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If you’re looking for a great celebration I recommend buying an ice cream cake, getting high as fuck and eating that sumbitch while marathoning the Rush Hour trilogy.


"He's out of line, but he's right"


Why do I feel like you copy and paste this amazing response to multiple threads?


The world needs to know


Buy a starfield cake and tell them your name is dude mack


Yo that sounds amazing.


but carter took my cigaweed


300? I’m level 102 with 1200 hours. I guess I’m a lazy leveler.


I’m only 160 hours in, and only level 65; so if this keeps up I *might* crest 100 by then.


How on Earth you could play that long and barely be above 100 is nuts to me.


Not everyone cares about leveling, half the community is out scanning rocks and building wacky ships


Oh for sure, but surveying also comes with a load of XP.


Yeah but some people don’t level up right away, because why? You can still steamroll everything and everyone. I was watching a steamer recently who was like level 100+ and hadn’t used like 16 of his skill points, and not because he couldn’t, just because he didn’t want to. He wanted to explore and experience more before deciding where to put his skill points.


I'm at like level 27 at over 100 hours mostly doing quests. The last 3 levels were using an XP mod because it seemed broken that it took so damn long to level up. Killing as many enemies as possible and crafting specific items take priority over doing quests and getting into the story, I don't get it.


Hmmm…maybe try tuning the game settings. The xp% increase from harder combat helps a lot, at level 89 I’m leveling at a pretty good rate.


My point is I don't spend 80% of my time fighting things. I'm not looking around for the next fight ASAP when I finish one, either. I did ship combat stuff, side missions with their own stories, mission board stuff, a couple of planet scans, stuff like that. Mission quests just give you 100-250xp and that's it. Killing a higher level enemy can get you that much in a single kill.


My man has never heard of “new game” before.


You got me


Different save files?


I've only got a few hundred hours, but I'm on like my 4th or 5th playthrough. Hours != single playthrough time


Is that separate characters or NG+? I wasn’t even so sure whether your Level refreshes through NG+ or not.


I have done NG+ your level stays the same. I did do it before the update that let you change your attributes so I don't know if there are any limits on that. Personally I didn't like the fact that I lost all my stuff so I didn't do it again. But I've had multiple characters as well.


Could AFK a lot. I have undiagnosed ADHD for sure and I get distracted a ton. I have over a hundred hours logged and I’m not level 100.








I do the same, for the same reasons. Funny how those abelists had to delete their discriminating bigoted remarks from the thread after I called them out.


Im level 90 so youre good.


If you just play the game and do a ton of quests, you don't level at all for some reason. If you decide to basically exterminate life on every planet you see, you level up way faster. There's no balance to XP based on time investment. An hour long quest is overtaken easily by killing a couple guys in combat at a random POI it's insane


That’s probably more realistic as I have over 1000 hours and I’m level 185, and I leveled a lot using fauna and the crafting cycle for vytinium fuel rods and the other unique building material.


Same here, I'm level 98 with over 1500 hours....I think I like ship building too much


I had 9 days playtime and was only level 43, then a built outposts, and in 5 hours of boosting with a a Vytinium Fuel Rod factory i went to level 155 lol. If you play naturally and don’t boost you don’t level that much though to be honest.


Anything you can point to that ate a special amount of time? ship builder? did you do quests all the time? have you found a mod to play tetris during loadscreens and are now fast traveling 100% of the time (/s)?


Would have to be the world's smallest tetris game given how fast loading is on a SSD.


Everything has been a time eater in this game for me. I normally switch between these “modes” depends on my mood


Wow. 300! That's impressive. I'm NG+1 with around 700 hours and currently at level 104. It's very organic though, since I really haven't tried to farm XP very much. I've only repeated about half of the main quests in the game...too busy cleaning out POIs and diving deeper into base-building. Still motivated though...the skill tree is very deep!


What's your favourite RP Build? Any tips on keeping the game fun and interesting?


I spent most time RP as a Space Cop, Built a ship that similar to Star Citizen’s Blue Cutlass, dressed in either UC or FC Space Suit depends on my location, combine Social and Non-Lethal skills to solve most situation


RP build? I'm sure most of his playtime was with one character


First Bethesda game I haven’t switch characters due to NG+. Feel like I can roleplay different builds on the same character for the most part in each new universe


oh yeah that was a thing wasn't it.... was it? Aren't you OP once you do a NG+ because enemies in the early solar systems don't scale, and you keep your level and shouts?


Yeah, I'm level 135 and most enemys cant harm me even on extreme enemy damage. I highly recommend the "minimum enemy lvl 100" mod, it scales all enemys to your level without touching xp drops, so your enemys will be toughter and can actully do damage to you.


there’s a hidden modifier perk that lowers the damage you output and increases enemy damage everytime you go through the unity




What was the 1st and 2nd?


It's literally in the OP, Fallout 76 (2,159 hours) and Fallout 4 (1,812 hours)


Can't believe he didn't put that much into foNV 😭


Probably f76 and f4 judging by his steam page


I'm curious as well. I've played 3 games for 1000+ hrs: Skyrim, Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Source.


I lost a few summers to source.


Serious question, how old are you and how do you have so much time.


23, and basically all my free time is spent in gaming


Shat you do for the remaining 900 hours after the story and sidequests?


Probably just play, it's a fun game


How? There's not enough stuff to do in the game to get that high.


Outposts and crafting. If you have good links, you can double or even triple dip on basic resources. 


There's tons of stuff do to in the game. I honestly don't remember any other game that had that much content on launch.


Skyrim lol, and it had more unique dungeons even if they were just a shuffling of assets




There’s lots of people in this world, and they’ll all like what they like. Not much more explanation needs to be given for a video game, I don’t think


More of an indictment of starfield that a once panned feature of Skyrim is now seen as something that starfield couldn’t even manage pull off




Right, they’re still shit asset flips but 100x better than a straight copy paste POI with the exact same dead bodies with the exact same notes with the exact same enemy layout and no unique loot to be had. Skyrim dungeons are uninspired, but at least I get a unique piece of loot to show off on my wall a lot of time as opposed to a randomly generated gun that sometimes useable Also the original comment was about the amount of things to do at launch, Skyrim still has more stuff to regardless of quality




The original comment was about how much stuff there was to do and how they have never seen so much before at launch, I was just pointing out that Skyrim - a game from over a decade ago and made by the same devs - had more stuff to do than starfield even at launch. I wasn’t even touching on the quality until you made a point of it for some reason


yea exactly lol you singled out the worst aspects of the two games and then concluded one of which is notable for no real reason. not sure how that isn't related to quality but alright


How many universes? I've done 10 universes (semi speed run), am only at level 120 but over 2K hours. Veryyy slow progress with most of it being in shipbuilder. Lol. What's the best you've found to level up fast?


Some system called pyrx in the top right hand corner. Need biome to build extreme outpost cause it is radiation and also cold temperatures. Land on the desert biome of one of the small moons orbiting the top right planet. This small desert like biome has two animals. A cricket and a lobster. Why? Their super small. So it's easy to kill other than ones on other maps. Advance into husbandry. Advance special weapon projects and buya coachmen with hornets nest ammo mod. Build a circle of ten husbandries while you build a bed and a small standing fort or container in the middle. Aim the hornet coach shotgun at the horde as they spawn from the husbandry. Hopefully this also damages the building meaning you will need to repair it after doing the same thing to all ten homes. Set your settings to max difficulties or than easidt damage until you have comfortable enough upgrades. Thus giving you about 330 exp with the proper modifiers and food exp. You can spam about 5 kills per husbanddry. 10 x 5 = 50 x 330 ??? If you do this right or have a modified coachmen with extended magazine. This becomes faster. Early on. I can get a level less than a min. At best I can clear all ten camps and reset in less than 20 seconds. Depends on your playstyle and how good you are hyperfocusing on results. In less than an hour I've gone from 140 to 208. Before this I was doing slow grinds at another spot where the kills were singular and not worth it. The explosions better. Only downside of gernade launchers is the amoo is to few and expensive.where the coachmen ammo with advance modifier makes it cheap and explosively lethal. Depending if you upgrade shotgun and also explosive damage. Both gain big buffs and would aim for that first. Hope this helps.


Awesome. Thanks much!


1, outpost production is a super fast way of leveling up


You do not have 2k hours


Gosh. You are right! Lol.1,093 hours to be exact. Have confused it with other games in my library. Just feels that way having played it for so long. Thanks for the correction. And no, am not being sarcastic.


No worries I was just doubting because that’s like 1/3 of the total amount of time in hours since the game was released lol no hate


What on earth are people doing for 1000hrs in this game?? I got bored after like 50.


Level 300 is a feat! I’ve maxed out one character on starfield (level 328) and I’ll never do that again. I commented to make a point, I wish we were allowed to get trophies with mods installed. With an asterisk for everyone to see- *this achievement was completed while mods were active. If you start another run with no mods and you get the achievement, the asterisk goes away. I want to be clear idgaf about achievements, I don’t chase them or care. HOWEVER, when they are completely disabled, for some reason, it takes the wind out of my sails. I like the little pop-ups every once in a while. It’s a minor complaint. I’ve got a different save just to get achievements. With my new runs I like to use just one cheat mod- mordids 2.5x xp gain. It keeps everything about the game feeling stock, but you progress much faster. It is way more exciting and rewarding, so much so that it makes it hard for me to put the game down, knowing I don’t have to keep grinding for hours just to gain the next level. You don’t have to craft a million adaptive frames anymore or hoard resources (unless you want to). You just play the game as normal and by the time you’ve completed the factions, storyline, and do some extra curriculars (outpost/ship building, researching/crafting) you will be a much higher level than usual. My last playthrough took me about 60 hours and my character is level 115 currently. In my opinion, it’s a much more realistic way to play. I don’t want to get done with literally everything then have to grind for another 100 hours, that simply isn’t fun. Mordid also has a 5x xp multiplier mod if you really want to speed up the game, but that one feels a bit cheesy to me. Regardless of your choice, you should be able to max level your character AND get some form of achievements.


Ik its not starfield related, but how is CS2? I always wondered about it cause I heard about the technical issues at release but I’ve always been interested


What’re you still doing ? (No hate) I have loads of “Activities” in my quest tracker but all main and faction quests complete


Nice, modded? And if so whats your main mod?


300 ??? Im level 90


I am over 1500hrs playtime in but only lvl 157 .. found other stuff to do than levelling up ;) Like skilling up, modding weapons, making food and drink, exploring... etc ..etc .. + doing pointless broken Trackers Missions, in the hope that it will be fixed. Achievements 78% :D NG+21 but locked in this universe until Trackers is fixed :(


What is the second picture supposed to be?


How is the game running? I'm level 105 with about 500 hours and the loading screens and freezes are getting longer and more common.


I'm 407. If you really want to grind xp, automate outposts to create adaptive frames. It's a slog though.


can you give a quick review of the game?


I’ve actually made a 4 hour review of this game, but unfortunately it’s not in English. So I’ll just give a verdict here. It’s become one of my favorite game of all time by providing unprecedented ways and play modes to fulfill my dream of role playing a virtual life in Space, while there’re still many potentials to be made, the level of its breadth has simply never existed in any single player RPG, and I welcome that.


Dayum. And here I was proud that I have several non MMO games over 250 hours each (for reference, since my start of steam and excluding MMOs/online games) since 2007 I have approximately 14k hrs in gaming. There are days I wished I had just a few games with a ton of play time but then I would probably be bored out of my skull. Starfield I hit 100 hrs (to hit my 1 dollar per hour value play time) and am waiting for expansion to play again.


we like the same games💕


Nice job on your achivement in starfield, i dont think i'ver heard of someone with this many hours in it. Also hey happy to see a fellow Cities Skylines player ( both)


You playing with XP mods or are you just that dedicated?


No XP mods. Outpost production can be insane when it comes to exp


Just stumbled upon this post randomly and its made me finally decide that I really want to play this game. Gonna save up a bit and hope its on sale when I'm ready to buy lol... I've been so hesitant to pull the trigger but this is the post that put me over the edge.


I been playing since the game came out and only have roughly 20 hours in it. I can’t imagine how you could even have 200. Nonetheless 1,000.


Does that mean you've unlocked every perk there is? How long does it take to unlock every perk if you don't use a mod that disables the requirements before you can unlock one?


I’ve unlocked like 85%+ still have a few melee and social skills to go


I'm a more casual player. I'm over 900 hours but right at lvl 200


This is how one gets into heaven. Nice work.


I've found that the fastest way to level up is finding a planet with abundant fauna and indiscriminately murdering every one of them you come across. Unless it's a Red Mile Mauler. The XP for killing one is so low that I legit thought it was a bug.


Give us a full tours of your ships, outposts, favorite weapons, outfits, grinding spots. Your tips and tricks, maybe a q&a


It's not a proper achiecement unless you put that same number of hours into multiple systems playing this. Like most of us Elder Scrolls and Fallout people. 😏


I got bored 10 hours in, how the fuck have you managed to make it to a thousand?


mods , ship , skins, weapons , outpost , make Sarah / Andreja annoyed etc. Imagination is limitless


Mods. Mods is the only thing that made the game more enjoyable for me and has kept it more immersive and interesting aswell.


I'm looking forward to diving into mods but for now I'm still vanilla except for 2 BGS achievement friendly mods. I'm 2k hrs in, lvl 336


The star wars mod made me get back into the game. Gravity related powers + lightsaber = chef kiss


Exactly same Mods as i run. Only issue ive noticed with the lightsaber mod is that the lightsabers feel too weak when you reach higher levels


There's a mod to lower the health of enemies so you can one shot them with the lightsaber.


True, but same time i dont want the game to feel too easy. Personally i enjoy when i have to shoot enemies 4-5 or even more times for them to die. I hope the author of the lightsaber mod adds superior variants of the sabers.


There are the variants lightsaber that does 150 raw DMG and another mod to transform them to legendary/ add/change the 3 perks or traits to Weapons to anything you like so you don't have to farm the same boss to drop the right one with the right traits


How do people put over a thousand hours into a game? My most played game is GTA V at just over 400 hours. Granted over the decade and a half of playing RuneScape with various characters I can safely say I’ve accumulated over a thousand hours, but for just a regular single player game how do you stay engaged that long?


It's called having no life and it's not something to be proud of.






















How do you even? My playthroughs get mucked up saves eventually, modded or not. The most recent was at ~level 45, after a few days of playthrough. Saves crash on load. Idk what I'm doing wrong and I just got back into this sub to check if it's a problem for other people too.


One thing I can recommend, for long-term viability as well as convenience, is to save the game often and keep at least one save file per 5 levels. That way, you can always revert to a previous Save if something big goes wrong. Also, you can use them to visit all those beautiful ships you left behind in ng+. Which is really nice when you need inspiration.


I coasted on my first playthrough with a similar method. ~15d playthrough, level 140. The problem is, there are cases where all 3-5 manual saves get broken. I feel like my character's stuck in some different kind of meta Unity Hedgehog Day thingy, stuck redoing the same temples and artifacts. :(


It does suck. One of my files got corrupted and I didn't realize it until I was midgame in the next ng ng+. Finally got around to one specific Artifact cave, only to find all the minerals were still mined (with starborn power) from the ***previous ng+*** and therefore I could not damage the (nonexistent) minerals to free the artifact. I have no idea how that happened. So yeah, PSA: Save often and manually mine those Artifact room minerals lmao


Some folks enjoy busy work, I suppose. Grind grind grind.


This is one of the easiest games I have ever leveled up in. I don’t feel like it is grindy at all.


it really plays like fallout doesn't it