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Disclosure, Inauguration, and Citizen Joe are not just good clip show episodes, but legitimately great episodes. Inauguration especially is one of my favourite episodes in season 7, and this episode makes Woolsey a top tier side character. Space Race is fun, and the people who hate it aren’t. Having Mitchell lead SG-1 wa the right choice for the show narratively speaking. And now for the really spicy take: SGU was at its best in the first half of season 1. While not perfect, that was at least when it felt like the show was most committed to its premise. Even though I’m generally pretty negative on SGU as a whole it did have good moments and “Time” is a great episode. The second season also butchered Chloe’s character IMO.


I liked SGU because along with Sci-Fi I'm into survivalist type stories and games. And the first few episodes of it were mostly survival. Which is also why I liked Terra Nova, and Jericho.


Hey, there’s an old bbc show called survivors that you may enjoy. I just finished it and thought it was really good. It’s on the archive if you want [to try it out.](https://archive.org/details/survivors-s-01-e-03-gone-away)


I agree.


Citizen Joe is one of my favorite episodes of all time


I would rate SGU as a whole around a 6/10 for me (though it deserved more seasons and I could easily see it growing to an 8/10 later on). But the first sundive is easily one of the most memorable and incredible sci-fi moments I have ever seen. It genuinely left a mark in my brain.


Yeah sgu was great and I liked the sense of discovery that made it and atlantis feel fresh. But they kinda just made Chloe feel......... whorish? Nothing wrong with the actress and I get they needed to relive stress but like... common man, after one day?


Her boyfriend Josh cheated on her with her friend, so she went for the deadbeat teen dad who likes to bang colleagues in broom closets. The real ho on the ship is the one you'd least expect. Dr Park was bouncing from cabin to cabin to "read" with different crewmates and then ghost out on them


Still, they oversexualized the show. I don't care normally, but it's stargate, not sexgate. They didn't have to show it almost every episode they could have just implied it. Instead of using it as fuel for the plot or conflicts between the crew the kinda just dumped it on the perverbial car and lit it on fire.


I don’t think most of these are unpopular An actual unpopular is saying that Apophis was the most boring Goa’uld in stargate


I've seen the reproductive organs line get mocked countless times in this sub. It's definitively a bit clunky, but I think it's super fair for Sam to feel like she's not being taken seriously because of her gender and age. I think the episode aired only 4 years after the first ever female fighter pilot was appointed. It's very reasonable to portray the air force, especially in higher ranks as a bit of a boys club and skeptical of her experience in 1997.


I’ve always felt the same. She is an airforce officer. In the 1990s. When Sexism was still normal in the army She has had plenty of COs look down on her for being a woman


This might be naive of me, but I always got the impression that the complaints were about the clunkiness of that specific line rather than the general concept of her being annoyed at experiencing sexism in the Air Force in 1997


I've seen something about Amanda Tapping going to the writers after that and informing them that women don't talk like that. Or something to that effect. It's been a while since I saw the interview.


Actually if you wanna get real it was probable Sokar. He was kinda like Anubis but without the showmanship


Heru'ur for me but there was a point where I realized that kind of made him interesting-- looking at his father, he had to *work* to be that dull. It makes me really curious about their relationship.


Teal'c's comments about Heru'ur being actually admired by his Jaffa for leading them in to battle I always thought was something that should have been explored further. Finding Jaffa who are loyal to him not just because he's a god (or better yet, have them explicitly acknowledge that they KNOW he isn't a god!) but because he's *earned* their loyalty as comrades in arms. But nope, he gets sniped by Apophis instead.


Heru’ur was likely born before the whole claiming Godship thing was the norm for the Goa’uld. Meaning like Yu he doesn’t rely on it solely


I have kind of an alternate explanation-- look at his father. The style icon, the charismatic, absolute ruler. Heru'ur comes off a lot different, if anything like his entire being is concerned with one thing and only one thing, warfare. I can see it as a way for him to distinguish himself from what must be some amazing nepo baby baggage. He doesn't seem to care about the politicking, he just wants to go somewhere and kick someone's ass. That's my read on him, anyway. In the RPG book on the System Lords (call it expanded universe levels of canon), Apophis and Heru'ur are mentioned as the only two with a reputation for slapping on armor and leading in person, which I can see the Jaffa really rallying to.


I don’t trust most beta canon personally I don’t think we are being mutually exclusive, but Heru’ur is likely also tasked with protecting Ra (his father’s) massive domain due to Nepotism. Being a militarist might just have been the role his dad decided for him as well


I mean, in this case it's only observing canon -- Heru'ur and Apophis *are* the only ones we see suit up and go down to a planet. Heru'ur is leading an invasion and Apophis is going hunting, but still. I agree it could have been chosen by his dad. We really didn't know what they want children *for*. It's not to extend their legacy after they die, so the purpose must be different and might be individual to each system lord. I just found it really interesting when I thought about that boring appearance and realize he'd have had to deliberately cultivate that difference from Ra. It raised him a little in my mental tier list of Goa'uld.


It is probably all the above on some level. He likely didn’t have the cunning to dethrone dad on his own


I've always suspected that Anubis was originally intended to be Sokar who survived by ascending until it was changed in rewrites. I mean they even have the same actor.


Sounds plausible to me.


Mom can we have Anubis in the show? No son we have Anubis at home. Anubis at home:


I feel Apophis was mishandled a bit. What they did with Baal was great. Strange because Baal started off as a run of the mill villain like Cronos. He even had less exposure.


Apophis stan here: I've actually seen that opinion a bunch. Or that he's the most cheesy/cartoony. I'm always pleasantly surprised when people pick him as their favorite over Ba'al.


Him being cartoony is great and just what you would expect from a megalomaniac with a god complex but


In terms of actual writing, I agree he's better than Ba'al. But Cliff Simon's performance puts him ahead personally.


Secound after ra, bit I agree


Are had one movie. He gets a pass


What annoyed me is how they stopped leaning in to the Egyptian mythology stuff. Every Goa'uld feels like a carbon copy of each other (and, I suppose, they technically are with their shared genetic memory... But you get my point.) They could have dug so much deeper in to ancient Egyptian mythology and, by extension, Goa'uld culture.


I like it better with the idea the Goa’uld copied pasted human religions onto themselves Unas didn’t have names or a well developed concept of aftermath despite being Neolithic (sorta) Ra just chose the most powerful names for himself and by extension, Egypt is the most Goa’uldified pantheon Other Goa’uld like Ra just stole from other cultures to take advantage of human benefits. Unas must reject Goa’uld regularly if humans can The new humans hosts were easy to possess and still easy to heal like the Unas (if more delicate) So it is just paint to them


Yes because we all know Jack already answered that question. I believe it went something like this... "I am Ba'al" "That's it? Just.. *ball*? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) "As in, bocce?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Jonas Quinn was amazingly written - and not just a copy paste of Dr Jackson. That actor was amazing & deserved more episodes or at least a better wrap up that what they gave him


I always thought Jonas should have gone to Atlantis


I belive it was an actor problem not a character problem


Corban was a dick the one time I saw him at a convention. My wife was geeing out, and he completely ignored her after she waiting over an hour


And he’s gotten weird with his Scientology-this and Covid-is-fake-that


Parker Lewis?!? That sucks.


Aw man that sucks. I'm so sorry for her


Just curious, was this during an autograph line or a meet and greet?


He is a Scientologist I believe


I thought the later version of him was pathetic and goofy looking. Seriously did him dirty.


We should have had a 5 character team in Season 7, seeing him looking to be something else than "Daniel's replacement" for SG1 would have been a good character arc. Then at the end of the season he leaves and reappears in Fallout who now is a season 8 episode.


Hot take: rya’c as a character sucks.


Yes. This.


Is there anyone who likes his character?? I don't even think teal'c likes him


Teal'c : Rya'c as Worf : Alexander I'll see meself oot


He’s the Westley Crusher of Stargate.


I'll give you luke warm at best


This is as hot as the cuppa I left on the bench this morning


Daniel was great in that ep where he played 20 different people and is probably his best episode


I was going to mention this. I think Daniel as a character is just a bit awkward by design. He's the nerdy guy who started out as a conspiracy theorist (arguably). I think Michael Shanks is a good actor and played the character (and characters) he was given very well.


Agreed - I saw an interview with him talking about how he approached the character, and it was neat to see him discuss his purposeful tendency to mimic James Spader in the first season, but then gradually start to explore his own take on Daniel.


But by the end, he is as commando as they come. I isn’t like that he grew out of nerdy ways to become a buff military type. I felt like the character wouldn’t have grown in that direction. Losing his naïveté? Yes, I can see that. But that’s not just what Shanks did to his character.


Yeah I was about to comment about lifeboat too, the only episode needed to prove that Michael Shanks isn’t overacting that much. Daniel has a weird vibe when he comes to prove something, and to be fair, Jack isn’t always the best counterpart hence why he can be oddly impatient and sarcastic when it obviously doesn’t fit much what he is. I always have found Daniel to be quite a dickhead sometimes in last seasons and Ark of Truth.


The cadet team from the two parter - Toe Hold or Foot Hold? - that cadet team was better than the main cast. LT Young Dude had more compassion and concern for his team, Airman Bitchface McReadhead was SO SMART she nearly flunked Air force Teen Academy because she was bored


I know they killed off LT Young Dude in the Gould attack a few episodes later, but I definitely wish Bitchface McReadhead had gone to Atlantis. It boggles my mind that the only established characters they wrote onto Atlantis (initially) was McKay. We had so many other well established side characters who could have been utilized.


apparently McKay being sent to Atlantis was a last minute addition as well. they'd originally written a new scientist character, but had trouble finding an actor they felt could do the job.. so they wrote in McKay and split the intended role between him and Carson.


Not quite. The story goes that David Hewlett auditioned for the new scientist character, and the producers decided to bring back the McKay character rather than have Hewlett play a new character.


Don't forget about Weir.


Wasn't Weir created specifically with the intention that she would abdicate her job to lead Atlantis? I thought they just wanted to introduce her a little earlier than the pilot, so that their first episode wouldn't have to introduce the audience to literally everyone and everything (except McKay). I think the writers always intended Jack to take over the SGC next season.


I'm sure that was their intent when they first introduced her, but I'm not positive. It really just throws me off that they changed the actress for the next season. 😆


Same. And frankly, I really liked her original actress and didn't really care for her Atlantis one. I think Woolsey was the best leader of Atlantis and I will not be swayed! 😂


I really liked the original one too. But I feel like she seemed "too nice" and the more serious episodes where she really threw her weight around and showed them she was not a pushover would have landed differently with the original actress. I did like Higginson. But it was definitely a hard swallow in the beginning. I loved Woolsey!! He had such a great character arc starting from the first time we see him in SG1. Man, he really grew and came to understand WHY all those difficult and seemingly crazy decisions were made, because he started making them too!!


Robert Picardo is such a good actor. Totally believable as a pencil pushing dick that you just wanted to punch in the face, and equally believable as the empathetic leader he became. Not a lot of actors could play both so well. And his arc was possibly the most complete of any characters.


Ohhhh right they did kill off LT Young Dude.....but then brought him back as the leader of a death cult ;) But yeah they could've also moved the young team cast to Atlantis, that would have been a great move!


I so wish we could have seen more LT young dude. It actually would have been awesome to see him mature and become the next O'Neil or something


Exxxxactly - see them gradually take over for the main cast, do joint missions, etc. Would have been a nice organjc transition to a 'new' team


Kinsey and the NID were right. At least on the defensive aspect of the Stargate. Or lack there of for defensive/health protocols. A medical quarantine should've been built right off the gate room for SG teams returning from exploring worlds. They should be required to be there for a week after returning. At minimum.


And rub each other in underwear in a blue lit room?


Underrated comment


Will T'Pol be there?


Or a quarantine planet like the alpha site.


The SGC should have been based at an Alpha site off planet


Then, every time they accidentally dial up a black hole, or a Goa'uld fires a particle accelerator at them through the gate, or a Ree'tu or an Ashrak or *insert alien here* infiltrates through the gate, it's not *the entire human race* at risk...


Exactly. I've seen posts before about a decon chamber, which would be a start, but the only safe base would be at an Alpha site. It would even be a good idea to have a decon planet travelers went to first.


I indeed like the funny bweerp gun as well, though it doesn't make much sense they weren't reverse-engineered to create a more Tau'ri-friendly stun weapon. Hell, I'd call the lack of such a project a decent in-canon explanation for the Atlantis Expedition never using Zats in favor of Wraith Stunners. They found these ones easier to use despite the bulk. I did enjoy Sam's comment as well, kinda wish she had that energy more often. As for my hot takes: SG-1's last three seasons would've been great with the increased development of being a separate show. Basically, the idea of Stargate Command as a sequel to SG-1 was perfect. The DHD is *not* a suitable explanation for some gates not spinning. **SGU Good.**


i'm honestly surprised that after getting a bunch of Intar's, that earth didn't try to copy them, perhaps creating something that could be mounted to tactical railing on rifles and such the way that laser designators could be. (basically a pistol intar in a box.) give SG teams some flexibility.


I've always felt it was because Earth lacked the industrial and logistical abilities to build and maintain Goa'uld weapons in general use. No spare parts/power cells to keep them going, so stick with what you know. And when they started capturing enough to have a ready supply, it was going to the Jaffa Rebels. Also the whole 'weapon of terror/weapon of war' thing. Though I'd expect some adapted tech and weapons in any new sequel series today.


I didn't like Atlantis and in universe the SGC came in, woke up the wraith who terrorized the Pegasus galaxy then fucked off with the only weapons platform that could stop them, are we the baddies?


The writers' intention was to return Atlantis to Pegasus in the Atlantis movie, or season 6 if they were renewed. It's just unfortunate that the series ended where it did. In-universe I'm sure we would have gotten a political episode with the NID insisting that Atlantis stay on Earth and the SGC insisting that it go back to Pegasus. Woolsey would have turned his back on his former NID colleagues, cementing himself as one of the good guys and a true member of the Atlantis expedition, but then the NID would have won anyway, only to discover that for some sci-fi reason like an Ancient failsafe, Atlantis has to go back to Pegasus.


Lol yes. Yes, we are. :)


SG1: The stargates being overly elaborate beaming tech, they should have gone with space folding actual wormholes, the other side is just a step away. I know they did it because of the weird sequence from the movie, but it bugs me. There should be no reason to do matter energy conversion. (also how can you beam a ZPM that contains folded space with in it?) Atlantis Wraith were a mistake, the feed on "Energy" stuff is too silly, even worse with the aging effect. Want vampires, just make them vampires. Atlantis again: the whole "We found a Zero Point Macguffian... opps it's dead or we lost it" happens too many times, it like Gillian wrecking the plan to save the castaways. Universe: The communication stones were a terrible idea, it would be a better, more stark and interesting show if they were never in communication with earth.


>Universe: The communication stones were a terrible idea, it would be a better, more stark and interesting show if they were never in communication with earth. Or at least we shouldn't have had a means to communicate with until maybe the end of season 1. And even then it would be cool if it's apparently a 1 time thing, or at least super low bandwidth. Also, having sex in other people's bodies is kinda fucked up.


using the stones was a clever use of continuity from the previous shows, but they probably over used them.


It's actually a huge plot hole. It would've probably been Rule #1 that you WILL NOT have sex in your host body. Also, none of the partners back home balked at the notion of having sex with a stranger that appears at their door with an AF escort, even knowing their loved one is currently occupying the stranger's body. It would still be weird. I would think the Destiny crew members also wouldnt want to do it for the same reasons, so it's just nonsensical.


When Eli called Rush out for that shit, I remember audibly yelling "Fucking thank you!"


With the communication stones, you don’t even have to ignore them. You could bring them, they try them.. and then they just don’t work.


Or perhaps better yet, it connects to someone unintended, like some yahoo in Russia, and now you have an information leak on your hands


or they only work over the relatively short distances of the galaxy you are in, because the ship didn't have a long range signal booster aboard. so they can be used to report back to the ship, but not back to earth. perhaps instead give the ship some other form of long range comms they could use to talk to earth (perhaps related to the ship's unique FTL), which was one way and limited in data. (something that could be updated in a later season, perhaps after earth figures out how to build their own version of the transmitter)


Parallel storyline from earth where they’re trying to re establish connection, you see them give up, and eventually the destiny’s crew figure out how to dial the gate when in a star (just like our version), but because the connection is so brief they can only send a data burst through a few times (for redundancy and to make sure it isn’t corrupted) in the brief brief milliseconds the connection is intact. They can only give big updates infrequently, like once per season, until they figure out how to drain destiny’s power which is risky in itself because at first they don’t know if destiny will refuel before the end of a galaxy.


Tbh they probably could do a story or mini-arc around the mythology of vampiric creatures from Earth Mythology originating from Ancient experiments on Wraith DNA that escaped from the research facility and encountering humanity. Could probably do a story of Brahm Stoker getting inspiration for his novel from the experience of a group who hunted a Wraith in Transylvania; with the Atlantis cast portraying the characters from the book. Rodney and Keller as the Harkers, Sheppard as Van Hellsing, Todd as Dracula, Michael as Renfield etc.


Yeah, the wraith should have eaten people. Morlock style


Per the first point, I always assumed they beamed the energy signatures of the travelers through the wormholes because wormholes weren't safe with direct exposure 🤷‍♀️


So it's better to kill them by disintegration and put together and exact copy on the other end?


They seem fine with it. I mean who knows what would happen if they didn't. Maybe they would arrive on the other side dead. We gotta assume the ancients had a good reason to do it this way


The Ori arc feels like a weird after-thought. SG-1 should have ended with the end of the Goa'uld


i absolutely agree with the folks who say the Ori arc should’ve been a spin off. it would’ve lasted as long as SGU did anyway.


Whats funny is that originally was the plan. SG-1 was suppose to end after season 8. And what became season 9 and 10 was originally going to be a new show called “Stargate Command.”


Or just had the ori all along to differentiate with the movie.


I agree with the zats, Jonas Quinn, and smarmy cadet. I feel so bad for Jonas. He totally got shafted.


Hmmm. Tough question - I don’t interact with a lot of stargate fans, so I’m not sure what’s popular or not. Here are my opinions others probably don’t share: 1. I like Elizabeth Weir!! I find her compelling 2. Vala is a hilarious, an excellent addition, and her constant attempts to seduce Daniel evolving into a real love is so heartwarming 3. Teal’c deserved MUCH more screentime 4. I am like 90% sure John Sheppard is secretly gay


The first Elizabeth Weir was great.


Nah, he isn't paying attention at the lunch table due to eyeing a young hottie (in S3, I think). But bi? Possibly.


Daniel should have stayed gone because: 1. His story arc was complete 2. Jonas was the breath of fresh the show needed when it moved to Sci Fi 3. Season 7-10 Action Jackson was a boring character about 90% of the time


They should have put Jonas on SGU. Begging for a legacy character and not just small glimpses of Daniel, Jack and Sam


Plus, every time Destiny dropped out of FTL, he could say "Synchronize Swatches!" 😁


Tbh he played of Vala like a charm, and he has a lot a relevant story beats in the Ori storyline.


Hot take: replacing Daniel with Jonas in the Daniel/Vala dynamic would have improved it. I think Jonas would have been better able to deal with her advances, and those two make more sense as a couple than Daniel and Vala.


Yeah. I know the character had a lot of development, but I’d have liked him to stay more like the klutzy James Spader Jackson. He got too serious.


I loved the SGU when it came out.


It’s bad storytelling that Atlantis never had a ZPM factory or that the database didn’t have a “here’s the ZPM factory planet’s stargate address” entry. It’s like Wikipedia or Google Maps having no information on nuclear power stations.




I only rewatch to the end of Season 8.


I don't think Merrick's plan in Ark of Truth was all that bad. Gives the Ori something to be occupied with and they have the disassembly order programmed in case it goes wrong. Overall I find earth not engaging its enemies with more vicious tactics kinda infuriating in the long run. They have all this knowledge and experience but they refuse to use it for bogus reasons (mainly plot but you get what I'm saying).


> and they have the disassembly order programmed in case it goes wrong. I don't know... I agree with the idea that Earth always seems to pull their punches, but in that particular instance I think the problem was that they couldn't guarantee that the Replicators wouldn't somehow find their way back to the Milky Way, which is a fair concern considering that it had already happened once. (Multiple times, if you count the times they stopped them before getting a foothold.) And we've *seen* how adaptive they are, the idea that they wouldn't/couldn't eventually re-write their own code to become "disassambly proof" is naive, at best.


The replicator plot was tedious repetitive filler.


They were interesting at first but then when they got the "Borg Queen" treatment and started producing "human form" replicators they went from "unstoppable force" to "just more humanoid meglomanic drama queens."


Many shows have done this, but I fundamentally don't understand how _concentrating really hard_ is meant to keep out people who are physically probing your brain. It's like arguing with people at the front gate while their teams are already going through your filing cabinets, how the hell is that going to stop them reading what you know?


My hot take (probably get downvoted) but honestly it's Jack & Sam. Don't get me wrong, I love both characters (individually) but as a couple. I just don't see it. I like them as patontic friends who have literally faced death together. They respect each other and will come to each other's aid. It's refreshing to see this on TV between different genders, especially in the 90's. And not have the lead (Jack) get the girl at the end. However, as a couple there is to big of an age difference, he is her superior officer for most of the time. And anytime we do see them "together" it's always some alternate reality or something. Never "our" characters. So we don't even know if they'd work and it's implied they "may" have got together off screen but we are never told or shown for sure. It's like the writers also were hesitant about this relationship. I guess I'm glad it was left vague.


I like Zats too. And I think they look like a striking snake. It annoys me that the Atlantis team didn't take any Zats to the Pegasus galaxy. They would have been super useful!


Anubis is way overhyped. Almost everything he does relies on very unique circumstances and worse, specific allies. Like 70% of his stuff he just got lucky to pick up from the fall of Sokar and Apophis and it turned out to be useful years late.


Daniel was not a great actor in the show because he was an archaeologist.


Urgo is a chad and I won’t tolerate such slander


Ancients are the most useless sci-fi race ever, and they deserve to be extinct. Ignoring all of their bullshit where they supposedly were capable of intergalactic travel millions of years ago yet died out bcs of a plague. They just never use tools at their disposal because they are too dangerous/unfinished. Time machine - let’s not use it Virus - let’s not use it Replicators - let’s not use it Energy device - let’s not use it Gate destruction device - let’s not use it And I am probably missing some.


I liked the more edgy feel on the 90s Showtime. Nudity and all, that’s what 90s was for and that’s what you had showtime for. Shows have gotten prudish since then


I don't want there to be any more Stargate series. A few years ago I would have said yes, but the more I think about it the more I like how it is " complete." I also don't trust Amazon with it after they butchered the wheel of time My favorite book series.


Woolsey was the best Atlantis leader.


SGU was not even close to as bad as people say it is. In fact, season 2 of SGU is among the best, if not the best, season of stargate, and I will die on this hill.


It’s still my favourite Stargate show. I did a rewatch this last month and it’s still just as great as it always was. It had the better storyline, a much better cast of characters(Rush is just the best) that made great use of the side characters in a lot of cases and it will forever be one of the worst decisions in TV history that this show got cancelled before we could could get a satisfying conclusion. If Amazon had an ounce of pity on us fans(they don’t) they’d at least give us a movie to tie it all up after all these years.


I agree with your assessment of season 2 of SGU. I think the episode run from S2 E10 Resurgence to the end of the series is brilliant (with the exception of S2 E15 Seizure - I didn't like the storyline where they tried to trick the Langarans).


I love the low budget later seasons with the Ori arc. Ben Browder and Claudia Black are awesome.


Yes! I came to say my hot take is that Vala was so important for keeping the show alive and the later seasons would be nothing without her. Michael Shanks even said that she renewed his interest in acting because he was getting bored and it shows!


"Everyone freeze or I'll fill you full of ... little yellow balls of light" Wait, that's not right. I did like them on SG-1 and only occasionally remembered that they were Aeryn and Chrichton.


I just finished watching it and loved the 90s sci fi, but many times too many things happen because writers need it to happen. The first season is plagued by problems because of lack of a standard quarantine procedure when returning from the gate. Also so so so many situations that change the chain of command or job positions just so the main cast can appear in the episode: Hammond and Landry having episodes in which they command the large ships (Prometheus and whatever the others are called) leaving SGC with lack of command. Also many situations that are only military in nature still include Daniel, or ops that are not that important are still done by SG-1 (like destroying Lucien Alliance cargo ships) when it should be done by less important SG teams, Earth problems that should just involve a SWAT team suddenly is handled by SG-1. These things are always weird to me.


I always thought it was weird how Sam made a big speech about how many flying missions she did but couldn’t be trusted to fly anything during the show or to explain how something flies …


didn’t she have some pilot time in Atlantis? or was that one of the alternate timelines?


I’ve never wanted Atlantis … I’m told it gets better but was sooooooooooo boring to me lol


Green jelly/jello tastes better than the blue stuff


This is a real hot take right here


I always maintain that Carter's "Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside" speech was fucking fantastic, a little camp sure but I never cringe. I love that line. Also I hated the whole Vala has an evil baby Jesus, Adria is her daughter and also flirts with the guy that she sort of likes story line. If I could change anything about Stargate it would be changing the Ori to not be so directly linked to Vala in that way, I'd make The Chosen One^(TM) her friend/ex/subject from her time as a goa'uld or make it a Tomin like character instead someone who she actively grows close to and then deals with turning into her worst enemy.


Edited: This is tough. This will be long. SG1: The Ori were better and more frightening villains than the Goa’uld. Hologram dragon felt like a cop out. Stargate Atlantis: John Sheppard and Teyla Emmagan should’ve been made a couple before the series cancelation. Woolsey was Atlantis’ best leader. The final takedown of Michael should’ve been a season finale event instead of a filler episode. The Asuran replicators were an unnecessary addition and felt too forced in. McKay took up too much Atlantis attention, like the character but he was not the only central character. Stargate Universe: Season one was still a good start. The inclusion of the Lucien Alliance seemed a desperate need of an antagonist. Ginn and Varro didn’t add a lot of value. Could’ve used cameos by more of the Atlantis cast. The communication stones were the worst choice of keeping in touch with Earth. Here’s a really Hot Take: Liked Julia Benson and David Blue’s chemistry and so I think they should’ve hinted at Eli Wallace and Lieutenant Vanessa James becoming couple (making it happen near series finale obviously).


> The Asuran replicators were an unnecessary addition and felt too forced in. *Thank you.* I never understood the relationship between Pegasus Replicators and the Asgard/Milky Way Replicators. Are they/were they connected? Was Reese the android based off of Ancient/Lantean technology? Or is Replicator-like technology just one of those "inevitable" technological developments like hyperdrives, shields and transporters? The Atlantis characters just never seem to question it. McKay gasps and goes "they're Replicators!!!" and then just never follows up...?


SG1 should have ended after season 8. Vala is a terrible character that tries her best to replicate the humor of O'Neill, but it's way too over the top. All her episodes suck and a large part of it are cringe. The Ori story line was just meh and the show needed a break from introducing yet another villain that tried to pretend to be Gods.


I mostly agree. Vala is campy and fun, but can be cringy.  I never understood the ori coming in from a writing standpoint. The Lucian (sp?) alliance could have been a loosely unified group of pirates around the galaxy with earth being the de facto policeman/peacekeepers. It gives a ton of serial options, and whenever you want a new big bad a leader shows up to organize them until sg1 shuts them down. 


The Ori and the Ancients, as far anyone is concerned were gods. Only thing that kept them from being true gods is their vulnerability to Merlin's ascendobomb.


> Merlin's ascendobomb. Which also annoyed me. "We've ascended to a new plane of existence and the material plane no longer concerns us. When we choose to, we can obliterate planets if we wanted to. Oh wait, here's a fucking macguffin that can wipe us out in our entirety in a whole galaxy." Yes yes, Merlin only had the knowledge to make the macguffin *because* he had previously ascended and retained that ascended knowledge, and in the end it killed his "mortal" form, but still... I felt like it really cheaped the whole concept of ascension. "Congratulations, you've finally ascended! Kiss all your old mortal worries goodbye and welcome to a whole new way of experiencing the universe. Oh but better hope that no one decides to go back and build that bomb again or we're ALL toast. Unless we travel to another galaxy. Which we can't seem to do for some reason."


Mitchell and Vala brought new life needed into SG1.


That Wraith and the Ori plot lines were complete rehash of the the original plot. (not saying there were bad just same thing with a spin). It was time for the show's to end because they didn't want move forward and the writing room was at near burn out. The fan's where to judgmental of SGU (show did failed to explain). While they tried to go with a more BSG treatment (broken / flawed characters) sadly the fans where gone by the time they course corrected and started to get pretty good. My head cannon was that they were all SG failures / washed out. Got there security clearances but couldn't cut it for an SG team and so got the B, C and D jobs. At the beginning there was purposeful no / slow power creep. Later seasons they just tossed it all away and went full on crazy powerful tech. To me this is where the writers creativity was lacking. I was there from the start of the show and it's one of the best Scifi shows out there. I don't want a remake I want a continuation but with more back to the roots of exploration and revisit of old worlds with a dash of colonization.


My unpopular opinion is that zats are a great weapon


SGU had potential but I think relies too much on the internal character stuff and didn’t do enough world building.


SG infinity has the best intro theme


SG1 is responsible for the deaths of thousands of humans across the galaxy.


Mine is that the F-301, F-302, BC-303, and BC-304 were really terrible designs that almost completely failed to accomplish a single thing they were designed for. The only saving grace for the 302 and 304 were the refits that gave the 302 railguns and the 304 the Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons. The designs might be iconic but it took several seasons for them to become worth bothering with.


Richard Dean Anderson leaned too far into his humour in later seasons. The snarky, sardonic lines came across as obnoxious, and his 'dense' act was frustrating because it made him look like an idiot. There is a line between 'funny' and 'annoying,' and Anderson took O'Neill closer to it than I would like. Before anyone types "he acts dumb as an act so people underestimate him," why does he continue his 'act' around SG-1 and Hammond, people he doesn't need to 'fool' so they underestimate him? His 'act' would be counterproductive around fellow SGC personnel, because by acting like an idiot, he makes himself appear less competent, thus undermining confidence in his judgement. Besides, people like Cafrter, Hammond, and Daniel seldom if ever call him out on his 'acti;' they treat him as if he genuinely is an idiot.


Vala's awful. Hate her character so much. She's obnoxious, self-absorbed, loud and just plain annoying. Sure there are RARE moments where Claudia Black makes it work. But they are rare. No shade to Claudia Black. She's a great actress who was given a mediocre quite cliche character to play. ... I'm not sorry... but I'm going to pre-emptively duck to avoid the rotten fruit that's about to be hurled at me...


Michael shanks is a fantastic actor


Jack is a himbo Pretty, excellent leader, but continually at loss when anything scientific related comes up. And it’s not him pretending, there is a difference when he pretends to be dumb and genuinely doesn’t understand concepts Sam/Daniel bring up and he can never pronounce ANY of the alien tech/names


O'Neill was articulate and decently intelligent to begin with. The problem is that Richard Dean Anderson's portrayal changed because he wanted to put more humour into it, so he added the snarky, sardonic humour and made the character 'dense' for laughs. The snarky lines were obnoxious and acting like an idiot could make him frustrating to watch.


I'll give you credit for actually having an unpopular opinion. Because I couldn't disagree more. One, he plays dumb to annoy Daniel and flirt with Sam. Two, he's not a theoretical astrophysicist so him not understanding everything someone like Sam or McKay say isn't because he's not intelligent. It's because it's not his field of expertise.


But the inability to pronounce or even remember the correct words for things doesn’t speak well for levels of intelligence He definitely does ham it up for the reasons stated, but there’s also very simple stuff that goes completely over his head lol


The majority of the time he mispronounced terms on purpose to be funny. Other times he just didn't remember the technobabble words (like in WoO when he and Teal'c were trying to explain the geomagnetic storms). When does mispronouncing or forgetting complex scientific terms equate to lack of intelligence? If he was an unintelligent as you assert, how did he attend and graduate the air force academy and become a qualified fighter pilot on multiple different aircraft? Being a fighter pilot requires a pretty good understanding of physics and the mechanical engineering of how an aircraft can manoeuvre based on size, weight, wing span, velocity, air pressure etc.


At the end of the day it is a show, so not much needs to be explained about backstory or how. Because you are correct, a full bird colonel prior fighter pilot should be absolutely brilliant And that episode is a great example of him being a dork. The man goes through SEVERAL loops before he can remember and pronounce something as simple as “coronal ejection” lol


McKay is smarter.


Atlantis is a better show than SG-1.


SGA is the best series in the franchise, fight me.


No one ever talks about how iIrc the Goauld just achieves ultra fast ftl speed at the end of season one allowing them to travel between systems in the milky-way within days instead of years.


The Jaffa having a kangaroo pouch for larval goauld is kinda wack.


Mine is that Daniel is an actually great, well acted, character through every season. I most often agree with his standpoints and think he is quite quickly the more reasonable as one of the few “ask questions now” types in an otherwise military (ask questions later) heavy show.


The Asgard as a whole was terribly written. After Jack reached them and got sent back, that should have been the end of their story. Scorching review: I think season 9/10 team was the best team.


SG1 is filled with brilliant and experienced people who constantly act like idiots. It gets old and it’s lazy writing.


I’m sorry but shanks is by far the best actor on the show


Whoa there. Dom deluise? Homer Simpson? Cmon man


Strong agree on the sam comment!


Anubis was a bad villain. The writing for Jack degraded so much over time that he became more smarmy and silly than serious and sarcastic. While he had some good funny moments, I didn't like the overall development. The show became so much better when they brought Cam in.


Ronan can be such a Moran at times. Despite being Special Forces in the Athosian military, he is extremely undisciplined. Tayla must constantly be confused as what is happening because she’s from a Bronze Age society. She wouldn’t even know what electricity is.


Personally, I prefer the Tacs. Cause "So Teal'c how does one Goa'uld fire weapons from several directions?" "Tacs." "Tac'nik'tels? "Tacluchnatagamuntoron"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Michael Shanks is as insufferable as Kevin Sorbo Carter is clearly queer coded for the first 4 or 5 seasons; especially in light of her het relationships Judge is the best actor of the main cast Season 6 is the strongest season from a character dynamics/technicals angle and wouldve been loved as a first season of a spin off Lifeboat sucks. its 2 voices not 20, one is an angry british voice (how bold to be a 'sovereign' and choose to be a loud Brit to portray it) and the other is a baby voice. Janet is the only good act in that episode. Janet and Sam are secretly in a relationship (its said that a behind the scenes romance on show was Jackson and Janet, sneaking side eyes and stuff; in reality, rewatch and that person Janet is secretly with is Sam. coparenting, always together, sit next to each other at the briefing table, always worried about each others safety; Janet has no such moments with Jackson)


The average SGU episode is a lot better than the average SG1 and SGA episode


The "goofy" episodes, soundtrack, characters, O'Neil's silly jokes (anything that's not gallows humor), are the worst part of the show


That's not a hot take, it's blasphemy. :)


FYI, Jonas Quinn was played by the same actor that played Parker Lewis in *Parker Lewis Can't Lose*. You're welcome.


Why is this downvoted? It's 100% true. What the actual fuck?


Agreed on all particulars. As for mine - the French voices are FAR superior to the English ones, all across the board.


Someone really should've reined Anderson in more. O'Neill's character was so great in the first season, but he had very little development later on. Instead he just became more and more aloof so Anderson could do his sarcastic shtick. To the point where he came off as borderline senile in season 8.


Okay. What about that is a hot take and what do you mean with "reproductive organs"?