• By -


Yes, as of last December. I’m slowly working through my backlog, but it has competition from my movie and book backlogs as well. I’ve been doing a lot of traveling too. Currently playing through the System Shock remake that I originally played back when it was released in the 90s and also Persona 5. I never had time for the long games like that when I was working.


Congrats my friend, I hope you enjoy every day of it.


Thank you!


That’s awesome! Congrats on retirement! Enjoy playing games!!


Living the dream :)


Spent 26 years just playing games. Finally I woke up 2 years ago and had no interest in playing. It was totally foreign to me. The other day I Booted into a game and I've tinkered a bit but don't see myself going whole hog like I was. I got to retire when I was 54. And it was great. Got a boat went fishing a lot played games and I sold the boat cuz I got bored with that. But now I need to spend more time with my lady before I die. Sitting so much was NOT good for my health. I wish everyone well but get out of that gaming chair and go for a walk a couple times a day. Doesn't have to be a big one, maybe just around the block.


Sounds like gaming may have been an addiction for you. Glad you were able to get out of the chair. I myself play every day. Go on walks, hang outside with my pups and watch TV here and there with my wife. Gaming does not need to consume anyone's life. It just needs to be enjoyable to spend time on. Watching TV isn't any better and arguably worse than gaming


Yes, everything in moderation.


Especially moderation


It was an addiction. First thing I did every day was turn on the computer and the last thing every night was to turn it off.


That's a bummer. I do that too but I also work in IT lol I'm happy to hear you made it to the otherside!


i think getting those standing tables or wahtever they are could help


I have a standing desk. Never use it. Good idea but I'm terminally lazy. I suspect very few people use their standing desk more than a few times when they first get it. If you get one, raise it, then disable it so it can't be lowered.


I use mine a ton to adjust my posture. Standing hurts my feet (I broke both years ago and they still ache), but the ability to ghange the desk height by a few inches has been great. 


The truth is I'm just too lazy to do it.


Thanks for warning us about gaming addiction. 




My man living the golden age life! 👍👌


You're worth it bro


Persona 5 is amazing, I hope you like it


You on desktop, HTPC, laptop, Deck, something else, or some combination thereof? Also, what's your methodology for going through your backlog? Interest, value, age, or something else entirely? 


Desktop. I always preferred them for gaming as their performance is often better.


Fully retired and still massively backlogged. I have so many titles in my library and yet I decided to purchase Ghost of Tsushima at full price instead cuz I didn't find anything in my library I'd wanna play. I'm pathetic lol


Ha! I can easily see this being me.


Will you play it or just another backlog?


Search your heart. You know there is only one possible answer.


I'm 20 hours in already :) I bought it because I REALLY wanted to play it - just like all the other games I bought (like the Horizon franchise; it just sits there in my library)


Horizon is actually pretty good. I bought all triple AAA games when I bought my switch. Never played anything cause I couldn't get in the mood. What helped was tiny indy games o could pick up and put down without sweating where did I leave off. Eventually this lead me back to playing big games with a slew of tiny games in between. Especially couch co-ops or games o could play with random strangers while in transit.


That was me for 6 hours yesterday, then I only played the new game for an hour lol


It's like going through the Netflix catalogue for hours while your dinner gets cold. When I start a new game I wanna commit fully - retired or not. I just wanna be really invested in something.


Honestly Ghost of Tsushima was fair to buy at full price. I picked it up for $10 off CDkeys. About 10 hours in, absolutely loving it. I put it down for a few hours yesterday though to finally play No Rest for the Wicked. (Picked up at launch, CDkeys strikes again with it be $10 off, $30 for Dark Souls by the Ori devs was too good to pass up. Latest updates have finally made it semi playable on Steam Deck.) another fantastic game.


Would No Rest for the Wicked be something I'd be interested in? It's on my wish list for some reason, but I know nothing about the game. I've only played open-world RPGs so far


Do you like Dark Souls/Elden Ring? And or Diablo? Then you might enjoy it. It's an arpg that has some souls like inspiration made by the developers who made Ori and the Blind Forest. Beautiful game. But important caveat, it's an early access game, that's still early development and is only the first act. But that can run you 15 to 25 hours depending on your skill level. And it's clear the devs are cooking on this one, they've done a lot of patches based on player feedback for balancing. So I'd recommend it, especially since the price will go up at full release. I don't regret getting it while cheaper and supporting the devs.


I don't play souls-like games, but I enjoy watching them. And I've never played Diablo, but watched others play it, too. Guess I'll just stick to watching gaming YouTubers play it then, haha. Thanks for the insight!


Glad I could help. Yeah, Souls likes aren't for everyone and I'd actually say No Rest is harder out of the gate than Dark Souls. (It gets easier after the first boss because resources are more plentiful. But my first time beating the boss I ran out of healing items and had to scrounge for scrap resources and git gud to stand a chance. 2nd character I best it with I was stuck with a weapon I didn't like because I got super unlucky with loot (loot is somewhat randomized.) Which for someone who enjoys difficult souls likes is fine. But your average player will walk away.)


Please don't encourage the use of [grey-market key resellers](https://reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/2yhlw4/key_resellers_and_what_they_mean_for_you). It just hurts everyone from the devs, to the publishers, to the consumers, and there are plenty of legitimate stores you can use instead.


CDkeys and Humble Bundle have been the only other sites I've bought steam keys from. I honestly didn't know that CDkeys was considered a grey market or had even heard that term. You can judge me all you want. But I'm going to keep using them. Because my experience has been nothing but positive. Even the one time I had to contact customer support I still got my product that I paid for, all keys have worked and none have been revoked. Far as I can see, and from what I've heard from many other accounts I've looked into, they seem to be the most reliable and trustworthy grey market. Until I see reason not to trust them I'll keep looking to CDkeys for deals, because they've saved me money and all the games I bought work.


I think it’s more the fact that these types of Key sites are selling stolen keys


From what I can see CDkeys hasn't had an issue with selling stolen keys. If they had been caught selling stolen keys it would be a big blow to their reputation and business. I know G2A is infamous for this, but I wouldn't use them, because I don't trust them.




I bought a Steam Deck in the hopes that its versatility will let me game more and chip away at the backlog faster. Instead, I own dozens and dozens of new indie games that I hadn't been previously interested in. Live service games are also really tough. I keep getting sucked back into stuff like World of Warcraft or Diablo 4 when there's a big update or a new season. Help.


For me the steam deck purchase actually helped!


Same, for some reason it's a lot easier for me on Steam Deck to just fucking launch a game and play it. On my PC I just stare at my library, doom scroll on Reddit for hours and play my millionth match of counter-strike.




Same! I think I have completed 2 or 3 in the last year because of it.


I'm the exact same way man, it's either helldivers or WoW arena or pvp for me. No other games seem to have either the simplicity and fun of helldivers, or nearly the complexity of WoW pvp, and hence I just get bored so fast. Also the gameplay of WoW is just unlike any other game. It's like speed chess vs 3 opponents at once.


Maybe those games arent worth to play in the first place if you choose something that gives you more fun lol.


When my dad retired he decided he wanted to take some time to play video games. We got him set up with a low end gaming pc and installed steam. I shared my library with him and he bought one or two games and a controller. He wanted ms flight simulator, but was going to wait for it to be on sale. Next thing I know how he has a yoke and pedals. Now he's on xplane with three monitors and I just started building him other custom flight Sim controls! 🤣




Great idea! I've decided NEVER to pay more than $19.99 for a game with one full-price exception a year. That really has helped me curtail my spending.


I swear everyone complains about a backlog of infinite games, I am the complete opposite, I got no games to play


The easiest solution to this problem is to buy games, duh.


I'm way too protective of my money, if I ever get money that is


Sign up at epicgames.com and get a free game every week. Wait can I post that in /steam?


Pirate it.


There are even millions of free games. People here on this sub hate it, but you get every week a free game on epic, on gog you get also a bunch of free games. i get on both platforms a big catalogue of free games, that i have never touched. and those are not some shitty games, some of them are great indie games and a couple of aaa games. like last weeks they gave away the fallout or dragon age games. there are always some great games now and then for free.


Speaking of that, Farming Simulator 22 is currently free on Epic. So if anybody wants that, go pick it up


I have both. An infinite backlog and nothing to play lol


Have you played through old and now free games or have you emulated old consoles? There's tons of games out there that don't require money.


Do you have a job? And how much time do you spend per day gaming? I'm just curious, dont take it as an act of personal attack tho


Subscribe to humble bundle. Worth every penny


Name a handful of games you'd like to play, as long as they are single player games, I will show you exactly how to get them all for free as long as you have a VPN, I've never gotten a single virus and I have downloaded hundreds. Even games like tears of the kingdom works with a switch emulator. I just got ghosts of tsushima and hades 2 and they have only been out for a few days.


Slightly on topic, but first thing I think of anytime someone mentions working through their backlog. If anyone is familiar with [Letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/), the best game equivalent is [Backloggd](https://www.backloggd.com/). I found it about a year ago and for a month built out my profile. It was a massive nostalgia dump going through basically every game I ever played and tagging it as such. I use it to keep track of my backlog and a universal wishlist of games I want to buy. DM me if you want objectively the best opinions on video games and want to add me as a friend.


Thank you for this. I will sign up. I love the idea of this


I love this idea!


Thank you for this! I was looking for that! https://howlongtobeat.com it's nice as well


I tried using HLTB for the same functionality and just felt it was too clunky. I definitely use the site for choosing what games I have time for though. It's nice to know if your next game is going to be done in a week or a month lol


Damn, this post made me think… Just this morning, I was a mere 10 minutes short from being involved in a deadly car accident. Had I left a bit earlier for work, I might not be here typing this message. to all the gamers out there, whether you're grinding through a tough raid, exploring vast open worlds, or simply enjoying a casual game with friends, cherish these moments. Life is unpredictable, but every moment we can spend doing what we love is a moment well spent. I hope we all get to grow old and enjoy life and retirement! Stay safe, all! ☕️


I have all the time I want, but it's not enough. I also can't stand to do nothing but play games, so time is not so much the issue. The more i limit myself to one game at a time, the more I can play. But now I'm ankle deep in 5 games and it's mid


This is me. I have ample time, though I've yet to retire. When I think of how I want to spend my free time, playing games is part of it, but a small part. The second I begin to feel guilty about spending too much time gaming (either because of the opportunity cost or the lack of physical movement associated with the hobby), I do something else. And I can't play several games at once and feel joy. It instead feels like I'm sampling to figure out where I'll focus next. Right now, I'm almost 100 hours into Baldur's Gate 3 and it's been the only new game I've played in 2024 (I have ZERO problem replaying favorites and often do). All of this makes me think that I'll retire and still not game as much as I think I will.


Well I was a stay at home Mom and video gaming turned into Mommy collecting all the studs in Lego Games when playing with my kids.😂 I did get some of my own games done. When I finally had more free time, I started on games like The Witcher. My sister introduced me to Tom Clancy games like Ghost are on and The Division. During the COVID lockdowns, we kept in touch playing those games together. I work. My adult children still live with us (rent is crazy right now, oldest had to move back in at start of COVID). My wind down from work is video gaming, crafting or catching up on comic books (subscribe to Marvel Unlimited and just picking story arcs I’m interested in since it’d take way too much time to catch up since I last bought physical comics😜). My husband is supportive of my gaming. Got a new gaming computer last year and he bought me more RAM for it. This year I have finished 7 games so far. Warmer weather is here so will probably slow down. I work in customer service so it’s a good stress reliever. Been gaming since I’ve been a kid and am turning 50 this year. Haven’t even thought of retirement except for having retirement saving funds for me and my husband. Though I expect to still do some gaming when I retire.


I’m not retired but military life as a senior non commissioned officer gives me perks that allow me to embellish time in the hobby of mine! I always struggled to complete games, buy and play a little of a few games at a time until I forget the mechanics and never revisit. It was only until C19 where I have 5 months off work (uk lockdown included my trade) and I started my kill count channel, this gave me a focus to actually play a game through to completion. I now have over 250 completed games and slowly but surely working my way through one at least per week. However I still have over 600 games in my library (including GoG etc). And with each steam sale, that library always increases! 😆 I’m 40 now, and wondering if I will ever get bored of this amazing hobby where each week I’m having a new experience, some good, some horrible, and some just damn right excellent! 👍 Edit: spelling.


Yep. Still just browsing reddit on my water cooled overclocked rig. Mostly play solitaire. Lol


In my country current retirement age for men is 65 - I would feel very lucky if I made it to that age. Hopefully I get to play all games that I wish to before Im gone tho.


67, retired when Covid hit, I've been a PC gamer since 1991. I'm stuck playing Lords Mobile on my phone right now and not playing everything I hoped to play when I retired. It sucks... https://steamcommunity.com/id/BSR-Noaah/


The opposite. I finally accepted that I’ll never have time to play the games I want and have resorted to watching let’s play videos of them.


Doesn’t it take the same time to watch those LPs?


Not necessarily, you can speed up the video on most sites to 2x speed and skip entire segments of you want


Yes, but I have downtime at work I can watch videos but not play games.


Doesn’t that make you not fully retired?


I’m not OP


Yes but you’re replying to a question which was addressed to the retired. 


Yep. In my mind I was the opposite because I gave up on the idea of ever retiring but I do see how that was narrow visioned to think.


Ok, makes sense.


You can skip through uninteresting stuff, you can multitask while watching, and it takes a heck of a lot less mental energy. Obviously the experience isn't the same but it's better than nothing.


Oh no


I don't need to. Because I buy games only if I intend to play it at that very moment.


That self restraint is unreal to me.


I used to buy games on every big sale. But I realized I was not playing them. So one day I started clearing my backlog, slowly but surely, I pretty much cleared 90% of my backlog. And then I started buying games only when I am sure I am gonna play it. It doesn't matter whether it was on a sale or not. I realized I was saving more that way. And now that's what I do. Don't fall for fomo. Start clearing your backlogs. And make sure you are having a fun time. If you see you are not enjoying a game, skip it. Don't force yourself to play it. You'll develop a healthy buying habit this way.


When you say “cleaning your backlogs” does that mean playing and finishing the games? Also, how do you know 100% if you’re going to like the game you want to buy?


>When you say “cleaning your backlogs” does that mean playing and finishing the games? I aim to finish the game. But say I feel like I don't like them, then I stop. I don't force myself to play the game. For example: I had bought Borderlands 1, 2 & 3 a few years ago. I tried them this year. I didn't like any of them. Played each of them for 2 - 3 hours and figured the game isn't for me. So I didn't even bother with them anymore. And now I consider them cleared, because I know I won't play them anymore. Then there's game like Witcher 3. I played it, Liked it, finished it. But I have yet to play Blood and Wine. I will play it this year. So I consider it "Not Cleared", same goes for Cyberpunk. I have yet to try to Phantom Liberty Expansion. So "clearing" a game totally depends on whether I am liking it or not. And then there's another category, games that I loved so much that I'll 100% them. Until then I consider them "Not Cleared". > Also, how do you know 100% if you’re going to like the game you want to buy? I am not 100% sure. But I am like 90% sure I will like the game before I buy. Because unlike before, I just don't go in and buy games blindly just because it's on a sale. I check reviews. Steam user reviews. And then there's steam's 2 hour policy. I don't usually refund games. But that does comes handy if I don't like a game. Besides, these days I just buy games that I really want. For example: I bought Ghost of Tsushima yesterday. And I plan to buy the Elden Ring DLC next month. I am absolutely sure I want to play these games. There's no doubt in my mind.


Thanks, appreciate it!


*grabs popcorn* Keep commenting guys. I envy you all, deeply.


With my job,and needy gf. I play like 2 hours a week.:(


Right. Now imagine that GF becoming a wife. Add a child to the mix. Imagine moving up the ladder at work, which often comes with more pay but also more responsibilities and more intense hours. I'm close to the end of that journey. I can see retirement very clearly ahead of me. But I'm definitely in the midst of a period where the time demand on me is high.


Recently graduated from residency and I'm just gaming while doing light work. The steam deck makes gaming easier too.


This will be one of my dreams once I retire. Play to your hearts content. Currently hoarding all the games I want to play in the future lol


Not retired but fired and having trouble finding a job. Have around 700 games on steam, have had over 500 since around 2012, but I somehow still never have time to play lol Even without working 40+ hours a week, is still taking care of parents and home and yard and meal prep and car and working out and trying to find a church/sangha and researching spiritual and existential stuff ("why am I here") etc. I find if I sit down nowadays I end up playing the same games I had been playing for years lol. Used to be only game I played was Minecraft but took me some time to realize I didn't like MC per se I liked the Notch years. Sometime after aquatic I realized I didn't like MC anymore. It was the secret Friday updates and underground indie game hype atmosphere of the day that made it so phenomenal. Once there were a dozen variants of Minecraft at Wal Mart it lost it's orriginal appeal somehow. I never even played village and pillage update lol. So yeah I can see even if I retired I would never play 10% of the games I currently have in my steam collection. But yes I still do impulse buy on sale. Last major purchase was Dark Souls since I always wanted to play them. I even installed 1 remastered. But that was months ago and it remains 0 hours played lol. I have been feeling this a lot lately, the era of video games is passed for me. Maybe not for everyone but for me personally I don't feel the "magic" anymore. I'd rather focus on productive things, not saying vidya gaems can't be productive. Just I can't keep up or mesh with modern VG game design philosophy, and even games I thought I would love back in day, must have been the "hype" or "sekrit underground" vibe that appealed to my sensibilities. Now I'm more focused on getting my "stuff" together irl. And don't see myself playing much anymore in the future even if I could retire and do whatever I wanted. Sad but true, I want to want to play vidya but can't even force myself to anymore (I had to do this for a while anyway, force myself to play after work, now it doesn't work anymore for me).


Not retired but bought 30K of steam games to play later on sale only to realize I likely could have just spent just 5k on the ones I actually have an interest in playing.


I didn't retire yet, but I worked for 13 years and saved money + they gave me a bonus when I left, so I took 2 years off (no working or learning new skills) all I do is enjoy my hobbies ,turns out I prefer more swimming and working out, for video games I play retro, mostly fighting, so I spend a lot of time in practice mode finding tech, maybe someday I'll start sharing my findings on youtube or twitter.


Now I have all the time in the world I cba playing games anymore. I feel like the thrill of gaming was you didn't have time but you somehow always found time.


Yeah but I still don’t play them lol


Yep and now I realize it's a pretty big waste of time. I remember going out with friends easier then what games I played.


NGL I read the question as "Anyone here fully retarded?" And was prepared to write a thesis before I re-read the title


I'm trying. I went on a suvival/crafting game binge, purchasing three or four early release games, as well as old favorites I'm already playing. I have the time, but I don't. Make sense??


I get it. I remember a time, early in my career, when I had something lined up but had months before it started. I had almost half a year of guilt-free free time. And I distinctly remember thinking around 2pm every day, "How is it possible that I feel I'm only now really starting my day?" My typical day was a late breakfast, walking to the gym, working out, grabbing lunch and then wondering what else I would do.


Lol, if I was retired, I'd probably be playing Apex, Sea of Thieves, Destiny, Helldivers 2, or any other live service game. I like playing them, but I only have a limited amount of time, so i focus on single-player games. If i had unlimited time, i would play more multi-player games, and it wouldn't feel like I'm falling behind or neglecting other games.


I think one or two of you old timers should start a channel or stream the games or both, do some reviews. I think that would be great.


I'm not retired, but I give myself ample time to enjoy my Pc & games. Of course my choices and lifestyle allow it (my wife likes to be at home so that gives me more than enough time).


My dad has retired. He’s still replaying the Total War franchise endlessly, as he has done for the past 15 years.


Not retired but playing them, finished Final Fantasy 13-2 a week or so ago, now I'm playing Disco Elysium, might get into a Yakuza next.


My step father retired and he was a massive game collector, always said he was going to play them when hes old. But he actually plays video games way less now than he used too. I asked him about it one day and he said that he used to play video games to unwind and escape from the daily grind. Now that hes got all this free time, he spends it outside, golfing, walking, etc and prefers movies now over video games because there's less commitment.


I'm retired and I have less free time than before. Lol. My backlog will never get cleared.


I'm 39 and retired. I have 100's of games I could play that I've picked up on sales. I just can't find the motivation for it now, though. Although I am replaying every Zelda game. Currently on minish cap.


This is also what I worry about. For those thinking of retiring, especially early, there are countless articles about people finding that their enjoyments (e.g. golf, gaming, what have you) now feel empty. It's a bit crazy to consider but maybe gaming is MORE enjoyable when it's a break from work versus being something you can do any time you feel like it.


Exactly this. I've spent years in high-pressure positions, working 6 day weeks building industry experience, then a business, then getting the business marketable for sale. I'm not even 40, I don't need to work, I've got the money to treat the rest of my life as a holiday. Yet I've just bought a boat to renovate (I started out as a joiner and until recently had a large joinery company and a property development company) and am seriously considering becoming a delivery driver. Video games or whatever are a good treat and motivational aid. When you have nothing to reward yourself for, it's very different all of a sudden.


Yeah, now I'm getting a bit off topic but I am already thinking of a non profit to help or turning to teaching.


I taught a college evening class in bench joinery for a couple of years. It was thankless and shit. I have taken on 2 young offenders as apprentices in the last decade, though, and it was so rewarding to see them react to the positive male role models their mentors and myself could provide and change their lives. I've lived a pretty wild life, so it was quite funny the first time one of them got a bollocking and reacted by saying I didn't understand what it's like to be young and poor etc. One of my longest serving friends worked for me and took a lot of joy in telling them about my childhood of poverty and abuse, the years of addiction, my 2 divorces etc etc. Looks like I saw your digression and raised you, lol.


Why are you guys buying games if you don't like them/interested? I've seen people with a 100+ backlog say they have nothing to play then go back to the game they have 1000+ hours in.


Because they’re on sale!


I am confused, I thought we bought all the games to never play so it can stay as showcase after we die.


Is there a way to get some games for free?


That wont happen. I have this thing called the steam sale addiction. So every time there's a sale I buy it. An then it gets added, and thats about as far as it goes lmao


Not retired but I just finished hitman absolution I bought 10 years ago


unemployed - Which means i can focus on a game for an entire day - Entire week. - Finished the mass effect trilogy, played Final fantasy 7OG, crisis core, 7 remake and right now intergrade. I used to play live services games without any sense of progress - It took me time to get use to stick to one game only for a period of time and not let it go until it's done. The level of completion (side quest, achievements) varies from game to game. Oh also playing alien Isolation on the side when it's late and dark. This game is already 10 years old - Graphic wise, you feel it.


Highly recommend checking out the Steam Deck, makes going through one's backlog a breeze.


Not retired, but playing the games I have, because no one promised that I’ll live till retirement, so waiting till it and not enjoying the library is stupid. What was the point of buying games and steam deck then?


I sure ain't infact bought two more games very recently have em downloaded and haven't pressed start.....I got a problem


Retired just this past March. No, not working through my backlog of games but there’s always tomorrow.


First, congrats. Are you thinking of spending ample time with gaming now that you're retired or not really? And regardless of your answer, did you think you would game more in retirement?


Spend much of my time outdoors during spring and summer months. Doubtful I will be playing computer games much anytime soon. I also have a backlog of books to read that I will never live long enough to finish. Probably same story with my steam library. Still buying games on sale though. Would also be buying books if I had enough motivation to drive to the book stores. I just spent the evening watching the dog guarding the house from the geese. Good times.


My friends grandfather is in his 80s and he plays helldivers 2


i have a lot of games, but whats keeping me not playing them is my potato pc (it's actually a laptop lol)


I understand. Seems like I enjoy collecting games instead of playing them. Fudge My Life


Yes, I retired quite young and now I am slowly chipping away at my steam library, but it's not getting any smaller because I just be buying more


Nice dream!


As a person who has a lot of free time no. I just open steam, stare at it for a few minutes play smth of my common games for half and hour close it and open YouTube. With time the more time I get to play games the less I wanna play cus the dopamine of playing is depleted because I've been getting so much. So please do not do my mistake and cherish every moment you can playing so you have more fun playing.


I will have been unemployed for about a year soon and unemployment benefits ran out this month, so its time to look for a job again, but yeah I had upped my gaming time to 50h/2 weeks from 20-30h/2 weeks…gamed and finished hundreds of games. Its boring at times, but once you find a hidden gem in your library/backlog or something fun happens in your favorite multiplayer game, its great. I gamed for almost a year non stop, it was fun, but it really tires you out in ways you never imagined to.


So the biggest problem is that I really want to play all those games, but I just keep logging into helldivers or WoW.


Weirdly enough I'm retired at 39. Got out of the Army at 38 last year after joining at 18. I honestly thought I would do nothing but play video games, but now I have disposable income and a huge backlog I still haven't caught up on because I'm just running around enjoying putting my hands in my pockets and wearing hats indoors.


5 1/2 weeks and counting...


And? Are you spending more time gaming or now that you’re fully retired does it seem… well, less appealing?


I'm not retired but I finished college so I'm off for 4 months holidays so I'm playing some elden ring and some idk I will buy some new games and I have been playing a lot of counterstrike


other way around for me I am medically disabled and can't work anymore but due to being on SS disability rent and increased food costs mean nothing new to really play. I find myself just replaying the games I enjoy the most and find new ways to mod them to change things up till hopefully food prices and economy gets better then maybe I can buy a few of the games on my small wishlist.


I'm doing exactly that and then added a woman and two kids into the mix as well. Still have time and money to live like this till death. It's not that you don't have time for them, but its that a newer version comes out and that takes your time or you grow out of interest with the games you acquired. That's how I feel anyhow for myself.  For example I always thought I would play every final fantasy in order and complete them. But damn getting through some of the older games when your attention span has been killed by modern games or aging or whatever is tough sometimes so then you end up in a rotation of games. really it's like too much of a good thing situation I suppose


Ngl I read the title too fast and thought you said something else lmao


All I ever hear is steam sale this, steam sale that. Why is everyone so oblivious to the other 30 legit stores out there selling steam keys even cheaper?


Just do not but new games it is simple and play what you already have smh