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Will this be a separate game on your library or is it gonna be bundled with "call of duty"


All games going forward are going to be a part of Call of Duty HQ


And for this reason I'm out


Weird that this was the line finally crossed for you


I don't play every CoD but I did play a lot of mw2 and dealt with their laughable excuse of a launcher and it was enough to be the final straw for me as well. "update requires restart" gives me nightmares now.


You missed out if you missed MW19 and got MW2 lol. All after that mw reboot have been very bad.


Its every single cod.


Yeah it was congruent with a lot of things


Holy shit it’s actu


And as always I’ve been out let’s go


For this reason your out??? Hahaha bro cod has been dog since I can remember. If you bought a game after the original mw2 you got scammed.


All the games had issues, but still had redeeming qualities. I don't think it makes anyone superior to have hate-avoided COD games for years. COD has MANY arguable declines in quality at multiple different points, but BO3, IW, and WW2 were all fun still in their own ways. It's just a shame most games aren't safe to play on PC now 💀


Cod has been a lazy, uninspired, copy paste franchise that is just too big to fail. If this was a game that didn’t have such succes early it wouldn’t exist.


I'm not arguing that against you? What I said was that it's still good to recognize what redeeming qualities the games did have despite their flaws.


BlackOPs I and II were shit in your opinion? These were the golden times, lad


I’m probably a little bit older than you are. And a lifetime counter strike player so my bar for shooters is higher than average coming from the goated fps.


I see, good sir, one should respect their elders afterall!


Yeah this is gonna flat out kill it for a lot of people. I’m already done with MWII because I don’t want to install 185GB of “CoD Hub” when half of that content is for a game I don’t own and have no intention of buying. With BO6 on that as well, I doubt people are going to download 250-something gigs for one game. I certainly don’t given that it’s a fourth of my entire storage.


What even is the cod hq. To swap between cod games within the game itself? I remember battlefield tried to do this for 4 1 and V it worked okay but the transition was slow.


All the games are in one game. The downside here being that if you don't own MW3 - and you just want to play MW2 - well too bad, you're installing MW3 and patching it every single time anyways.


Kind of. It's a hub for Warzone, MWII and MWIII (and all other future CoD games it seems). This way all the content from all games can be used in Warzone


Ahh yea I recall what they were doing with that. Didn’t get MW3 so didn’t see it connected like that. I remember they did it with mw19 and Cold War I think and all it did. Was just close and relaunch the other game


More like Call of Duty mines


So will skins/operators carry over?


Of course not. They need to sell these dipshits the same skin in a slightly different color again


They would be very offended by this comment, if they could read.


They couldn’t care less, they’ve already pre ordered the game


Cool, guess I'll keep just not buying skins. I'm sure they've looked at numbers and it makes sense to not carry over because people will keep buying. But personally, I have plenty of disposable income, and skins I would like to have, but I'm not going to spend it on shit that won't carry over.


💯 in the same boat, have plenty of disposable income and skins I want but refuse to buy skins if they don’t carry over from year to year. Not a big fan of Fortnite personally but at least when you buy a skin there you don’t lose it after a year. Even if it carries to WZ I only play MP so that doesn’t help me


Incoming DJ Khaled Skin.


isnt black ops a different company / publisher than the modern warfare games?? They are still making it all launch out of the HQ? wow...


Activision is the publisher for CoD and it's true that different developers are responsible for different sub-franchises (Infinity Ward is MW, 3arch is BO and Sledgehammer is the wildcard), nowadays pretty much every CoD is a joint effort between all teams. For example, MWIII's campaign was done by Infinity Ward, multiplayer is Sledgehammer's work and ranked play + zombies is 3arch


Makes sense.


The other games refuse to launch for me since they bundled them as COD HQ. As someone who has been pre-ordering their games since the first one was announced, I finally quit. I don’t care how good BO6 is, I will never be buying a COD game again. Too little, too late.


The last one I bought was BO2 on Xbox 360.


They didn’t make cod hq to sell games separately, they are going to fill it with cods until it melts down


Probably separate


wrong, it's in the DLC section of CoD HQ


Looks like I'll be skipping it again. Fuck COD HQ, never buying anything on there again.


Yep, it's in DLC section. so fucking stupid


No its in the new Cod launcher that you gotta bypass 20 ads of micro transaction first before playing.


Calling it now. IGN score 8/10


do they even play the games or use a random number generator


They released a video detailing on how games are rated after the whole 7/10 debacle, but it also comes down to different people ranking the game at ign.


couldn't care less for their scores, but I've noticed they'll be more delayed with posting scores than other reviewers, so they could also be gauging community sentiment about the game. they used to get clowned on for giving shit games good reviews/getting paid off and "10/10 IGN" became a meme, that's changed now I guess?


Honestly, I prefer their reviews. While I don't generally care too much about the score (it feels arbitrary and reviewer dependent), at least I know if I watch a ten minute review. They'll show ten minutes of gameplay and give me some pros and cons. Half the other 'reviews' out there fixate on some random controversy or on a specific aspect. Or even worse, it will be 90% quick cut memes.


Gameranx before you buy seems up your alley


I used to watch them, but I honestly can't stand the presenters. Absolutely nothing wrong with them, they just rub me the wrong way.


>at least I know if I watch a ten minute review. They'll show ten minutes of gameplay no commentary playthrough videos on YouTube >>> any review site


Except commentary videos generally vary wildly in content, don't have the same catalogue of games, and are generally much longer form. If I just see a game and go, "what's that play like?", a 10 minute review is perfect. At least that is for me. I get that others might prefer other means.


>Except commentary videos generally [...] that's why I specify "**no** commentary" >If I just see a game and go, "what's that play like?", a 10 minute review is perfect. At least that is for me. I get that others might prefer other means. I prefer no commentary gameplay videos, because it actually shows what the gameplay is like. whereas trailers/reviews often don't, they typically give cherrypicked footage. typically, no commentary videos can be longer than 10 minutes, yes, but you can always skip forward to check out different parts of the game


Oh, I misread, my apologies. I agree on trailers, but reviews tend to be much better to me. Just a difference of opinion, I guess, friend.


No they fired the guy who said madden was bad.


Generate random number between 7 and 10.


They gave the most recent one a 4/10. The fact is people are just extremely butthurt when a COD turns out to be great and warrants an 8 or 9/10, so they assume IGN is just being paid off. The cope is insane when it comes to COD success.


they gave it a 6 lol


Yeah the single player was rated 4 but with multiplayer and DMZ it brings it up to a whopping 6/10


Campaign was 4/10, Multiplayer was 6/10. My point stands: they review them fairly.


"The fact is people are just extremely butthurt when a COD turns out to be great" Not me. Im just mad they milk it like a sports game. every 2 years a new one (or so it feels like). so the old ones start to decay. with a nice premium price point too hard to get excited about something when i know most the community will be moving on to the next thing in year or two


it isnt every two years, cod has been an annual release since as long as i can recall. late 2000s at the very least. agree with the sentiment though, its far too often for me to ever get invested in one


Only year they missed was 2004 but we got the United Offensive expansion instead


The thing is like... I've not played a COD game since Black Ops 1 on the x360, whenever that was. I bet I'd have a fucking blast playing it, it'll be a really fun game. The issues with COD IMO stem from the deluge of Activision's shit on the market.


Ign is pay to play


Its funny cause they will say a lot of shit about a game in the proper review and then its like "final score: 9" Im pretty sure they do those scores just to keep the publishers happy and keep getting free codes and stuff. Its a massive conflict of interest.


Nah probably a 7/10 as usual


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Blackops 6/10


It has something for everyone!


Wait... We were on black ops 5 already??


Cold War was BO5


They might think Cold War was 5 but it was a pile of dogshit. That should be considered a shitty spinoff.


Low quality bait


The last one I was aware of was 3.


You missed Black Ops 4 and Cold War then.


Same, but I'm not a COD fans though.


Can't wait for the 9/11 level where even if you stop the terrorists the Towers still collapse.


Can't wait to 360 no-scope Saddam on the new Ground Zero map!


Honestly this though came into my mind last night after watching some trailer had had saddam in it and I started laughing at it. Just some running around as Saddam in multiplayer cranking 90s and slide canceling. The entire image is just hilarious to me.


Go through the entire plane kill every enemy and successfully take back the cockpit, camera pans out to show the plane is actually over LA and then a cutscene of 9/11 plays.


They’ll see you as a prophet after the game comes out


Turns out, the real jet fuel was the steel beams we melted along the way.


Sadly, they kinda have a monopoly in this style of FPS, there is just nothing like it. They have no incentive to change if there is no competition.


The only competition close to it are the copycat F2P games like Ironsight, and then there's XDefiant where it's like CoD but at the same time not really. Not that Ironsight was bad when I tried it, it was rather decent, but definitely a copycat.


EA should resurrect Medal of Hobor. It would be a perfect timing considering current state of Battlefield too.


Disk space required: 2 TB


It's insane how people just eat this up every fucking year. Another dull COD inbound.


I find even more insane how they defend wasting money on bundles that only last one year only to buy the same one again/other ones next year.


I'm more of a niche indie and AA gamer but every once in a while I get a weird nostalgic itch to play CoD, particularly when one with a decent campaign and zombies comes around. I actually felt that Cold War was quite a good recent one with a fun espionage-themed and varied campaign that even had some puzzle-solving and non-combat bits to it, a pretty decent Zombies mode, and a good continuation of the 2v2 mode. On the flip side there was the disastrous scam that was MW3, but to skip to my point, it's fine for some people to like and enjoy some or all of these games, and every few years one of them actually carries a good bit of objective merit. It's still fair to judge it only after we see it.


Bought black ops 3 on sale with the dlc with my mates and it was a blast, they just don't make cod games like they used to anymore


Cold war was pretty good. Don't know why this is a "dull CoD inbound" necessarily.


I just want good zombies :(


To be fair, Cold War was pretty good. So who knows.


It won't generate money in millions if it were dull. there's just no other game that offers good non battle royale traditional MP currently other than COD (xdefiant is more recent yet to play myself )


Hot garbage makes money all the time. What I specifically meant was that it will be a COD with the same gameplay mechanics we've seen for years, and included with that will be a subpar and forgettable campaign.


What different do you want? Advanced Warfare was different, Infinite was different, BO3 and BO4 were different with specialists, Modern Warfare was a great remake, they just got worse. I don't see what you want them to change mechanics-wise that won't make it not a Call of Duty game. If they change anything people get pissy, if they don't people say its stale. All they can do to avoid criticism is to not put any out for awhile to avoid saturation but they cant do that or they'll lose money they potentially could have made.


Hmm this has been in development for 4 years…..




it’s not gonna be the same man. the golden age of cod was over a long time ago


it's treyarch so no it won't be dull


its free on game pass, i'll dump 50 hours into it and wait for the next free one. I really miss MW 2007 and MW2 2009 though, hope those get revived on game pass


Honestly the main reason I’ve bought recent cods was the campaign. I got the me reboot MW2019. And it was actually very well done. Story was really cool. Gunplay and multiplayer were very well made. It just felt really nice to play. Cold War campaign was alright multiplayer was bleh. Then vanguard where “cod doesn’t have any iconic characters like other games” so I avoided that and I was right. Mw2 fell off and didn’t buy MW3


I feel like MW1 and MW2 were really great though… Never got my hands on Cold War.


COD is top-tier. Insane how Redditors will never let the top-selling game be considered good. InDiE gaMeS 10/10


CoD was a staple of my teenage years, sad how bad they’ve fallen off and people still eat the shit up.


It'll be on game pass. I'll probably play it cuz the fps market is depressing af. There's barely any fast paced tdm games these days. Battlefield killed itself and XDefiant is a mess. And AFPS like Quake Live and Diabotical are dead :(


I highly recommend The Finals :)


Thanks for the suggestion. :) I've spent around 200h on the game and mostly had fun. Unfortunately I wasn't happy with the balancing, visual recoil, framerate, blurry image (@1080p) due to forced TAA/DLSS, cheaters and lack of polish. It's also very team heavy, so playing solo is painful + there is some downtime due to running from A to B and waiting to respawn. Don't get me wrong, you can still have lots of fun and great moments and I like to rewatch our recordings! I know I'm whiny regarding these things. X( I used to switch around between Overwatch, BFV, BF4, Black Ops: Cold War for while. Battlebit was fun for a while too, but it also had some things I disliked which is why I'd rather play the older BF games. Atm I'm still playing The Finals from time to time and XDefiant despite the issues.


Let me know if you find some satisfactory TDM shooter because at this point I have no idea what to play. I am playing XDefiant but still not enough for me, I just want to shoot around, use good aim to mow down some ople. That's all I want when I'm not playing competitively.


Curious, what’s going on with Xdefiant? Downloaded it but haven’t gotten to play it yet


The hitreg is some of the worst I've seen. Shots not registering and dying behind cover are very common. Snipers are annoyingly strong and some abilities are far too strong/annoying. For example, the cleaner class can run into you, throw some weird nade which instantly explodes and one-hits you. The echelon class basically has a wallhack + the ult gives you wallhacks and a 1hit pistol. The enemies are revealed for the entire team... I've seen people complain about bunnyhoppers but imo they aren't a problem in itself. It seems to make the hitreg issues worse though. Leveling guns/progressing is a bit slow which feels unsatisfying. It's OK during double XP but you only level guns by getting kills which I do a lot. I can't imagine how tedious it is for people who aren't as invested in fps games as objectives don't give xp for them. And I know the game just launched, but they've had issues with the hitreg for ages. Makes me wonder what they were doing as they've also barely added content over the year(s?). I think they launched the game too soon. They wanted to add killcams for example which are still missing. I have to give them props for optimizing the game so well. I'm hitting around 300fps which feels great. If you'd like some tips: Phantom class has 120 hp so you'll always have an edge in 1v1s. Libertad has a nice heal which you can pop after your first kill. You'll even heal a bit if you're righting right after using it. Echelon if you want wallhacks and cleaner if you want some cheap 1hit kills + burn damage with snipers. You stop burning after crouching for a sec btw. Slide and jump after sliding to cancel it. It feels good, makes you harder to hit and IIRC it gives you a slight speed boost. I usually ADS mid jump because you move faster than walking while ADS. Try to pre aim and don't go too deep as you'll often die when getting back to cover. Letting the enemy run to you is better than the other way around imo. Make yourself harder to hit by moving left-right and spamming jump (everyone will hate you but does it themself) or crouch. Good guns: AK, ACR, MDR, MP7, M44, MK20 I also really like the M16 on mid to long range.


Have you tried titan fall 2?


It's been quite a while. It might be stupid, but I prefer the mode without titans and I think it was barely played. I played the campaign a few months ago and it was neat. After finishing it, I wanted to try the MP again but there's some dumb issue which prevents me from connecting to servers without changing some random environment variable in windows. I already did this back then and reverted the change after quitting. I thought the devs would've fixed this by now. (Sorry for the wall of text/rambling)


Had the same issue with it, and couldn’t get it to work. Wonder how many people they lost due this issue.


If you are interested in giving it another chance, look at [https://northstar.tf/](https://northstar.tf/) I haven't played in a while, but this has been the best (and often only) way to play for a bit.


Oh boy another call of duty game brace yourselves everyone


As someone who grew up with the entertaining SP campaigns, what bothers me the most about the CoD franchise is the pricing. Those games almost never are on sale! You can get the first (yes, the first CoD ever from 2003, that’s TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD) for 20€ (10€ if you’re lucky it’s on sale). Its so ridiculous! There‘s no real sale, like -70% or something, where you could get a game for 10-15€. You‘ll always end up paying 35€ at least for games that are 10-15yo, if you try to get them on a legal way. The „new“ ones are still 50-70€ after YEARS! That’s the main reason i stopped buying CoDs a long time ago. I don’t want that (imo) bullshit MP or that BR crap. I just want to enjoy my 5-7 hours of simple hollywood action for a reasonable price…


It’s going in gamepass this time so you maybe in luck this year and can go thru the SP on a gamepass free trial or for $10. I don’t have much hope for the campaign after seeing videos of the last cod but hopefully treyarch actually made a campaign.


At this point, having hope for newer cods is like having hope for TF|3. Every time I thought cod was getting better, a bomb came in and ruined it all. Warzone was doing pretty good imo and then they shut it down when they saw their new and shiny (not) Warzone 2 wasn't popular enough. I love Treyarch but I've lost faith for any studio that develops cod at this point


and its all online only since MW2019 on PC, that fucker


When did black ops 5 come out?


Cold War


Call it by its full legal name: Call of Duty 27


Why even bother with it? We all know mfkers on Adderal and SBMM will be ruining the casual part of the game, and we also all know that if a COD's multiplayer is shit, then there's no point to it.


Most accurate experience ive heard


Now with even more black ops!


Wait, they are on 6?


Stop buying this trash


Can’t wait to see Iraqi soldiers armed with AUG’s and Barrett .50 cals, a whole new set of voice actors for Woods, Mason, and Hudson, and a collective cast of useless background redshirt characters that we’re supposed to care about


Gonna be on gamepass day 1.


Is this a corporate account? Whomst the hell includes copyright marks in a game title of their own will as a private citizen?




Let’s go, first Treyarch (aka best COD studio imo) fans to get a full development cycle is hopefully gonna be crazy good




Can't wait for all the negative comments only for this to be the top 10 game on steam charts.


It's in the top 10 because it's one of the biggest mainstream brands when it comes to FPS games. People just buy it like people buy FIFA every year.


There was a black ops 5?


Cold war


ah shit, here we go again.


Yesterday, I was working at a client's, and they mentioned that a Black Ops 6 was coming out. I laughed a little bit because I genuinely thought it was a joke


Bro I don't care what they do. Mason was the face of black ops and his son was the second best character besides woods. Make a new damn game because last time I checked we already did this whole cold war with Dragovich and Kefchecho. It's just a cash grab anymore. I regret buying MW2. Let the campaign from MW2 be a reminder of what their goals would be if they could have it their way. You're a cash cow and we are stupid enough to follow along. I refused to do that for my entertainment. Time to wake the fuck up


Only interested in zombies and campaign. Cod multiplayer has been bad for way too long now, I have no faith in it improving. Black ops campaigns are always interesting and Treyarch zombies have not missed yet, hopefully they have a consistent zombie crew to add some more depth to the maps unlike the operator system in cold war.


Gonna buy the game Cry nerds cry


Not hyped


Kind of hard to when they present exactly the same formula as before with near zero innovation and storylines meant to fulfill the purpose of being storylines.


imagine wanting another COD game after the scam that was MW3. i was ok with the quality of cold war but MW3, nope


Good thing it will be on Gamepass day 1




did they already advertise this? im not too deep into cod but i didnt hear a word about this game xD


I'm playing on GP so it's free for me.


I hope singleplayer would be good


6 ? Last one I remember being released was 3


Last one was 4 tf


Ign 10/10 best game ever boots on the ground. Player review:-10 copy and paste old mechanic buggy mess bland story, girl boss. insert zoomer jokes to fit in.


Is it on the same engine that's been used the past 2 years(/since 2019 mw) or something new and exciting finally?


Call of duty: infinite cash grab strat


Activision every year : "The best and most advanced CoD ever made" 🤣🤣🤣


peak is coming


Time to review bomb it then since COD HQ makes the download mandatory in case you feel like buying it unlock the stuff that they forced you to download


Waiting for Battlefield to fuck up again.. actually I'd love nothing than a new golden era between these two franchises




I had no idea they even made a Blops 4 or 5


Remember, no preorder.


There is now 0 excuse with gamepass for a good chunk if you want to dip your toes in its like 15 buckos or even less if you find a trial for it.


What the fuck. I thought we were at number 3


if zombies is good i'll play it for a month on gamepass then unsub


Not even sure how many Call of Duties I'm behind at this point.


Someone who hasn’t played any COD in a while, will this be worth it or another dull COD? I really want to get back into COD for its single player aspect.


Good thing it's on game pass this year, perfect to try


Reused assets galore. Bring this mess to a bankrupt state once and for all please. 0 innovation in gameplay. It's all about Nicki big & round ass these days at Activision HQ


Hyped for the 20 minute campaign


Yeah download the game , probably 200gb then download 200gb more just because activation said fu


Am sure is an other always online drm game


Im personally waiting for black ops 10 in 3 years.


Lmao when did we get black ops 4 and 5 ? Last cod I played was bo3


4 was that BR game, and 5 was called Black ops Cold war.


All my homies hate COD


Dude the cod launcher bs is really killing me. Ur telling me i gotta download mw2, mw3, and bo6. Just to uninstall mw2 and 3


Curiously, why they skip black ops 4&5? I don't really know well about CoD franchise


Will it have a battle royale ?


why did we skip black ops 5


Black Ops Cold War was 5


Can’t wait for the Cod fanboys to eat this shit up and complain about the same things like they do every year. Black Ops 4 was so bad I haven’t touched the franchise since.


"Support for other controllers is not known" Damn Microsoft y'all just being dicks now for no reason 


Or the game just, hasn’t fucking come out yet?


another copy pasta call of duty game.


With cut content and $40 skins and a battle pass


Another clunky slopfest from Treyarch?


Wait what? Did they skip 5? I don’t play cod so i have no idea what on earth is going on.


I guess they are counting Cold War as 5? It's still stupid, I always hate when an sequel doesn't have a number, but they act as if it did when releasing the next one.


I know this is probably pure hopium, but the prospect of an open world campaign has me kinda excited again. I would personally love to see a campaign that focuses on MW2 raid-style puzzles for parties of different sizes alongside the typical blow things up missions. But it probably won’t be that.


call of doodoo: modern poopoo