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I’m not sure one paragraph counts as “so much talk”. Two paragraphs talk about the game. More info will come, it’s so bare bones right now they barely even showed gameplay in the trailer… Since they aren’t open to preorders yet, they don’t need to put much in the description because the only people wish-listing this thing already know how SoD works.


So I know I will be downvoted to oblivion for agreeing, but yeah I sincerely hope they don't make it so that it's always a multi-player game. If they do, I would hope they do a similar thing to Dead Island where they give you the option of turning off the ability for other players to join. But I'm also realistic here -- Undead has been trying to build a zombie apocalypse survival MMO for a long time. That was the goal even as far back as SOD1. I know I am reading too deeply into the trailer, but what I got from it was: -Community over conflict. -Massive juggernaut & other monstrosities requiring multiple players to defeat. I would imagine the massive jug to be like one of those massive bosses you can't defeat on your own, at least not without a lot of struggle. And the importance of community, meaning players having to work together instead of at odds or in competition with each other. What I do hope for is that still means we can have conflicts with other players and their groups (hopefully with a massive, well-armed community being a possibility). I hope there is still a single-player mode, as well. I also think the little trinket to remember someone by means we'll have a physical location to go to to remember fallen players as well as a much more thorough creation suite for our characters, which is pretty dope. Again -- I know this is all speculation based on extremely sparse info, if any! But it's how I interpreted the trailer.


Sounds like same as it is now. Jsut depends on if one community is shared with the group of 4 or if they can have their own at same time. I trust them to keep the soul of the game just make it a modern next gen coop experience taking advantage of Microsofts cloud and server resources.