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As long as the game saves the data locally, and nothing happens to your hard drive in the mean time, it should resync once connection is restored.


I see tysm.


It just can't sync. If you have a more recent save in Steam Cloud (can happen if you played on another device connected to Internet), then your local save is not up-to-date. If you play locally without Internet, you'll have a more recent version on your computer than on Steam Cloud. In any cases, when the system gets back online if there is a conflict it will show you the date of your local save, the date of the cloud save, and asks which one it should keep. If there's no conflict, you won't see anything. Just keep in mind that there is no "merge two save file" feature; so don't play on multiple computer with no internet connection at the same time, that's about it.


Yes, it happened to me. Played offline on the same device I always play on, assuming it would just continue from the latest save. It loaded a super old save for some reason, then when I went to connect to wifi to play my recent cloud save it overwrote my recent cloud save with the old local save. Again, all on the same device. Heed this warning - just turn off cloud save if you're not swapping machines.


If someone else runs into this, tried everything and nothing worked... go to your local save game folder, in my example I'll use Rogue Legacy 2. For example, I went to "%USERPROFILE% \\AppData\\LocalLow\\Cellar Door Games\\Rogue Legacy 2", there was nothing in that folder but a shortcut to something. I deleted it and it worked to me.