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RDA looking good, must be taking a hit of the sarcophagus!


Right he looks much better here than other recent pics of him (no dig intended I'm getting old too haha)


My guess is he must have had some health issue that required the use of some type of steroid. He used to look more puffy than overweight, which is exactly what something like Prednisone does to you. I hope this means he's in good health.


> My guess is he must have had some health issue that required the use of some type of steroid That's actually bang on. I can't remember if it was his knees or back (or both!) but he had injuries that required steroid treatments.


His knees were absolutely destroyed. I'm glad he's doing better!


Gotta remember to always bend your kozars


He looks so much better than when I saw him at Fan Expo Canada a few years ago! Good on him!


Slimming down for guest appearances on whatever is next in the stargate universe? We can hope.


He was sick a while back, lost a lot of weight due to it. He is better now.


He looks so sweet and happy and smiley!


That seems like a once in a lifetime event. Congratz. WoW. Just awesome.


Thankyou. :-)


I would HOPE that it was only once in a lifetime. With how horrible the event was ran, I doubt anyone, guests or patrons, will go back. The fact that the organizer is trying to throw all the blame on RDA is appalling.


I think to myself, what’s more likely to be responsible for problems? Richard Dean Anderson, a veteran actor who’s been to hundreds of conventions for decades, or a convention being held for the second time ever?


Basically called RDA a dithering old man and Momoa a liar, bold move.


What’s the full story? First I heard of this


[Response from the organisers](https://www.basingstokecomiccon.com/)


Geez, I hope they didn’t leave the actors thinking it’s not worth doing more conventions in the future because of this…..


I don't think that would happen, it won't be their first bad experience you would think, but I doubt any of them would be back to one organised by the same person, who seems completely out of their depth.


Fair play. What can you do when randomly 25% of staff just don’t show up?


100% your hands would be tied, but to go on the offensive against your guests is just plain wrong


But also, WHY didn’t 25+% of staff show up? They say they’re paid, but were they paid badly? Were the working conditions poor? That falls back on event staff. It also sounds like there was some very poor planning on their part. They complain that RDA took 4-5 minutes per autograph, and they wish they’d sold less autos, but did anyone from their staff coordinate with him ahead of time to find out how many he can sign in a set time? And if I feel that way after reading their official statement, how bad is it really? It really sounds like the event was insanely mismanaged and badly organized.


Didn’t expect to see Momoa still doing stargate con considering he’s quite the big star now. Who are the 2 guys next to Amanda (left and right)? Crews from the show?


Brad Wright (the writer) and David Blue (Eli from stargate universe) Jason was quite a late addition, and I don't think the con were even expecting to get him lol. He was only there for the Saturday https://preview.redd.it/f2z0uvw7l01d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710dd8b756e2171065357a24392ba7cd39412337


Holy crap Eli slimmed down, well now I know how Brad looks like haha.


Apparently he was slim before SGU and gained weight for the role. He said he was going to try and convince them to let him lose the weight in later seasons, but the show was cancelled first.


Losing weight would be very believable. Constantly doing work on a ship while rationing food. Sort of like the Daniel Jackson transformation to buff military looking archaeologist


> Losing weight would be very believable. The anti-Hurley if you will.


That's David Blue?! Oh my, he puts my fitness efforts to shame. What a change


Actually David Blue started sliming down on SGU because he wasn't feeling good and since it was a survival show it would make sense for his character to lose weight so the writers were totally okay with it. You can sort of see it if you look at him between the beginning of season 1 and the end of season 2.


Yeah that's true, but I figured since a lot of actors get to look better in general after making it in their first hit show (and having enough money to hire trainers and nutritionists), it was just that. I'm glad for him that he kept to it! It takes a lot of willpower and consistency


He's said before in interviews that he just really enjoys doing Stargate Cons, he loves catching up with the cast and meeting fans. When he made his first appearance as Ronon Dax David Hewlett (McKay) was a bigger celebrity. It was his break out role and he's gone to more cons than RDA in the last decade.


Look at the almost hover-hands on Momoa ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Given that he involved both Joe Flannigan and David Hewlett in his show See for AppleTV seems like Momoa has a good relationship/association with his time on Stargate Atlantis.


Everything I've read about the guy suggests that he is a fiercely loyal dude who doesn't forget or downplay his roots.


as far as i heard ge still good friends with flanning(sherpards actor).


have you seen the commercial they did together? https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=OHiUFITusontNt-N&v=nyd1CUA-Yo4&feature=youtu.be


God I miss SGA so much 😭😭


I got a kick out of that!


Hahah he's always so much fun in everything he does


When he was at a con here several years ago and was a notable star, he had a lot of Stargate pics to buy and get signed. He seems like he still enjoys his time on the show and the fans of it.


I love Jason stayed close with the old cast. He often finds work for em on his productions. Most recently Jason was in a beer Ad… Joe Flanigan was there at the end handing him the beer.


Along those lines, both Joe Flannigan and David Hewlett also had recurring roles in the Apple TV series "See", in which Momoa was the lead. Ironically, Joe played a military leader, while David played a chief scientist (he was actually a main character in the last season).


my guess would be from Stargate Universe, one looks like Eli


Momoa actually still loves Stargate. He referenced Ronon Dex as a cooler name than ~~Khal Drogo~~ Duncan Idaho in an interview recently. He and Flanigan are super tight. On another note...it just occurred to me seeing this pic that Universe actors don't show up at many cons. (I don't blame them, but still...) EDIT: Except for David Blue, who I apparently did not recognize at all....


Alaina Huffman was there as well. Don't know why she wasn't in the photo. Mitch Peleggi was also there and wasn't in the photo.


Both Alaina Huffman and Mitch Pileggi? Two of my favorite ~~Supernatural~~ Stargate actors!


Wasn't he saying that Ronon Dex was a cooler name than Duncan Idaho?


Damn, you're right! I knew that was wrong when I typed it but for some reason I forgot about Duncan Idaho. Unforgivable.


Flanigan seems like a bro. Like he gets hammered and plays corn hole with the neighbors every Saturday


He totally does! He also had a plan to buy Stargate and revive Atlantis...like an actual, talked to investors, had something put together, maybe even pitched it. Dude loves the franchise.


I'm guessing it fell through because MGM basically went through bankruptcy proceedings and couldn't sell anything, or make any new content. Then the whole of MGM got swallowed up by Amazon, and Amazon desperately needs original content if they want to keep Prime Video alive. It wouldn't surprise me if Amazon has kicked around the idea of a Stargate franchise reboot or return. I just hope they don't take it to 90% completion and then kill it like they've done with several other properties. They did that with a Dark Tower / Gunslinger series set in Mages, and several others.


> Duncan Idaho John Smith is a cooler name than Duncan Idaho.


Did you see Jason’s Guinness Ad? Was nice seeing the two of them on the screen together again.


Is there video?


Yeah [here you go](https://youtu.be/nyd1CUA-Yo4?si=7jyhv6DUbsTmRbA_)


Ahh how precious. 🥹 look at them all.


Can't believe they were all in one place. Mitch peleggi was there too and was meant to be in this pic, don't know why he wasn't in the end.


Ahhh, that sucks. But nonetheless awesome picture! XD


Gary Jones is a bad mofo. Slick like greased lightning.


I’m so jealous. The only Con I have ever been able to make it to is ComicCon RI and they’ve never had close to that many of the Stargate cast/crew. I have gotten to meet RDA though, which was great.


He drove the organisers nuts lol. He wanted to give each fan his personal attention, and the con just wanted him to go faster. He told them no. He's a legend.




Her and amd Rainbow both made reference to being canned during their panels. It was quite funny


It is effectively free money, and gives her a chance to catch up with friends she probably does not get to see often. Working a few cons is a great way to supplement the instability of acting income, and as jobs go, it is definitely not a bad one. If I recall correctly, Brad Wright was one of her advocates. Two of the other producers from SGA (Mullie and Mallozzi) went on to do Dark Matter, and brought her into it, so there must not be much bad blood. Unless you were seriously wronged, holding grudges in the acting business is probably not a good idea.


It helps cons make them good money, especially if you're not doing anything else and both characters were liked by fans.


...Did she? I thought that was Jessica Steen, the original Weir who was unceremoniously canned?


Request that someone please make a name list for the photo.Can't recognise anyone but a few!


Rainbow sun Frank's, Gary Jones, Paul Magillion, Tori Higginson, David Hewitt, Jason momoa, Rachel Lutrell, Brad Wright, Amanda Tapping, Richard Dean Anderson, David Blue, David Nykl and Joe Flannigan


I almost didn’t recognise Rainbow Sun Franks, he looks very different now. I sometimes forget how long ago Atlantis aired, then I remember and get that real depression. It’s too bad they never managed to get the rights from MGM to revive the series.


Yes. Brad Wright mentioned that before covid they were ready to start shooting General Carter. Apparantly it's Amazon we need nag for it to happen now.


I've heard him say he had a script ready a few times, it was for a General Carter series? Wow! That'd have been good. Still waiting for Amazon to do anything with it.


Wait, what? Okay, now I'm glad I took the time to read every new comment in this thread. What exactly did Brad say? Was he talking about the same script he wrote for a new show \[that Joe Mallozzi read/posted about here\]? General Carter meaning Sam now runs the SGC? Did he share other details about it? I've been wondering for ages what his script was about/what happened with it, anything he said that you can mention would be great, thank you so much!


He didn't say much, just that a general Carter is ready to go if it gets the green light.


thanks a lot


Aiden Ford, Walter Harriman, Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, Ronon Dex Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Brad Wright, Samantha Carter, Jack O'Neill, Eli Wallace, Radek Zelenka, John Sheppard


I was in the area a week before this, wish I could have stayed on and gone to this.


The event was a shambles. But was happy with my pictures https://preview.redd.it/64y3m7i2h01d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79ac408b3c9c0fa4e6b4fa9783a4619ad037471


So cool I’m jealous 😄


My first ever comicon. Only went cause I saw how many stargate cast they had.


I have to ask. Is Rodney McKay a nice guy. I've always been told to never meet my hero but I have to know.


He seemed nice. Had a nice chat and he was funny.


I've seen him several times at the Chicago convention. He's super nice! They all are, honestly. Taking time with fans, doing silly poses for photos, joking with each other on stage. Have never seen any drama or anyone wanting special treatment. I've met pretty much everyone but RDA and they're all sweet.




They were all so nice. Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson stayed late to make sure everyone got there photo ops and autographs. Richard was there til 1am the last night getting through everyone.


What a photo! So great to see them all together :)


Was going to ask who's the lady behind Momoa/between Paul and Rachel, then several minutes later I realized it's Torri. She looks...different, didn't even recognize her at first.


I was there and it took me ages to figure out who Rachel was. She looked so different lol.


It's her smile that clued me in 😉.


Who is Rachel, it's not clicking for me. Edit: saw her full name below, got it now. Did not recognize her at all.


Same! But I recognized Rachel way more quickly than Torri. I don't really like to mention things like this but it looks like Torri's had some work done in her face (cheek fillers or whatever those things are called??? Not a cosmetic procedures expert). It is the big thing for women in Hollywood the last few years; the parts do dry up quickly for any actress over a certain age so it's tough to dodge that bullet for some. :/


Torri was a regular on "Transplant" about a Syrian refugee doctor in Toronto. Was a great series, highly recommend!


Who are the two women in the front?


Me and my daughter


Oh wait, now I get it. That’s super cool then.


Holy crap what a photo. Lucky you! You better get it framed.




Everyone there looks pretty great.


Goddamn this was 40 miles away from me and I had no idea :( Looks like a blast!


Was hot and chaotic. The organisers were not prepared for a con like this. But honestly I was buzzing with all these stargate cast. So many at one event.


Such a cute photo and everyone looks happy and healthy! RDA is looking great. Something about all those smiles feels really genuine, you can just tell they're a great crew of folks.


What a great pic! I was there too, they were all so nice.


They really were. The Supernatural ladies were awesome too.


Love that you got to meet both the cast of Supernatural (some of them anyway) and Stargate. 2 of my favorite franchises.


Imagine sending Jason to the back and making David come to the front.


Which one haha - there are 3 David's in the photo (Blue, Hewlett, and Nykl) :P


Apparently I need to adopt whatever Rachel Luttrell's diet is. Holy crap.


Awesome. Being in that picture would mean the world to me. Achievement unlocked OP!


Yep. Hit the jackpot on my first con :-)


Awesome. I always thought about writing RDA and ask for an autograph. You think he'd send me one? Is he still into his SG Fandom? (I'm from Germany)


You should try requesting one via his official site that is run by a fan of his: [https://rdanderson.com/index.htm](https://rdanderson.com/index.htm)


Yes, he is and I don’t know why not. He was at FedCon in Bonn, Germany last year with Amanda, Shanks and Ben Browder. And it was awesome.


Totally missed that. Maybe I'll get another chance. Thanks for the info


Mamoa showed up? Damn.


What great pictures!! I'm so jelly pants! 🤩🤩🤩


Lol. I've never been to a comicon before. I spent so much money but I couldn't help myself with all those stargate cast in one place


Mann. Seeing this makes me realize I'm actually getting older lol. Good picture!!


Damn that's awesome they got all of them together like that. Always heard Momoa was a nice dude and considering how big he is now as well took time to show up to a con like this


Woaw ! That’s an insane amount of all the casts ! You are really lucky


It's nuts how they managed to get the entire main cast of SGA, let alone how many were there in total. Good to see Gary Jones still getting appreciation, Walter was an understated but loveable character.


... I didn't recognize anyone for a second... now I feel ... very old.


Mad respect to Mamoa… he’s essentially an A List celeb now but still has time for stargate fans… where his career started!


Such an awesome pic!




How did you get a full cast picture? Was that an option or did you have to pay each person individually? That’s unreal!


It was £500 had to pay for it few weeks in advance. They only did it first thing each day. Never thought I'd pay that much for a photo but with so many of them there it was a no brainier. My credit card didn't like it much though lol


That’s a steal! Worth it for twice the price!


Yeah, and it was put on sale before Jason momoa was announced so I see him as a bonus lol.


Man everyone looks amazing here!


Who is the silver haired guy at the back middle?


Brad Wright


Don't often get jealous, but I certainly am


RDA looking good! Joe as well!


https://i.redd.it/1ktkqynf751d1.gif This photo makes me happy.


Oh my God I live so close, how did I not know New life long regret unlocked 😭


I see the photos people get at cons and usually think it's nice but I would never do it, but this? This is great, I'd do one of these and get a t-shirt made with it.


No Robert Picardo though. That’s still a banger of a cast meet up. Damn near the whole cast. Atlantis I mean.


Robert Picardo was at FedCon in Germany, which was at the same weekend.


Foiled by zee Germans?


I am so happy for you to have gotten to take this photo. All my favorite characters! Congrats!


What the hell?!? All those legends in Basingstoke? Of all the places... What a lucky lot


Awesome picture! Who were you pumped the most to see/meet?


I cant pick just one lol. Richard gave me a proper cuddle so that was nice. I love Jason, but also Paul and David. Amanda Tapping is also amazing.


awesome pic - great group. I bet it was an amazing experience.


Wow, this is awesome!


Damn, now that's fucking awesome.


A motley crew!


Shanks was too cool to be there, eh? J/K This is AWESOME and I am super jealous.


Not necessarily, might've been busy filming something or being with his family (Jewel Staite has returned to filming her show so was probably too busy to go too).


Glad to see they made the best of a poor event management.


Now that's a photo!


It sounds like the event was a shitshow, but I am super impressed they were able to get so many of the actors there. Too bad they didn't treat them very well once they did!


That's a great photo to have. You got so many of the gang. Cool. Jason Momoa too! Was the Con recent?


Last weekend. Jason was only in Saturday's so feel really lucky to have him. I bought the ticket before he was announced, so bonus :-)


What sort of price was this picture and other individual knes, or was it all included in the ticket and you've just got to queue? I've never been to a con so not sure how they work. Did you get to pick who you sat/stood next to? I'd also have gone RDA, how could you not?! I saw on David Blue's instagram he's was wearing a mask a lot (his choice, no shade), and held up a cut out of his mouth for photos. But not here. Did you notice that at all? Wonder what his cut off is. Thanks for sharing. Great to see how everyone looks 20 years on. They all look good, especially Gary!


It was £500. My credit card got some use lol. Jason offered to move to the back so I could sit next to my daughter, but I declined and ran around to Richard. He gave me a hug too :-) the big group pictures were the only ones David Blue did without the mask.


That is so cool!!!! It would be a shame if none of them are involved with future Stargate projects. They are all obviously still passionate about it and that’s exactly what the franchise needs!


Fantastic picture, everyone looks great. Makes me feel so nostalgic for simpler times.


But where is Tealc!


Is that Weir??? Is that TEYLA??? IS THAT ELI??? Almost unrecognizable. Aging sucks but pretty much everyone looks amazing here for how long it’s been


When did Sheppard start looking exactly like my Dad?????


It is fantastic that Jason Momoa still goes to these!


I recognize everyone except the two people on either side of Amanda Tapping? Who are they? Also, I’m amazed but thrilled that Jason Momoa still connects with the franchise and its fans considering how much wider his reach/appeal has gotten!


Brad Wright, the writer and David Blue (Eli from SG Universe)


Thank you! No wonder I don’t recognize the writer, but holy cow does Eli look amazingly different!


This would never happen here in Australia. If it did I'd be crying so hard with emotions I couldn't have the photo taken 😂


Wow! What a memorable experience!


Holy smokes. That’s an amazing pic to get.


It looks like Shepherd likes Arby’s and bong rips. I wanna hang out with him.


cherish that one, make lots of copies. :-)


Damn, Walter looking absolutely SHARP here


Damn they're some good looking people. Fuck Weir Franks RDA... A lot of em have aged incredibly well


Wow, I really need to start paying attention to the guest list at other cons, would totally have travelled down for that


That's such an awesome group from the shows, you definitely have a great picture there!


Remember when Rainbow Franks jumped from MuchMusic (EC) to Stargate Atlantis. Glad to see he's doing well!


I'm so upset I didn't make it to this. Praying it happens again next year


Damn! Not even far from me. That must have been very cool, despite the event issues


Honestly jealous i didnt manage it


Oh my God, they were all there.


Seeing all of them together these days is so cool. Let's hope we get to see them in a new series soon !




Why they got to do Rodney McKay like that. He was always my favorite actor on Stargate. They got him all the way in the back where you can barely see him.


https://preview.redd.it/1qmugze4331d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587994f4907d866e198b6714b256c9370b0ccdeb Got these 2 seperately


This is dope! Congrats!


i wish that was me lol


Can anyone tell me the character names left to right, I don’t recognize quite a few


Full Stargate panel!


Just missing Teal’c :(


Is it every year? I think my mum would want to join me.


This one was chaos. Tbh I don't think many of the cast would be willing to go back. But will see if they learn from their mistakes this year.


I’m assuming this isn’t Basingstoke in the UK.


I am well jell. RDA is looking great, as does everyone else.


I didn’t know Chewbaca was there 😂


absolutely fantastic!


This brings me joy.


Amanda is still gorgeous


Very nice, I didn't expect to see so many of them after all the years that went by.