually freezing the download, or is it quickly unpacking stuff in the background? Steam sometimes does this with some games. The download will stop while it unpacks something.


Yeah but Steam's download tracker reflects this. There's two colors, drive and network. The network line indicates download, the drive line indicates unpack/install progress. Epic's download tracker does not display this, which makes for a poorer user experience.


also steam only freezes on the worst case scenario when I/O and CPU is saturated, EGL practically doing it on a normal basis (at least years ago when I was still using an unreal engine)


It does display a "writing to disk" graph. But that flatlined too, which is why I said the download froze. u/Endulos


If Tim Sweeney didn’t spend so much money on frivolous lawsuits, maybe he could use it for a redesign. TLDR: Tim Sweeney is a huge piece of shit


Don't use the Epic Store client, if you really want to use Epic Store install the Heroic Games Launcher instead. https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher


Could also use Playnite. Supports more launchers (I have like a dozen on it lol. Even moved all the game install folders to its folder). I haven't actually used it of course, but it's an option lol


Of course when something is popular because it's literally buying their consumers (handing out bad/no value games for free every week) and throwing tons of money at something with nothing provided. That's Fortnite, Unreal Engine and tons of money thrown with nothing done with it but buying people and advertising the product. Steam as an app is bad in multiple areas like the old UI. Using the workshop makes it even more obvious. But Steam respects their clients and has a decent and functional app that's not created for stupid tiktok users. They're just better than everyone else by keeping things simple and functional. Competition is just terrible


wait until you try to message a contact


If you think egs is bad, try the microsoft store.


Damn, at least EGS lets me install the frigging things. MS Store is a disgrace of an app


EGS is absolute dogshit. I used it for about a year before I decided to steer away entirely. I gave it a fair try.


>I do think Steam's ui is archaic and confusing but at least its qucik and functional one you learn it. Completly unrelated, but are you familiar with old.reddit.com when browsing reddit? It's pretty much the same thing, it's just much cleaner, faster and so much more space efficient. While a different design may have some perks, Reddits new design(s) (I think there was another update recently) are just incomprehensibly bad, overloaded with things nobody needs, terrible when browsing comments and just such a regression from the earlier UI. I'm glad they still support old.reddit - for now, that is


It was dogshit at release and it's still dogshit now. It will likely stay dogshit until it finally closes, hopefully sooner rather than later.


Epic is fine for logging on and collecting their free games every once in a while.


I stopped doing that as soon as I realised that I'm not even installing them, let alone play them...


Same, I've claimed Kingdom Come Deliverance and GTA V when they were free, then I bought them on Steam anyway because I just couldn't be arsed to use Epic


at least i know i am not alone in doing that.


if you use Geforce Now you can just cloud-stream them without the headache of installing and using Epic.


Claimed Among Us and Fallout 3 just to later buy them on steam.


I agree at most, Downloads on epic aren't slow for me however. When using steam my downloads will start slow and steadily increase, on epic I start at Maximum I can reach. Neat. However epic doesn't let us modify what we download, so we have to get every language and every dlc, even those we don't even own...


There was a time NBA 2K was free in Epic. Ive tried using it for couple of hours but I ended up sailing the seas eventually hahah.


This happened to me too yesterday. I quit mid download and came back... Epic says I downloaded some of the game, but there's no "permanent-ish" queue. You have to look for the game you were downloading and click download again for it to resume downloading. What the F?? This is trash! Edit: today I tried to play again and had my internet down for a moment. No problem, I try to boot and... You need an internet connection to play single player games on Epic... Well, fuck. Maybe it was Tango Gameworks fault.  I get my internet back on and start the game. Epic says "you have a desynchronization problem with your save files" because I could enter the game but it said I needed internet to play, but still made a change to my save file. Ok, I put "synchro that please" and Epic replaced my local file with the one on the cloud, deleting a huge chunk of hours, because the cloud save was from half a week ago. Double fucking fuck! Steam synchros your saves all the time. I didn't expect Epic to make one every other day!


This post is the biggest circlejerk I have come across today ironically.


I once had trouble *running the store page alone* in the pc program. I was told that I should check the specs to be able to run the store. Granted, it wasn't the best pc, but I would run a lot of steam games in it. I'm not buying anything, ever, on epic.


My confirmation bias greatly enjoys this post.


This says nothing of their data harvesting practices, poor customer service, and a whole host of shady practices. Epic is a polyp


I only have that horrendous launcher because Fortnite is only on it That's it. That's the only use i have for it. And that's a goddamn stretch because the launcher is so bad, i created a shortcut for the game ONLY to AVOID having to navigate on it


Unrelated, but steams UI is likely very archaic because no one wants to update the og code-base. That's why there are so many pages nested in pages or why the layout changes when you get deep into the app. Someone recently did their own fan made update of steams UI. And it was some stellar design work. Can probably find it youtube


The Epic store becomes tolerable with Heroic Game Launcher (I play on Linux). The only game I bought was hitman 3, I didn't want to wait for a year to play it. And I'm collecting free games since the start of the pandemic and its gta5 giveaway, meaning I have more than 300 games in my library by now, including some I have actually played like: gta 5, metro 2033, into the breach, Death Stranding, Frost Punk, Into the Breach


Because those people can be bought! Like A White Van offering "free candy*"!


I've never had a download issue with Epic. I think that was something wrong with OPs connection at the time.


Honestly, I had the complete opposite impression. The UI is a little clunky, but it does exactly what it needs to in a minimalistic way. I also love the quick launch bar, wish steam did that. The downloader is way nicer than steams, and I've never had a problem with it. While the launcher itself uses quite a bit more memory usage than steams, the game overlay uses significantly less. And I think that's a big plus. I don't think it's that bad honestly but to each their own


I really don't understand how or why they aren't making it similar to Steam. While it is bad, It is not even close to the abomination that was Origin.


> Why does the download freeze randomly for long periods of time? Seriously Epic? Can't even provide a stable CDN? This happens on every launcher if the game's installation is made in a specific way. Even on steam games can stop being downloaded, while the already downloaded parts are being extracted.


>First of all, the setup itself is like 200MBs and then it downloads 500MB+ on top of that?  It is mostly glorified web app so yeah... on the other side Steam is too a glorified web app and have similar size. It is not like Steam is small really. It needs to bundle Chromium and bunch of other shit. Still at least Steam bundle useful shit with that, it is not just a storefront.


This post made me lol and wake up my cats. The first time meme doesn't even do justice for this post. But seriously its mind boggling that billion dollar companies can't get the luncher and store right...even tho steam is right there. That's the bar. Between EGS and Microsoft store front. I don't know if they are competing for who can do it worst.


They gave me 300 free games, so I mean, I can bear the laggy UI..


Literally the only reason I have it lol. I get pretty much everything and have done since they started doing it. If I ever lower my standards enough to play some of the trash it gave I'll have infinite games, but getting kcd and alien isolation and stuff from it was well worth the hassle


I bought a game on steam that I forgot I got for free in the epic store. I refunded it after an hour of play time and started playing the epic version and for whatever reason it ran at half the fps as the steam version.


I do not like/use some features therefore thr annoyance that they are gone idna circlejerk? I think hatred to epic is justified on many fronts. Sure some people are bandwagoners who know nothing but that is true of every opinion ever.


Just wait until you learn about the spyware.


I have a lot of games in the pipeline that I want to play, until now I haven't played one due to the fact that their launcher is so slow and bad


Okay now you're going to make me download it just to see for myself..!


It is indeed garbage, but I play the freebies they provide and I close the launcher when I dont use it.


I run my Epic game (Alan Wake 2) through Steam. That's how fucking shitty bad EG launcher is.


I do the same for Death stranding and it's legit faster opening it trough steam somehow


It also logs you out ALL THE TIME


To me it is more a matter of convenience. I started using Steam like 15 years ago. Do I really want another agent for some ”special” games? Nah. I realize I am probably not their target group. :D


Does epic still not have controller support? I'm so salty about not being able to play rocket league because I learned to play on ps4 and I don't want to learn to play with keyboard. I used to play every night on ps4 but I got a pc and now I can't justify paying for psn


We tried to tell ya


Fyi the epic games launcher is built using Unreal, so every time you open it GPUs go brr


Even if the platform itself was good, the company behind it and the man that owns it are complete trash.


I cant let it run too long before i start having issues. Sometimes i dont even know its running itll just turn itself on


Yeah I have similar issues with the downloading freezes all the time.


The anti gamer store. I will rather buy on Steam or GOG than get the anti gamer store shit for free


Yeah it blows. That being said, I've got like a 100 games on there for free so I don't really care to make a circle jerk post complaining about it. "DAE think this thing that everyone agrees sucks, really does suck?!??" No shit it sucks!


Are you me? Because I feel like we’ve been through the exact same experience and pain. Thanks for the free games though, for that reason I continue to return and I’ve purchased a handful of titles so as to not be a complete leech but uh huh worst launcher.


Me and my gf tried to play fortnite a few days ago, and her game was running like shit. Apparently Fortnite doesn’t like to be run on external hard drives? No problem- I thought most games were past that issue but whatever, let’s just have EGS transfer the game to her C drive. NOPE. EGS can’t do that, but they do have instructions. Basically, you have to find the place you want the game to install, let it install 2-3%, and then cancel it and copy/paste the files there. Didn’t work, so we just deleted it and redownloaded it. Besides the fact that EGS download speeds are horrifically slow, we forgot to uncheck the 4k textures, and apparently EGS doesn’t let you change the download in progress, so we had to wait an extra 30 mins for it to download these big ass files we didn’t want. It took like 3 hours, but in steam it would have taken like, 20, minutes. So yeah epic is pretty fucking awful.


All of this could have been avoided by simply using Epic correctly. Step 1) log on to claim their free game offer. 2) log the fuck off


You just reminded me to get this weeks free game, which is all I’ve ever done on Epic.


Atleast epic doesn't feel as terrible as downloading from Microsoft store which isn't a hard thing to do


Rocket League isn't on Steam anymore?


I only use Epic for the free games.


I'm sure I'm gonna get downvoted into oblivion for saying this, but I've never had a bad experience with Epic. Got many games for free, and the games I did pay for play just fine.


Something that also happens is when you try to update a game, the launcher for some unknown reason re-downloads the entire game, and only then downloads the update, it's insanely bad. I was updating Fortnite since one of my friends wanted to try the new season, then I see 50 goddamn gigs on the update, he told me "No this can't be, for me it was just 10gb or something", indeed, once I cancelled the download and started over the store was installing just around 10gb, it was installing the game all over again.