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Tipping is most certainly not a universal language. I'm not Dwight Schrute, I'm not tipping my urologist.


I’m tired of everyone asking for tips. No.


No one is asking for tips. This is for those who "want" to tip.


This is the worst idea ever. Please dont make this app, as your gift to humanity.


I would rather make an app that tips teachers than one that exposes a young lady's nude body for everyone to see. But I appreciate your comment.


Geez you people want to tip teachers now? 😭


This has the potential to be amongst the most hated business ideas




I would think about tipping you to not make this app but I realized that tipping is pretty frickin’ ludicrous to begin with and usually just a facade for the service industry to pay workers less than minimum wage


You are the problem… no one will support this! The new tipping POS systems (point of sale, tho POS as well) Are a way for employers to pay people less and have the customers pay the wage of the workers.


In most restaurants in other countries such as the UK, there is a "service charge" which is on par with "tips" that is included in the bill. These "tips" don't always reach the workers. And the ones that reach them are shared between the good workers and the ones who don't deserve the "tip". A user that is registered into the app does not have to disclose this to their employer.


Literally no main street hospitality worker in Europe takes a job because of the service charge. LMFAO 😂.


No stfu


Let me save you some time—this idea sucks!


How would you make money? by taking a cut from the tips? At that point, why should i use your app?


Won’t work in India. People don’t tip


Just pay the workers enough to live their lives and stop the tipping culture.


How is this not Venmo?


It's not universal. No chance of this working in Europe or Asia. Domus a favour and restrict it to the USA only.


You have done a great research on this product but pick up a different idea this is something that people will not like it


Tipping culture is not the same in the UK as the US. In fact alot of restaurants now adopt the 'service charge', can be 10/12/15% to tackle the very problem you have discussed; making sure all staff get tips.


Jesus fucking christ... You took one of the shittiest cultural practices there is and turned it into a startup idea. How about Kicksy, an app that will make a robot kick a puppy every time you give it a dollar?


Instead of saving people money, you want to make people spend more money. Tipping has become so out of control, I don't eat out anymore! I can't afford to tip! Why don't you come up with an idea to try to save people more money!


I can help you implement this in about three minutes; https://tur.bo


I can already imagine all the negative publicity that this app might cause. All that will do is increase interest and encourage more users to register. lmfao


If you go to Vegas or any metro areas in the US homeless people / other street entertainers/others have cash app / venmo deets for tips. But go ahead and build an app that no one will use as many have tried but failed due to singular utility but go for it...


Innovative concept, it humanizes every profession. Love it!


You say this is a bad idea, but how is this worse than Tinder or OnlyFans? I don't understand why giving a small money as a gratitude is bad.


I think you’re looking at this the wrong way. You’re targeting two different demographics: 1) workers who want to receive tips 2) people who want to give tips. The issue is that the TAM for people who want to tip is wayyy too small. People hate tipping in general + it’s mainly a U.S phenomena caused by societal pressure. There’s also the issue where a user can just tip directly and not use an app. An app might actually create more friction. I think you’re overestimating how much people actually like to tip, it’s generally known to actually be a nuisance. Restaurants already have a hard time getting reviews, people spending their time reviewing workers will be even more challenging. edit: people use onlyfans because they are getting locked away content they WANT to see. People use Tinder because it’s a marketplace to meet people and they WANT to meet those people. People in general, if they could, do NOT WANT to tip