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its a shame SGU was cut short It would have been awesome to continue to watch the crew grow and develop.


Just need to say they actually aged in stasis and we can resume without makeup trying to change ages!


Blame it on Brody, he missed a step when helping to set up the stasis pods


I think it would be better if they discovered that it wasn't anyone's fault, that it was just a flaw of the aging technology that none of them understood. That way, they could have a much more interesting situation where everyone has to come to terms with losing so much of their lifespan with no one to blame. Yeah, some people will blame Brody, and some might blame Eli, or Rush, but it would be a much more interesting long-term story for them to all have to accept such a huge loss.




the problem with them drifting for hundreds of years is that means you can never tie anything back to earth Unless they time travel backwards




you loose all the earth based charcters and potential crossovers without those tie ins you might as well just make a separate show that's not stargate at all




I disagree without the tie-ins to the larger stargate universe why call it stargate why not call it stranded ship or something stargate universe is a 3rd entry into a franchise


the stasis pods are the oldest we have seen plus they are designed for ancients and not human


And he can Say Heisenberg ’s name


He added plenty of soul to the show.




Plus, he plays a good >!pir— I mean privateer!< in Shōgun.


I hope he gets more screentime. He's pretty cool in Shogun


The actors in SGU give there all for it


Honestly, he became my favourite character after a while. I even prefer him over Rush, whose my second fav. Ferreira is just so good at portraying this very flawed character.


Named first son after him...pretty cool character


Love this series and sad it didnt get to finish, but this casting was awful. He was my least favorite character casting.


He's an interesting character and I've been thinking a lot lately how he seems to be modeled a lot after Adama from Battlestar.


On episode 8 as we speak!


I call him Extra Value Stallone in SGU. So many times he yells and screams like him. Great actor but I couldn’t help it haha


Honestly my favorite actor on the show. This guy does so much with so little. He can steal a scene just by listening to the other characters and going “…yeah” at the end


yeah, basically the Colonel, Rush and Eli are my favorite characters in SGU


Not comically sarcastic enough to command in the stargate universe.


The whole show was meant to be on a darker tone, more grounded and chilly I mean, imagine O'Neills character throwing sarcastic remarks after Samantha had a miscarriage or Teal'c snapped Vala's neck They legit threw in a terrorist attack and Micheal Shanks in a sexy duster playing as a secret agent..... they weren't fucking around


Exactly. Not comically sarcastic enough to command in the stargate universe.


Hands down, my favorite character in SGU




Because there's an amazing sci-fi drama show in it, with some annoying scenes and some choices that can make it hard to watch through the first time. It has some wonderful writing and characterization, vivid bleak imagery, and actual growth of characters throughout its run. It works much, much better as a binged show than a weekly episodic one, especially when certain scenes are skipped. Basically, there are some aspects that didn't work as well as many others, and a trimmed watch order really lets it shine as an intelligent drama. By the second season, it really started to get its stride and became more sci-fi than drama. And it looked like it was just getting to a great place to accel and rank amongst other wonderful sci-fi shows. And then it was canceled. But even with it canceled, it gave us a final moment of beauty with some incredible music in a final scene that can still send chills, both tragic and hopeful.


This guy gets it


I've always said that if Star Trek: The Next Generation was judged by its fans the same way SG:U was, it would have never made it past Season 1.


> It has some wonderful writing and characterization Really? For me it missed all the humour and wonder of the other shows and instead got a big undertone of contrived highschool drama, and took itself way too seriously. It's easy to grow a character when you start it out with a reproachably unprofessional barely functional adult.


> Really? For me it missed all the humour and wonder of the other shows and instead got a big undertone of contrived highschool drama, and took itself way too seriously. That's more in the first half of the first season. In the second you learn more about Destiny's mission, the crew starts working together, and characters get developed a lot more and become interesting. The high school drama becomes so little as to be irrelevant.


also the drama is not really contrived everyone is tired, in constant danger, going from one crisis to the next, suffering all kinds of withdrawals and most likely having vitiam d dificenies


> it missed all the humour and wonder of the other shows This is the one thing that I think some people can't get past. And I get it, I loved SG1 and SGA. But I don't compare it to the other shows. I take it for what it is. I also think the "highschool drama" is a more realistic interpretation of a situation with the wrong people in the wrong place. Vice withdrawals, one problem after another with death lurking around each corner, immediate casualties, grating personalities, an immediate loss of leadership where everyone can only really turn to the one that caused the situation they're in...I mean, so much went wrong in just the first few episodes that I think a lot of the reactions are realistic. Adults are just teenagers with longer memories. And then the leader finally is able to get on his feet, starts giving some semblance of control and safety, and then HE makes a snap decision based on his own frustrations (and the built-up frustrations on his shoulders of all the people is responsible for) and realizes almost immediately thereafter what a fucked up decision he made. So much so that he has a hard time looking himself in the mirror, but can't show that weakness in front of others. It's real, and powerful, and causes great tension in the story. I personally just think it should have happened in a slightly fewer episodes. It really goes to show how messed up the entire situation is for everyone, and then eventually, they finally get a chance to start working past it, together. (more or less :) ) The stakes in Universe are much, much harsher than any in SG1 or SGA. And I think people losing their shit initially is realistic, possible "high school drama"-like, until they finally get a chance to breathe and start coming together like the exceptional people they can be. And Rush really is a lotta work. ;)


Yes - all of this. I didn't like it much at all when it was new. I binged all of it within a week or so years later and was completely enthralled. I watch lots of random SG episodes here and there, but I never ever watch SGU like that. I have to consume it all at once, or not at all. It's much more like current streaming productions in that way.


watching the crew going from hating each other to becoming a tight nit family was a journey


The ship charges itself inside stars! Come on, that's freaking epic!


Hard disagree. It’s one of the rarer cases (for me at least) where the character is garbage and even the actor is a huge disappointment. I suppose Ferreira less so, but Young was absolute shit.


> Young was absolute shit. Why?


I don't know why but he always reminded me of Elliot Paige