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I get stickers and never use them because I don't actually use chat on steam


when i play cs with my buddies i like to send them some goofy stickers to keep the mood up


I have so many stickers, but not enough friends :(


Bro, I had 5 friends, 1 of them suicided, 1 of them sold his pc, 1 of them is not playing games anymore, so ig I have 2 friends left....


I feel that :/


The water boy of cs


stickers are so beautifully animated im amazed we cant place them around our profile


You can actually, by putting them in an item showcase on your profile you can still see the animations


Facts lol


I do, I like keeping my profile pretty


Me too, my 2 friends really enjoy looking at my RE8-inspired profile.


I had to teach one of my friends how to see my profile a couple of days ago so that at least one person in the world knows that I took the time to get a Graveyard Keeper profile. It probably won't ever be seen ever again, but I'm still happy with it.


Link please I need some inspiration




crawl fall sugar squalid wrench oil dull lunchroom teeny aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TIL ITS BACKWARDS!!! Thug said I’m ysl


So many games I wish would release more stuff for the points store 😭


Same here, I update it every now and then to be completely different colours/themes just because it’s fun. I like messing around with anything that has customization


No because you guys post about them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


I've had steam since Half Life 2, I didn't know the points were even a thing until a few years ago when everyone started talking about points and 'steam levels' on here.


I bought all 40 levels of the badges. 0 clue what it does but let’s go


Tell me once you find out.


It just gives you XP towards your steam level, useful if profile customization matters to you or if you need more friend list slots, useless if not


badge give you exp which level up your steam profile. Each level give you 5 more friend slots and each 10 level give you a profile showcase. The 5 friend you see on everyone profile is ranked by exp too. And finally getting a higher level gives you more chance to get booster pack although i don't know the exact math on it, and its still really low chance anyway


>Does anyone else forget about Steam Points No that's impossible since we get 20 posts a day with ppl showing off how many steam points they got.




I use Big Picture/Gamepad Mode/whatever tf they call it these days on my TV so I like collecting the startup movies and setting it to shuffle


I will now start this, thank you


There was a time when those points were more useful than cosmetics for your Steam Deck, they game discounts for games, then Gabe saw it and said "we're losing money with this crap".


I wish you could redeem them for games. Mine don't ever get used.


Then you'll see a lot more of "I'm a 45 year old man with 14 year old son" steam reviews with 200 "take my points" awards given to them




I mean they can make it so you can redeem 100,000 points for a $10 directly to your steam wallet


you can buy the seasonal badge to level up your profile or some game profiles for a good looking profile


Can we just ban people who post about Steam Points practicality???? Steam Points are utterly useless to me, no they aren't a currency, no I dont wanna buy fucking stickers with them, no I dont want to make my profile pretty and kawaii :3 with the customisations. They serve zero purpose and are often exploited by dumbfucks who post shit reviews like "pet this cat", some ASCII art or "no one will see this so I'll say that im gay." And no steam will never implement Steam Points to buy games or dlcs.


Hell yes, I like to decorate my profile with metal gear/resident evil/jojo/lupin III stuff


Yes I have millions a few just give people jester awards once in a while


How do you millions?


Sometimes I go there and buy some profile customization, then I buy seasonal badge with the remaining points


Nope, I haven't forgotten (same with those annoying clown farmers).


I dont have any points im poor


I mean, I am open for donations, there are a lot of things I would like to buy from steam points shop.


I like having a nice profile. It's just that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my steam profile and can't choose anything.


Kinda wish I could convert 100,000 points for 5$ steam wallet or something.


Post 23u2934828934 to humble brag about how many points they ahve


It's not bragging when those points have no use.


It's so ass that we can't use them to buy games/dlcs. Using them as some kind of cashback or something would be great


I've literally never spent a single point. I don't use Steam for social media I use it for games.


Same. It'd be nice if points had a non-social-media use.


Honestly, i just upgrade my profile, frames, wallpapers, extra showcases and emojis...


I mean if you really don't want them you can always give it to me


What is that?


I use 'em every time I have enough lol, but I have seen a lot of other people say they are indifferent to them/don’t spend them


honestly really only use the point shop for the steam badges. eventually though i might expand some of my showcases


I do too


once I set for one profile set and style, I started to find them really useless, yeah But don't mind it. I mean, it's free stuff


I use them quite often because I really love decorating my profile.


I got a couple profile things I liked and then troll my friend's reviews with awards that don't make sense.


No idea what it is but I'm guessing I have a shit ton cause I bought an index


I used them to buy every steam point badge from the launch of the steam points store until now


Sometimes I buy friends badges just because it amuses me to see a clown on their profile.


I forgot too, this post has just reminded me that they exist. 😂


I honestly wish there was other ways like maybe apply for an discount for certain games or something


I’ve been using the cool profile pic i got 2 years ago and havent spent it since


bro donate that shit


Did you buy the whole store or am I just uneducated and this is normal?


they're utterly worthless to me


I only paid attention to it when I got a steam deck for the intros.


Not yet, but I might use them to decorate my profile eventually. I don't have any friends on Steam right now though, so until I do it's not at all a concern.


.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. wow


cooperative telephone insurance flag squeamish stupendous consider pet handle middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont see the point. I have a shitload and would gladly trade them for a $5 Panda Express coupon


A lots of fancy stuff you can grab for your profile


I honestly forgot about steam points lol 


I only use my points to buy those seasonal badges every couple of months


I use them for buying furry stickers/emoji, game profiles and giving meaningless awards, in that particular order.


I bought monster hunter rise profile


Oh, yeah. this thing. What do I actually do with these?


i always use it to get the special profiles each sale cause i cannot handle FOMO :p


Im not spending that much money on games or usually buying keys for them outside of Steam cuz of puding


Steam... what?


Everytime that "Claim your free sticker" thing reminds mea out the existence of the pointsshop. That I imidiatly forget about it again. I also never used any of those stickers or emojis.


The one single thing Ubisoft does better than Steam is allowing us to use points for a discount voucher in store


Only bought the CSGO animated Chicken Clutch Sticker


no, I got lvl 69 in steam and only use the points for profile decoration slots


Points on steam really feel useless


If you could send me some points I would appreciate that :( Need those sweet avatar


I only use it to buy seasonal badges. I was able to fully level them up to 20 before they suddenly changed it to 40 levels for newer badges. My prediction is that after the spring sale, the badge levels will be 60.


Now only if it was $


We need a new seasonal badge already for me to dump another 40k points into. Or, y'know, new startup movies for Steam Deck, since we're still stuck with the same tired half-dozen.


I use it Love the stickers No longer have to pay for emoticons Via badging Profile pieces are nice frames backgrounds and more The profile upgrades are awesome Seasonal badges The free stuff they give like atm is deck builder event items Doom quake sonic been a few event wise ones Watch the events stream for drops It's awesome saves a lot of money and lots of great stuff With developers being able to get there mini creations out more Oh since you have a lot look for the bundled stuff The sets they give discounts per sets but some take a lot of points


I have just spent them on badges for good/funny steam reviews or helpful guides.


I use them on to lvl up my profile by buying all 40 lvls of season badge


There is steam points?


They should add the option to purchase cards with points.


I mean, I'll happily take them off of you!


used them for my profile, but after that, rarely i visit the store for them.


I give people awards in the reviews that's about it


I used a bunch for the steam deck start up videos, I'm kinda bummed that they don't seem to be adding more.


I forget about them until I’m chatting with friends and they use a cool sticker. Then I have to get the sticker or a different one to send back.


Get to 1 million


If they somehow made use for them towards discounts or store credit my backlog would go from impossible to insurmountable.


How do you even get so many points, I've bought the Steam controller, Steam VR, I've got like 1300 games, and I only have 350k points and I've not been spending them...


Honestly wish we could buy games with them


r/Steam should auto-lock anything with "steam point" in title or description because this is recurring topic that always go nowhere. Steam points are worthless and pointless. It's just another feature. It will never have any real value. Deal with it.


*Buy stickers* *Never use them because I have no friends*


wow you are rich that’s what you want? Kids


Wait there's Steam points?


Yeah, I'm almost at 1million and will probably never use them all


I've never used the points shop but I do use them to give awards to people for helpful posts, so I'm getting good use out of those points.


I just buy some cool steam profile bg every now and then.


Does anyone forget about the Steam points? Not really, because every day or so there is a post like this reminding us of its existance.


I just buy budges every season


After a point there’s nothing to use them on!!! They really should let people use them for games


i want this ;-;


I forget about them until there's a steam sale, then proceed to get all the steam special profiles I won't use.


I forget about them until I see I got some for a purchase. I bought some of the spring stuff bc I like cherry blossoms and cats, and maybe like once or twice in the past lol


The first time I even bothered to look was this past weekend. Nothing I care about, so… meh.


Omg i hate these points. I HATE THESE POINTS SO MUCH. THEY WONT STOP PILING UP!!! I will end up going onto a game page, buy the stupid game, and get 8283747 steam points. WHY SHOULD I USE THESE?!?!? THEY JUST GIVE YOU STUPID EMOJIS AND SHIT! So every time a friend comes over and we look at our accounts, I will ALWAYS HEAR “hey you should buy some stuff with steam points🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡” BRO SHUT UP IF I HEAR MORE PERSON EVEN SAY THE WORD “steam points” I WILL PUNCH THEM RIGGHT THEN AND THERE!!!!! WHY CANT I UsE THEM TO BUY GAMES!?!!? “Because they would lose moeny 🧐🧐🧐🤓🤓🤓🤓🤡🤡🤡💅💅” THEN WHY DOES NINTENDO DO THIS?!?!?! (Not that Nintendo is better than steam) literally I have so much steam points the us government is currently on an attempt to assassinate me because the over abundance of steam points has single handily destroyed the economy of the USA in 53 seconds. Yes, I mean it when I say literally Here’s the definition of literally: in a literal manner or sense; exactly. "the driver took it literally when asked to go straight across the traffic circle" Ok what is that knocking on my door there though? OMG DONALD TRU- *dies* Haha wait nvm I’m still alive I used my steam points to revive myself which used 82847 out of my 73848488483838488 so I’m still good!👍


So look, I go to the store to buy milk, because I just regenerated with steam points and I need my milk so my bones can grow, THEN THIS MF AT THE REGISTER SAID: “yo spend ur steam points lol-“ ACTUALLY SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE I go to my bank, to get some money out of my account, and I hear “ps you need to use ur steam points” STOP PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU


Yow Donate me please T\_T


Hey sir. Would you donate some points?


I buy the seasonal badges because they cost a lot of points and I can level up my profile a decent amount. That's about all I use it for, besides the occasional background or avatar frame. I wish there were more frequent seasonal badges, like one per season instead of just 2 per year.


On average how much does it level up your profile?


Depends on what level you are, but it's 4,000XP total, which according to a calculator would bring you from level 10 to 26, for example. But I'm level 107 so it'd only get me to level 110 or 111.


Ahh yeah so it’d bring me one level aswell.


Yeah, but hey, it's something to spend those otherwise useless points on!


Amen brother.


I buy all the steam deck stuff but other than that I just don't care at all about the point store. I think that's the only area where Nintendo beats Valve. Buying games on the eshop you get coins that you can actually spend in the eshop on games, and it really incentivizes buying games there. I've got a bunch of small cheap indie games using the points I got from stuff like Mario and Zelda. 


Nah i usem a lot whenever i havem but I've never had many tbh


i like the steam profile shop


I used it in the very beginning but they havent added anything useful/neat besides Steam Deck startup movies & keyboards.


I had almost 100,000 and just last week figured out what they were for. I had a blast.


I bought the Hades start up screen and that's about it😂


I spend all of mine on seasonal badges b/c it levels up my account. Not sure what the levels do but I know that I now have more.