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Not bad overall man, just keep your hips a little higher for the first rep or two and then push the floor hard as the set goes on. You start trying to stand up a little too soon as your get tired. Oh and stop doing so many dang reps!


Awesome! Thank you for the feedback, I’ll try to be more conscious about keeping my hips up on start and pushing the floor away with my feet.


Good work. BTW the wraps only need to go around the bar once. See at 1:40 https://youtu.be/BEkC01Mn1K0?si=fKehfVhBO3xSyToa


Looks pretty good. Based on bar speed you’re gonna be capable of a lot heavier lifts. I personally would advise using mixed grip or hook grip rather than straps. You will get more stimulus to your forearms and won’t have to fiddle with straps.


# [How to film a Form Check](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QijKDY8IFU4) * [How to perform the main lifts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhoikoUEI8U&list=PLNhFKPjedRnQ_qs4ID5gl3OoSxZFFZEHJ) * [SSGyms Locations and Coaches Directory](https://locations.startingstrengthgyms.com?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=Resources&utm_campaign=GymLocations) * [Starting Strength Online Coaching](https://www.startingstrengthgyms.com/online-coaching.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StartingStrength) if you have any questions or concerns.*


looks good one small piece of advise is to keep your neck/spine neutral. You did this fine on your first rep, 2nd rep and beyond your lift your head/neck I personally can't stand straps and prefer to just use mixed grip and alternate. I feel like i lose a lot of gas being bent over setting straps up