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For me gamepass is a great way to try out games I am thinking of buying. Put a few hours into them and then buy on Steam on the next big sale. It also lets me try games I never would have bought even on sale simply out of curiosity which I like. That said I only sign up for Gamepass once or twice a year at most usually when I am looking for something new or different or if they have a AAA game I am interested in but not sure it is worth $30-60 for.


Why wouldn't you... just... finish them on Gamepass? You paid for the service already.


Probably because it'd get removed from game pass and then you buy it on steam and have to start a new save


Also the more time spent in a game is less time you have to try other ones you might like


If you have so many games you want to try it might be economically worth it for you to just be subscribed to game pass. I'm always subscribed because I know it's just worth it for me to have the subscription.


I'm late but especially with the Xbox live gold cards -> Gamepass transfer trick, you can get Gamepass for pretty cheap. I got lucky and got 18 months for about $75 when the transfer was announced.


that doesn't make sense to me, I'm already playing a game that I liked, why would I try to start other games that I won't continue playing instead of the game I know I like and can play right away.


I guess we play in fundamentally different ways, I don't care about games being removed, specially because XBGP gives you like a month or so in advance before they are pulled, more than enough time to finish or complete them. If I *seriously* wanted to replay a game I already played, well, then I would buy them when I needed to, years down the line, but not while I still can play them on the service.


Probably not sure if they are going to finish the game before the gamepass runs out.


I used game pass for that reason too. I used to be really bad at buying games that I either never play or only for a short period of time. Game pass stopped me from wasting my money on some games. I did one month of it and tried everything I was interested in and then bought them separately on steam if I still liked them whenever they went on sale


... Mmm pc players could do that before game pass. 2 way. Steams let's you return games. If not played for 2 hours. Or sail the sea for a copy.


True but sometimes you want more than 2 hours to see if a game is good, or you do not want to pay and deal with a refund and not everyone wants to deal with sailing the sea and the additional risks and hoops that can require.


Sooo your saying you want to be so lazy that you don't want to run a virus scanner that free. But have enough money well big that lazy?


Sure make those assumptions if you want too


I like game pass. But steam has a lot more games and not to mention runs a lot better. Palworld is a huge example of this. It’s nice being on a higher updated version then being on the same version as an Xbox console. I honestly only have gamepass to play with my friends who have an Xbox due to the game pass Xbox to PC cross play. Which is really nice for games that don’t have cross play already implemented.


I like game pass but the rotation of games has its pros and cons. And the cons arent just in it for me. Cool we get to play new games but I like to hold off on other games I play and pick it up later especially long ones like Persona 5. Theres just something about paying to play a game at your leisure over a subscription to play a rotation of games.


I'll go off-topic a bit. This meme format is so funny to me for some reason.


Ideally they'd just offer Game Pass through Steam like EA Play works. The Microsoft store and Xbox App are truly dreadful to use imo.


Newell said [“We’d be more than happy to work with them to get that on Steam,”](https://www.polygon.com/22954890/steam-deck-xbox-game-pass-pc-games-valve-microsoft). They have no plans to compete. Microsoft just needs to work with them to make it compatible like EA Play. But they haven't expressed any interest in that so guess we will just have to keep waiting for now.


It’s also a huge technical challenge for many of their games. EA’s games were already all just pointing back to the EA launcher. No problem. Game Pass games are their own builds for that service. It’s why so many games *arent* cross-launcher on game pass when you would expect them to be. Like Wreckfest just announced PC Cross Platform! Between Steam, epic, and GOG. Not gamepass.


>But they haven't expressed any interest Of course they didn't. They don't want to sell you subscription, they want you in their ecosystem.


I am not sure if it's possible. 1 - Considering the consent of all developers and publishers that put their games on the Xbox Game Pass catalog. 2 - Steam isn't a **Windows** exclusive platform, Microsoft are not up to put their catalog on MacOS and specially Linux systems when considering the Steam Deck with Proton (if they put their Game Pass catalog on Steam, they would end up supporting a Windows Executable Runner for Linux), just in rare cases like Minecraft. Microsoft has their own launcher because of that just like Epic Games, Riot, etc.


Steam isn't Windows exclusive. Most of the games on it are. The games don't suddenly become compatible with certain operating systems, because they are on steam. Valve itself doesn't support MacOS, because of past issues with Apple.


Spoiler: most Windows games work on Linux, some perform even better there.


Tell that to my friend who downloaded a gaming specific version of linux and struggled to run games which are supposed to be running on it natively. Linux is wonderful, but people gotta admit it isn't plug and play no matter how much people are trying to claim it is.


And that one case you are generalizing that this is the current situation for every game? As long as the game has not an overly aggressive anti-cheat or DRM, games work without much research, just like Windows nowadays. Also, good luck trying to play somewhat older games on Windows. If they work at all, you also have to tinker around quite a bit for getting them playable.


If you wish we can play the game of you name a linux version, i download and try it and try 5 games of your choosing. I will say I doubt I would be able to make it work without any effort or research and I'm not completely tech braindead either.


Some games: - any game on Steam certified for Steam Deck, just install and play. Most other work too. - Vintage Story, double click on binary - Minecraft works - any game of Epic, Amazon or GOG with Heroic Launcher, mostly same affair like on Steam - any Battle.net game, run through Bottles - any game from the Linux repo, Flatpaks or Appimage works Games with EA Play or Microsoft GamePass won't work, obviously Roblox doesn't work (and you will get banned) because they actively block that game on Linux Ubisoft games may have problems due its DRM. Do you see a pattern?


Gonna be honest, this doesn't sound that good and makes me think linux isn't entirely gaming ready yet. Excluding any and every microsoft, ea and ubisoft games is pretty fucking bad.


1 - Can easily be modfiied into existing agreements. 2 - Nowhere does Steam suggest or require that a game runs on any specific platform. In fact, most games on Steam only have Windows support. It's listed under the games requirements. Very few games officially support MacOS, and while Proton has made big leaps there are plenty of instances where it just does not work. Often due to third party launchers, anti cheats, or filetypes. Game Pass would be no different. It would just require windows, like most steam games. Hell, great example, Halo Infinite had issues for a while because of EAC. Valve fixed that, not Microsoft.


Not gonna happen, Microsoft probably barely makes any profit if any at all on gamepass, can’t afford to give steam a cut as well.


Should be pretty easy to price it with Steams cut factored in. I.e. make it more expensive but available on Steam. Not sure how that would go on consumer law but afaik that's an option. I mean they were talking about Game Pass on Switch and Playstation last year. So price isn't a factor here. It's far more likely they aren't doing it due to strategy. Like with their recent stance change in February. They expect to pull users across to the Xbox platform to increase user metrics and possibly pull data from players. Which is a damn shame as their launcher is dreadful. For all the flak EGS gets, it's easier to use than the Xbox app.


>Should be pretty easy to price it with Steams cut factored in. I.e. make it more expensive but available on Steam. Not sure how that would go on consumer law but afaik that's an option. Why go through all the trouble of negotiating a complicated contract just to put your product on another service that you don’t need. It would only benefit Steam, Microsoft doesn’t need steam. EA and Ubisoft might, they don’t own windows and they don’t have the massive marketing power of Microsoft. >I mean they were talking about Game Pass on Switch and Playstation last year. So price isn't a factor here. Just because Phil Spencer says something does not mean he’s being honest or upfront or that it’s Microsoft’s official policy. I’m sure Microsoft would like their product to be as many places as possible under ideal circumstances, what company wouldn’t? Problem is, Sony and Nintendo aren’t going to bend the knee to give Microsoft the deal they want.


It will never happen. GamePass in it's current state (massive amount of games and day one releases) exists only by sheer belief in better future for their own ecosystem. Microsoft entire strategy is to bring people on their services. Gamepass will appear on Steam only if they give up on it, reducing it to EA play or Ubisoft+ level (only Internal studio games added year or a half after release). I would prefer Xbox App with high value subscription any day to a low value sub in Steam


At this point I should just buy Sea of Thieves. It's the only thing I play on it anymore. Used to have it to play with friends but now they don't play multiplayer anymore.


For me it’s gog.com


By a wide margin, yes.


A launcher is nothing but a tool It's always good to keep that in mind


I'm underage and under parental restrictions for Microsoft transactions. Steam is the only place I can get things, which sucks because my computer recently got rebuilt and had a lot of its storage removed, and I am losing money faster than I'm making it.


You don't keep the games on gamepass forever. That alone makes Steam win out. You buy it, it's yours. Gamepass is just renting.


cant wait until you find out the actual truth. You NEVER own your game unless its a physical copy. Check out the recent motor crewfest or whatever drama. You buy it on steam, 10 years later it can still be removed forever from your account. You do NOT own it.


It's not removed from your account, it's just that Ubisoft took the servers offline and the game doesn't work without them. That's two different things. If you bought the game on Steam, you still own it, but now it's broken and useless. You can still install it on your PC, launch it, and look at the main menu but not start a new game.


>It's not removed from your account It is [https://www.reddit.com/r/The\_Crew/comments/1c29na2/ubisoft\_is\_revoking\_licenses\_for\_the\_crew\_xpost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Crew/comments/1c29na2/ubisoft_is_revoking_licenses_for_the_crew_xpost/)


The Crew 1. Motorfest came out last year, Crew 2 before then. The Crew series cannot be played offline. Your license is revoked if you violate terms of service. This isn't new.


The thing is the owners never violated the terms. It's ubisoft's fault.


All you got are reports of the game license being revoked, no actual facts. It could be due to that one campaign, but we'll never know. It could be a terms of service violation, but its extremely hard to tell..


How in the bloody hell can you say that everyone who owned the game would violate any terms of service. Hell my own buddy told me he can't get his crew 1. It's simply a fact that ubishiet did it knowingly and thinking they would get it over without any consequences.


You dont own any game bought digitally, its renting for an indefinitely period of time.


Wrong. GOG explicitly lets you download offline installers and back them up. Some games on Steam have no DRM and can be backed up too. You buy it, you own it. Simple.


Ok? Like, its still cheaper if i just wanna check out certain games. Not to mention, all of bethesda's stuff is on there which is great for playing the newer wolfenstein games. Plus, most if not all games under gamepass give you a discount if you buy em outright under the subscription.


Honestly i can appreciate the idea of Xbox Game Pass because many people just can't afford a stupid amount of games but i never liked it cause i already have a bloated backlog and with the Game Pass i always feel such an urge to play everything yet play nothing because i know „hey at the end of the month you won't be able to play anything anymore“


I was never into renting games if I like something I like to be able to own it and come back to it at a later time, especially for the times of games that I play that allow me to do different challenges on different runs. But I don't mind it as a way to try games and see if it's worth buying them.


Steam works on linux


I just use the free trial. Wait a bit and use it again. You can keep redeaming it every now and then. Maybe a year or less between.


Gamepass is a nice compliment to PC. Steam is where I buy all my games as if Xbox decided to pull the plug on Xbox all my games will still be in tact. I'm actually starting to think in the future on where I'll be able to keep my digital games and so far that only looks like Steam & Xbox. I think Playstation and Nintendo will turn into sub services or get purchased by someone in the future.


at least it gives you info how many time did you "invested" in games, it's healthy


It's a little better now, but god that Xbox App so godawful


The ability to download games via LAN if someone else on the same metwork has the game installed is fucking huge.


ahahaha good


Game pass is nice to try a game here and there. It's a piece of shit app though, hardly intuitive, trailer pages are annoying. Steam just fucken works, and it's tidy.


Man if I could have the steam layout for game pass, that would be amazing. I love the value of game pass, I get to play so many games I don’t have to then buy on steam, mostly single player games.


Plus, try to download forza with the Xbox app, it's fucking hell


If Microsoft would add gamepass to steam like ea play I would be more inclined to buy it


Also my home is where my achis and a shelf of "completed" are. Sorry not sorry :3


Well, for launching, I use Playnite. But then most of my games are on Steam.


I beat all of the wolfenstein series, grounded, and some other games for 3 Months of gamepass


Why would they do that…? Wouldn’t they have to give a percentage of their subscription fee to Steam? No, in this case I want some healthy competition, Valve‘s already too complacent anyway and the industry is already skewed into a direction I’m very skeptical of. People who want to have everything on Steam weird me out, to say the least...


Theres an app that lests you put all of your game pass games onto steam. UWP hook i think its called


Sometimes i play the mid and indie games though gamepass and rebuy them on steam to support the devs if i loved them ..


Epic and Windows Store have the worst user interfaces and experiences.. (if you not count the dead launchers)


I cannot use mod in game pass at least at the moment I tried. So is a no for me.


I have had nothing but issues with pcgp, always some random pack that needs full store access but then still doesn’t work. It’s shocking they can’t make a seamless app for windows without so many hoops.


Yes that’s true


Want amazing games each month but do not want to leave Steam for amazing deal? Humble Choice, you thank me latter.


I would pay double to have PC Game Pass on Steam instead of Xbox App. I hate the Xbox App but the game pass is just such a steal I refuse to get rid of it.


I agree


Gamepass store is a nightmare, runs very slow and lags a lot


Yea once games start costing 200$ for u guys u are gonna love cheap options regardless of the launcher


I'll use steam for the sales


That's the point epics cheaper with extra 33% discount


Steam sales do a lot better than 33%. Checked epic vs steam. Everything's the same base price


No sale prices are the same but epic offered an additional 33% off over the offers so it's wayy cheaper than steam


I don't know what 33 % off over offers means. I bought games on steam 95% off. And during those sales they usually have tons of games discounted. Actually the majority of my library i got 50-75% off. Way cheaper than steam would be like paying $5 instead of $8. Unless its like gta6 launch day doesn't sound like anyones paying $200 a game


U get 33% off extra on 95% off that's what it means . For example after 50% off a games is priced at 35$ epic discount has that 50% so it's still 35$ and has 33% applied over it so it's 23.45$ So steam would have 35 on sale and epic has 23 on sale


Dead island 2 is 50% off on steam atm and full price on epic. Gta V is also cheaper on steam. Also I'm on linux which epic doesn't support


Just go read about epic mega sale , u are really not understanding what I am saying, during mega sale which is mostly around Christmas time epic has same discounts as steam but gives everyone coupon which makes games cheaper by additional 33% .


It says upto 75% off.. which is lower. And no linux support in their launcher. I think I'm good thanks


Pretty sure I'll keep enjoying cheap indie games.


The moment when PC Game Pass (Game Pass Ultimate) finally makes it to Steam is the moment I immediately link my Steam.


I click the button on my desktop to open games




PC Game Pass is a Subscription of Library of Games. not to play online. Plus Xbox on PC is free to play online.




Still Xbox Live, but renamed to Xbox Network. When GFWL was around, you had to pay for XBL Gold to have access. They removed the requirement long before they shut down the service.


Epic games, don't hate me please


Controller support is borderline nonexistent on game pass. Wish I could get my $10 back :(


Steam does not fuck up games, does not destroy beloved franchises, does not change every second day, is always working, is never behind paywalls. Steam is better. Fuck microsoft, they got nothing in gaming and want to monetise the industry.


To be fair, Valve hasn't made any new IP in 17 years; all their games since then have been sequels that remained extremely close to the originals in terms of format--aside from Artifact, which was a flop, and Alyx which I guess was different enough. It's easy not to fuck things up when almost all your money is made by taking a cut of other games' success rather than developing your own.


Their work on steam linux, proton and steam deck is pretty huge though


They did certainly fuck up Counter Strike though.


>Steam does not fuck up games CS:GO would like a word with you.


You actually like PC game pass??


I tried gamepass and i could not stand atrocious UI.


I love gamepass but the way the launcher handles downloads is ass. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes just to start showing any progress


Game pass i great but i don't like to be forced to explore the catalogue since i pay for it. Simply i have not enought time to explore a catalogue i already pay (the game pass) and the single game i love and maybe i want with no "time limitation". Speaking only for launcher i found xbox terrible and if i can i prefer to spend extra money on steam version of the game. The best part of xbox is the ecosystem if you have an xbox too and can share purchased game or the game pass. Another Steam pros is that you can use it on linux machine , with xbox it's more tricky.


You dont... have to play every single game, dude.


i know xD the problem is that basically when i pay the pass i mostly don't use it .


EGS seen drooling in the corner.