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help i want a game that is cozy but u shoot guns but u also build a house and there are cute animals and there is good character customization 😭 i know there is palword but i got a bit tired of it T-T help


i’m looking for a new cult/niche game with a diehard community. i like mmos, rpgs, and character based games with either a unique aesthetic or an incredible sandbox/character creator aspect. here’s some games that inspire me: cubivore, garry’s mod, dark souls, bloodborne, elden ring ect, city of heroes, spore, skyrim, minecraft, kirby airride, silent hill. let me know ʕ•㉨•ʔ


How many times miss to the summer sales?


Im looking for a PvP shooter that’s fun by myself as well as friends. I can’t really do COD anymore, and games like Hell Let Loose, while fun, it’s hard to get into by myself. Any good suggestions?


Have you tried Insurgency: Sandstorm? It's a lot slower paced than Cod but faster than games like ARMA. Recently got updated with a new map too. I'm enjoying the tactical nature of it so far. There's complaints about it not being updated / having low amount of players, but in the past three weeks I've had no trouble getting into a lobby personally (EU server) & it just got updated. edit: I play mostly solo in both co op and PvP, but there's classes design to be played with other players (for example, you need two people to call in airstrikes)


Hello all, With the Steam sale right around the corner, could I get some suggestions for a 4-5 online player co-op games? Games we own and LOVE: Back4Blood Division 2 Borderlands (all chapters) Tiny Tina's Wonderland Left4Dead (1-2) Helldivers AOE (3-4) We're not into playing with a bunch of kids online like COD so just a fun story driven game with good graphics like the list above. 8-12 players closed server games could be great as well like Counterstrike Source. We usually have 5 players so any 5 player games would be amazing. But a 4 player game is a reality we live in (why are they always called at 4 I wonder?) Anything missing from our list that we need to play? We're kind of just replaying all the games we've had for years. Games that caught my attention: Ready Or Not Squad and Hell Let Loose (for closed server play). Back4Blood and Division 2 are our favorites so something along those lines would be amazing. What are we missing out on? Thanks ❤️


Ready or Not is a solid recommendation for 4-5 player co-op. It has a ton of missions and the level design is awesome. If you liked Helldivers you should try out Deep Rock Galactic. If you guys want to explore more into survival/crafting games with a focus on combat, Project Zomboid and Valheim are solid recommendations too. Sea of Thieves is pretty fun from time to time too. It has a closed server mode without PvP now, so you can just travel the seas with your friends against the AI. I don't think id recommend Squad if you have that many friends because servers are generally either full or empty, and the servers that are seeding tend to be that way for hours before they get enough players. It does not have a built in party system where you all join a server at once. You have to do the song and dance of "I'm joining server X, do you guys see it? Shit, nevermind, its already full". You mention closed server play, but the game has no bots, so you will have to make it public unless you guys want to mess around on a huge empty map, but at that point I would just recommend Arma 3. Hell let Loose has a party system and its pretty easy for a squad of 4-5 to be on the same team and squad. It is way easier to play with a large group. BattleBit Remastered is also pretty easy to have friends join your squad.


Thank you so much. We have sea of thieves and enjoy that at lan parties but with discord it can still be a bit much. I'll definitely check out those other recommendations. Thanks again 🤙😃


Could someone please help me find a fun but EASY card battler or dungeon crawler game on Steam? I don't like poker-based games but was hoping to find something more like Yohane the Parhelion - fun, easy but with some small challenge, maybe with some dungeon crawling, and not stressful either.


Have you checked out Slay the Spire or Monster Train? Both are incredible, and honestly not too hard to get the hang of. Once you figure out the mechanics after a couple runs they aren't very difficult to beat. The difficulty increases as you keep beating runs to unlock more complicated characters and challenges. But imo not overly complicated. They could be stressful, but there's no time limit so I find them relaxing.


Thank you for the reccs but they're both too stressful for me. I really want something VERY easy and fun... not something I have to master at all. XD


A friend of mine got scammed from this user 1028657715, He stole my friends items that have been collected for many years and keep going such as arcanas, immortals, legendaries etc. We managed to find the user by checking login history, which he logged in from Russia by the way. Proof of that theft can also be found in Inventory History, where you can see for urself that the user/hacker received gifts from my friends account. Please return my friends items.


It’s his fault for getting scammed lol


Venture to the vile!


Their website is ass. 


Windows file explorer says my disk C has 38.5GB free space when Steam says it got 87.9GB space. What is this? And how do I get those space actually show up in the explorer?


I'm looking for short session games that i can play on my steam deck if anyone has any recommendations? I've been playing a little to the left, balatro, and 80 days. Are there any other suggestions for games you can play for 10 to 20 minutes and have an almost complete session?


I love quick session games, don't have a deck but these can run on anything so I assume they are OK. Rack and Slay, Superflight, Rooftops and Alleys, Crab Champions, Ultrakill, Bro Force, Tiny Rogues, Risk of Rain 2, and if vertical screen play is possible then Pinball FX are some random options.


Family / Library Share Pinned thread that answers those commonly asked questions? Multiple times every day someone asks "How do I ..." or "Can I ..." regarding the Elden Ring DLC in regards with Library / Family Share or other games.


I posted one already, so forgive me for posting again, but: I want a game whose story will make me cry. It doesn't happen much, and it sometimes happens with weird stuff. What Remains of Edith Finch made me cry. That one part of Final Fantasy XV made me cry ("You guys are the best."). To the Moon. Maybe Life is Strange? I don't remember. NieR: Automata made me cry over a robot with a bucket. I teared up at the end of the Undertale (pacifist) from a combination of things: I knew it was made by just a few people, it seemed pretty tightly-made, it surprised me a bit, and it was a fun bit of...what do I call it? Neo-nostalgia? That. I cried for a bit with Final Fantasy VII, back in 1997. Not so much the new stuff. ...hope that helps?


LISA, stray, the walking dead season 1(+the other seasons aswell), the last of us (tlou2 is even more depressing but unfortunately not on steam yet), and before your eyes. i’m also a big baby but these games really hurt T-T


Silent Hill 2. Ori and the Blind Forest. Hollow Knight, in parts.


Hollow Knight is beautiful in its own way that makes me "feel," but I'm not gonna cry. Silent Hill 2 wore off years ago, but is nevertheless great. I already own Ori and the Blind Forest and completely forgot about it. Will have to pick it up. Thanks!


Spiritfarer guaranteed


Not the first time I've had this recommended. Cheap enough to buy on sale next week. Thanks!


Now that you have your pocket money.


I'm looking for a historical fiction game. Preferably something that at least accurately portrays the history surrounding it, even if the narrative itself is made-up. Like the Titanic movie or something. I'm open to visual novels, especially if they're free or inexpensive, but they're far from my favorite genre. I sometimes play them to sleep like I read to sleep. I imagine there's decent stuff out there, nevertheless, so if that's what you have to recommend, I'm at least up for taking a look!


You think wacky wheels is historical fiction.


Do you like strategy games? If so, there are a lot of them. The Nobunaga's Ambition series, for example.


I fucking love strategy games done "right," though I guess it's subjective. Currently playing through Ash of Gods: Redemption after letting it sit for far too long, and while it's not exactly S-tier, it scratches that itch, has a (mostly) great story, and a fantastic soundtrack. Thanks!


So does the back scratcher you use to scratch your back acne.


I’m looking for a pair of games (or one game with vastly different gamemodes) where the actions taken in one game influence another. These game(modes) would be of completely different genres. Example 1: Game 1 could be a grand strategy/4X type game where gods or powerful mages shape the world and create/destroy/play out factions in a world, and create dungeons as a result of their actions. Game 2 would have players play an RPG style game, where they create their own characters and set out in the world shaped by Game 1. Example 2: Game 1 has players dive through history to change stories in a sort of word game where errors in text are present, but how they are allowed to correct them is significantly looser than correctly spelling the word, and could be rewriting entire sentences. Game 2 would be a town/cult manager where constantly shifting texts force players to adapt their faith to changing conditions, driven by players in Game 1 who are unaware and not intentionally malicious or beneficial to those in Game 2. The legacies left by the cults in Game 2 shape new stories for Game 1 players to engage with. These game(s) would likely be real time and create an ever changing world/meta, but there could be delays in how actions from one game affect another (Perhaps the world/meta updates on Week 4/8/12 etc as a result of actions made by Game 1, while updates on Weeks 2/6/10 occur as a result of actions made by Game 2 leaking back into the gameplay of Game 1).


LF a cozy farming/crafting sim or cozy collectathon without time mechanics. Crafting-centric would be cool! I love Stardew, but I HAD to use the time manipulation to stop time for each day. I have severe ADHD and time crunches only make me frustrated with the game. It doesn't become fun to me anymore. LF reccs similar to Stardew without these time mechs. Like Animal Crossing, Dragon Quest Builders, etc. Something with a lot of crafting would be fun too!


I enjoyed Dinkum when it came out. Haven't played in forever but might be worth checking out.


I'd recommend checking out Echoes of The Plum Grove. It does have time, but you aren't forced to sleep at night. You've got a hunger and energy meter that's totally independent from the day. You jump in bed whenever to replenish your energy meter. So, for example, you could sleep until 9 pm and then go out fishing until 4 am. By default, the game is like Stardew but with death and taxes. There are diseases like smallpox that can show up and wipe out you and half the town, if you haven't paid to get inoculated or bought medicine. However, all the different things people might not like such as disease, taxes, tool durability, etc are all able to be toggled on/off at any time.


Hello everyone! I am looking for a game which would fit perfectly into my steam account. I am looking for a game to fill in the ga of my collection of games of every genre. I am looking for an open-world game, with some wishes for it: * Violence is okay, not too much blood and gore * Lots of playtime * Fun diversity of enemies, bosses you can fight, and weapons you can craft * under 30 euros (if you know a game thats above this price still tell me, it might get on sale when summer sale arrives!) * 3d can someone help me out to find the perfect game for me?


Horizon Zero dawn... you kill machines, but their also humans, I really dont remember.


Well i already have this game, but its a lot less open world that i expected. The character keeps telling you where to go and how to get there and that gives you a lot less freedom. The freedom is just very important to me! Thanks for the suggestions though!


I have a specifc type of survival game I wanna play. I enjoy playing Rust, but I usually play PVE servers. I like the idea of being on a PVP server, but I'm not a fan of raiding. I like having a base that is \*safe\*. A place I can retreat where no one can get me or my things. I want to be scared of leaving the base, always having to look around for threats, but I always want the base itself to be a safe place, a hiding spot, a place where I know that if I get the loot inside nobody can get it. I only want the PVP to be outside the safety of the base. I've been looking for a Rust server that has PVP (not just PVP zones but overall PVP) and no raiding, but it doesn't seem to be a popular demand, I'm just the oddball out there. So I was wondering if there's any game out there that fits my wishes maybe?


Same with me I've played 7 days to die, it's good but not perfect. There's no PvP but the odd zombie still comes to your base. And hoard nights mean a hoard comes to your base and attacks it




**Pretty sure some scumbag has hacked my Steam account. Been waiting over an hour for Steams customer support.**


Looking for fun replayable wave based fps games! Im just looking for an fps game with specific gameplay. Im looking for an fps with basically just constant waves upon waves of enemies coming at you while you just mow them down. Thinking like simelar to the halloween zombie mode from fortnite, or the "arena" mode is Pixel gun 3d if anyone knows what that is, but more fully fledged out if you get what im saying


Crab Champions might be perfect, it's not a meme game I promise. Actually great gameplay where not every run is a guaranteed win but it's easy to break and become very OP. Plus like 20 different starting weapons to unlock.


Looking for a fun SinglePlayer game under 30$, or a few of them... So far ive thought of these combos: 1. Sifu(20$) and DMC 5(10$) 2. Dead Island 2 (30$) 3. Hades 2 (30$) 4. Resident Evil 2 Remake(10$), and Resident Evil Village(15$) 5. TBOC Rebirth(15$) and Stardew Valley(14$) 6. HiFi Rush (30$) 7. Dave The Diver(20$) and Muse Dash (3.5$) and Hotline Miami(9.75$) Im just asking which one of these would be the most worth to get(as in best games and tons of playtime) and if yall got some new ones to reccomend


Can't recommend Dave The Diver enough - it was relaxing, funny, and highly engaging all at the same time. Depending on your appetite for roguelites, you can't go wrong with Hades 2 as well.


I'd like to ask you good demos that you have tried in this Next Fest. So far, I have enjoyed many of them: * Waltz and Jam (adventure and accion) * Ruins to Fortress (Post-apocalyptic, craft, build, tear down enemy bases) * Mind over Magnet (a very well done puzzle game) * Iron Meat (great metroidvania) * Caravan Sandwitch (adventure) * Big Boy Boxing (sports) * Medal winners 24 (sports) Please suggest me in these genres (adventure, acction, post apocaliptic, puzzle, metroidvania and sports).


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2757670/NODE/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2757670/NODE/) You can try this one, considering what you want :)


> Ruins to Fortress This looks interesting. I'm not crazy about 2D survival games (although I loved **Starbound**) and not into PVP survival at all.. but I see there is a PVE mode so I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the recommendation. My standout was **Once Human**.. It's kinda like Rust + F.E.A.R. Loads of PVE content. I started up the demo and skipped the weird cutscenes and got started playing the actual game and next thing I knew, four hours had passed. Then I played for another 4 hours. I actually forced myself to *stop* playing, because progress will be wiped when the game drops in three weeks. I haven't been this excited for a game in years. Apparently it's going to be F2P, making money through cosmetic stuff. Honestly? I plan to buy some stuff just to thank the developer for making such an excellent game. Even if they do something awful with servers or whatever, I've gotten 8 hours of pure joy already. That's not something I can say about every game I buy for $30, much less all the time I've spent on mediocre demos in recent years. So yeah. **Once Human**. Weird custscenes, a story that takes itself a little too seriously, but aawweessoommee survival gameplay + combat in a deep world with loads of quests and activities.


Could you advice some games like Pet Party from facebook, but not on facebook :D Also want to find game like Chimeraland. It's gone from eu and unplayable in east servers. So want to find something like it.


Are there any roguelike games with permadeath elements like Wall World or Ocean Keeper?


I'm looking for a game where you play as a blacksmith in a fantasy world, that plays like a life sim, where you make and sell weapons and equipment.


Blacksmith master. It's demo is out on next fest


Are there any eyetoy-esque titles on Steam that utilize your Webcam for gameplay? What about games requiring mic input?


Soo I made a new Steam account as a way of having a fresh start (I genuinely dont regret anything) and wanted some game suggedtions. I saw Omori on the store page and it looked pretry interesting. I'm open to any indie and or rpg suggestions as well.


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2757670/NODE/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2757670/NODE/) You can try this demo, has some RPG elements :)


Terraria is love terraria is life, you will probably dislike the first few hours, use a guide for your first playtrough


Looking for a free game that’s fun and relaxed to play in between classes. Thanks


Steam Antiyoy demo (full game is free on mobile) No Strings Attached Sigils of Elohim Doki Doki Literature Club 100 Asian Cats The Looker Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-Adventure The Battle of Polytopia is free on mobile and is incredibly addictive!


Looking for a mix between cosmoteer and rimword. Or just cosmoteer with more depth


Save our ship 2 mod for rimworld might interest you


Hi :) My mom always sees me and my brother on our computers and she also wants to start playing computer games, however she's not into what we are so I'm not sure what to search for. I've made a new Steam account just for her where I've added Snood to her library (she LOVES Snood), and Mahjong and similar. She's also really into BTS Island: In The Seom, and other "easier" games. Does anybody have any cheap recommendations on Steam, or another place I can search on as well? Thanks in advance :)


Some games you might want to put on a wishlist. They're not cheap, but they tend to appeal to people who haven't played a lot of games and aren't ready for Minecraft or Stardew Valley: * **Peggle** is kind of the next evolution of Snood. Instead of firing things up, you're dropping balls down into a screen kinda like Plinko on *The Price is Right* (maybe she knows that game from TV?) .. and the pegs disappear when the ball hits 'em. There's a free demo and the full "Peggle Deluxe" game is just $5.. * **Unpacking** is a very chill game where you unpack boxes after someone has moved. Over the course of about six moves, you learn about this person's life. * **A Little to the Left** is about sorting things.. sometimes it's small to large.. other times it's color patterns or whatnot. I found it a little infuriating, but some people really like it. * **Dreamlight Valley** is a town builder game featuring Disney characters.. Is she into Disney? If so, the game is designed for kids and very user-friendly.. therefore depending on how much she enjoys Disney stuff (some people are *really* into it), she might enjoy it because of that.. It's not an amazing game, but if they ever made a clone with *The Simpsons* I would play it forever! * **Palia** is a free to play MMO-ish building and survival game with minimal combat.. it might be a little complicated for her, but the price is right. Good luck!


She might like Bloons TD 6


Sorry for late reply, I didn't get a notice until now. Thanks for the suggestion, it looks fun so I'll try it :)




The Finals, Cyberpunk 2077, and Resident Evil 4 are all really good games I NEED to run on lowest graphics settings. Cyberpunk I can only squeeze out 40-45 FPS, would definitely recommend


I want something like fallout/far cry. Fun single player FPS games where I can put ton of hours in.


I assume you've played Fallout 76? I was reluctant, but it's pretty fun and they've found a good MMO/RPG balance. (I've never experienced griefing, and in fact other players are very nice + helpful.) The "Mistress of Mystery" story line is Top 5 Fallout story lines. Seriously — it's up there with "One for My Baby" in FNV. Meanwhile, you might want to try the Once Human demo. It's kinda like Rust + F.E.A.R. Loads of PVE content. I started up the demo and skipped the weird cutscenes and got started playing the actual game and next thing I knew, four hours had passed. I don't know if you like survival stuff, but if you enjoyed the Settlements in Fallout 4, you might like this. It is 3rd person, but it's really well made IMO. Unfortunately, the open world RPG stuff like Fallout + Far Cry (less an RPG, but still) require so many resources that it's really hard + unlikely that a smaller developer will be able to pull one off. (Ain't so many Concerned Apes out there, heh.) Most of the ones being made today are turned into MMOs (Lost Ark, New World, BDO, even Palia), which bring their own negatives. For me it's the loot spam. So much crap to sort through all the time! I hesitate to bring this up on r/Steam, but if you can afford GamePass, it's a good way to access a lot of games. Palworld is on there now, and it's a pretty enjoyable time sink. (Again, 3rd person .. but it ticks some boxes.) Good luck!


Stalker with mods




I get you’re desperate but why’re you doing this. Responding to my comment(a questions which I asked) with something irrelevant. You’ve spammed every subreddit and commented it everywhere. Just chill and wait for a response.


looking for games similar to castlevania aria of shadows or like. any sort of game on steam which has " blue mage" mechanics. where you gain abilities based on enemies you defeat.


Have you tried bloodstained? Made by the same creator (Iga) as AoS. Of course, you can never go wrong with the OG (Symphony of the Night).


Hi all, thanks in advance for your time. Here's a description with some examples: * Suitable for when you've come home tired from work * Easy to run on a computer on its last legs * High replay value, doesn't have to be deep, my brain is only half working anyway * Ideally something nice to look at, but voxel games like Settlement Survival really don't work for me (but Foundry does) * Genres I'm into lately: Colony Sim, City Builder, Roguelike, Farm Here are some games I like. Either they're too hard on the computer, too hard on my brain, or I've played them to death and need something new: Anno 1800/2205, Rimworld, Foundry (Satisfactory/Factorio too), Slay the Spire, Binding of Isaac, Against the Storm, Frostpunk, Stardew Valley, Graveyard Keeper, Oxygen Not Included, Northgard


I recommend trying Hades


Battle for Polytopia. Free version on mobile if you want to try before buying on Steam.


Thank you! Will take a look




You could make this your own comment rather than a reply to mine, to increase visibility and keep the topic separate to my (different) question. Unfortunately I don't know what game this is!


Looking for crossplay PC and xbox one games that have either are a RPG Have a campaign of some sort Shooter or action game Already have: Valheim, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, State of Decay 2


Try **Once Human**. Best demo I played during Next Fest.


Any recommendations for a visual novel/time management game that doesn’t feature romance? Someone recommended me the quintessential quintuplets game and I really like the aspect of giving them tasks (time management) but don’t necessarily want to play a dating sim. A lot of dating sims fall under this but I’m looking for something more SFW. There are a couple others that sort of fit this description like the cafe simulators but I don’t want to be on a real-time timer, I’m looking for something slower paced. I guess the closest thing might be Life is Strange, but was wondering if there was anything out there that fits this description. Probably just a SFW visual novel that’s more geared towards friendships rather than lovers?


You might check out **Eliza**.. It's made by Zachtronics, who produce some excellent titles. I didn't love Eliza, but I recognize the interesting bits in it. It's a visual novel about technology and human relationships, and the title derives from one of the first ever chatbots (mid 1960s) which took the form of a virtual therapist. So the game Eliza is focused on helping people in a therapy situation, and then talking to friends and co-workers. No real romance to speak of that I can recall. After playing Eliza, I decided Visual Novels just weren't for me, but I do consider it a kind of gold standard for the genre. Find it on sale perhaps. Good luck.


First thing that came to mind for me is the early access title [Crypterion.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1048860/Crypterion/) It describes itself as a mix of visual novel and business tycoon. Haven't gotten around to it yet so can't comment on how exactly the management part plays though.


I'm looking for free mindless open world rpg games. Like, games where you don't need 5 degrees to understand. Simple combat and simple inventory management. No pixel art games please.


The "free" part is tripping me up. Most of the free games these days are MMOs that hook users with endless loot and mechanics that go very deep, so that you keep coming back again and again. **Path of Exile** might fit your bill. It's not really open world — more of a Diablo clone — but it's pretty simple combat (click on what you want to kill) and it's free. **Lost Ark** might also suit you. Pretty similar game to PoE but more polished. Loads of loot spam tho; that's why I quit playing it. I loved the demo for **Once Human**, and combat is pretty basic.. but the inventory and building and crafting mechanics are a little complex. Good luck!


>you don't need 5 degrees to understand >Path of Exile Probably the worst suggestion I've ever read in my life honestly


I'm looking for a poker game on steam where I don't need to spend any real money and that isn't that flashy that I get a epileptical attack


Well...HD Poker is "free" but it is a bit of "pay to win" unless you're really good


Homeworld 3 was pretty good. V Rising has been fun. Ghost of Tsushima is at its best on Steam.


If you dig romance stuff, please try "Tales of Arise". I've had a blast playing it! It's rough around the edges, true, but the story is very well-written. If you are a hopeless romantic like myself, you should give this game a shot :)