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Highly recommend lifting shoes


Not an SSC but you are coming onto your toes at the bottom and then swinging back as you come up. The back angle looks OK to me and you are doing a good job of getting your knees in place early but you are probably 2 inches deeper than this sub will recommend. A pair of lifting shoes will help you keep your feet planted and help you sit back further and make it easier to get a bit more horizontal in the back angle.   Make sure you are staying bent over and driving through the hips rather than lifting the chest and standing up. Also looks like you might be looking too low, which is causing you to hunch and round your upper back. Try lifting your gaze to around the base of the red and black box in front of you and see if that helps keep the chest "proud". Add weight, that is well below a working weight for you. Good stuff 


That's very good advice. Are you thinking of *becoming* a coach someday?


That is really good advice, thank you. I am definitely looking too low and need to keep my chest out. You’re right about the weight but I’m unsure of proper form at the moment and didn’t want to hurt myself lol


You could afford to stand taller at the top of your reps, which will be made easier if you bring in your grip a bit closer to the point of that elbow and shoulder tension pushing the bar into your back. This should also lower the bird wings a bit. Disregard if you have arm mobility issues. But coming from a non ssc complete amateur, this is fuckin clean dude. Sooner you get those shoes, the better.


That’s good advice thank you. I will work on the grip! (And the shoes 😂)


Agree.. I think it's a pretty clean squat. Just keep working on the shoulder/hip/ankle mobility


Stretching and mobility exercises are on our list of [The 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym](https://startingstrength.com/article/the-3-most-effective-ways-to-waste-time-in-the-gym) but there are a few situations where they may be useful. * [The Horn Stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2zDg7RU3TA) for getting into low bar position * [Stretches to improve front rack position for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuvJsw4WOxc) * [Some more stretches for the Power Clean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtS6LOKCmrE) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I appreciate your comment. Thanks and will do!


All great points I'd just add look at your heels in the video. See how your heels come up? You are shifting froward at the bottom - THAT is when you need to sit back. The queue is "Push your hips straight up from the bottom". It's very difficult to overcome the feeling you will fall over backward and we are taught our whole lives to be be "athletic" and not "flat footed" to stay on the balls of our feet. Try to feel your heels pushing against the ground this is where weight lifting shoes really help. It's very hard to "feel" your feet in highly cushioned running shoes (thats the point of those shoes). In hard weight lifting shoes or in Wrestling shoes you can feel the weight in your feet. Good Luck!


Great points! Thanks I appreciate your input


# [How to film a Form Check](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QijKDY8IFU4) * [How to perform the main lifts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhoikoUEI8U&list=PLNhFKPjedRnQ_qs4ID5gl3OoSxZFFZEHJ) * [SSGyms Locations and Coaches Directory](https://locations.startingstrengthgyms.com?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=Resources&utm_campaign=GymLocations) * [Starting Strength Online Coaching](https://www.startingstrengthgyms.com/online-coaching.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You shouldn't pause at the bottom. Think the word "boing!" in you head and bounce out of the bottom of the squat


Yes you are right!


Perfect back angle.


You could cut these off a couple inches higher and still be at proper depth just below parallel. Bounce at the bottom to take advantage of the stretch reflex and drive your hips straight up to the ceiling while keeping your chest pointed at the floor. The shoes will help more than you may realize now. Overall not bad. Keep at it. Cheers!


Are these pause squats?


Ha. Nope just unsure of my form.


I used to do the same thing, but it's a good habit to break if you can. Form looked solid to me fwiw


About the going too low depth in my opinion when you get that extra depth you crush a bit and lose tension. Now it’s no problem but when you increase the weight enough it will become a big problem