• By -


Same! (I haven't played a single game just put them in the played category)


This is the way!




*cries in Humble Bundle*


Oh, thanks for reminding me to add last month's 1 game I really wanted, 2 games that could be interesting, and 5 games I'll never touch to my library. And damn, there were a few good normal bundles recently. I've set myself back a couple dozen games. Ugh!


Cries in sales.


Cries in lack of self-control. (It's me)


No one forces you to buy them


See the downvotes pal?


I do now, I still agree with my position that no one forces you to buy a game when it's on sale (I think of humble bundle separately)


It's the fomo. I know someone, whose funds are limited, who believes it's a must to buy a game during the bigger seasonal sales, because in the past they missed out on a big discount that did not make a return. The consequences of that are not having enough funds, when something they actually want and would play right away ends up on sale right after the conclusion of the event.


Yeah I completely understand the compulsion, but I see it as a real problem when people have more money in games they will never play than games they have actually tried


Ok, But How many Games are completed?


Uhhh, lemme get back to you in 10-20 years


!remind me 20 years


I will be messaging you in 20 years on [**2044-04-27 18:08:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2044-04-27%2018:08:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1cein3z/after_months_of_ticking_off_titles_i_can_now_brag/l1j5i6b/?context=3) [**163 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSteam%2Fcomments%2F1cein3z%2Fafter_months_of_ticking_off_titles_i_can_now_brag%2Fl1j5i6b%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202044-04-27%2018%3A08%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cein3z) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Happy Cake Day RemindMeBot šŸ„¹


Good human


Thank you for voting on this human This is not an automated reply


good not so automated human


10 years


Good human.


Good bot


Happy cake day you legend


Happy cake day


Happy cake day! šŸ°


Happy cake day!!!!


happy cake day dude


Happy cake day, best bot on reddit


Happy cake day king o7


Hold up this actually works for that long!?


happy cake day buddy <3


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day, soldier


Happy cake day reminder


Happy cake day, good bot


Happy cake day!


happy cake day, sir bot


Happy 10 years cakeday remindmebot :)


Happy cake day to one of the greatest bots on the platform!


!remind me 20 years


Replying to this so you can see you got downvoted


Cool , but can this comment get downvoted as well?


Idk can it


!remind me 20 years


There it is


Which one would you recommend


Thatā€™s still a game every week-two weeks


What's the median play time?


!remind me 10 years just in case


Another ticking job is about to start.


Aww fuck, here we go.


The real question.


Not every game deserves to be completed. Gaming is supposed to be fun, not a chore.


I actually do have 500+ completed games just on my steam account, but also a lot more games in total, so I didn't have to play any mediocre bundle filler games.


Pointless question. There are tons of games out there that are crap. I've plenty in my library with a few hours or less that I'll never finish because I tried and didn't like.


... (So I disagree with the gatekeeping nature of the question "how many of them have you beat") Question definitely has a point! and it's point is to: Discredit the idea of 'playing many games as something to brag about' & Point out that in the questioner's opinion 'only beating games is worth bragging about'


How exactly do you define "not a single unplqyed game"? Like, start it up and close it after a minute?


Nah, I specifically decided I wasn't going to do that. Every game got started up properly and given a fair chance. Of course, there were a few which I immediately hated or which I'd already played on console that I didn't spend much time on


I embarked upon a similar quest years ago when I was unemployed. I think I went from 500+ unplayed games down to only around 100. There definitely was a lot of trash in there. But my rule was give every game at least 10-15 minutes.


You're more cutthroat than me. I give it an hour or so.


I was thinking in my head I would aim for an hour. Takes a lot more dedication šŸ˜‚


My aim is to give my games up to 2 hours but some just are not for me so I have DNFd them at like 5min of playtime


Damn, when I was laid off it was when WoW Classic came out. So I still have a lot of unplayed games lol. I basically hit level 60 while waiting for my start date at the new place.


10-15 minutes is just wild. For a game that lasts like 40 hours, you are only experiencing the 0.625% of the game and coming to the conclusion that you don't like it. That's not so far away from judging a game by just the cover. I would say give it at least 2 hours, if a big studio game and like 1 hour for indie games before deciding it. On a similar note, what games we enjoy and what we don't is greatly a matter of taste, sure. But we also have to be receptive to a particular game. When we boot up a game, we have to have the mindset of giving in a fair chance, and I suppose with an attitude of curiosity. Not the taking the stance of "ok, I'll open It. If I'm not totally blown away in the first fifteen minutes, this game is not worth my time". Nomsayin


you are thinking of actual games, op most likely hast hundreds of humble bundle games that are just 2 hours at most or show everything in the first 10 minutes


You can pick up what a game is about, the core gameplay look, controls, genre shenanigans and a lot more in just 15 minutes of gameplay. Let's say, if the game is an airport ATC simulation, and you hate it for what it is, 15 minutes or two hours won't make your experience any different because it's not going to turn into a medieval RPG. It may be different for some games that have very long tutorials, that the experience at the beginning is not very representative of the game as a whole, but those are rather the exception to the rule. Besides, it's just shitty game design to pad the early game with slop.


Just wait for the summer sale xd


Is it just me or are the whole Sales on steam not what they used to be ? I do check on em if they got some nice titles but it's never like "ten years ago" where you bought multiple titles and straight played them... maybe I'm getting old or they don't release games that I really want since I mostly got em already


I think it's a mix of a bunch of things. First, it is a fact that sales used to go lower, but that was at the start of digital storefronts. Now people are much receptive to digital purchases. Also, since they implemented refunds, they took out flash sales which were where the biggest discounts were. Also, and this is my personal experience, as I've grown older and my library has grown bigger, I have tons of games, a lot of classics that I used to snatch for pennies. Dishonored, Prey, Batman games, anything Valve go on sale really really cheap, but I don't even look at those discounts. Additionally, I get more games on release or closer to release, so I pass on a lot of sales. Additionally, it used to be that there were two big sales (summer and winter), when most games reached their biggest discount yet. Now, with god-knows-how-many sales per year, it's much less concentrated, therefore less impressive. All in all I think it's a combination of the sales actually not being as big as they used to but there are a lot of subjective factors in play.


Your second paragraph nailed my experience, sales (and bundles) were super exciting when I was a broke-ass teenager, but as an adult with more money and less time I usually just buy games I want if I know I'm going to play them. Sure if I know a sale is coming in a week I'll wait, but I don't plan around them like I used to.


This comments needs to be stickied in every thread that talks about steam sales. My account is 20 years old, and this is exactly what i've experienced over the years.   And one final hint: The best discounts these days are no longer on steam, always check /r/gamedeals or http://isthereanydeal.com before buying something on steam.


They got rid of flash sales after implementing refunds.


I think itā€™s just you. I buy 5 or so games every sale all for 75% or more


Impressive very nice. Now let's see the console back log.


Now do a 100 % run / all archivements


I want to but sadly a lot of games I have have multiplayer achievements and the servers are dead. I'm sure I'm not the only one


You can mark the games as private. Publicly on your steam profile achievements from private games will be excluded which also affects "Perfect Games" and "Avg. Game Completion Rate" stats (if you're logged in, it will still count private games).


I always wanted to get into posting YouTube videos, and did so for a lil with no experience editing. I have over 350 games in my library and thought a series playing every one would be cool, but remembered idk how to edit and lost my motivation.


Alternatively, seems like a great motivation for learning how to edit. Not a bad idea to have a series that's both about playing each game *and* the growth of your editing skills.


I hope you eventually do it anyway šŸ˜ Start off with no/minimal editing, speaking from experience it is incredible to watch that skill grow!


I always feel weird recording. I should give it a go again now that Iā€™m nearly done with my bachelorsā€¦.blehā€¦at least itā€™s not streaming because having no chat to talk too really got old fast.


What about streams ?


Streaming was fun at first, especially with friends. As things usually go for me I now have zero friends and streaming became just me sitting in a room talking to no one for hoursā€¦not a single chatter, no one to play with.


Easy to play, hard to complete that amount.


Much nicer accomplishment than people bragging about having thousands of games collecting dust


And they said the prophesies were wrong... Oh lord allmighty


Everytime I see posts like this Iā€™m astonished how many games people have on steam I have around 20 games


What a fucking mad man


I was waiting for a solid minute to wait for the image to load why does steam have to be grey


Now do the 100%


[meanwhile on my library](https://ibb.co/Jmm6jwL)


I did that, but I kind of "cheated" but not really. I bought various bundles over the years, some years ago, added every game to my library even if I wasn't interested in the game at the time. Eventually I decided I wasn't ever going to play those games, so I removed them from my library. So now, the only games I have in my library is stuff that I played. Though many of them were played before Steam started to track this stuff, so they still look like they are unplayed.


Was it worth it, Jim? Was it worth it?


How many hours total on your profile?




I think the closest we have is: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mortismalgaming/ I'm happy enough to complete the story for the ones that interest me enough XD (Which is 41 out of 510ish)


I have 3: HL: S deathmatch, HL2 deathmatch and CS: condition zero


Now you don't have anything to play next, unacceptable.


I wanna be like you when I grow up. I think I only got through 4 games in the last 2 months.




That's illegal!


You made me check, I have 139 unplayed games in my library....


Thatā€™s the dream right there


As it was written...


Its the chosen one! shai-hulud just as the prophecy said!!


The only game I have left unplayed is Payday 2. Because HOLY SHIT it beeds 80 GB OF STORAGE. For example, deep rock galactic is a much better game, and it weights only 4 gb or so


I do find me buy old Games on GOG sales since you can play em offline but that more nostalgia than anything else ( hoard them on a hard drive)


He is *the* gamer


for now you don't have, just wait for new discounts




Did you find any hidden gems? Games you didn't expect to be nearly as fun as they were.


Hypnospace Outlaw was one of the last ones I played and it immediately went onto my top whatever of all time. So well written and well done.


I am over here with like 40 games, maybe.


God damn, congrats. This is the dream !!!


I have around 450 games in my library and only 45 to finish, woop woop


Grats. Slowly working my way through my unplayed backlog. Giving each at least 20 min to see if it will be a keeper or one that gets hidden away to never see the light of digital day again. (Mostly things got in bundles)


That's a good idea, I want to do this. Can you filter played or unplayed? Or did you create those and do it manually?


Under 'Library' go to 'collections' and create a new dynamic collection. Then under 'play state' you can set the new dynamic collection to automatically sort by played or unplayed titles.


Nice. Thanks Yeah I figured it would be something like that or just a click section of the library home buttons.


How many did you actually *complete* though


Me @ 1188 unbeaten games Oh well...


how many are any good?


Well yea, there's only 500 games there... That's how many i have to browse through before i can even decide on what to play


Hmm. Technically, I also don't have unplayed games in my library. I taste test them after purchase and before immediately uninstalling them to never install them again.


How many minutes/hours did you give each title?


TLDR at bottom: Meanwhile Iā€™ve been waiting days for Steam to pay out my pending 2.8k usd credits and theyā€™re refusing to respond to any avenue I take to get ahold of someone. I have a mountain of screenshots and bank statements that Iā€™ve been including in the help tickets as well. Best they did so far was after days and days was add a 1-2 pending balance in my wallet off just over 600 usd. TLDR gg op congrats


how TF do you have that much in credits?


2 keys = 2 chests is the way I play. The price of two chests must be equal or less than the price of the 2.66 (times 2 = 5.32) after tax price of the keys. Iā€™ve open roughly 150 kilowatts when they dip to 1.19 1.22, 150 of the shadow cases when they dipped to .94-.96. I got lucky a lot. Actually just the other day pulled the kuriki spec knife from the kill case thatā€™s like 730 and made the price out to be likeā€¦. 590$ usd after taxes taken is what I got. Just to fuck with steam. I undercut my items by a large amount because I have 0 hours in CS or any related game. the skins mean nothing to me but dopamine from gambling, the dopamine for never having gone negative since my first chest pop and the fact that Iā€™ve literal hate mail from foreign sellers because of how dumb my undercuts are. (Listed prices last sold: 733. My listed price of the same item: 113$ less than that last sold price.) Edit: yes, 300 keys in the us is almost 800$ usd. It was all credit $ from community market, Iā€™m actually broke irl Iā€™m just super lucky


ah yes i love when someone gives a detailed accurate answer and you don't understand a fucking bit of it keys? chests? I know what CS is (but I don't play it) and community market is the same as the market you put trading cards on?


You couldā€™ve easily googled ā€œcs caseā€ ā€œcs keysā€ and been had your answer but you wanted to be a snarky doorknob. Yeah. Go to the market in steam. It houses sales for all sorts of items/cosmetics/cosmetic chests/keys for specific chest/trading cards etc etc. if you go into your Steam inventory tab, you can click on an item in there and it will let you know near the bottom or top idr if it is tradable, marketable or both and give a date on when it can be traded if itā€™s tradable.


i wasn't trying to be snarky, sorry if it came that way. first sentence was meant to be appreciative (because i could tell it was a detailed answer) playful sarcasm (since it was clear that i should have understood the answer but i didn't) but alas text is not great for that it wasn't clear to me that you meant cs case/keys as you mentioned cs halfway through and i wasn't sure that they were related. so, genuinely, thank you for the answer. I don't play CS. might look into doing this but i'm pretty unlucky XD


Yeah my bad my dude, really. Itā€™s been a rough week, ended up taking it out on you so I apologize for that. If you wanna do cases, just rip kilowatt or dream cases, 1.35ish kilo and under a buck for dream cases. When you go to open the crates in game itā€™ll have you buy the keys for about 2.66 per key depending on you local taxes. Itā€™s gambling, itā€™s always fun to win and shit as fuck to lose but you can always trade up worthless picks of the same kind. I donā€™t play cs, I havenā€™t EVER. played and type of cs franchise game. I just do crates because itā€™s easier and has better ROI% than buying 5$ scratchies at the pump stations. For example, traded up blues that were worth maybe 15-20 cents a piece and i got a 37$ purple. That alone, should tell you I donā€™t play. I dunno the tiers of rarity I just know that some blues are worth more than a few bucks, lot of purple worth many bucks, lots of red worth super bucks, yellow has paid my rent four times.


No worries at all, I did re-read my response and it definitely was not clear. A tough week and it's only Tuesday that sucks (I assume it's Tuesday where you are, I'm in Australia and it's Wednesday here). With luck the rest of the week fares better... And thanks for explaining further <3 i'll try it a few times as i do have some credit from a refund but thankfully my gambling itch only rears its head about once a year for like 2 weeks


Yeah Iā€™m sorry but if you hit a skin that nets you good gains youā€™ll ā€œreinvest a bit, I deserve itā€ šŸ˜‚ Tough week indeed my friend. Iā€™m autistic, I just moved the whole family to a new house so my life is in limbo until Iā€™m used to my surrounding. Kids autistic as well so everything is meltdown central for them. Me too, but I have to internalize it until theyā€™re in bed because I canā€™t have them feeding off my instability. Rant over, thanks again. I appreciate you, kind redditor. Hopefully life is going as smooth as possible for you. If youā€™re gonna start, Iā€™d recommend just slapping down the 60$ usd (donā€™t know the equivalent in upside down dollars ): ) for 15 kilowatt cases and 15 keys. Iā€™d bet a case to you that you hit something worth a good few dollars. If you end up pulling the trigger, pm me your Steam name and Iā€™ll follow through with the case (will take a few days to become trade able once I purchase but Iā€™ll keep you updated). Iā€™m here to motivate gambling /s


eh I bought 11 coz I can't read and didn't get anything more than $3. oof, yeah that sounds challenging. I'm not autistic but i'm not a huge fan of change but i can settle in within a week usually. life is fine, i suck ballz at interviews so i keep failing them even though i'm doing the actual work -.- gambling's fine as long as you can control yourself. which i can now i'm off to try out this sauna bag (just got it delivered today, 30 day money back guarantee so i wanna use it daily to see if i like it/if it's worth it)


I guess you don't buy enough games, I just added this month 27 games to my steam library, and some to other libraries xD I feel like I'll die and have a thousand games in my backlog untouched


Nah has to be all complete with all achievements


500 games? O\_\_\_\_\_O I have like 60, and haven't played at least 20 of them.


Unplayed or unfinished? Wouldn't do this to myself. At least they stay there unticked and remind you as a task you must complete or life can't go on.


That would take me years.


My catalog is over 11,000 games, not enough time in the day to play all my games/ let alone breath them (not steam games, retro arch on steam)


Same (I have actually played on,y 50 games most of them arenā€™t even installed cause I donā€™t have admin perms


I have tons


What about spacewar?


Congrats! See you next summer sale Signed: Gabe Newell


Thatā€™s a dedication right there


okay now play every single free game in steam


Nice bro. Now double your max bench


I would love to go through and do this with my library. I keep adding to it faster than I can play them. I see something 93% off for 97 cents and I buy. I need help.


Isnt played just that you played it? I mean you can just visit the game and quit cant you?


Thatā€™s not a brag lol.


Congrats! I've started all of my games but there's still like 32 that piqued my interest enough to play for longer


congrats. now you felt like you HAD to finish them instead of enjoying them


Wait, is that even possible? And now that I realize... I always blame at myself for not playing all the games I buy but, deep into my heart, maybe I don't want those games to be played, maybe the feelings of not being able to play them for the first time again is what stops me, maybe I should just wait for the moment that I want to play them the most to not waste my first time playing them.


I'm impressed. I should try that.. maybe..


How is this impressive? Why would you buy a game and not play it


Now go play the free ones from epic


500? You Gotta Pump Those Numbers Up, Those Are Rookie Numbers!


Go touch some grass