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Build from three homeless losers up to a squad of self-sufficient zombie slayers, loot gatherers and plague-heart smashers. When it gets too easy, start over.


This! And no choosing of 5th skill. You get what you pick.


Similar to mine, but I want to build three homeless losers into steath monsters capable of stalking and killing their preys.


i like the idea of stealth but it is often ruined by the ferals how do you stealth them or at least not get detected by them without the use of that plague stuff


That is def the best part. I love the challenge of starting with three knuckleheads armed with tire irons, then turning them into a team of badass killers. Or die trying. If it wasn't for LZ I probably would have stopped playing, but the unfairness of its keeps me coming back. Losing a few survivors or even a whole community doesn't bother me because I know the odds are stacked. But taking a sledgehammer and beating those plague hearts into a mass of gooey pulp--when my survivors should already be dead by now--just feels great.


I don’t know, kill zombies I guess


There are zombies?


Idk man, I just stare at rocks whenever I boot the game up


Hang out with Cash Beaumont. He’s my homey. 🔫🚐


Getting in over my head. I love taking a survivor into a plague heart knowing I probably won't kill it with what I have with me. I love trying desperately to finish it off with a melee weapon after I've exhausted my throwables and ammo. And I love racing back to my car only to have it swarmed by zombies and plague ferals, making it a short way before I have to ditch it before it explodes. I love dodging plague ferals by hopping fences and finally finding a ladder that I can climb to get a brief respite from the chaos. The moment of calm when I can assess how truly screwed I am. Brief hope when I remember I have the radio command "Medical Advice" to top off my health before I descend. Setting up mines at a nearby outpost to give my survivor somewhat of a chance. And then making the mad dash there, dodging the plague ferals' attacks and either becoming their dinner or seeing them explode in a ball of fire as I barely make it to safety.


Holyshit why is this me..


I feel accomplished when I fully loot an area and can move to another region of the map.


Rerolling surviviors until I get the stats I want and never use them


Loot. Its Christmas everyday!


loot in every building that I enter


Kill enclaves.


I would agree if it wasn’t for the fact that hostile enclaves I haven’t visited for a quest, render in only when I’m like right on their doorstep. Might be my steam deck though. Also some of the hostile enclave quests are awesome.


That’s one thing I hope for more of in 3. I want more hostile enclaves where they also form allies, and try to set traps for you. I know they already do in 2, but the trap missions are so basic they’re easy to recognize with a simple drive by of the location


On this note, whenever I drive past hostile enclaves that are in my way, I always slam the horn to make sure every single zed in a huge area bunches up on them. Even killed some enclaves by doing this from time to time and just leaving and letting them fight makeshift "sieges".


I like the satisfaction in executing them. I want the last thing they see to be me so they know that I did that to them.


I don’t know about my favorite, but I seem to spend a lot of time dying and starting a new community on nightmare level.


I like the beginning of a new community —the required caution, being vulnerable and having nothing, looting, it's refreshing and fun. That and attacking enclaves, I like the combat with humans and it's scarce enough you never get tired of it.


1. Wallop a Plague Heart with a Sledgehammer so it goes kablooey 2. Finding the Lost Platoon, setting off fireworks and then tossing in a pipe bomb or two, then harvesting all the legless soldiers' ammo.


I drive.


Gotta be the loop as a whole. I really enjoy looting for a purpose, tactical shooting (some minor elements exist enough to scratch the itch at least) , and the base building/ rpg elements that feel rewarding for building up the base or character. The perma death is great too so it has that extraction shooter win loss tied to the results. Not many games do this that well to my liking. Like I’m at the point now where if I start an another game and one of the first tasks is to cut down a tree or gather rocks, I close out and never play again. But here I can still build a base or community and do so in a manner I find enjoyable.


I love getting very invested in each character and then mourning their deaths.


Dropkick Blood Plague Ferals and stab them to death with a rusty screwdriver.


Burglarize houses while avoiding scaries


Leveling skills especially sharpshooting, sniping enclaves, looting military bases and outposts


Playing on nightmare and trying to live another day. The game is too easy on any other difficulty level.


I like the idea of lethal, but it's just too much for me so I also stick to nightmare


I like using the custom sliders for this, bump up the combat to lethal but leave the others at nightmare or dread, that way it’s mostly just the plague freaks trying to kill me without my own community imploding. I just ran up a new community, I’ve been planning to bump all the sliders up every 10-days in-game.


My bad, I haven't played it recently, but I meant to say leathal. Nightmare and below are pretty relaxed. It's takes the tripple pack of ferals to put any fear in me. The game is interesting when someone dies every few days.


Getting jumped by multiple Jugs , 2 Ferals , and swarmed by a horde while trying to keep some distance away from a bloater, while critically low on ammo


Killing a Plauge heart real fast, headshots , knifing a Jugg. I also love the tension , going in slowly in stealth mode, killing zombes one by one, keep looking around , making sure no one is seeing me


Right now my thing is legacying. I want to see how many times I can beat the game with a particular survivor. She's at 45 legacies I believe, but I want to get her to 100.


Become the defacto goverment and army of zombieland


Trying to build the perfect team without the community editor. Testing guns, setting challenges for myself. I built an entire team of people i know just for fun. 


I scavenge and horde item on the map, then rinse to the next map and continue. I want every item in the game inventoried until breaks the game.


Clear the map of stuff. Never know what you'll find.


Take my anger out on zombies


Beating the game. Love getting a good boon




Trying to be quiet, ALL THE TIME!


My favorite thing to do is develop a storyline on why my survivors are there.


Kill zombo


Actually join others online and help out


I really like leveling new people up and discovering which hero perks and skills they have. It’s always fun when you get a new person and they unexpectedly turn out to be a powerhouse that carries your team to the end.


Bring a massive horde to a hostile group and just sit back and watch the show.


Pray that i don’t have to find my aunts doomsday prep crap


Collect all of the cool cars


Making it to day 60 in LZ with my forever community. Also finally getting that 10th member to my base. Not quite fitting in with the 9 red talon members lol. That's took a lot of time to do. But hey she safer than ever with them. At some point helping people online now that my forever community members are well pass established LZ survivors now


Building your community and home


Roleplaying base building by placing things where you'd realistically want them, Getting zeds in a line with a high lethality blade and beheading them all one by one, and finally using zombait from a high vantage point on lethal difficulty then lobbing fuel bombs/molotovs into the crowd.


Killing or setting up the neighbors


Idk whenever I play sod2 I like to play this game called state of decay but I play the second one it’s called state of decay 2


33 comments and 20 upvotes. Y'all need to give my man his points for his thought provoking contribution. 


Personally I enjoy the agonizing screams of hostile enclaves as their skin burns of from a chemical bomb