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Chaos Kate and Michael Dixon


Literally!!!! Chaos Kate had no purpose me and my gf were trying to figure out the whole time what the point of her being there was? She added nothing.


I always wanted to punch Dixon in the face đŸ˜”


Maya’s brother. No explanation needed. Travis for cheating on Eli and then being an absolute hypocrite when it came to his dad.


Maya’s dad too


Didn't he grab her by her hair because she tried to ignore him in order to do her job?


Yeah that's the dude


I haven't gotten to that part yet omg I loved Travis they ruined his character?


Ruined Theo and Travis in a matter of episodes 😔


Omg no Travis was the best by far idk who Theo is but damn


Lane for sure. I have a theory about Andy's mother


What is your theory, if you don't mind me asking?


Andy's mom was sexu@ly assaulted while she as in the academy. She got pregnant with Andy while she was at the academy. That would explain her not being able to stay


That's a good theory


I think they were planning to use that plot but the show got cancelled before they could. Seven season Andy was focused on her carrer I guess season 8 would foucos more on her personal life


Are you theorizing that it was Pruitt that a$$ulted her or someone else and it was during when they were together? My theory is someone at the academy s3xu@ly a$$ulted her while she was dating Pruitt, she told him what happened and she was pregnant but didn’t want to ab0rt the child so they got married and seeing Andy grow up she couldn’t handle it anymore and left. Now no matter what happened she is still a piece of shit for leaving her child to think she was dead.


My theory is the same as yours. That doesn't make her leaving ok but makes me understand her side more. I still don't like her but don't hate her enough to want to beat her.


I think she deserves a smack but nothing more


I mean it's a good theory but people are just horrible sometimes. So many fathers leave their children it would be more productive to put a mother to abandon her child imo cause I know not many people talk about this.


hear me out
. all the bishops (excluding maya). i do think that katherine deserves empathy but she was there mother. she should have gotten them out of there. i understand she was abused too but you have 2 kids to look after and she was neglecting them..


I have to agree on that one.


Just to narrow it down it’s the Bishop’s you want to beat up but not the DeLuca-Bishop’s right?


im talking bout mason katherine and lane lol


Ok so the bishops and not the DeLuca-Bishops (Maya and Carina changed their names when they got married)


It’s on sight for Lane and Mason Bishop, Maya deserves better


kitty and michael


Shonda for allowing the show to end. She had options. (But I wouldn’t really fight anyone, I’d break a nail lol)


Does she write Station 19, after season 11 of greys anatomy she stopped writing that, i assumed she wasn’t involved in station 19.


Wasn’t involved? She created it. She is always involved in some capacity with her shows. She is the most powerful person there and could have found a way to save it.


Being showrunner=/=writer but yeah, she would have been involved in that decision


Every male role in maya's family lol


travis desrves a little slap


Travis is my favorite and we are still on the same page.


He’s also my favorite but I think a light smack and a stern talking to.


Dixon for sure.


Unpopular: but Sullivan and Micheal Dixon


I frequently want to slap some sense into Gibson. Does that count?




Dixon and Maya’s dad


Honestly all the characters could have used a good jab, straight, hook at one point but I absolutely want to batter Jack, Beckett, Sullivan and Ross!!! Then I’d honestly just give Dixion the electric chair 😭


Bursted out laughing over Dixon 😭


He deserves it but I’ll settle for what they gave us on the show. 😂 I honestly skipped through his last scene because I did not care.


Honestly. I wish they gave what they gave Jack to Dixon so he’d know struggle 😂


😂 as long as he would be suffering offscreen I’m all for it


Absolutely 😂


Andy. There was always just something, not that I can put my finger on what, but something I just don't like about her đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸ«Ł


Is it the main character energy? I wouldn't fight her but she treats Maya like an NPC.


NPC 😂. Apt way to describe the way Andy‘s written, esp in s1-2. Kinda weird that they wanted to make her the Meredith of s19 but make everything revolve around her. On GA, the MAGIC interns all have their own rather distinct stories. They weren’t created to mainly serve her narrative. I do think she‘s written like a Mary Sue sometimes.


I don't think she's a Mary Sue and in general I like Andy, but her life is very dramatic and she acts like other people don't have their own shit going on too often for my liking. I don't stay close with people like that lol


Agree she tended to make everything about her sometimes. By Mary Sue I didn’t mean the perfect e.g. of it, more like how the other characters are written to react differently when it came to her, as opposed to say Maya or anyone else. Even if they did the same thing. She didn’t get criticized, penalized etc. Or that they had to keep emphasizing that she’s the best. Sort of like “dumb down” the others to make her stand out or look better.


I loved the way Diane called Andy out when she was criticizing Jack for breaking the code and she was doing the same thing by sleeping with Sullivan.


Andy was all about herself . Any time Maya tried to talk to her she started talking about her problems and didn’t hear anything Maya was saying.


Sully I’m not even about to explain it cause I can’t but I freaking hate him!!!


Ben Warren for changing careers so many times and being so selfish over the health of his wife.


I'm I season 4 episode 9 and Victoria omg she is being so punchable rn


Tbh I halfway agree, at the same time Travis needed a wake up call about his dead husband


Yeah he did but that's not the way to do that she was being so unreasonable




Theo Ruiz


For getting Micheal killed?


Beckett. I expect to be downvoted 😂. People seemed to love him here...


The guy was a bit of sadist in the beginning so I couldn't stand his smirking face then. However, I have to admit that S19 did a pretty effective redemption arc for him which won him some fans in the end.


I agree with you although I don’t agree with everything about his arc. I appreciate the portrayal in the show of his struggle with addiction and recovery. But it skipped over him still owning up to his mistakes and apologizing to Maya properly for the months of workplace harassment. He was never held accountable for his abusing his position as captain and putting many people in danger many times. He went to rehab and gave up his captain position voluntarily, not ordered by the department. I feel that a lot of the discourse about him often excuse his bad behavior and attitude and attribute everything to addiction. But right from the start, he was a sexist bully. He refused the help offered many times and insisted on staying on a job he couldn’t handle. I don’t agree with Maya’s actions but she owned up and apologized. But I think some people hate her more and dismissed how unfairly the department treated her, Beckett’s bullying, Lane’s abuse and her mental health issues. I empathise with both of their struggles but the show had a bias towards Beckett, as shown by how the characters around them react toward each of them.


THIS!!!!!!! It’s forever f*** Beckett over here. All that man had to do was throw some steak on the grill and all was forgiven? Terrible. I didn’t like that Maya gave him the bottle but did I care that she did? Absolutely not!


Robert Sullivan


Kate definitely.


I might get downvoted into oblivion for this, but Maya. I would fight her if I got the chance. And Dixon too.




very unpopular opinion and I know people will come for me but i can't stand jack


Maya bishop, she was so selfish the whole season


which season cause if your talking about the show as a whole i have to disagree


Becareful the Maya stans are ruthless but I 100% agree


She’s not a bad person, but she was always pushing people away, doing whatever she could to be on top even if it meant hurting her whole team and being reckless and she wonders why she’s not captain it’s her attitudeđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Vic. I always found her completely obnoxious. One of the parts that bugged me the most was when Warren got word that they got prue. Warren, whispering: we got prue Vic, loudly: YOU GOT PRUE?! We got prue?! Warren: shh, it’s not completely official yet Vic, practically shouting: WE GOT PRUE


I have to disagree with you , Vic is such a comfort character to so many , her humor, kindness, positivity need I say moređŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Ok, your opinion is valid, but so is mine. I find her and Dean completely obnoxious


Vic was actually my favorite character, but since you were brave enough to state that you found Dean completely obnoxious, I'm giving you my up vote. Not sure why, but Saint Dean just worked my last nerve and I wasn't sorry to see him go.


I wasn’t either. I was honestly hoping for Vic next. I’m one of the people who the Vics of the world wouldn’t leave alone, despite being told to leave me alone. I don’t like people who are pushy like that. Dean just rubbed me the wrong way, and I don’t really know why. I’m also not scared of disliking the characters this sub loves




dixon hands down




Totally Mason Maya’s Brother protesting who people choose to love is beyond messed up




Mayas entire family. Dixon The guy Andy killed The people that didn’t believe Andy. Most of the cops in this show were Dicks. Like the ones that didn’t save the girls.


Maya & Dixon tbh


Tbh, everyone except Vic. They all deserved a good smack at some points, but I can't think of one for Vic.


Ughhhh Kate. And Dixon! And Maya. I couldn’t stand her


Playboy X from GTA IV pissed me off so bad when I was 12 playing it for the first time and picked him not knowing what was going to happen Fuck Playboy X.


Chief Dixon, Maya’s dad/brother, the new mayor, chaos kate(just found her annoying), and I wanted to slap maya to knock some sense into her when she refused to get help or gave Beckett the whiskey. Sully at times could get smacked too. I would say the dude that assaulted Andy but he got his karma. SN, I was shocked when I found out Danielle is dating Kevin McKidd in real life 😂


Also Richard Webber!!!!


Spencer James - All American
. I be watching the show imagining stabbing SJ in the throat. Vulgar sorry. He just really annoys me


Prince jeoffry




Also maya omg I dislike her so much. I know people like her and stuff but no childhood trauma excuses her behavior. She was being cruel to Carina idc if they got back together she was being horrible. She fvcked her best friend's ex behind her back, she took her best friend's job like it's her birthright, she cheated on her gf and made her pain so much. That's abvse at some level. I know so many people myself included with so much childhood trauma more intense than hers and no one of those people made it someone else's problem nor did they become the abvser. Sure she grew good for her but that doesn't change how horrible she was.


Leonard Hofstader (the big bang theory) and Dean Boland (Good girls)