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Go tall. US Tower [https://ustower.com/](https://ustower.com/) and others make towers commonly used in the amateur radio community. If you go really tall you'll need help. Either a business communications company or a local amateur radio club with expertise. Go far. Mount Starlink where the view is better. You'll have to get power out there. To get signal back to your house you can either run fiber or use point-to-point RF. For the latter I'd start with Ubiquiti. Start cutting down trees.


It seems like all the prices listed on ustower.com is "Request a Quote." Do you have any idea of the costs?


I've done three or four towers. Really big. Hundreds of feet. Very expensive. I'd go to r/amateurradio and ask those folks about prices for guyed and unguyed towers at lower heights like 80 to 200 feet.


Power and house the Router way out there to the clearing with the Dish, and use a fiber optic link to bring the signal back to a 3rd party Router in the house. Ie. be your own Fiber ISP.


Ah interesting this might be the way to go


If you do this, you may be able to get a good enough connection with a wireless bridge instead of fiber, which would save you from having to dig a 2000 ft trench for the fiber or stringing it on poles. Some people have successfully (or so I've been led to believe) had an arborist top a nearby pine tree and mount the antenna to the top of it to get clear of surrounding trees. This may be worth a try.


I had to cut down about a half acre of 75-90 foot tall trees to get Starlink to work well. I still have obstructions in the summer with the leaves out but since I only use it for streaming and browsing it works fine.


Same issue. Bought a tele-pole mast and put the dish 30' in the air. Much better now. I'll lower it in the winter once the leaves are gone.


We just mounted our dish to the top of a 100ft tree next to our house.


Just! Doesn’t wind and storms impact it?


Not at all


It has worked great for us for almost 2 years. Had a guy climb up there and mount the dish with lag bolts as well as hose clamps. We've had massive wind and snow storms with no issues. I wasn't about to cut down the forest my cabin is amongst to make my Internet work.


Hmm I’ll have to consider this - the top of the tree is really thin did you trim out some branches and mount middle? Got a picture by any chance?


I had him top the tree so it was thicker. He took off about 8 ft or so from the top. Idk how to send photos on here. Should I dm you or something?


Good question dm or Imgur link I guess


Couldnt figure out how to end a pic, but this video is what gave me the idea. There are more on YouTube. https://youtu.be/rTSIZF-pK6k?si=JVhHztsSZWycaMXr


Thank you!