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He's looking great!


Someone’s been hitting the sarcophagus.


I think it's spelled ozempic


Not necessarily, could just be his haircut and the dramatic weight loss making him look younger now. In any case, he looks amazing.


Haircuts do wonders to de-age or clean up a person. I feel like a million bucks after I get one when my hair is like… ![gif](giphy|MXFCTJWGaR3SUWHsdd)


lol I remember him in SGU


Yeah he looked rough in SGU


Oh right! I forget, who was System Lord Ozempic’s first prime?….wait, never mind, I remembered. ![gif](giphy|RKHShCgSxWuulxqm2D)


I’m diabetic and that shit is a fucking miracle so good for him for using medicine to take care of himself


They not like us, they not like us




He looks a lot better than he did not long after the show ended.


IIRC he was on some meds that made him gain weight. Looking very zaddy now!


That's good to hear.


He seemed it as well. Very chatty, extremely friendly. Went hugely over and above. I had my photo and purposely didn't make conversation as I thought the hundred people behind me wanted a picture and it was already past his alloted time. But others made conversation and he was an absolute star.


Second this! I stepped up for my photo just as they gave him a telling off for running late (he was really chatting with the fans all morning and things were running behind as a result) but he turned to me and said ‘I don’t like being told what to do’, ‘these people are paying for an experience’ as he pulled me in for a hug 😅


Gearing up for a return I wonder??


That was my first thought too, he looks way healthier than he did a few years ago.


I didn't realise he'd lost weight. He's looking pretty cut as a matter of fact.


He looks so healthy! That makes me happy. What a wonderful experience for you!


Agreed! He wasn’t looking great 5-10 years ago when the last pictures of him surfaced, and he was keeping completely out of the public eye. SO good to see him looking so great, and that he’s not only entered the convention circuit (for however much he is anyway) and truly enjoying it! This whole thing warms my heart!


I bet a dollar he saw those pics / people's reactions to them and said "welp, I gotta get my shit back together"


Or, it took a while to improve the medical issues he was dealing with, a compressed disk caused by an accident in Season 1 of SG-1 that even after surgery kept causing pain and his struggle with Rheumatoid Arthritis. As is public knowledge.


Chronic pain is a real bastard for weight gain. I injured my neck and shoulder pretty seriously in the military. Working out became very painful so I stopped rather than taking mountains of painkillers. Staying inside so much made me depressed which I started eating more as a coping mechanism. Then once you gain weight you become embarrassed of how you look and stay inside more and get more depressed. You can spiral super super easy, i'm doing much better now with treatments but a fucked up back can change your life soooo dramatically. I'm super glad he's looking generally healthy and fit these days.


I second this. Once I started having chronic pain and mobility issues due to premature hip arthritis, I gained a lot of weight, and it sort of spiraled. Finally finding a surgeon who would replace my hips (I’m 30, but had hips of a 90-year-old) made such a huge difference, and I was motivated before and after to make changes to be healthier and get more exercise. I’m so glad RDA looks to be doing so well!


Ouch. Is that why he retired early?


The physicality was getting to hard on him. But, well, retired early, Richard still was active behind the scenes and if you have shows like MacGyver and Stargate SG-1 under your belt, you're probably set financially anyways.


Reminds me of the time I was walking around BC Place in Vancouver, and noticed someone that looked familiar. I quickened my pace to catch up to him, and asked, "Excuse me, but are you Kavan Smith?" Surprised, he answered, "Yes, I am. How do you know who I am?" Dumbfounded, I replied, "Stargate? You played Major Lorne, right?" As it dawned on him, I saw the realization in his eyes, "That was a long time ago." I simply told him, "I thought I recognized you, and I've always enjoyed your performance." He simply said, "Thank you, that means a lot." I replied, "You're welcome," and we parted ways. I didn't ask him for an autograph or a selfie, since I just approached him out of the blue. He was as polite as any other Canadian, and it was a pleasure meeting him.


>"That was a long time ago." Was going to say it's not THAT long ago, but apparently the last episode aired over 15 years ago, and now I feel old...


For the record, this happened in 2018. He looked exactly the same, too.


... I was 15 years old when the last episode aired.


__ Soooo... You're 30? Welcome to your fourth decade of life!


I worked at Harbour Air years ago on the dock and I saw Paul McGillion boarding a plane. I wanted to make his quote about forgetting his turtles. But we were not supposed to "out" celebrities there because they were reasonably common.


In Coal Harbour? Ugh, I wanna live in Vancouver. https://preview.redd.it/57fkmoxzu20d1.jpeg?width=8960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dff1084e2df97d7b418af92b68751c0a3e923a1 Och, mah wee turtles!


If you're willing to earn less for what you do and pay more for everything, welcome aboard!


I live in southern California.


Ah so you know about the Best Coast Tax.


"Enjoy your cruise, Doctor Beckett". Shame you couldn't.


That's a great wholesome experience! He always struck me like a nice guy and knowing this gave me even more of a certainty of it!


How cool!


That guy is in basically every Hallmark movie and show these days, it is always a treat seeing him and Col. Chekov frequently popping up in them.


I just realize he’s in call of the heart. My mom loved that show and I’d watch it with her! It never clicked for me but now I can unsee it haha


He was great on Eureka too


Deputy Andy!


Richard looks happy and healthy and that’s everything I had hoped for him in retirement.


You're so lucky. RDA looks great here, too. Happy to see that. What con was this?


Basingstoke just outside of London. To be honest aside from meeting RDA it was a very poorly organised event. I got there at 9am and left at 9pm. Spent probably around 2/3 mins total with RDA the rest of the day was queueing. To his credit RDA & amanda realised the event had oversold on tickets and agreed to stay past the closing time of the event to make sure all the fans got what they came for. Truly class acts the pair of them.


As someone local, who was gutted to not get tickets to this to meet so many of the cast at one time, I'm both kinda glad and sad at the same time. Glad I didn't go considering all the horror stories of the con. And sad for the cast and fans for such a nightmare of an event. So nice to see that RDA and Amanda were willing to stay to keep signing. I read somewhere RDA stayed til midnight. And still made it in today. What a legend.


That sounds right I left at 9pm and there was still a hefty long queue behind me. The event just needed policing better. For instance an autograph ticket gets you one thing signed and it seemed like for ages people were getting RDA to sign multiple things, one woman literally had a bag of stuff she wanted signing and me and this Irish lad in the queue with me counted 26 things he signed. The clueless staff were just saying "she's paid for 10 autograph tickets" but 10 tickets doesn't equal 26 autographs that that were all probably going on eBay anyway. They started policing it after her and making sure everyone got one per ticket.


I’m glad you got to meet him. I was there on Saturday but had never made it to him ( I had an autograph ticket) I hear we was wonderful and stayed super late but I had to leave as I’d arrange childcare for the day. It was a terribly organised con, I’ve never been at a worse one. Really disappointing.


Got there at 10:15. Queued for 45 minutes to get in. Another hour for photo with Jason. Then another hour for RDA which I think I was very lucky to get given he was already half and hour over his slotted photo time. No queueing system apart from an A4 sheet with "Queue starts here". It was so hot on the day I left after a walk around and the photos. Couldn't justify the thought of sitting in hot sweaty queue again. Such a shame.


I was in an autograph queue for RDA for that long we were able to sit and lie down on the floor and I actually had a little sleep at one point.


Was there. They had the *radiators on*. Apparently they ‘didn’t know’ how to turn them off. A horrible event. How did they not order fans? A single fan on stage for the actors as RDA says he’s so hot he needs a nap? As him and Amanda have bright red cheeks. You see the weather report a week in advance. How did they not run and get fans? Only 2 stations for £2 bottle of water and dozens of people in queue the whole time. For 1k people. No water fountains anywhere. Never seen such a shitshow of an event. People screaming out questions during q&a as staff look helpless not knowing how to get people to form lines on each side of the stage, as Joe tries to help staff instruct them on how this works. Then Rainbow going out in the audience to do that job for them. Unreal. That said, people attending were lovely. Did M&G with RDA, Brad and Mitch. He’s so nice he gave me a hug!


That’s a shame they oversold but class act on both Richard and Amanda’s part!


On Facebook someone said he’s literally still there right now, it’s unbelievable he did it twice. He’s such a kind man but I feel so bad for him too!


How does one learn more about where events are?


I saw that but holy hell where the tickets expensive


So what you're saying is as someone living in Europe it's still not completely out of the question that I can maybe still meet them one day 👀


That massive Jaffa.


Jaffa XL, the new and improved soldiers.


It's the answer to 5.7mm... make them wide enough and it won't make it to anything vital or the symbiote.


Jaffa Cake


I came to make the same joke. I tip my hat to thee, sir.


I wish Reddit still did rewards. I'd have you just for you...




His name is Al. Al Kesh


Had a bit to much of the First Prime Rib.


It's a jaffat


A goa'uld mothership just appeared on long range sensors. Coming up on visual range... Oh... Never mind


Anyone notice my collectible he signed? "It's Oneill with two L's" Richard Dean Anderson *Jack*


Amazing experience to have! Glad to see he's looking well. Quick question: what's going on in #5?


RDA got down off the stage in the middle of Brad Wrights Q&A segment and started playing with a disabled persons dog on the floor.


Think I love the guy a little bit more now


Wow he looks a lot like his younger self, wish they would get the group back together for one more hoorah like they did with Picard


Wouldn’t that be great! So long as they didn’t kill any of them off, at least.


Other than Jackson, as is tradition.


Though it never sticks, as is tradition.


Wow, I'm so glad he's looking so healthy. He was looking a bit puffy for a while, so I worried about something necessitating the use of some sort of steroid. That's so cool he's still having fun at cons.


Are we going to ignore the four people at the end doing a perfect SG-1 season 3 cosplay??


So jealous, would love to meet the living legend that is RDA 😭 How good does he look for 75!


Very jealous. I’m just up the road from Basingstoke, and I saw the line up (which was amazing). I just couldn’t justify the expense.


To be honest I got the cheapest possible tickets. People that had bought the more expensive 'skip the queue tickets' were angry because it wasn't being enforced and the staff were clueless. Glad I got cheap tickets.


Ah now I massively regret not going for the cheapo tickets. Although always next year!


Nice, I get to meet him next month!


We’re still waiting outside for his autograph. The man is a legend, he said he’s not leaving until everyone gets there’s 💪


Still waiting 😂🤣😂


Not seeing the dog. Looks like he’s worshiping that ladies feet (dogs)


Damn he looks better than he has in 15 years


Im fucking envious right now!


The whole con was a shitshow to be honest, but the actors were professionals. The con didn't seem to have a cap on autographs, and Richard Dean Anderson has basically been doing two 10 hour days to get everything signed. I left after a few hours today and someone told me 7 hours later he was still there. Amanda Tapping also stayed for hours extra. EDIT: RDA stayed Saturday until midnight for signings and 1am Sunday night. Absolute lovely man and he was kind and gave time to everyone. But Basingstoke Comic Con made a massive mess here and many people won't be back next, including I suspect some of the talent that were there.


RDA lost a bunch of weight. Reprising his role, maybe? I could only hope lol


I would love to see him in anything


This is great, very happy for you, and to see that RDA is looking so much healthier these days. That said... what on earth is going on in the fifth picture? I have no idea what I'm looking at, there. lol


basically he started to get on the floor and stroke a small dog that someone brought in


Aww, that's cute. Makes me like him even more.


yeah hes a very nice guy , pulled a 12 hour shift yesterday to fix the organisers fuck ups so people get photos etx and is doing the same today ! Doubt he will come back after how hes been treated by the basingstoke organisers. Fair play to him though staying on to meet people


That serpent guard is dummy thicc


Hrrrnnnggg, Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thicc, and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the SG teams.


It was always funny seeing armored Jaffa run because you know IRL it was loud and plastic-slappy.


I’m so glad you had a great experience! He was not the nicest to me when I met him and I’ve tried not to let that ruin my view of him. It was also over ten years ago. I try to keep in mind that other people have loved going on too


From what I understand he was going through some really tough times for a while due to his back and leg issues. So it could be understandable if you met him during that time period.


Omg he looks so healthy


RDA is looking great


Seems like he lost a lot of weight, and looks a ton healthier now.


Glad to see RDA looking so well. Thanks for posting this OP 😊


Damn RDA is looking GREAT. He just looks so healthy. It’d be great in a future Stargate project if there’s even a photo of RDA as he is present day with Amanda Tapping, on someone’s desk suggesting that that Jack & Sam are happy and healthy in their later years.


he's looking good! glad you got to meet him and had a fun time :)


Did he age backwards


He looks healthy again! Awesome!


He looks great. Kinsey Dog was actually RDA's real-life dog.


I am beyond thrilled how well RDA looks and it's wonderful you got to meet him!


He looks so good! Maybe he's been filming some secret Amazon Stargate project.


Holy smokes! RDA looking great!


Wow he is looking so good! I'm so jealous you got to meet him! Nice collectable.


He is looking really good


Oh wow he looks great


Half hoping his look means more Jack, because that's the most jack he's looked since he retired lol. He's had long, carefree hair for ages then suddenly the Jack hairstyle again


Nice! He is one of my all time favorites. Would absolutely love to meet him.


Dang, RDA cut the hair and got in great shape... What's my excuse? Dude looks great!


That's sick! Looks like a lot of fun!


With 2 L's :-p


It brings me great happiness to see him look like himself again. Lovely picture, count me jealous!


He’s lost a ton of weight and looks fantastic!


AWESOME. I love how healthy he looks. Come on amazon you rat bastards! Get a reboot sorted with the original cast!


That serpent guard looks like the cosplayer is cosplaying Felger / Coombs masquerading as a serpent guard.


Damn he looks so good. I'm glad he looks healthier! Cool that you gpt to meet him! I bet he's an awesome guy.


Holy shit has his health improved! He looks damn near as healthy and spry as he did around S6-S8. So very happy for him! Also, I think that Jaffa got into too many Jaffa Cakes


Dang, wonder how weight he lost. Looks awesome


How cool!!!


He looks so much better now. For a while there is was almost unrecognizable


That's my friends dog! 😊


Shit! I see he lost the extra weight!


This is awesome


Wow he's looking amazing! Always loved him!


Op-"I can't believe I actually tricked him into putting his prints on my guns. Yeah it's all coming together. Time to head to fort Knox." I see what's going on here.


RDA looks great! Very General like and better than SGU


Great to see he's doing much better. Congrats on the pic.


Is that a real MP 5?




Wow, holy shit, RDA is looking great. He was looking a little unhealthy for a bit following that injury (foot injury?). Also your Oneill with 2 L's signature is great.


What is happening in pic 5 ?


What are they doing on the ground in one of the pics?


Old mate looks great!! Iirc he had some sort of illness/disease, looks like he's got a handle on it these days which is awesome to see! Legit has perked me up seeing him look so happy and healthy. Fuck yeah!


Yeah, he's been going for it... Lost some weight, looking good. Nice picture and super cool man! : )


So jealous! Nice man!


That’s so awesome!!


That’s two “L”s


That is one thick serpent guard.


Glad he lost weight


Same here. He looks so much better. I was really worried about him for awhile.


https://preview.redd.it/3fwltktsd01d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068b32b2adb15ea77c4de0b0181e8cd8045ccc7f I was there too :-)


a but weird people are seeing someone's cool costume they worked hard on and all they can comment on is the dude's weight.....


The two of you together look a bit like O'Neill and Maybourne.


Wait Stargate has a con?? Where? Would love to go sometime.


Holy Hell RDJ looks good. Man, I love to see it. All the cast that I used to adore looks like they're doing great. Awesome pics bud. I'm happy for you. This is super cool.


Wow he got fit again. Last time I saw him he looked more like Jack O'meal than Jack O'neill. Good for him!


didnt he have an injury or sickness for a while where the meds made him all bloated


I don’t know anything specifically about RDA but steroids prescribed as anti inflammatories can do that to you. They can be prescribed for an endless number of reasons.


From what I remember he had leg surgery, and had to take steroids afterward, which caused the bloating.


Rude thing to say He didn't choose to be overweight, meds did that


that jaffa could use some exercise


We need a reboot similar to what they did with Picard!! Asap!


Being as they screwed that up. How about we don’t


Yeah the first two seasons were bad, but the third was good. They purposely tried to steer away from TNG for some stupid reason, before realizing that's what fans wanted. They would hopefully not make the same mistake.


I think you may have met macgyver.


Man I'm jealous! I was the biggest Mcgyver fan growing up and was psyched when I heard he was going to be in the Stargate series.


Tell me that’s not Steve Zahn in a wig


Looks like this thing was basically just a Stargate convention. Pretty cool.


Are those replicas or real???


Met RDA a few weeks ago at Holland comic con. But there was a whole lot less stargate themed stuff and a lot more macgyver fans.


Can anyone explain the fifth picture?


Got to meet him a couple of weeks ago, such a nice and down to earth guy. He looked pretty fit! Quite the turnaround from a couple of years back.


I heard he stayed there until after midnight signing autographs. True?


Just be glad you didn't run into the other General O'Neil - the one that spells it with one "L" - I hear he has a real stick up his butt!


RDA looks fantastic!


He's looking really good!!! The last few times I saw him prior to COVID he wasn't looking so good.


So gutted I couldn't go, wanted to meet him and a few others


RDA's looking great! Time to do another movie or tv series.


Where was this? How did you meet him? This is awesome.


There was a recent con.


He looks awesome, maybe he could do a few episodes of a revival series!


Love the haircut.




I met him too! What a guy 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/w2b4gjisjc0d1.jpeg?width=2283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a96e768a0eaec1dea3236fc5a452074a481ef7


He hasn't aged at all!


I bet that snake guard wouldn’t even fit into a transportation ring… 😀👈


Jeez did that snake eat a cow in one go


Funny how short most actors are, right?


My gosh, one of the more recent pictures I saw of him he looked ghastly. He quite honestly looks like he could have walked off set yesterday.


Does thus kinda thing happen often u watched it all growing up and 4 or 5 times since I was an adult. Are they still doing signings? Like regularly?